1 minute read
Isaac Daniel was born to Joel and Dana Weinberger on August 7. Isaac joins his siblings Leah, Noah and Grace.
Samuel David was born to Danny and Allie Benson on July 29. Samuel’s maternal grandparents are Gary and Mary Lange.
Pray for Patty Edmonds and Debbie (Tim) Hollinger and family as they grieve the loss of Patty’s husband and Debbie’s father, Gerald “Jerry” Edmonds, who passed away on August 11. Visitation will be Friday, September 9, 3:30-8:30 p.m. at College Church, and a memorial service will be In the Sanctuary on Saturday, September 10, at 2 p.m.
Pray for College Church missionary Holly (Joe) Greeson and family as they grieve the loss of Holly’s mother, Hannah Baumann, who passed away last month.
Pray for Brian (Donna) Aldridge and family as they grieve the loss of Brian’s sister, Marianne, who passed away on July 6.