Current and Future Transfer Students at TCUs
A picture of TCU transfer-out students, their experiences, and opportunities to support them throughout the transfer process
A picture of TCU transfer-out students, their experiences, and opportunities to support them throughout the transfer process
To continue their education and achieve a higher-level degree
Current college is a two year and I want to pursue my bachelor’s degree
To participate in a specific program
Get my BS in Environmental Engineering
Average age: 35
77% are firstgeneration students
39% have dependents
about the transfer process (where to start, what to expect, how it works)
Not having direction or advising on the transfer process at their current college
“Just the simple fact that I don’t necessarily know exactly what I am doing”
“No direction from the current college on what it takes to transfer”
“I would need to find a University that offers Tuition Waivers, Full Tuition Scholarships, or Free Tuition options, as I don't have funding to attend college”
Most students said that they had not met with a staff or faculty member or did not know who they could meet with at their current college to help them navigate the transfer process.
Students planning to transfer felt like their TCUs could better support them by…
Providing more information on the transfer process
Connecting students with personnel who could guide them through the transfer process
Conducting outreach to students to identify those who plan to transfer