2016 Primary Voter's Guide

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August 2016 A publication of

Salt & Light Ministry

Intended for information only c a l li n g C h r i s t ia n s b a c k t o s e a s o n i n g s o c i e t y

“If the watchman doesn’t warn the people, I w i l l h o l d t h e w a t c h m a n a c c o u n t a b l e . . .” E z e k i e l 3 3 : 7

The church does not advocate the election or defeat of any candidate nor endorse any political party. PUBLISHER:

Salt & Light Ministry EDITOR: Sandi McReynolds


chjoplin.org Designed for use by individuals, churches, ministries, agencies, and organizations. May be copied and distributed in whole or in part without alteration.

This is only a “snapshot” of candidates’ positions affecting faith, family and freedom. Wherever possible candidates’ websites are cited and their own words and releases quoted and/or cited. Every effort is made to present objective, accurate information, but voters should not rely on this guide alone. Please research campaign websites and social media as well as candidate and political action committee mailings. Watch debates and interviews. Analyze national and local news broadcasts and publications. Participate in town halls and rallies.

God calls us to be “salt and light” to a troubled world—to season our messy, confused culture with His wisdom and love (Matthew 5:13-16), and our nation’s history is resplendent with Godly men and women who “understood the times” (I Chronicles 12:32) and answered His call, willing to sacrifice even their “lives, fortunes, and sacred honor.” (Declaration of Independence) Life in a free America is a wonderful gift that must be cherished and protected for the next generation. We Must not let the on-going Presidential primary debacle and escalating chaos and confusion across the nation deter us from our responsibility to choose those who will represent us. Family Research Council President Tony Perkins reminds us, “Since we can determine the character of our government, we, not just the politicians, will have to give an account for the kind of government it is! Given the crisis our nation is facing, the time for being a spectator is over! It is time for all God-fearing Americans to take a stand!” Each of us must choose, understanding that NOT choosing IS a choice, and God will hold us responsible for our choices. Here are questions we must, to the best of our abilities, answer about each candidate for every office—from Governor to County Assessor: What are their personal lifestyles and associations? Are their voting records and values consistent with principled moral government? Have they demonstrated wisdom and honor in their professional choices? Do they stand on the Constitutional principles on which our nation was founded, or do they believe the Constitution should be reinterpreted to individual preferences? Do their lives honor God, or seek their own power? Will they serve in humility and good will, or pride and divisiveness? God promises, “If My people, who are called by My name, will humble themselves and pray, and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”(II Chronicles 7:14) Are you praying and humbly seeking His face? Are you repenting for the wicked ways of our nation? Are you praying and working with all your heart and “remembering the Lord, Who is great and awesome?” (Nehemiah 4) Are you trusting His promises—and warnings? If we do, He may yet “...do something in [our]day that [we] would not believe.” (Habakkuk 1:5)

TUESDAY, August 2 OTE Godly VALUES “...With malice toward none; with charity for all; with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in; to bind up the nation’s wounds; to care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan—to do all which may achieve and cherish a just, and a lasting peace, among ourselves, and with all nations.” ~ President Abraham Lincoln, Second Inaugural Address

With a firm reliance upon Divine Providence... Statesmen may plan and speculate for Liberty, but it is Religion and Morality alone, which can establish the Principles upon which Freedom can securely stand. ~Founding Father John Adams

About the Declaration of Independence The signers of the Declaration referred to the "Laws of Nature and of NATURE'S GOD... Appealing to the SUPREME JUDGE OF THE WORLD for the rectitude of our intentions...And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of DIVINE PROVIDENCE, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor." Many of them actually did sacrifice their lives and prosperity for their new nation. Of the 56 Signers, 11 had their homes destroyed; 5 were hunted and captured; 17 served in the military; and 9 died during the war. John Hancock, the 39-year-old President of the Continental Congress, was the first to sign, reportedly saying "the price on my head has just doubled.” 70-year-old Benjamin Franklin said, "We must hang together or most assuredly we shall hang separately.” 41-year-old John Adams wrote, "I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated, by succeeding generations, as the great anniversary Festival. It ought to be commemorated, as the Day of Deliverance by solemn acts of devotion to God Almighty. It ought to be solemnized with pomp and parade, with shews, games, sports, guns, bells, bonfires and illuminations from one End of this Continent to the other from this time forward forever more. I am well aware of the toil and blood and treasure, that it will cost us to maintain this Declaration, and support and defend these States. Yet through all the gloom I can see the rays of ravishing light and glory. I can see that the end is more than worth all the means." When 54-year-old Samuel Adams signed the Declaration, he said, "We have this day restored the SOVEREIGN to whom all men ought to be obedient. He reigns in heaven and from the rising to the setting of the sun, let His kingdom come."

About the Constitution of the United States John Jay, President of the Continental Congress and First Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, 1777: "The Americans are the FIRST PEOPLE whom Heaven has favored with an opportunity of...choosing the forms of government under which they should live. All other constitutions have derived their existence from violence or accidental circumstances." Statesman Daniel Webster, 1802: "Miracles do not cluster, and what has happened once in 6,000 years may not happen again. Hold on to the Constitution, for if the American Constitution should fail, there will be anarchy throughout the world." President Calvin Coolidge, 1924: "The history of government on this earth has been almost entirely...rule of force held in the HANDS OF A FEW. Under our Constitution, America committed itself to power in the HANDS OF THE PEOPLE. The principles which went into the Declaration of Independence are found in the sermons of the early colonial clergy... They preached equality because they believed in the fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man. They justified freedom by the text that we are all created in the Divine image." President Ronald Reagan, 1961: "In this country of ours took place the GREATEST REVOLUTION that has ever taken place in the world's history. Every other revolution simply exchanged one set of rulers for another. Here for the first time in all the THOUSANDS OF YEARS of man's relation to man...the founding fathers established the idea that you and I had within ourselves the God-given right and ability to determine our own destiny.”

U. S. SENATE Taken directly from candidate websites, campaign materials, public information websites and news websites and publications. Please refer to these sources for more detailed information and references.




Kristi Nichols

Bernie Mowinski

Roy Blunt


No website found


Personal Information No information found

United States Army, retired Candidate, MO House 2010 Candidate, MO House, 2002, 04, 06 Candidate, MO State Senate, 2004 Candidate, MO House, 1998

8 terms U.S. House of Representatives House Majority Whip, Minority Whip MO Secretary of State B.A. Southwest Baptist University, M.A SMSU Married to Abigail 3 sons, 1 daughter, 6 grandchildren

Stated Spiritual Values No information found

No information found

First Baptist Church, Branson, MO

Civil Rights RELIGIOUS LIBERTY I believe that traditional principles and values strengthen our communities and make America stronger. Our children and grandchildren deserve a strong future, I know it’s time to step out in faith and be part of the solution. Traditional principles and values strengthen our communities and make America stronger. • Pro-Life • Pro-Family • Pro-Freedom RIGHT to KEEP & BEAR ARMS The Second Amendment is one of our most treasured liberties. It must be protected. As your next US Senator, I will stand strong against unconstitutional federal overreach in Washington. • Support Constitutional Carry • Support the Second Amendment • Support Campus Carry EQUALITY



RELIGIOUS LIBERTY Led the fight for the Act that reaffirmed constitutional protections for exercising rights of conscience. Introduced the Near East and South Central Asia Religious Freedom Act which President Obama signed. Offered an amendment to make any agreement with Iran contingent upon the release of Pastor Abedini and other Americans imprisoned in Iran. Involved in successful efforts to release Sudanese Christian, Meriam Ibrahim, and her child.


RIGHT to KEEP & BEAR ARMS Our Founders clearly understood one of our most basic rights is the ability to defend ourselves, families, and property. Right of law-abiding citizens to own firearms is guaranteed by our Constitution and upheld by U.S. Supreme Court. Cosponsored Act that allows individuals with concealed carry privileges to exercise those rights in any other state that also has concealed carry.







Kristi Nichols

Bernie Mowinski

Roy Blunt

Constitution The tenth amendment is clear that any powers not delegated in the Constitution are left to the people and the states.

Will continue to defend our Constitutional freedoms against any effort by judges, the Obama administration, and special interest groups to diminish them.

Economy FEDERAL OVERSIGHT Focus on deregulating small business and getting failed government agencies out of the way of job creation. Government does not create jobs, people do! Politicians and bureaucrats have tried to micromanage our economy with tens of thousands of pages of regulations, rules, laws, and mandates. The consequences, intended and unintended, are less jobs, less prosperity, and less opportunity. Personal responsibility, limited government meddling in our day-to-day lives, and lower taxes are key ingredients to stimulate economic growth and job creation.


FEDERAL FEDERAL FEDERALOVERSIGHT OVERSIGHT OVERSIGHT Fighting for a pro-growth, pro-jobs agenda in Washington. No government program can replace what a good job means for the future of a family. Bigger government, more spending, higher taxes, and more debt have created crisis of opportunity in our country. Co-sponsored and introduced bills aimed at reviewing, streamlining, consolidating, and repealing needless government regulations.. Supports increased domestic energy production and a dependable delivery system for families and businesses.

TAXES High taxes are a disincentive, and I support the FAIR TAX that provides simplistic taxes that everyone pays at the register and eliminates the IRS, letting every person take home their WHOLE paycheck.


TAXES Need a fairer, flatter tax system. Voted to protect middle class families and small business owners from the largest tax hike in \ history. Permanently extend current rates for the majority of taxpayers to ensure Missouri’s farm families will not face the unfair death tax.

Education Common Core must be abolished. The federal government must be taken out of education. Education curriculum, according to the Constitution is left to the people and the states. We need education reform that focuses on training up the next generation of leaders to be equipped in science, math, technology and individual creativity.

Funding and control of classrooms belongs to states and communities. Federal one-sizefits-all regulations hinder students. The federal government will never know more than a classroom teacher, principal or school board about what a school needs to succeed. Empower students and families to make education decisions.





Kristi Nichols

Bernie Mowinski

Roy Blunt

Energy & Environment AGRICULTURE


JOBS For too long, politicians and bureaucrats have tried to micromanage our economy with tens of thousands of pages of regulations, rules, laws, and mandates. The consequences, intended and unintended, are less jobs, less prosperity, and less opportunity. Instead of government roadblocks, we need pathways to success for individuals and employers of all sizes. We need to focus on deregulating small business and getting failed government agencies out of the way of job creation. Government does not create jobs, people do!


AGRICULTURE Supports continued investments in agricultural research and technology. EPA proposed water rule would significantly expand authority of federal government over water. Supports efforts to repeal the death tax. The death tax is a devastating blow to farmers, ranchers, and small businesses who are trying to transition their family livelihood from one generation to the next. Played lead role in passage of free trade agreements with South Korea, Panama, and Colombia. Continue to fight to increase agriculture exports through free trade agreements and greater access to global markets. JOBS Maintain and improve roads, bridges, and transportation. Expand shovel-ready projects. Ensure infrastructure remains priority and systems are safe, secure, and equipped to handle needs. Passed the bipartisan and bicameral bill to boost manufacturing and create jobs, and support innovation and manufacturing. Support public-private partnership that enhances international tourism in Missouri.

"Revelation assures us that 'Righteousness exalteth a nation. Communities are dealt with in this world by the wise and just Ruler of the Universe. He rewards or punishes them according to their general character...Public liberty will not long survive the total extinction of morals. Could I be assured that America would remain virtuous, I would venture to defy the utmost efforts of enemies to subjugate her. While the people are virtuous they cannot be subdued; but once they lose their virtue, they will be ready to surrender their liberties to the first external or internal invader. Neither the wisest constitution nor the wisest laws will secure the liberty and happiness of a people whose manners are universally corrupt." ~Samuel Adams April 30, 1776,





Kristi Nichols

Bernie Mowinski

Roy Blunt

Energy U.S. should use every available resource, including clean coal, nuclear energy, and natural gas. Increase exploration of oil and natural gas to reduce dependence on foreign energy and grow the economy. Fought hard against Obama’s attempts to implement capand-trade. Introduced legislative measures to prevent a carbon tax Co-sponsored legislation to stop EPA from taking over private and state water. Has been vocal in opposition to regulations on coal-fired power plants. Support shovel-ready projects like Keystone XL Pipeline. Introduced amendments to protect workers and families and blocking unilateral agreement on greenhouse gases with China. CLIMATE CHANGE



Healthcare The free Market is the answer to quality health care. When insurance companies can compete across state borders without Washington politicians or scheming bureaucrats we will see a quality of health care that restores out trust and faith in the “American Way”. Healthcare should be of the utmost quality and affordable for all people. • Patients first – ALWAYS • Preserve the doctor-patient relationship, • Government bureaucrats and insurance, industry lobbyists are NOT doctors, they don’t put patients first, • When doctors and patients cut out the middle-men, healthcare is more affordable and far less complicated, • ObamaCare is a disaster for patients, doctors, and taxpayers, and must be fully repealed in favor of free market solutions.

Small businesses pool together and offer health care at lower prices, as corporations and labor unions do. Allow Americans to purchase coverage across state lines. Supports “Universal Access Programs” that expand and reform highrisk pools and reinsurance programs to guarantee affordable care regardless of preexisting conditions or past illnesses. Prohibit insurers from cancelling a policy unless a person commits fraud or conceals material facts. Prohibit annual or lifetime spending limits. Introduced HEALTH Act to discourage frivolous lawsuits. Introduced Act providing liability protection to doctors in Emergency Departments. Allow qualified participants to use Health Savings Accounts to pay for premiums. Promote prevention and wellness. Encourage coverage of young adults on their parents’ insurance plans through age 26.





Kristi Nichols

Bernie Mowinski

Roy Blunt

Immigration Securing our border is one of the most pressing issues for Missourians. That should be our first priority, not amnesty for millions of illegal immigrants. With tens of millions of illegal immigrants in the country and thousands regularly crossing our border, it is simply unrealistic to worry about issues like guest worker programs until we secure the border. We must stop the flow of those entering illegally and ensure that the border is secured and our nation is protected.

Any immigration legislation must address border security first and foremost. Supports the utilization of technology, equipment, and increased personnel to enhance border security. Led the Senate’s fight against the president’s executive actions. Introduced The ENFORCE Act to help ensure the president cannot disregard the nation’s laws and the Constitution. Supports legislation to block funding for Obama’s unilateral executive actions related to immigration.

Sanctity of Life Pro-Life Pro-Family

Supports a federal ban on late-term abortions, new policies that would make it a crime to transport a minor across state lines to circumvent parental notification laws. Original cosponsor of the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act. Has longsupported the act that would put an end to all federal subsidies for abortion, including in the president’s flawed health care law. Joined 173 colleagues in a brief supporting the right of states to hold abortion providers to the same health and safety standards as other medical facilities. End taxpayer subsidies to Planned Parenthood.

Standing with Israel We must continue to stand with our Friend Israel. Israel must be allowed to defend themselves from enemies who wish to destroy her.

Support strong US-Israel relations, which means ensuring Israel has the resources to defend itself and upholding Israel’s right to do so. Worked to pass the US-Israel Strategic Partnership Act, which was signed into law.

Veterans Committed to helping our veterans get the best treatment available. Will continue to identify areas where changes are needed.





Cori Bush coribush.com

Jason Kander jasonkander.com

Robert Mack No website found

Personal Information Ordained pastor Activist/organizer, Ferguson Frontline Co-director, Truth Telling Project Ferguson Women’s Caucus RN Supervisor Two children

1 term MO Secretary of State 1 term MO House Army National Guard’ Military intelligence, Afghanistan Law degree Georgetown University Married to Diana, One son

No information found

Stated Spiritual Values No information found

Fight for justice and equality for all.

No information found







Fair Policing and Criminal Justice Reform. Eradicate the school to prison pipeline and over-incarceration through education reform, more funding to youth job programs, and reduction of funding to prisons.

“Black Lives Matter.” Build trust with body cameras and community policing. Established #FergusonRebuild after the death of Michael Brown. Against extreme photo ID laws which impact communities of color and low-income workers. Supports proposals to decrease recidivism and reduce Black Americans who are incarcerated. Committed to break down barriers and advocate policies that increase opportunity and foster equality.


RIGHT TO KEEP & BEAR ARMS Voted AGAINST: Bipartisan act to supersede Obama gun control regulations; bipartisan resolution to own, purchase and manufacture ammunition; bill to expand “Castle Doctrine” to protect gun owners who use a gun in protection of home/family.








Cori Bush

Jason Kander

Robert Mack




Reduce business fees to the lowest in the nation and eliminate unnecessary paperwork for family farms. FEDERAL OVERSIGHT

FEDERAL OVERSIGHT Increase the federal minimum wage to $15 per hour. Punish corporate criminals. Repeal trade deals that reduce jobs for the middle class. Enforce equal pay standards for women and minorities. Increase environmental justice regulations and enforcement.

Reduced red tape and offered commonsense solutions to help small businesses grow and create more jobs in Missouri. Make Missouri the easiest and best state in the country to start and maintain a business.



Support a living wage for all Americans and Equal Pay for women and minorities.



Launched #FergusonRebuild, to raise private money to provide grants to businesses in Ferguson and the surrounding area that were damaged or destroyed during the unrest. TAXES



Eliminate loopholes for corporate tax breaks. . Tax relief for blue collar workers and small businesses.

Education Fully fund public education. Improve the quality of schools. Eradicate school to prison pipeline and over-incarceration through education reform, more funding to youth job programs, and reduced funding to prisons. Reform curriculum, decrease college tuition.

Support early childhood education. Started the Racing to Read grant program statewide, which provides parents with free resources at their local libraries to help them better prepare their kids for kindergarten.

Energy & Environment CLIMATE CHANGE Increase environmental justice regulations and enforcement for poor and middle class communities.

CLIMATE CHANGE Climate change is a consequence of human activity. Reduce carbon pollution, accelerate transition to clean energy. Invest in wind, solar, and geothermal. Tax relief to make homes and offices more efficient.



U. S. SENATE Continued DEMOCRAT Cori Bush Expand Medicaid and reduce the costs for prescription drugs.

DEMOCRAT Jason Kander Healthcare

DEMOCRAT Robert Mack

Called on President Obama and the Democrat-led Congress to pass a comprehensive health care plan that included a public option.

Immigration Pass reasonable immigration legislation.

Sanctity of Life Has consistently fought against attempts by the government to interfere with the personal healthcare decisions of women in Missouri.

Standing with Israel Veterans Support veterans transitioning from deployment to the workforce.

Waived business start-up fees for National Guard and active duty military. Created website for military absentee ballot online. Called for Fort Leonard Wood to be Army research trial on PTSD.

"But there is another...recent development... the greatly disproportionate influence of organized minorities. Artificial propaganda, paid agitators, selfish interests, all impinge upon members of legislative bodies to force them to represent special elements rather than the great body of their constituency. When they are successful, minority rule is established...The result is an extravagance on the part of the Government which is ruinous to the people and a multiplicity of regulations and restrictions for the conduct of all kinds of necessary business, which becomes little less than oppressive..." President Calvin Coolidge, May 15, 1926





Ryan D. Leuthy

Herschel L. Young

No website found

No website found

Jonathan Dine No website found

Personal Information No information found

Married. Lake Annette City Alderman 8 yrs Presiding Commissioner Cass County

No information found

Stated Spiritual Values No information found

No information found

No information found




Fred Ryman No website found

Chief Wana Dubie No website found

Personal Information No information found

Given name Joseph Bickell Served five years in prison for growing marijuana plants in his front yard Declared he had seceded from the U. S.

Stated Spiritual Values No information found

No information found

NO ISSUE INFORMATION FOUND "Our founding fathers came to these shores trusting in God, and in reliance upon His grace. They charted the course of free institutions under a government deriving its powers from the consent of the people. In the General Congress assembled they appealed the rectitude of their intentions to the Supreme Judge of the World, and 'with firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence' they mutually pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their most sacred honor. During the deliberations in the Constitutional Convention they were called to daily prayers, with the reminder in sacred Scripture it is written that 'except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it,' and they were warned that without the concurring aid of Providence they would succeed in the political building 'no better than the builders of Babel'..." President John F. Kennedy, National Day of Prayer, September 28, 1961



U. S. REPRESENTATIVE 7th District Taken directly from candidate websites, campaign materials, public information websites and news websites and publications. Please refer to these sources for more detailed information and references.




Billy Long

Christopher Batsche

Matthew Evans




Personal Information 3 terms U.S. House Realtor, Auctioneer Radio Talk Show Host Married to Barbara, 2 daughters

District Manager, CiCi's Pizza Gen. Manager, Aaron's Sales and Lease Small Business Owner Married, One son

No information found

Stated Spiritual Values First & Calvary Presbyterian, Springfield

No information found

St. James Episcopal Church, Springfield

Civil Rights RELIGIOUS LIBERTY A health care law should not trample on the rights of Americans to freely exercise their deeply held religious beliefs. Today the court ruled the president’s health care law goes too far in attempting to force Americans to check their religious beliefs at the door.”






The Constitution protects our right to keep . and bear arms, whether for defense or sport. Oppose any effort to weaken this right. Will vigorously fight any attempts to reinstate the assault weapons ban or any legislation to limit the right of law-abiding citizens to own guns.

Get local sheriffs, local police, other law enforcement together with gun owners and gun control advocates to find common sense ideas to make our communities safer without taking away our citizens’ right to bear arms.

Constitution The House is taking action to defend the Constitution. We are supposed to have three equal branches of government, but the Executive Branch has grown too strong and no longer feels it needs to listen to the Legislative Branch.

Economy Our nation’s deficits are not because we are taxed too little, but because Washington spends too much. Cosponsor of balanced budget amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

Our economy is made up of business owners and employees. It is time we look inward for innovation, forward thinking strategies.





Billy Long

Christopher Batsche

Matthew Evans

Education The federal government should empower local educators and parents with the tools needed to address problems as they see fit. Local school officials and parents are much better suited to know what is best for their students. Top priority is to remove burdens and let the state and local authorities decide what is best for our children.

Make college education more affordable, not Instead of just forcing these standards of free. Get communities together and talk Common Core on students, let's talk to them about how we can best meet our students’ and find out the "why" behind the issue. and teachers’ needs.

Energy & Environment Reverse President Obama’s policies and end the drilling moratorium, increase onshore and offshore production, open up resources such as Alaska and the North Dakota’s Bakken formation. Cosponsor of the Act which directs the Secretary of the Interior to implement a competitive leasing program for exploration, development, and production of oil and natural gas off the Alaska Coast. We need an all-of-the-above approach: more oil refineries, oil, gas, coal and nuclear energy production with \wind, solar, hydropower, and geothermal energies.

Healthcare What we need are commonsense solutions that will strengthen our health care system instead of stimulating debt and eliminating patient choice. A health care system where insurance can be bought across state lines so insurers compete against each other and lowers cost for patients. A health care system that allows for tort reform so doctors can give patients the best medical care possible without fear of unreasonable retribution. Instead of ramming through partisan bills, I am working to make health care more affordable for hardworking families without a government takeover.

There is no reason the government should be running our healthcare system, nor should we let them. Rather than work together to find a solution to this problem Congress is bickering between one another. We need a bipartisan approach to reach a resolution. And we need to do it before the cost of healthcare is unaffordable for everyone!


I will reach out to experts in the healthcare field and those working with individuals we need to be helping the most to find a better way to meet the healthcare needs of our community.




Billy Long

Christopher Batsche

Matthew Evans

Immigration We must enforce our laws and encourage people to become Americans the legal way. Cosponsored the Act which directs the Secretary of Defense to deploy the National Guard for border control activities along the U.S.-Mexican border. If we cannot control the border, then we are not safe as a nation. Support vigorous enforcement of immigration laws by police.

Sanctity of Life 100 percent pro-life. I believe that life begins at conception, and in protecting the rights of the unborn. Co-sponsored pro-life bills to establish that life begins at conception, prevent tax payer dollars from funding abortions, and ensure no funds are awarded to entities which perform abortions.

Standing with Israel Veterans At a time when our service members are returning home from multiple wars and conflicts across the globe, we must provide veterans with the support they have rightfully earned. Our veterans have honorably served their country and it is time for their country to serve them. Cosponsored the Act to allow a refundable tax credit for premiums paid to military retirees and their spouses or provide them with supplementary medical insurance under Medicare Part B. Cosponsored bipartisan legislation to amend retired veterans’ pay to receive both retiree pay and disability compensation, while eliminating some restrictions in current law.

Veterans all over the country are going without the care they need! I have one word for this...UNACCEPTABLE!! How long is it going to be before young men and women stop enlisting because they know what awaits them when they are done serving? How will we be able to defend ourselves? What happens when we are no longer viewed as a global powerhouse? These veterans made a commitment to the United States military and vice versa. They held up their end of the bargain (and would have faced disciplinary action had they not) why should the government not live up to their part!





Lyndle Spencer

Nathan Bradham

Matt Canovi


No website found


Personal Information United States Army United States Department of State Nixa MO police officer Administration degree Univ. of Hawaii Criminal Justice degree Bellevue University Married, one son

Property owner and manager Talk radio show host, “The Gun Show” Owner, Canovi and Associates Degree in Criminal Justice Law Enforcement in patrol, investigations, criminal intelligence, undercover narcotics U.S. Marine Corps

Stated Spiritual Values Member St. Joseph the Worker Catholic Church, Ozark, MO

No information found

No information found




RELIGIOUS LIBERTY Our moral fabric comes through our JudeoChristian values, the cornerstone of our society. The First Amendment recognizes the Government has no right to prevent the free exercise of religion. The activist courts must be reined in and not allowed to restrict the liberties of the US Citizen.



Oppose any legislation that “infringes” upon your right to “keep and bear arms.” Second Amendment the last line of defense against tyranny, first line of defense against anyone who intends to do you or your family harm.

It is the fundamental right of citizens to defend themselves, their families, and communities. The Second Amendment ensures that those rights are not infringed by our Government. Will work to uphold these rights and restore those that have been taken by Federal regulations.

Constitution Will fight to defend the Constitution, as a whole, and will not stand idly by while Washington attempts to chip away at your rights!

I do not believe there is a rule that says that a Republican cannot fight for a truly balanced society. I do not believe there is a rule that says a Republican cannot fight for the civil liberties of ALL Americans, regardless of race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, or any of the other labels that are so often used.


Restore the Constitution of the United States as the standard for our Governance. Anything outside the enumerated powers given the Federal Government in the Constitution needs to be restored to the States & the People. This standard makes many of the current Federal Bureaucracies illegal under the Constitution.




Lyndle Spencer

Nathan Bradham

Matt Canovi

Energy & Environment Healthcare Big government and frivolous lawsuits have launched the price of healthcare into the stratosphere, forcing the cost of insurance to rise. We need better protections for hospitals and doctors against lawsuits and legislation. Put healthcare back in the hands of professionals. Repeal current legislation and begin exploring a top down approach to healing through effective tort reform.

Healthcare in a free society is not a function of Government. Government needs to get out of healthcare and allow the free market to flourish. Healthcare is not a right. Rights are inherently intangible, healthcare is a commodity. When the government starts declaring commodities to be a “human right� they assume redistribution powers that are not afforded to them by constitution.

Immigration Need a stance on immigration that prohibits illegal entry! Ensure our borders and ports are secure. Actively pursue and deport illegals all across the country. Government support in any form should never be available to an individual who is not currently granted or pursuing citizenship.

No Nation can exist that does not enforce its own borders. Illegal Immigration threatens the very fabric of our society. The border must be secured and those here illegally must be removed from this Nation, and the incentives for illegals to come to this Nation must be done away with.

Sanctity of Life Life is a precious gift from God. We agree that all are created equal. Therefore, we will defend the life of the unborn at every stage.

Standing with Israel Veterans Should stand united in helping our Veterans reintegrate into society upon returning home. The Veterans Administration is in place to help and yet, for many returning, retired, and aging Veterans, it has become another roadblock. Ensure Veterans programs are working and serving our Veterans with urgency, honor, and integrity.

We must have a strong military & strong national defense. We are only inviting our enemies to attack when we appear weak in our will and ability to defend ourselves and defeat those who would threaten the free world. Islamic terrorism is a major threat to the free world and needs to be eradicated quickly and decisively.





Lyndle Spencer

Nathan Bradham

Matt Canovi

Economy FEDERAL OVERSIGHT Entrepreneurs and business owners create jobs, not congress. It is the role of government to support those individuals. Big Government has enacted legislation making it more and more difficult for small farms to compete. I will fight for our local farmers, ending legislation that favors the corporate model in agriculture.

FEDERAL OVERSIGHT The voice of the average American is being silenced in favor of the powerful special interests and wealthy campaign contributors that dominate the political culture in both major political parties. I just want to represent the 7th district. Some of the laws need to be revised or deleted off the books. It takes a voice, a voice of freedom, and that’s what I am. I’m for welfare, and for all the people who are doing without.

FEDERAL OVERSIGHT Economic freedom and free markets are necessary to create jobs. The burden of regulations and Government interference is crippling our economy. Government needs to get out of the way and allow the American Citizen to prosper again.




Our tax codes must reflect the value of owning and operating businesses on our own soil. The federal government MUST rein in spending. A growing deficit cannot be sustained. We owe it to our children to remedy this problem, and it starts with your representative standing up to big government instead of lazily passing yet another budget ceiling increase.

My campaign is about bringing decency, intelligence, compassion, and statesmanship back to the political process. It is about making decisions on healthcare, education, fiscal, and monetary policies that truly aim to restore the economic power and freedom of America’s middle class and our youth.

The 4th Amendment states, “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated.” The work of the IRS to randomly audit is a clear violation of our Constitutional protections. In recent years, the IRS has also been used by the Executive Branch to target political opponents. The IRS, as we know it, must be abolished. We are in favor of a simplified tax code that would include a form of fair tax.

Education The role of the federal government in education should be limited to providing the tools necessary for educators to do their jobs. I believe in putting the education system back in the hands of our teachers, administrators and local governments who can more accurately identify and resolve problems in the system.

We believe in educational choice for parents to include public, private, or home schools. The Department of Education must be abolished and parents and local communities must once again be empowered to educate their communities.

"Let each citizen remember at the moment he is offering his vote that he is not making a present or a compliment to please an individual --- or at least that he ought not so to do; but that he is executing one of the most solemn trusts in human society for which he is accountable to God and his country." ~ Samuel Adams, in the Boston Gazette, April 16, 1781





Mary Byrne

James Nelson

Benjamin T. Brixey


No website found


Personal Information National speaker Co-founder, MO Co Against Common Core M.Ed. Curriculum/instructional design PhD. Special Ed, Columbia University Faculty Southwest Missouri State Married to Tom Three children

No information found

No information found

Stated Spiritual Values No information found

No information found

No information found

Civil Rights RELIGIOUS LIBERTY RELIGIOUS LIBERTY The Federal judiciary ought not to interfere I am a loyalist to the cause, the good cause. with individuals and organizations who act The one everybody wants to watch. according to their faith. One of the fundamental principles enshrined in our founding documents is equality under the law. Men, women, the unborn, and people of all faiths ought to be treated equally. RIGHT to KEEP & BEAR ARMS




Constitution Congress must act to protect the rights to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness as described in the Declaration of Independence and guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution and its Bill of Rights.

Decentralize the political process through State Rights. The Tenth Amendment is direct and clear; stating, "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."

"The Congress....Desirous...to have people of all ranks and degrees duly impressed with a solemn sense of God's superintending providence, and of their duty, devoutly to rely...on His aid and direction...Do earnestly recommend Friday, the 17th day of May be observed by the colonies as a day of humiliation, fasting, and prayer; that we may, with united hearts, confess and bewailed our manifold sins and transgressions, and, by sincere repentance and amendment of life, appease God's righteous displeasure, and, through the merits and mediation of Jesus Christ, obtain this pardon and forgiveness. ~ The Continental Congress, May 16, 1776





Mary Byrne

James Nelson

Benjamin Brixey

Education States, not the Federal government, have been called the "engines of liberty." Restore local control of public education. Parents and local community stakeholders should have maximum control of the public schools. The State Board of Education has oversight of instruction, but parents have oversight of their children.

If we had a free market education system the love for work would flow freely from the minds of humans. The attitude that you MEAN something to the world would grow resulting higher wages.

Energy & Environment Congress must reign in the EPA's runaway budgeting and exercise appropriate oversight. Rulemaking authority must be reformed to prevent unconstitutional and unduly burdensome regulations.

Healthcare Obamacare encapsulates the kinds of harmful regulatory policies Administration has favored at the expense of economic growth. Will work with the Freedom Caucus to repeal and replace Obamacare. This burdensome regulation over our lives has only served to further financially enslave the general populace under the pretense of providing aide to millions.

Allow States to have their sovereignty back, this will allow all 50 States to participate in any health care system they want. Congress has no idea what you need for your health care and this would be better left to the States in the United States of America.

Immigration The border must be secured. Illegal immigrants should not receive preferential treatment.

Sanctity of Life Congress should enact permanent conscience protections for individuals, families, employers, and insurers to keep them from being forced to offer, provide, or pay for coverage that violates their deeply held beliefs.

Personhood should be defended from conception through all stages of life. Persons with disabilities should be treated with dignity.





Mary Byrne

James Nelson

Benjamin Brixey

Standing with Israel As the root of our American Judeo-Christian Puritan heritage, supporting Israel is the right thing to do for America's future and the future of all the world.

We are not the policemen of the world.

Veterans Should stand united in helping our Veterans reintegrate into society upon returning home. The Veterans Administration is in place to help and yet, for many returning, retired, and aging Veterans, it has become another roadblock. Ensure Veterans programs are working and serving our Veterans with urgency, honor, and integrity.

We need to bring all our troops home from abroad and take care of our veterans physically, and mentally. However, I do not neglect the fact that terrorists want to commit horrible acts and I call on a constitutional solution. This remedy called Marque and Reprisal was historically used by our founding fathers to deal with pirates. Marque and Reprisal will get our troops out of harm’s way, stop our funding of puppet governments and put an end to what the CIA calls Blow Back.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world... We, therefore, the Representatives of the united States of America, in General Congress, Assembled, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of these Colonies, solemnly publish and declare, That these united Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States; that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain, is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as Free and Independent States, they have full Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent States may of right do. And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.


U. S. REPRESENTATIVE 7th District Continued DEMOCRAT



Steven Reed

Camille Lombardi-Olive

Genevieve Williams


No website found


Personal Information No information found

No information found

Student, Missouri State University Small Business Owner Co-creator, Disaster Info Model

Stated Spiritual Values No information found

No information found

No information found





RELIGIOUS LIBERTY I am fighting for equality on all fronts, including sexual orientation. Any limits on same sex marriage are a direct violation of equal protection. RIGHT to KEEP & BEAR ARMS Proud supporter of the Second Amendment. I want to introduce legislation to ensure that every gun sale everywhere is subject to a background check. I also want to encourage responsibility in gun ownership.

Constitution Need a Constitutional Convention to address: term limits, campaign contribution limits, and setting up a system to allow issues to be placed on the federal ballot by initiative petition every two years. Income disparity in Southwest Missouri must be addressed. I have worked various jobs and understand the plight of wage earners.

Support the original ERA and further efforts to correct this great inequity in American society. Much of the work we have still to do cannot be preformed [sic] legislatively, it will take the efforts of every American to reject sexist and highly gendered attitudes. Cannabis reform is an issue of personal freedom. It’s time for responsible adult Cannabis users to be returned their liberty and personal freedom.

"On every question of construction carry ourselves back to the time when the Constitution was adopted, recollect the spirit manifested in the debates and instead of trying what meaning may be squeezed out of the text or invented against it, conform to the probable one in which it was passed." ~President Thomas Jefferson


U. S. REPRESENTATIVE 7th District Continued DEMOCRAT



Steven Reed

Camille Lombardi-Olive

Genevieve Williams

Economy FEDERAL OVERSIGHT Will submit legislation to over-ride the canceling of retirement benefits to workers such as the Teamsters. Support funding from Federal Transportation Committee for the addition of a third lane for trucks to help resolve traffic problems and for the safety of the people who travel in Missouri.


FEDERAL FEDERAL FEDERALOVERSIGHT OVERSIGHT OVERSIGHT Reports are now available that make it clear to me that a minimum wage of $15.00 is the only sensible proposal.






Work with Joplin to promote a technology park to attract companies and jobs. Bring manufacturing and tech jobs to Missouri from Mexico, China, Japan and India and the proof lies in the U.S. Trade Deficit that has hit the highest mark ever. Establish a national structure to allow special tax credits. Work to spread free enterprise and a better business climate including changing industrial parks to technology parks and promote rail passenger service statewide. TAXES Exempt seniors over 65 from paying any school taxes such as property taxes.

The United States is experiencing a budget crisis, and I believe it’s time for an end to dysfunctional tax cuts for top earners. Taxes are never popular, and neither are spending cuts, but it is going to take a creative and pragmatic mixture of both to get this country back on track.

Education Will submit legislation on how to help with cost of college such as study work programs along the line of College of the Ozarks model. Have a Credit system for colleges to train people for specific companies if they locate in that state.

Want an education system that encourages a child’s natural curiosity and zeal for learning, not one that takes away their personal identity and forces them into a cookie-cutter model. More tests are not the answer. Standardization will only cause more children to fall through the cracks.


U. S. REPRESENTATIVE 7th District Continued DEMOCRAT



Steven Reed

Camille Lombardi-Olive

Genevieve Williams

Energy & Environment Will sponsor Safe Freight Act which will require at least two crew members to run freight trains to be safe.

Do not believe coal, oil, or natural gas are the fuels of the future. Need to move toward secure and domestic sources of clean sustainable energy. Many municipalities rely on surface water for their water supply. Actions we take now will impact the water we leave our children.

Healthcare Will launch hearings on the practice of (how) so many drugs are being prescribed like 10 to 20 a day for many seniors. Push for rehabilitation and to take profits out of jails.

Support the Affordable Care Act. Extend healthcare to all Americans public option, with individuals free to choose between this and private insurance. Encourage Missouri Legislature to pass Medicaid Expansion.

Immigration Sanctity of Life Every person has a right to accessible and affordable forms of safe and effective contraception. I refuse to stand by while many in the GOP whittle away at contraceptive access and apply their extreme views in irresponsible ways while ignoring healthcare science and actual data.

“You and I have a rendezvous with destiny. We will preserve for our children this, the last best hope of man on Earth, or we will sentence them to take the last step into a thousand years of darkness‌ There is sin and evil in the world, and we're enjoined by Scripture and the Lord Jesus to oppose it with all our might... Let our children and our children's children say of us...we did all that could be done." ~ President Ronald Wilson Reagan





Catherine Hanaway

Eric Greitens

John Brunner




Personal Information U.S. Attorney, Eastern District of Missouri First Woman Speaker of the House Married to Chris One son, one daughter

Founded The Mission Continues, to help returning veterans U.S. Navy Seal Oxford University Duke University Married to Sheena Two sons

Business owner Author “Battlefield Verses” Captain, United States Marine Corps MBA Washington University, St Louis BS Management, Harding University Married to Jan Three children Twelve grandchildren

Stated Spiritual Values “We knew that Jesus Christ was our Savior.”

No information found Baptist. Christian faith is an important aspect of John's personal life.

Civil Rights RELIGIOUS LIBERTY The free exercise of religion is the first freedom guaranteed by the Bill of Rights. I support protecting the rights of religious groups and individuals. Missourians should get to vote on initiatives that impact their churches, charities and communities. I will not tolerate discrimination of any kind, and will make both non-discrimination and religious liberty core values of my administration. Supported SJR 39 to legally shield people from participating in or selling services to a same-sex wedding.

RELIGIOUS LIBERTY It is a fact that people of faith are under attack in America, and our religious liberties are being threatened. That is why I respect and applaud the proponents of SJR39 for taking action to protect religious freedom. However, I don't believe this legislation is the right approach. Opposed SJR39 because I believe that while it is well-intentioned, it could unintentionally threaten our economy and job creation.

RELIGIOUS LIBERTY I support all efforts to defend the 1st Amendment of our Constitution and of those who support the cause of religious liberty. Will fight any attempts to force regulations that undermine or require churches and religious organizations to institute practices against their beliefs. Supported SJR 39 to




Support passage of a Constitutional Carry bill to allow law-abiding Missourians to carry concealed weapons without asking the government’s permission, Allow responsible campus carry, as well as other public places where it is currently banned. Ensure Missouri fights all federal efforts to build a national gun database or restrict Missourians’ gun rights in any other way.

The Second Amendment is clear. I believe we must always defend the right of law-abiding citizens to keep and bear arms. I am a life member of the NRA and a strong supporter of the 2nd Amendment.

legally shield people from participating in or selling services to a same-sex wedding.

“Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!” ~ Benjamin Franklin





Catherine Hanaway

Eric Greitens

John Brunner

Economy Continued SPENDING



Comprehensively review MODOT’s contracting and procurement practices. Free up over $200 million each year in funds from the gas tax to be spent on roads by calling on the General Assembly to fund the Highway Patrol out of general revenue. Work for innovation and modernization of infrastructure with the best technology for smart roads, 21st Century ports, and integrated rail, air, river and road transportation. Incentivize investments from the private sector in needed infrastructural improvements.

We must ask of every agency and every line item: What results did you produce for the money that you’ve spent? I pledge to shrink government, to eliminate waste and fraud, and to act as a budget hawk who looks after your every dollar. Welfare must be reformed

Top to bottom review of every government program. Identify and eliminate inefficient, outdated and ineffective programs. Require agencies and bureaucrats to defend and justify their core budgets to the Legislature and Governor annually. Use existing resources to identify and eliminate misuse of taxpayer dollars. Invest in information technology. Reform welfare into a temporary not permanent solution, eliminate its expansion, tighten eligibility, and enforce welfare to work requirements.




Reduce, reform, simplify and modernize our taxes. I want all Missourians to keep more of their hard-earned paychecks, and I will end giveaways to cronies and lobbyists.

Missouri’s tax code is too complicated and rigged to help special interests, Level the playing field for middle class families by reforming the tax code and closing special interest loopholes.

Reduce taxes on small business by putting an end to corporate tax handouts.

Education Fight Common Core or any new attempt by the federal government to dictate to parents and educators, Restore local control over teacher hiring, firing, promotion and tenure and ensure best teachers are recognized and appreciated. Protect the ability of our children to afford a top-quality higher education. Empower parents to guide their children’s education by more parental choice through educational savings accounts and course access and alternatives to failing public schools in other public, charter, private and religious schools and home schooling. Restore local control and empower teachers in classrooms, involved moms and dads and concerned citizens on school boards.

Every child in Missouri has the right to a first-rate education. Too many Missouri children are trapped in failing schools. I will lead efforts to provide more choices and opportunities for kids who need it most. I strongly oppose “Common Core” and believe local parents and teachers—not Washington bureaucrats—should be in charge of our children’s education.


Stop Common Core. Get Jefferson City Bureaucrats out of our public schools. Promote innovation in local school districts. Get children out of failing schools, give parents greater freedom to choose the best schools for their kids. Encourage merit programs that reward the best teachers. Ensure children graduate from high school with a solid foundation of Math, Science and English. Control the cost of college tuition.




Catherine Hanaway

Eric Greitens

John Brunner

Government Corruption Prohibit legislators from being lobbyists for four years. Ban all lobbyist gifts. Allow Missouri Ethics Commission to initiate investigations. Forfeit pension and funds of any official convicted of a felony. Extend the Sunshine Law.

Ban gifts from lobbyists, close the revolving door between legislators and lobbyists, and apply term limits to every statewide elected official.

Prohibit special interests from giving extravagant gifts, meals, travel junkets. Eliminate the culture of pay-to-play. Implement stronger sunshine laws to make government more transparent and more accountable.

Healthcare Refuse to expand Medicaid and reform by more market forces, financial incentives. Control costs and improve outcomes. Better care to rural areas through physician assistants and nurse practitioners. Improve access to mental health through state support for remote diagnosis and treatment.

Require transparency on quality and cost of care. Eliminate expensive and burdensome regulations to lower health care costs. Create more competition in insurance. Overhaul and reform Medicaid by reducing fraud and waste and improving quality of care.

Law & Order Appalled by Governor Nixon’s blame-thepolice attitude in Ferguson. Impose a three year mandatory minimum sentence for all violent assaults of police officers.

Police officers and firefighters should be honored for the hard work they do. Make sure they have the training, the equipment, and the support they need to do their job.

Immigration Require employers to use E-Verify to verify legal status. Require officers to verify legal status if they suspect they are in the country illegally. End cooperation with resettlement of refugees from hostile regions.

Sanctity of Life I will always put Life first. I will seek to make Missouri the nation’s leader in protecting life.

Every life is precious. I very strongly believe that we must protect and promote the life of every Missourian.

End the horrific practice of illegally selling body parts of unborn children. Protect the sanctity of life.

Veterans Make Missouri the best state in America for veterans to live, work, build businesses, and raise families.


Ensure our veterans have access to the very best care for making the ultimate sacrifice for our state and nation.




Peter D. Kinder

Leonard Steinman

Chris Koster


No website found


Personal Information 2 terms Lieutenant Governor 2 terms Missouri Senate Associate Publisher, Southeast Missourian St. Mary’s University School of Law Texas University of Missouri Southeast Missouri State University

No information found

Attorney General State Senate Assistant Attorney General Cass County Prosecuting Attorney Attorney Private Practice, Blackwell Sanders B.A., J.D. University of Missouri M.B.A. Washington University

Stated Spiritual Values United Methodist Church

No information found

Civil Rights RELIGIOUS LIBERTY SJR 39 boils down to a simple question: Whether Missourians should be given the chance to decide whether the Missouri Constitution should be amended to provide vital protection for all Missourians’ religious liberties. Supported SJR39. RIGHT TO KEEP & BEAR ARMS



Led Missouri Republicans in the fight to pass right to carry, and he holds the NRA’s highest A+ rating.

RELIGIOUS LIBERTY As we celebrate our first year of marriage equality, we must remember LGBT Missourians can still be fired or evicted because of who they love or who they are. It's time for Missouri to turn the page on this discrimination by passing ‪#‎MONA‎‎‪. Opposed SJR39. RIGHT TO KEEP & BEAR ARMS Individuals who commit crimes with guns deserve harsher punishment. That’s why for years, Attorney General Chris Koster has urged the General Assembly to pass a gun docket bill to prioritize the swift prosecution of these offenders. This legislation would equip our courts and law enforcement with the tools they need to get armed criminals off the streets.

Constitution “Governments,‪like‪clocks,‪go‪from‪the‪motion‪men‪give‪them,‪and‪as‪governments‪are‪made‪and‪moved by men, so by them they are ruined too. Wherefore governments rather depend upon men than men upon governments. Let men be good, and the government cannot be bad. . . .”‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪‪~‪William‪Penn‪





Peter Kinder

Leonard Steinman

Chris Koster

Energy & Environment Economy AGRICULTURE


AGRICULTURE We need to get serious about expanding broadband access across the state.



Kinder was the only statewide elected voice for the people and businesses of Ferguson as Koster and Nixon stood by and did nothing to prevent the riots and looting.

FEDERAL OVERSIGHT Sadly for many Missourians working at or near minimum wage, it’s becoming harder to just get by, with full-time minimum wage workers making just $300 a week.

JOBS Creating a job friendly environment through Right to Work and comprehensive tax reform is the only way for government to grow jobs. Using the models of Texas, Florida and Wisconsin, Missouri will become competitive again.


JOBS While politicians in Jefferson City have been focused on promoting division, we've gone three years without a major economic development bill. I'm running for governor so we can finally get back to the people's business.






Through comprehensive ethics reform we can create greater transparency and accountability in our state government. History of cutting spending and returning unused budgets as Lieutenant Governor will extend to every facet of government. TAXES

Education Will continue fight for comprehensive educational reform, including school choice, the spread of charter schools and opposition to federal overreach including Common Core.

Instead of playing politics with Missouri's budget, elected leaders should be working together to make meaningful improvements to our state's smartest investment. Right-towork is about one thing—lowering wages for working people.





Peter Kinder


Chris Koster

Government Corruption Healthcare Jay Nixon, Chris Koster and plaintiff’s attorneys have placed Missouri among the nation’s least attractive states for physicians. With meaningful tort and medical malpractice liability reform, Missouri can attract more physicians and create more access. Will also continue effort to make healthcare accessible in rural and urban areas, supporting Qualified Clinics. Led Missouri’s only legal challenge to the constitutionality of Obamacare. Ultimately, 21 states joined to support the lawsuit.

Expanding Medicaid in Missouri is one of the biggest economic development opportunities that our state has seen in decades. We can’t afford not to act.


Law & Order The first responsibility of state government is to preserve order. In the last year, there has been a vacuum of leadership created by Jay Nixon and Chris Koster.

For years, the law enforcement community has been waiting on legislators to pass a gun docket bill to give them the tools they need to get armed criminals off the streets. Our families deserve better than inaction. I'm glad to see more communities taking proactive steps to combat the opioid crisis. A statewide drug monitoring program is long overdue for health and safety.

Sanctity of Life Awarded Missouri Right to Life “Defender of Life Award.”






Eric Morrison

Charles B. Wheeler

Cisse W Spragins


No website found

No website found

Personal Information 3rd Jurisdictional Bishop Sunrise Missionary Baptist Church Heart of America Theological Seminary Western Baptist Bible College Married Regina Three children Five grandchildren

2 terms State Senator Mayor, Kansas City Charles B. Wheeler Airport Judge, Western District Jackson County Founded Wheeler Medical Labs Associates Law degree U of MO at KC Captain, Flight Surgeon US Air Force M.D University of Kansas US Navy

No information found

Stated Spiritual Values Received Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior

No information found

No information found

Civil Rights Education, equality, ethics, economic empowerment and the environment are the key components in order to lay a firm foundation in the fiber of Missouri.


Constitution Proportional representation is a fair election system which makes every vote count.

Economy Reducing the yearly burden of property tax and the daily burden of sales tax on basic household necessities would go a long way.

Education Government’s purpose is to protect the rights of its citizens, not provide education.

Law & Order People should be allowed to make choices without government interference. Cannabis has been shown to be less addictive and less harmful than alcohol and cigarettes. It is time Missouri ends prohibition on cannabis.


LT. GOVERNOR, STATE OF MISSOURI Taken directly from candidate websites, campaign materials, public information websites and news websites and publications. Please refer to these sources for more detailed information and references.




Bev Randles

Mike Parson

Arnie Dienoff




Personal Information Partner, Randles and Splittgerber, LLP Board, Missouri Club for Growth Law degree, University of Missouri Murray State University Married to Bill One son

Majority Whip, Missouri Senate Sheriff, Polk County U.S. Army University of Maryland University of Hawaii Married to Teresa Two children Five grandchildren

No information found

Stated Spiritual Values Member Refreshing Waters Worship Center Youth Ministry teaching staff

No information found

No information found

Civil Rights The Constitution is very clear. With a federal government that increasingly tries to infringe upon our God given rights, it is vital that Missouri's next Lieutenant Governor continues to defend Constitutional rights.

Tireless supporter of our Second Amendment rights and has voted not only to expand the Castle Doctrine, but also to protect our rights from being infringed upon by an overzealous federal government.


Constitution George Washington once said, "The Constitution is the guide which I never will abandon." It is vital that Missouri's next Lieutenant Governor shares George Washington's vision of the Constitution.



Government has gone amuck and we need to rein it in. Needs someone who comes from outside the political system, not an entrenched politician, to take a hard look at how government operates, and fight to make it smaller, more efficient, and less burdensome on taxpayers and job creators.





Bev Randles

Mike Parson

REPUBLICAN Arnie Dienoff

Economy Continued JOBS






Achieved Missouri’s first state income tax cut in nearly 100 years. Will push members of both parties to pass additional tax savings for families and small businesses, and champion legislation to create jobs and increase opportunities for all Missourians.

Promote economic growth and protect Missouri taxpayers. Led the way on the Right to Farm effort, protecting agriculture from out-of-state interest groups Supported 2014’s landmark tax cut legislation, the first across-the-board tax cut in nine decades.

Create a job-friendly environment in Missouri. Pass Right to Work. Will continue to lead the fight for commonsense labor reforms that protect the rights of workers and modernize Missouri's labor policies.

Education Education is “the civil rights issue of our time.” Parents, not bureaucrats or teachers unions, know what’s best for kids. Oppose one-size-fits-all standards like Common Core. Whether it is public, private, or home schooling, parents must be given freedom to ensure the best possible education for kids.

Government Corruption Support “loser pays” to reduce lawsuit abuse Prevent future abuses like Governor Nixon’s by forcing the losing side of a lawsuit to purchase of a $5.6 million plane without cover court costs and legal fees. legislative approval. Lead sponsor of effort to prevent Governor from using bonds to finance new stadium construction.

Sanctity of Life Without life, there can be no liberty. Every life is precious, no matter how small. Will continue to defend and promote Missouri's culture of life that has resulted in a thirty percent reduction in abortions each year.

Consistently voted for legislation that has made our state among the most pro-life in the nation, including the measure extending the waiting period for an abortion from 24 hours to 72 hours.





Winston Apple

Russ Carnahan

Tommie Pierson



Personal Information Taught social studies, KC, MO Masters, Curriculum and Instruction Singer/songwriter Founder, Populists In Action Married to Mary

Practicing attorney Dir. Gov. Relations, health care system Two terms U.S. House Missouri House Married to Debra, Two sons

Pastor, Greater St. Mark Family Church Missouri House

Stated Spiritual Values No information found


Leads through actions, passion and faith

Civil Rights Develop and require “smart gun” technology to prevent use of firearms by unauthorized persons and implement sensible gun control measures.

Constitution Climate Change Create “The Climate Crisis Response Project.” Workers would be hired to plan and carry out projects to improve energy efficiency in homes and businesses, to manufacture wind turbines and solar panels, to construct wind farms and solar farms, and to plant trees. Funding would come from a 15% tax on capital gains.

Worked to position Missouri as a global leader in clean energy research, innovation and production, particularly in the area of biofuels. My Energy Innovation Hub legislation would jumpstart development of transformational energy technologies by helping technological breakthroughs from research and development to the market.

Economy JOBS Put every worker in America to work on socially-useful jobs that pay a living wage. Move people off welfare.



Need to do better for those working two jobs and still not making ends meet. Do better to help those starting/growing businesses. Do better rebuilding the middle class. Oppose Right to Work.

As a UAW member and pastor, worked with clergy across the region to educate voters on why Right to Work was—and still is—so wrong for Missouri.

"To sin by silence when they should protest makes cowards of men." ~President Abraham Lincoln





Winston Apple

Russ Carnahan

Tommie Pierson

Economy Continued TAXES



All income taxed at the same rate. Excise tax for specified use. For programs that cannot be financed in this manner, the “ability to pay” is unavoidable. Tax capital gains at the same rate as other income.

Education Replace rigid, bureaucratic education with a more open system with freedom and democracy. School boards made up of students, parents, and teachers.

Co-sponsored bills on education and accreditation; early childhood education.

Government Corruption Create the Missouri Elections Trust Fund. Taxpayers would have the option of checking a box on their state income tax form that would contribute $5 from the state income taxes they have paid to this fund.

Clean up the political mess in Jefferson City. Authored bipartisan legislation to bolster economic growth by helping communities keep bus and train lines running at no additional cost to taxpayers.

Longtime advocate of workers’ rights, civil rights and the needs of all in the community. Co-sponsored bills relating to term limits, campaign finance, and election laws.

Healthcare Market-oriented public option for health insurance paying benefits only when a member incurs expenses for necessary care that exceeds a set percentage of income. Below that threshold, members would pay.

Veterans Led the effort to address problems at St. Louis VA.

LT. GOVERNOR, STATE OF MISSOURI Continued LIBERTARIAN Steven Hedrick No information found 32

SECRETARY OF STATE, STATE OF MISSOURI Taken directly from candidate websites, campaign materials, public information websites and news websites and publications. Please refer to these sources for more detailed information and references.




Will Kraus

Jay Ashcroft

Roi Chinn



Personal Information One term MO Senate Three terms MO House Major, Missouri National Guard Small Business Owner U. S. Army Central Missouri State University Married to Carmen, Two sons

St. Louis University Law School BS, MA University of Missouri Married to Katie Three sons, one daughter

No information found

Stated Spiritual Values No information found

No information found

No information found



RELIGIOUS LIBERTY The first freedom mentioned in the Bill of Rights is the freedom to worship. RIGHT TO KEEP & BEAR ARMS



Sponsored and passed 2nd Amendment protecting omnibus bill including open carry laws, school protection officers and changes to concealed carry requirements.

Constitution America's greatness is founded on the cornerstone of individual freedom and liberty, recognizing that our rights are given and bestowed by God, not the government.




JOBS Identify which regulations cause new businesses the most difficulty and work with legislature to eliminate or fix. Provide training and education for new businesses.


Sponsored/passed bills to protect business owners from rogue Department of Revenue. JOBS Sponsored and passed legislation to change who qualifies for unemployment, protecting businesses against employees who are truly fired for misconduct.




Will Kraus

Jay Ashcroft


Economy TAXES



Sponsored and passed the first income tax rate cut in over ninety years with tax relief for both individuals and small business owners, led override of the governor’s veto.

Education Sponsored Missouri PTA backed legislation to create anti-bullying and parent involvement in education policies in school districts. Sponsored and passed changes to special education due process hearings to benefit children.

Government Corruption Sponsored and passed a bill to move Missouri’s presidential primary to March to comply with national party rules and avoid a meaningless $7 million February primary. Sponsored and passed a bill that overhauled state election statutes for the first time in thirty years.

You should know exactly what you are voting for without having to decipher misleading or confusing language. I will make sure our state election authorities have the training, technology, and over-sight they need to ensure every legitimate vote is counted accurately! The best way to protect your vote is a strong voter identification requirement.

Veterans Sponsored and passed legislation to exempt veteran’s benefits from taxation. Sponsored and passed numerous bills benefiting military members and veterans including creating veterans treatment courts, making it easier for deployed veterans to vote, making it easier for deployed military members to file for office, and waiving in-state tuition requirements for out of state military. “If we lose freedom here, there’s no place else to run. This is the last stand on earth.” ~President Ronald Reagan


TREASURER, STATE OF MISSOURI Taken directly from candidate websites, campaign materials, public information websites and news websites and publications. Please refer to these sources for more detailed information and references.







Eric Schmitt

Pat Contreras

Judy Baker

Personal Information Missouri Senate St. Louis University School of Law Truman State University Married to Jaime Three children

U.S. Foreign Service Officer Columbia University in New York City St Louis University

Small Business Owner Dir. Midwest Region U.S. Dept HHS MO House Southern Baptist Theological Seminary Missouri University Married to John Three children

Stated Spiritual Values Roman Catholic

No information found


Issues` Leader in reducing the size and scope of state government Sponsored legislation to reduce the tax burden for small business job creators by 25% and to end a double taxation known as the “corporate franchise tax.”

Bolster 529 College Savings Plans Expand 529a Disability Savings Plans Raise the Minimum Wage Give Students a Voice Eliminate Scams and Predatory Banking Fight LGBTQ Economic Discrimination Eliminate Gender Discrimination Strengthen Our Unions Expand Farmers Linked Deposit Program Support Missouri Small Businesses Pay Back our Missouri Veterans Institute Farm-to-School Programs Establish a 529 program veterans’ children

First priority will be keeping your tax dollars safe and working for you. Produce a user friendly, searchable Annual Report Card for Missourians to see exactly how their money is being spent. Educate and prepare young people with financial life skills and access to new ways of saving for college, owning a house, or starting a business. Create easier paths for Missourians to retake unclaimed property.

TREASURER, STATE OF MISSOURI Continued LIBERTARIAN Sean O’Toole otoole4mo.com No information found “You and I know and do not believe that life is so dear and peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery.” ~ President Ronald Reagan

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ATTORNEY GENERAL, STATE OF MISSOURI Taken directly from candidate websites, campaign materials, public information websites and news websites and publications. Please refer to these sources for more detailed information and references.





Josh Hawley

Kurt Schaefer

Jake Zimmerman

Teresa Hensley





Personal Information Sr Cnsl Becket Fund for Religious Liberty Clerk U.S. Supreme Court, Clerk U.S. Court of Appeals, Clerk 10th Circuit Court Yale Law School Stanford University Married to Erin, Two sons

MO Senate General Counsel/Deputy Dir. DNR Partner, Lathrop & Gage law firm Vermont Law School University of Missouri Married to Stacia Three children

Harvard University No information found Claremont McKenna College

Stated Spiritual Values Christian

Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)

Jewish No information found

Civil Rights RELIGIOUS LIBERTY I fear churches and businesses will be forced to choose whether to violate their deeply held convictions or face fines and worse. I have been involved in drafting legislation to protect these groups and in litigation to defend them. I will fight in court to protect them if any government, federal or state, tells them that their most sincere convictions merit punishment. RIGHT TO KEEP & BEAR ARMS I will fight all encroachment from the federal government or state bureaucrats on Missourians’ right to keep and bear arms.



RIGHT TO KEEP & BEAR ARMS We must stop President Obama's unconstitutional executive order that restricts our 2nd Amendment rights.

Climate & Environment Oppose the EPA’s “waters of the United States” rule. Stop Obama’s “Clean Power Plan” in court. It’s unconstitutional. Fight any further soil dumping by the U.S. Army Corps into the Missouri River. I will fight for Missouri all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court, if that’s what it takes.


Responsible for all legal aspects of MO Environmental Regulatory Enforcement Agency, which owns and manages state parks and historic sites. Oversaw the emergency response, environmental remediation and cleanup of Taum Sauk Reservoir failure. Lead counsel in negotiating settlement for damages.

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Josh Hawley

Kurt Shaefer


Teresa Hensley

Constitution Order state officials to refuse to cooperate with illegal and unconstitutional power grabs by Washington insiders.


Economy FEDERAL OVERSIGHT I will put Missouri at the tip of the spear in fighting federal overreach.

FEDERAL OVERSIGHT Consistent activist for the people. Shut down polluting businesses but defended against unfair and harsh regulations by overzealous regulators. Worked with regulators, public officials, and organization officials to bring Missouri into line with federal law in water quality standards.

Education Every step Missouri can take away from the continued overreach of the Obama administration and its one-size-fits-all, leftist Common Core agenda is a win for children.

Government Corruption Bogus lawsuits force spending on defense and liability insurance. My opponent is filibustering tort reform. I will be a strong advocate for reform of our broken system. “Kurt Schaefer’s attack ad falsely tries to paint Josh Hawley as being in league with a terrorist. It is an intentional and malicious misstatement of fact...” Senator John Danforth

As a prosecutor, I have a proven record of keeping our families safe. On the other hand, Professor Josh Hawley has defended a terrorist. We need an Attorney General who will prosecute terrorists, not defend them.

Sanctity of Life Abortion is a violent act against the defenseless. It should be barred by law. Ban partial birth abortion and taxpayerfunded abortion with Planned Parenthood.

Roe v. Wade is settled law. Missouri taxpayers shouldn't be forced to pay for abortions. Defund Planned Parenthood. Support stem cell research.

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District 160

District 161

District 162

Bill Lant

Bill Reiboldt

Bill White

Charlie Davis



Randee Kaiser

Connie Hoover



Denise Rohr

Angie Cassavechia

CORONOR Rob Chappel



Gina (Genisio) Rodriguez

Janna Mcgarra

“This is the real task before us: to reassert our commitment as a nation to a law higher than our own, to renew our spiritual strength. Only by building a wall of such spiritual resolve can we, as a free people, hope to protect our own heritage and make it someday the birthright of all men… If we lose freedom here,

there’s no place else to run. This is the last stand on earth.” ~ President Ronald Wilson Reagan

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JASPER COUNTY Republican CIRCUIT JUDGE, Circuit 29 Division 2

Division 2

Dean Dankelson

Stephen Carlton



18 years Jasper County Prosecuting Attorney

14 years Associate Circuit Judge

COUNTY COMMISSION Eastern District Jim Lessy

Gayle Cline Incumbent

No information found

Dale Dintaman

Tom Flanigan

Fourth-generation farmer

8 years MO House gives the experience to be a county commissioner

Garry Graves Former teacher


Cody Smith

Steve Liebbrand

facebook.com/bill.birkes Missouri State University of Wisconsin School of Banking U.S. Army Command/General Staff College

facebook.com/cody.smith Missouri Southern State University Married One Son

facebook.com/steve.leibbrand United States Army Pittsburg State University

Banking, Finance, Military

Owns a company that uses technology to prevent infectious diseases from spreading in healthcare facilities.

Carthage City Councilman

Baptist I will constantly work as an advocate for the citizens of the 163rd District to uphold our values and improve the quality of life for everyone.

I am passionate about making Missouri a better place to live and work. I believe the key to achieving that is to adhere to conservative values long observed in Jasper County. Principles like fiscal discipline, protection of our liberties, and limited government come to mind. I believe we need more freedom and smaller government.



Kevin Pruitt

facebook.com/votealancook Incumbent Cattle farmer Missouri Southern Oklahoma Christian University Married to M’lle, two daughters Member, Hillcrest Church of Christ We have to manage the budget properly. I have real experience as a cattle farmer. I’ve got a degree in mathematics and I’ve got a combined experience of 25 years in computer technology, human resources, and I believe I bring a lot to the table. Managing the taxpayers’ dollars is number one priority. My personal goal is to identify enough savings on an annual basis to pay my salary.

facebook.com/kevin.pruitt.716 Agency Owner Farmers Insurance Group Missouri Southern State University

Make sure we follow state statutes and allocate money as directed by the voters. I want to make sure we allocate a comprehensive balanced budget that every county office can work with and hire the right people, acquire the right equipment and technology so they can do their jobs effectively and efficiently. I also want to make sure that we continue to not only maintain our roads and bridges but we also improve upon them and continue that progress.

COUNTY COMMISSIONER District 2 Jim Jackson

Lucas Thogmartin

voteforjimjackson.com Missouri Southern State University News anchor for more than 30 years Adjunct instructor of communications, Crowder College U.S. Navy Married to Susan

facebook.com/LucasforCommissioner No information found

I believe hard work and dedication never go out of style. I believe in Looks forward to serving the citizens of Newton County. being passionate about your job. I believe in strong leadership in county government. I believe in a strong infrastructure for the county—good roads are a must. I believe in a well-equipped sheriff’s department. It's been an honor to serve as your Newton County Commissioner in the 2nd District. A lot has been accomplished in the last four years, but there is still more to do. With your help and support, we can keep the county moving forward for the future.

NO DEMOCRAT or LIBERTARIAN CANDIDATES "If you will not fight for the right when you can easily win without bloodshed, if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly, you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a small chance of survival. There may even be a worse case: you may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves." ~ Winston Churchill

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NEWTON COUNTY Republican Continued SHERIFF Richard Leavens

Chris Jennings

leavensforsheriff.com MSSU Adjunct Criminal Justice Instructor, Crowder College Married

No website found Second-in-command, Sheriff’s Department Chief deputy Joplin Police Department Detective Married to Kim

Directly managed over 2/3 of the Sheriff's Office. Wrote the first formal Field Training Program for the Newton County Sheriff's Office. As Commander of the jail, reduced staff turnover from 600% to just 15%. Strong support of Second Amendment rights, individual rights, responsible spending, and an open door policy at the Sheriff's Office.

Director, South West Missouri Drug Task Force. Investigative Supervisor, Tri-State Major Case Squad. Led the team that captured the Neosho First Congregational Church shooter, Led investigation in the Rowan Ford kidnapping and murder. Has supervised every major investigation in Newton County for the past 20 years. Supervises the Detective Division.

Mike Langland




Freeman Health Systems U.S. Department of State Newton County Sheriff's Office Missouri Southern State University College of Oceaneering California Widowed

Jasper County Sheriff’s Office United States Marine Corps Missouri Southern State College Married Four Children Christian, Constitutionalist, and a Conservative Republican

My desire is to bring my training background to your community center, church, neighborhood watch group or for that matter just a bunch of neighbors to teach how not to be a victim. I will not be that Sheriff that just sits behind the desk and expects everyone to come to him. I want to attend all those community events even when there isn't an election coming up.

Managed nearly ¾ million of the Jasper County Sheriff’s budget. Supervisor of the Detectives Division and served as the forensic evidence officer on the CSI team. Lead investigator of a Federal adopted methamphetamine conspiracy case which had direct ties to the Mexican Drug Cartels. Involved in nearly all of the seized meth labs in Jasper County during my time there.

ASSESSOR Tami (Renfro) Owens

Cheryle Perkins

facebook.com/ElectTamiOwensForAssessor Deputy Assessor Business owner Married to George 4 children & 2 grandchildren Members of the Sheep Shed.

facebook.com/ElectCherylePerkins Deputy Assessor

Taxpayers should be treated like valued customers and the Assessor's office should operate like a service. I have the experience it takes to make the necessary changes and enhancements.

Experience in all the departments of the Assessor's Office. I promise to treat all in a courteous and professional manner and will have a staff that will do the same.

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NEWTON COUNTY Republican Continued SURVEYOR Jerry D. Wood

James Loncarich

No website found Owns Area Land Surveying

As a surveyor we are here to protect the public. There’s a lot of other stuff we’ve got to get done to prepare to get out to the field, doing the research. A lot of our research is back to the 1840s when they initially started the surveying. Preparing a survey itself is my other comfort zone. I’ve got probably 35 years of drafting experience, and most of it being the CAD system. Would always be open to the public to access what can be done for the citizens.

No website found Incumbent Office Manager Hurst Roche Engineers University of Arkansas Married to Patsy With 31 years continuing survey experience, we’ve acquired the largest collection of private land survey records in Newton and McDonald county, plus we’ve acquired the records of four other survey firms. These are invaluable in properly retracing a boundary survey. I feel like the experience I’ve got and 20 years of which is the county surveyor, and the collection of records we have, I’m the best qualified to continue to serve as Newton County Surveyor.

"The great object of my fear is the Federal Judiciary. That body, like gravity, ever acting with noiseless foot and unalarming advance, gaining ground step by step and holding what it gains, is engulfing insidiously the special governments into the jaws of that which feeds them." ~President Thomas Jefferson, 1821

"Cherish, therefore, the spirit of our people, and keep alive their attention. Do not be too severe upon their errors, but reclaim them by enlightening them. If once they become inattentive to the public affairs, you and I, and Congress, and Assemblies, Judges, and Governors, shall all become wolves." ~President Thomas Jefferson "One of the traditional methods of imposing statism or socialism on a people has been by way of medicine. It's very easy to disguise a medical program as a humanitarian project. James Madison in 1788... said ... 'There are more instances of the abridgment of the freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachment of those in power, than by violent and sudden usurpations'...What can we do about this? ... We can write to our congressmen and our senators ... Say right now that we want no further encroachment on these individual liberties and freedoms ... We do not want socialized medicine ...If you don't, this program I promise you will pass...and behind it will come other federal programs that will invade every area of freedom as we have known...until, one day...we will awake to find that we have socialism. And...you and I are going to spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children, what it once was like in America when men were free." President Ronald Reagan, 1961

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