College Heights Annual Report 2018

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Josh Beck Outreach

Rick Bushnell Pastoral Care

Logan Greer Youth

Josh Huckabay Creative Arts

Sy Huffer Lead

Titus Neuenschwander Adult

Josh Quade College Age

Aaron Wheeler Small Groups

Jeff White Administrator

Ann Wolfe Children

OUR ELDERS Dick Crabill

Dave DeSonier Chris DeWelt

Ed Hahn

Dale Harrington

Steve Jennings

Larry Jordan

Dave Mehrens

Gregg Murdock

Troy Nelson

Bob Nunnally Walt Wicklund

Keith Wilkins

STAFF Carol Bowland . . . . . . . Executive AA/Women Pete Braeckel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Maintenance Cindy Branton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Middle School Madeline Bridgford . . College/Young Adults Donna Cole . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Global Outreach Wendy Dean . . . . . . . Preaching/Creative Arts Steve Dennis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Facilities Joe Earhart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Accounting Nick Enabnit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Middle School Elaine Francis . . . . . . . . . . . . Business Assistant Tosha Funderburgh . . . . . . . . . . . . Elementary Mary George . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Receptionist John Giles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Administration Tanner Grove . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . High School Renee Hazlewood . . . . . . . . . . Early Childhood Tim Heidner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Facilities Garrett Holle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Elementary Jonathan Horton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IT Manager Joe Keeling . . . . . . . . . . . Custodial Supervisor Kasey Longing . . . . . . . . . . . . . Early Childhood Amy Miller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Communications Kaylee Morgan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . College Age Luis Rodolfo Munoz . . . . . Hispanic Ministries Lois Pickering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Early Childhood Neil Simmonds . . . . . . . . . . . . . Guest Services Vicky Stuck . . . . . . . . . Facilities/Senior Adults Trish Udell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Internationals Alec Ward . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Creative Arts Kaele Ward . . . . . . . . . . . . Family/Small Group Becca White . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Youth Team


MAKING DISCIPLES WHO CHANGE THE WORLD Your church leadership has constructed a bold plan of ministry to continue our mission of making disciples who change the world. We celebrate a wonderful past year but commit ourselves to even more lives coming to Christ in the new one. Join us in this journey of being God’s people at College Heights Christian Church.



To Create Environments for Everyone to Engage Others and Encounter God To accomplish the mission of making disciples of Jesus who change the world through the power of the Holy Spirit, the church of Jesus has historically gathered for teaching, community, prayer, and the Lord’s Supper. In many ways, the Creative Arts Ministry is a support ministry of the church, creating and facilitating environments, both physical and digital, for people of all ages to engage others and encounter God. This occurs through planning and leading weekly worship services, creating video content, managing digital communication, building and designing sets, leading our guest services team, managing audio and visual needs of other ministry departments, and assisting our involvement process for newcomers. Last year, the Creative Arts Ministry led over 145 worship services where people of all ages engaged others and encountered God through singing, teaching, prayer, and interactive elements. Through our You Belong Here campaign, we have seen over 600 new guests come through our doors, 44 people join the College Heights family through membership and baptism, lots of personal stories shared, and countless moments in growing together. These moments of worship connect our church and reach out to welcome others into the presence of God. From a middle school student growing in her faith to a high school student committing to a renewed life to a college student being empowered to share his faith on campus, the environments we create help draw people into the presence of God and one another. Our budget funds special events, training and developing leaders, paying for copyrights to ethically support the creatives in the global church, maintaining and repairing equipment, creating original content that is a renewable resource for our church, shepherding over 130 volunteers, and providing new equipment in our developing worship spaces for the thousands of people who choose to worship at College Heights. Budget Total: $ 676,240.80 (This includes a percentage of the ministers’ salaries; expenses and insurance; support staff salaries; custodial salary; janitorial supplies; telephone; copier; insurance, maintenance and utilities.)


To Nurture People in Their Faith Journey The adult ministry team consists of four departments working together. The Small Group Ministry is all about intentional community discipleship. We are creating a stronger culture where small groups become the relational environment for authentically growing followers of Jesus. Last year we had over 70 small groups with a total of 777adults meeting together. Three times a year small group leaders are offered training, and we want to provide care for these leaders throughout the year from other experienced leaders. The College-Age Ministry pursues students at Missouri Southern State University and Ozark Christian College and helps prepare students for what’s next in relationships, careers, families, and lifelong ministry involvement. On Sunday nights we host an average of 180 students at Upper Room. Community groups and discipleship groups meet throughout the year to grow students in their faith. This past Spring Break we took 130 to Asheville, NC. By the end of the week organizations were turning down volunteers as we had completed all their projects. We are committed this next year to become a church for even more college students. This past year the Family Ministry hosted 70 people at two marriage retreats, including a new fall retreat in Branson, MO. The Art of Marriage included 20 additional people for marriage enrichment. Couples experiencing hard times have been connected to professional and lay counsels and marriage restoration teams. We hosted a parent seminar in cooperation with Christ’s Church of Oronogo entitled Gospel Centered Parenting that connected with 70+ parents. Another seminar is planned for fall and spring. The Pastoral/Senior Adult Ministry provides care to our church family members in homes, hospitals, and healthcare centers due to sickness or other health concerns. Presently, we have 30 people who are affirmed, valued, and loved by their faith family. Every Friday our volunteers deliver meals to homebound friends. We have many faithful volunteers who serve at Crosslines Ministries, who clothes and feeds 1000 people each month. The Adult Ministry Team is proud of the 50+ dedicated teachers and volunteers who study, teach, train, and communicate Scripture in Sunday morning and Wednesday night adult classes and electives. Learning prepares the head and heart for Kingdom service.

Budget Total: $ 697,921.02 (This includes a percentage of the ministers’ salaries, expenses, insurance; support staff salaries; custodial salary; janitorial supplies; telephone; copier; insurance, maintenance, and utilities.)


So That Kids Love Jesus “Anyone who welcomes a little child like this on my behalf welcomes me, and anyone who welcomes me also welcomes my Father who sent me. Whoever is the least among you is the greatest.” —Jesus (Luke 9:48) Our Youth and Children’s Ministry Team comprises the Early Childhood (Babies, Toddlers, Pre-K, and K), Children’s (grades 1-5), Middle School (grades 6-8), and High School (grades 9-12) ministries. This team and these ministries exist so that kids love Jesus! Everything we do is for that purpose. According to the church database, College Heights Christian Church serves more than 1000 people below the age of 18! We have programs on Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights, as well as special events, trips, small groups, Bible studies, prayer groups, and beyond. Each program is designed to teach the Gospel according to kids’ unique needs during this time of their lives, and help them choose to follow Jesus. To that end, over half the baptisms in the last year have been kids below the age of 18. The only way our Church can achieve this discipleship is *together*! It takes more than 400 volunteers serving in these ministries! Many of them giving their time every week, pouring the love of Jesus into the hearts and minds of our children. These amazing volunteers do the hard (and fun) work of holding babies, changing diapers, playing with toddlers, teaching lessons, facilitating small group discussions, driving busses, cooking meals, sharing the gospel, watching basketball games, doing Bible studies, counseling, opening homes, and gently correcting, training, and building up according to the Word of God…and of course praying, praying, praying! Our hope for the future is to see these ministries grow! We want to see growth in the number of kids following Jesus, growth in the depth of their daily faith, and growth in the number of dedicated adults discipling kids. We also desire to create even better learning environments—creating spaces and places where kids feel a distinct sense of belonging, love, engagement, safety, and freedom to face their doubts, explore God’s love, and grow in their faith through the often tumultuous times of their childhood. “Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin…” Zechariah 4:10

Budget Total: $ 701,872.34 (This includes a percentage of the ministers’ salaries, expenses, and insurance; support staff salaries; custodial salary; janitorial supplies; telephone; copier; insurance, maintenance and utilities.)


In Faithful Service Beyond Ourselves

The Outreach Team consists of three departments working together. The work of Global Outreach is to help plant indigenous churches in areas where we feel Jesus asking us to engage. This requires prayer, financial support, sending people from our congregation, and engaging in partnerships with nationals. Because we cannot do everything, we have chosen areas of concentration which reflect our definition of missions and our core values. Currently, we engage in specific unreached people groups/areas of the world by seeking to develop partnerships and raising up and sending out teams to these areas: Southeast Asia–Tai Dam, Central Asia–Pashtun, Eastern Europe – Bosniaks, Northeast Africa–Sudanese, North Africa–Rifi Berbers, India–various people groups, as well as refugees, immigrants and internationals in various areas. We also work with organizations like GNPI, LATM, CIY, etc., who partner with believers around the world in church planting, discipleship, and leadership development. As we are called to make disciples of and reach out to all people, we know this includes our city, community, and country. The Community Outreach Team works to develop partnerships with local organizations like Life Choices Health Network, Watered Gardens, God’s Resort, and Life House. We work to create opportunities for our church family to engage in holistic ministry within our community in the name of Jesus through service opportunities, relationship building, etc. We organize events like Great Day of Service to help connect small groups to community partners. Some of our community partners lie outside of Joplin, like Cookson Hills (whom we have partnered with for 10 years!) and a couple in Brooklyn, NY, working to bring Kingdom influence to the artisan community of NYC. This past year, Jesus has been leading College Heights and challenging us to become a church who plants churches. A Church Planting Team has been formed in response to this leading. In addition, we financially support a church plant named “The Gathering” in Harlem, NY, led by Kenny Hart. We look forward to what the future holds for this church planting area of Outreach Ministry as Jesus leads and we follow and obey.

Budget Total: $ 911,667.84 (This total includes a percentage of the ministers’ salaries, expenses, and insurance; support staff salaries; custodial salary; janitorial supplies; telephone; copier; insurance, maintenance and utilities.)

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Total needed to fulfill our mission of


Creative Arts Team.............................................................. $ 676,240.80 Adult Team.......................................................................... $ 697,921.02 Youth and Children’s Teams................................................ $ 701,872.34 Global and Community Outreach Team.............................. $ 911,667.84 TOTAL.......................................................................... $2,987,702.00

Global and Community Outreach Team

Creative Arts Team 23%

31% Youth and Children’s Team 23% Adult Team 23%

A detailed line-item budget is available in the Atrium for any who wish to review it.

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