2018 VBS Family Guidebook

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Special thanks to Ernie Redden and the staff of Tropical Plants of Florida, located in front of Northpark Mall, for loaning us the beautiful palm trees and hibiscus plants on the stage in the Worship Center!

Welcome to Jungle Jumble! Welcome to a jungle full of mystery, puzzles and fun! We’re here to unravel the mystery of the Gospel of Jesus. What does it mean that “Jesus died in my place for my sins and rose again to bring new life with God”? We’ll find out this week as we look for clues, solve puzzles and grow in our understanding of God and His Word! We’ll learn the problem, the solution, the treasure, and the mystery as rangers work together in their troops to LOOK, LISTEN, LEARN and

Unravel the Mystery! 9 am to Noon 9 am to Noon 9 am to Noon 6:30 pm FAMILY VBS! *Children who come to the Friday Evening VBS must attend with a parent or designated adult.

Follow us on social media for a glimpse into what we’re learning all week in the jungle! FACEBOOK: CHCC Early Childhood College Heights Launch Pad INSTAGRAM: chcc_earlychildhood chcc_launchpad

Daily Themes

Jungle Jumble Unravel the Mystery The Gospel Message: Jesus died in my place for my sins and rose again to bring new life with God. Day One: THE PROBLEM: Sin Story: Adam & Eve. Genesis 3 Verse: “Everyone has sinned. No one measures up to God’s glory.” Romans 3:23 Preschool Verse: “Everyone has sinned.” Day Two: THE SOLUTION: Jesus died in my place for my sins and rose again to bring new life with God. Story: Jesus’ life, ministry, death and resurrection. Matthew, Mark, Luke, John Verse: “Christ died for our sins, just as Scripture said he would. He was buried. He was raised from the dead on the third day, just as Scripture said he would be.” 1 Corinthians 15:3-4

Daily Themes, continued Day Three: THE TREASURE: New life with God through Jesus Story: Philippian Jailer. Acts 16:25-34 Verse: “So he gave us new life because of what Christ has done. He gave us life even when we were dead in sin. God’s grace has saved you.” Ephesians 2:5 Preschool Verse: “Jesus gave us new life.” Day Four: THE MYSTERY: Jesus is for everyone! Story: The Jerusalem Council. Acts 15:1-35 Verse: “Here is the mystery. Because of the good news, God’s promises are for Gentiles as well as for Jews. Both groups are parts of one body. They share in the promise. It belongs to them because they belong to Christ Jesus”. Ephesians 3:6 Preschool Verse: “Here is the mystery. God’s promises are for everyone!”

Bonus Memory Verses “There is no doubt that true godliness comes from this great mystery. Jesus came as a human being. The Holy Spirit proved that he was the Son of God. He was seen by angels. He was preached among the nations. People in the world believed in him. He was taken up to heaven in glory.” 1 Timothy 3:16 “My goal is...they will know the mystery of God. That mystery is Christ. All the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are hidden in him.” Colossians 2:2-3 “Give a lot of time and effort to prayer. Always be watchful and thankful. Pray for us too. Pray that God will give us an opportunity to preach our message. Then we can preach the mystery of Christ. Because I preached it, I am being held by chains. Pray that I will preach it clearly, as I should.” Colossians 4:2-4

Work together as a family to hide God’s Word in your hearts! On the next page are ideas for memorizing scripture together. Take the opportunity to discuss what each verse means as well as work to memorize the words.

Ideas for Memory Work Activities 1. Marker Board Erase: Write the verse on a marker board. Read the verse aloud

together several times. Erase one or two words and repeat the verse. Continue erasing a word and repeating the verse until the verse is completely erased from the board and planted in your heads and hearts! 2. Sign Language: Use a combination of signs and motions to learn and

remember the verse. Say the verse several times, then say it with motions, and finally, do it silently with the motions. Look online for how to sign specific words, or make up your own motions. 3. Marching: Some people learn best when they can be on the move. March around the house or

yard, repeating the verse, perhaps even putting it to a beat. For a long verse, say the first phrase of the verse as you march around the room the first time, then keep adding phrases until you have the whole verse. 4. Scrambled Words: Put each word of a verse on an index card or strip of construction paper.

Arrange the words in order. Make several sets, divide your family into teams, and race to get the verse in the right order. Do it several times. Emphasize that everyone who learns the Bible verse is a winner! 5. Silly Voices: Younger children especially have fun saying the verse in “different” voices. Suggest

saying the verse in a loud lion voice – roar it out. Then, try it in a squeaky little mouse voice. Let your children offer other suggestions of how to say the verse. Finally, ask them to say it in their very own wonderful “kid” voices that God gave them. 6. Puzzles: Print the verse on construction paper or card stock. Cut into puzzle pieces, and say the

verse as you put the puzzle together. Make several sets and turn it into a game, or give your older children card stock and let them each make their own verse puzzle.

7. Illustrate: Many verses lend themselves to artistic endeavor! Make it a family activity and let each family member take a word or phrase to illustrate part of the verse. Then, arrange illustrations on the wall and everyone can practice saying the verse together.

Finally, being able to say the verse is not the same as understanding what the verse means. Discuss the verse as a family. Ask your children to tell you the verse in their own words. Have them explain it to you. Talk about how God has helped you live out that verse in your own life or how He is teaching you more about Himself through His Word. Help your kids see how the verse relates to their lives.

Our Mission Focus: The R.B. Team! RIFI BERBER in NORTH AFRICA Pronounced “Ree-fee.” They are Muslim by faith (people who try to follow God but don’t know Jesus yet). In North Africa, only 0.03% out of 1.5 million Rifi knows Jesus. They do not have the Bible translated yet. They are one of the five Unreached People Groups whom College Heights is focused on reaching. Our two Global Partner families going to serve them are Ryan & Tasha with Cyrus, and Brandon & Julie with Desmond, Lillian, Damien and baby on the way. This week, we will be teaching the children, “The Mystery is…Jesus is for the Rifi Berber!” We want your children to know how to pray for the Rifi by praying for them (1) to know the mystery of Jesus, (2) to have dreams and visions of Jesus, and (3) to have the Bible translated into their language. We also want your children to know that they can make a difference by (1) praying for our team, (2) praying for the Rifi Berber, (3) giving money, and (4) going themselves, to the lost around them and overseas, if God calls them.

Kids are encouraged to bring offering daily. This money will go towards the work of translating the Bible into the Rifi language. Our goal is to raise at least “The Mystery is…Jesus is for the Rifi Berber!”


For more information, contact: robinson.crew@hush.com To give to this ministry, go to www.chjoplin.org/give. Choose “Robinson N. Africa” in the drop-down box and write “VBS” in the comments section. If you prefer to give checks or cash in person, the Robinsons

Lesson Summaries and Family Discussion The point of it all: What is the Gospel of Jesus? We’ve heard it is the Good News of Jesus, but what does that really mean? Why is it so significant in our lives? How can we break it down simply so that all of us — children, teens and adults — can recognize what Jesus has done for us? It’s not simple at all. But, we can start with an understanding that sin entered the world and a recognition that we are sinners in need of forgiveness. It moves to the realization that Jesus took the punishment we deserve for our sin. He died in our place. But, He also rose again and because we are restored to a right relationship with God, we can have new life in Him. The Bible uses the word “mystery” several times to describe the amazing gift God has given us. When we recognize this mystery is not just for us, it’s for EVERYONE, then we will desire to share that amazing gift of God’s truth and grace with others! Day One: The Problem — Sin Bible Story: Adam and Eve (Genesis 3) The Point: Sin is sneaky, selfish and separates us from God. We are all sinners. Our sin separates us from God, but because of His great love for us, God made a way through Jesus for us to be connected to God again. We should stay connected to God by loving Him, obeying Him and making choices every day that show our love for Him. Suggested Family Discussion: Sin separates us from God! How did Adam & Eve’s sin separate them from God? (They could no longer live in the Garden with God.) Our sin separates us from God too. How do we get close to God again? (As we place our faith in Jesus and live our lives in obedience to Him, He brings us close to God again.) How can we as a family encourage one another to stay connected to God?

Lesson Summaries and Family Discussion Day Two: The Solution — Jesus died in my place for my sins and rose again Bible Story: Jesus’ life, ministry, death and resurrection (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) The Point: Jesus died in our place for our sins and rose again. He forgives us of our sins and tells us to go and leave our life of sin. To know God and understand Him is to turn away from sin and toward His love and forgiveness. And, when we realize how much He loves us and has done for us, we will want to tell others, too! Suggested Family Discussion: What are some sins you struggle with and how does God help you? What are some ways you see every day that God loves you? Who can we show the love of Jesus to this week; what are some specific things we can do? Who do we know that doesn’t love Jesus? When and how can we tell them about the love and sacrifice of Jesus?

Day Three: The Treasure — New life with God through Jesus Bible Story: The Philippian Jailer (Acts 16:25-34) The Point: The life of the jailer who was assigned to keep Paul and Silas from escaping prison was completely changed when he became a believer in and follower of Jesus. His entire family became believers, too. When someone loves and follows Jesus, everything changes. Because Jesus died in our place for our sins and rose again, our relationship with God is restored. Our new life in God helps us to live in a way that pleases the Lord, fills us with the good things of God, and helps us to tell others about Jesus. Suggested Family Discussion: When we have new life with God we live differently, sometimes strangely. What were some things Paul and Silas did that made them stand out as different? (They sang praises to God even in prison; they didn’t run away after the doors were opened; they shared the Good News of Jesus with the jailer and his family!) What are some ways we can live that show our love for Jesus and might look differently from the rest of the world?

Day Four: The Mystery — Jesus is for everyone! Bible Story: The Jerusalem Council (Acts 15:1-35) The Point: A very important decision needed to be made by the early church leaders. They met in Jerusalem to discuss what to do with Gentiles (non-Jews) who were new believers in Christ. Did they belong in the church? Would they need to observe all of the Jewish laws and customs in order to follow Christ? Through the Holy Spirit’s guidance, the leaders determined the mystery of the Gospel of Jesus Christ was for both Jews and Gentiles. Jesus is for everyone! Suggested Family Discussion: How can we as a family support ministries in our town, country and world that share the Gospel Message? What are some things we can do in our house to remind us to pray, give and encourage? How can we live in such a way that shows we believe Jesus is for everyone?

Preschool Jungle Jingle Here are the lyrics to the theme song for our Jungle! Sing along at home as a family! Jungle Jumble Preschool Theme by CHCC Staff Visit our CHCC Early Childhood Facebook or Instagram to view the video of this song, if you’d like to know the tune!

I have a mystery and here is a clue, Jesus died for me and Jesus died for you. He rose up from the grave, Now we have new life with God. And, the answer is that Jesus is for everyone! Jesus is for everyone! Yeah!!

Meet Kurt the Monkey and Malcom the Macaw, our Jungle Jumble mascots who are helping our rangers to LOOK, LISTEN, LEARN and LIVE out the Gospel of Jesus! Mascot artist: Lydia Wolfe Medallion artist: Seth Wolfshorndl

Elementary Jungle Jingle Here are the lyrics to the theme song for our Jungle! Sing along at home as a family! Glorious Day by Passion Sean Curran, Jason Ingram, Jonathan Smith, Kristian Stanfill

I was buried beneath my shame Who could carry that kind of weight It was my tomb Till I met You I was breathing but not alive All my failures I tried to hide It was my tomb Till I met You [Chorus] You called my name And I ran out of that grave Out of the darkness Into Your glorious day You called my name And I ran out of that grave Out of the darkness Into Your glorious day

Now Your mercy has saved my soul Now Your freedom is all I know The old made new Jesus, when I met You

[Chorus] You called my name And I ran out of that grave Out of the darkness Into Your glorious day You called my name And I ran out of that grave Out of the darkness Into Your glorious day [Bridge] I needed rescue My sin was heavy But chains break at the weight of Your glory I needed shelter I was an orphan But You call me a citizen of heaven When I was broken You were my healing Your love is the air that I'm breathing I have a future My eyes are open [REPEAT CHORUS]

Brand new this year is our Friday evening FAMILY VBS!!

Friday, June 8, at 6:30 pm Parents, friends and family members are invited to join our Jungle Jumble children in the Worship Center as we solve the final mystery and celebrate Jesus together! *Childcare is not provided, as we want this to be a full family activity. Children who come to the Friday Evening VBS must attend with a parent or designated adult.

*The Family Room (Cry Room) will be open for parents to take young children while still watching the program on TV. *Following the short program, everyone is encouraged to stay for inflatables, food trucks, a special family activity, and loads of fun!

*Invite friends and neighbors! All are welcome to attend!


CH Kids Summer Activities Vacation Bible School June 5-8

Promotion Sunday (Kids move to the class that corresponds with their grade in school this fall.) June 10

Kids Summer Service Club July 5, 12, 19 and 26 (Thursdays from 10 am to 3 pm) Our Kids Summer Service Club is an opportunity for 3rd, 4th and 5th graders to learn, serve, pray and play together. Service projects include visiting nursing homes, sorting clothes for a foster care organization, doing yard work or other acts of service. We conclude our day of service with a picnic lunch and swimming at a local pool. Be watching our social media and your email inbox for information on how to register your children. Kids should bring a sack lunch each week, along with a towel, swimsuit, sunscreen and $4 for the cost of swimming. We’ll meet in the Fellowship Hall at 10 am and kids will be picked up by their parents at a designated Joplin City swimming pool at 3 pm. We also need parents to serve on a rotation of sponsors/van drivers. Please let us know if you can serve in this meaningful way!

Maranatha Bible Camp Children attending Maranatha Bible Camp with CHCC must register using chjoplin.org/register. Please do not use the camp website. Beginners Camp (K/1st Grade) — Saturday, July 14 $37 if paid in full by June 18 $52 if paid after June 18 *An adult sponsor is required to attend with their child Junior Camp (5th Grade) — July 15-18 $158 if paid in full by June 18 $183 if paid after June 18 Kids Camp (2nd/3rd/4th Grades) — July 19-21 $114 if paid in full by June 18 $139 if paid after June 18

Check our social media and website for summer pop-up activities for all ages! www.chjoplin.org/children

Safety Procedures The safety and security of your children are important to us! We ask that you keep you and your child’s ID bracelets on all week, as it will be easy for you to keep track of them on your wrists. If you are unable to personally pick up your child, please take a photo of your wrist band and text it to the person who will be picking up your child. We will compare security numbers of the child’s bracelet with the adult picking them up to ensure safety. Thank you for your cooperation in helping check-out go smoothly and safely! FYI: Background checks are completed for all volunteers over the age of 18. VBS volunteers receive training in safety procedures regarding fire, tornado and armed intruder. VBS Department Leaders for each area are trained in what to do in case of emergency. We also have a trained Security Team on the premises.

You are Invited! We’d love for you to join us every week at College Heights! We have programming for all ages! Babies, toddlers, preschool/kindergarten and elementary children are loved and welcomed at CH Kids. We take humbly and joyfully the honor of helping kids grow in their knowledge of and love for Jesus. Contact us for more information about our ministry to children and families! Ann Wolfe

Garrett Holle

Renee Hazlewood

Children’s Minister awolfe@chjoplin.org (417) 624-6915 x130

Elementary Associate Minister gholle@chjoplin.org

Early Childhood Associate Minister rhazlewood@chjoplin.org

(417) 624-6915 x136

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