Spice April 2014

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April 2014



Heights Christian Church


Ladies, I have often thought how blessed we are as a church and community to have Ozark Christian College as a part of our city. The heritage of the school’s faithfulness to challenge and educate students for Christian service and leadership is exemplary. The professors’ brains ooze with knowledge (I can say that because I’m married to one of the them. ) OCC always welcomes us to participate in their high quality conferences, conventions and chapel services as well as use their library and bookstore. However, there is a distinct disadvantage of living in the same town as OCC. Yes, you read that right: it’s can be a disadvantage. Since we live in the same town, we feel the pull of family obligations and work schedules, so we sometimes fail to attend the great conferences that are right in our ‘backyard’. How I would LOVE to take a bus-load of ladies to the Women’s Conference coming in April, attend all the main sessions and great workshops, be challenged and encouraged in my walk with the Lord, stay in a hotel, and just have some girl-time. Yet there is an advantage! We don’t have to pack our suitcase, sleep on a lumpy bed in a smelly hotel, listen to other ladies snore, or eat fast food. We can work a full day on Friday and still enjoy an amazing weekend with precious ladies. May I suggest that you plan now to attend at least one of the main sessions; if not the whole weekend. I can guarantee that you will be blessed. (Many ladies from CH do attend, but if you want to sit as a group, I’ll be in the balcony - left center.) Bring a friend and come sit with me! ~ Carol Bowland

Ministry 60th Women’s Conference April 11-12 Ozark Christian College Featuring Guest Speakers:

Julie Gariss, Katie Gariss Marsh, Megan Gariss & Gladys Frump

For more details go to: occ.edu/womensconference or pick up a conference flyer at the Information Center on Sunday. Open to ALL ladies. No registration fee. Saturday banquet $8 with Gladys Frump. You may purchase banquet tickets on Friday, the 11th.

For more information regarding women’s ministry at College Heights Christian Church, contact Carol Bowland at 417.624.6915 x301 ~ cbowland@chjoplin.org ~ 4311 E Newman Rd, Joplin, MO 64801

Our God is Enough The College Heights Women in Ministry team continually does an excellent job in preparing retreats for women. We look forward each year to the fellowship with one another and being encouraged in our walk with God. This year at the Getaway, Julie St. Clair reminded us that God is ENOUGH. Second Peter 3:8-9 says, “But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day. The Lord is not slow in keeping His promise, as some understand slowness. Instead He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.” Peter writes about being patient with God and that sometimes His timing is not our timing. We have to remember that in our crazy lives, God is giving us what we need to be free in Him. He is Enough. Ladies, because we allow ourselves to be so busy and pulled in so many different directions, it is difficult for us to be patient, to wait on God and to realize that He is Enough. 1 John 4:10 says, “This is love: not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.” God loves us so much that He sent His only Son to die for all our sins! God is “ENOUGH”! Plans are being made for next spring’s Getaway. Watch for details so you can join us. I promise it will be a weekend to remember. ~ Marci Evans

Let’s Do Lunch - Thursday, April 17

11:30 - 1 PM

Woody’s Smokehouse 25124 DeMott on Hwy 171 across from Stone’s Corner Pharmacy Come & go as your schedule allows. We would love to see you! All ladies are welcome! This is a time to get to know other CH Ladies!

Nurse’s Notes

What’s a Stroke? A stroke occurs when something interrupts the blood flow to the brain. Interrupting blood flow to the brain robs the brain of oxygen and nutrients it needs to function. Unless blood flow is restored, brain cells will die. Stroke is the fourth leading cause of death in the US and the number one cause of disability. Minutes matter when it comes to a stroke. If you or a loved one is having any of the following signs or symptoms call 911 immediately.  Weakness or numbness on one side of the body  Difficulty speaking, finding words, slurring, or comprehending  Severe headache  Loss of vision in one eye, double vision  Loss of balance or dizziness  Confusion Fact obtained from the ASA, American Stroke Association 2013

Marci Evans RN, MSN What Can You Do To Help Prevent A Stroke?  Blood pressure control  Activity and exercise  Not smoking  Healthy eating Stroke Warning Signs: think F.A.S.S.T.  Face: does the face look uneven?  Arm: does one arm drift down?  Speech: does their speech sound strange?  Sight: is there a sudden loss of vision?  Time: don’t waste time, act fast, call 911.

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