Advent Guide 2014

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Humanity is forgetful. We lose our keys, misplace the checkbook, and forget that special anniversary or birthday way too often. We forget. Even when we say we won’t, we do. Luckily, God knows this about us and gives us ways of jogging our memory. In the Old Testament, God gave His people feasts and festivals to celebrate and remember each year where He had brought them, what He had saved them from, and who He had saved them for. Why? Because we have spiritual amnesia. Advent is one of the ways we can remember the work of God in our life. Welcome to the journey. Advent comes from the Latin word aventus which means “coming.” This Latin word is the translation of the Greek word parouisa which is commonly used to refer to the Second Coming of Christ in the New Testament. This is the twofold perspective and purpose of Advent: 1) to prepare and anticipate the coming of the babe, Jesus, heir of David’s throne and promised Messiah, 2) to be on alert for the Second Coming of the Son of God, Jesus, King of Kings and Lord of Lords. During Advent we recall the history of God’s people and reflect on the fulfillment of the prophecies and promises of the Old Testament. We are reminded of God’s faithfulness to His word.


This booklet is a guide on the journey toward Christmas. Read each of the Scripture passages with the Advent season in mind. As you read them, reflect on how Jesus’ first and second coming are present in the Scriptures. Learn. Pray. Do. During the Christmas season we are susceptible to selfishness. In the midst of the busy-ness, it is easy for us to turn our attention inward to our own wants, families, and comfort. Are these things wrong? Of course not. But in Advent we approach the Christ-child and what His coming portrays. We realize this is an opportunity to see outside of ourselves and enter another world. Just like He did. Each week, there are three challenges to help us look outside of ourselves during this time of year: Learn. College Heights has many partnering ministries in various parts of the world. Take time to learn how they are engaging the world with the presence of Christ. Pray. Once you have been informed about each ministry partner, take time to pray for them during this week. Do. Review the challenge for each week. Ask God to give you the courage and strength to accept the challenge that is given.

Week 1

Readings & Devotion Candle 1 The first candle is purple. Purple is the traditional color associated with Advent and is displayed on 3 of the 5 candles. It is often the color associated with grief or mourning. This is appropriate for the season because there is a deep longing and grief that is expressed in the anticipation of the Savior. Without the Savior, we wait in our grief over sin, all the while longing and yearning for someone to rescue us. Hope is the great catalyst for perseverance in the life of a Christian, and during Advent, we anticipate both the first and second coming of Jesus. It is our hope now that Jesus will come again, this time to make all things new and to destroy death forever. Theme in a Sentence We eagerly await the arrival of a Savior to save us from ourselves and from sin. Readings Psalm 80:1-7,16-18; Isaiah 64:1-9; 1 Corinthians 1:3-9; Mark 13:24-37 Prayer Almighty God, give us grace to cast away the works of darkness, and put on the armor of light, now in the time of this mortal life in which your Son Jesus Christ came to visit us in great humility; that in the last day, when he shall come again in his glorious majesty to judge both the living and the dead, we may rise to the life immortal; through him who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.

Daily Readings Monday Psalm 1, 2, 3; Isaiah 1:10-20; 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10; Luke 20:1-8 Tuesday Psalm 5, 6; Isaiah 1:21-31; 1 Thessalonians 2:1-12; Luke 20:9-18 Wednesday Psalm 119:1-24; Isaiah 2:1-11; 1 Thessalonians 2:13-20; Luke 20:19-26 Thursday Psalm 18:1-20; Isaiah 2:12-22; 1 Thessalonians 3:1-13; Luke 20:27-40 Friday Psalm 16, 17; Isaiah 3:8-15; 1 Thessalonians 4:1-12; Luke 20:41--21:4 Saturday Psalm 20, 21:1-14; Isaiah 4:2-6; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18; Luke 21:5-19

Learn. Pray. Do. Learn Learn more about these ministry partners who are bringing HOPE to those rescued out of human trafficking: • Blackbox International— • Rapha House— Pray • Pray for the rescue and restoration of victims of trafficking and slavery. • Pray for the two boys that are about to enter the Blackbox home. • Pray for Blackbox to find a second safe and secure house. • Pray for the house parents at the Blackbox and Rapha homes to provide comfort and a sense of family with supernatural love and patience. • Pray for the Rapha safe house in Haiti. In the past 2 weeks since they have been open, already 11 girls have been brought to their safe house. • Most of all, pray that they will find their true rest, healing, and hope in Christ! Do • Host a “Freedom Event” to help raise awareness and funds for Rapha House. Find more information at • Volunteer with Rapha House in their home office in Joplin. Call Angela Foster for volunteer opportunities at 417.621.0373. • Laron Simpson wrote a fun Christmas song with a portion of the proceeds going to Blackbox. Help by downloading the song. album/christmas-dream-single/id591005572. • Donate good tools to Blackbox to help equip the rescued boys with good vocational training. • Serve Blackbox and Rapha in the most powerful way: commit to pray for the boys and girls everyday during Advent.

Week 2

Readings & Devotion

Candle 2 The second candle is also purple. This week we mourn and long for the coming peace of the Messiah, Jesus. The world we live in is violent and chaotic, and without Jesus’ presence, it will never be at rest. We eagerly await the coming of the Prince of Peace, who restores the order that God the Father first created the universe in. Theme in a Sentence Christ comes to be the Prince of Peace in the midst of our violent and chaotic world. Readings Psalm 85:1-2,8-13; Isaiah 40:1-11; 2 Peter 3:8-15a; Mark 1:1-8 Prayer Merciful God, who sent your messengers the prophets to preach repentance and prepare the way for our salvation: Give us grace to heed their warnings and forsake our sins, that we may greet with joy the coming of Jesus Christ our Redeemer; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.

Daily Readings Monday Psalm 25; Isaiah 5:8-12, 18-23; 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11; Luke 21:20-28 Tuesday Psalm 26, 28; Isaiah 5:13-17, 24-25; 1 Thessalonians 5:12-28; Luke 21:29-38 Wednesday Psalm 38; Isaiah 6:1-13; 2 Thessalonians 1:1-12; John 7:53--8:11 Thursday Psalm 37:1-18; Isaiah 7:1-9; 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12; Luke 22:1-13 Friday Psalm 31; Isaiah 7:10-25; 2 Thessalonians 2:13--3:5; Luke 22:14-30 Saturday Psalm 30, 32; Isaiah 8:1-15; 2 Thessalonians 3:6-18; Luke 22:31-38

Learn. Pray. Do. Learn Learn more about these ministry partners who are bringing PEACE to those in need: • God’s Resort— • Central India Christian Mission— Pray • Pray that those in the God’s Resort area would get connected with the faith community there. • Pray for Jay and Julie St. Clair as they lead the God’s Resort ministry. • Pray that the God’s Resort residents believe God loves them, have healthy relationships, have freedom from their past, and protection from the devil. • Pray for boldness for the preachers who work with CICM. Pray that they will take every opportunity to speak about the peace of Christ. • Pray that those Christians who are being persecuted in India will rest in His peace and will be strengthened so they can remain faithful even under persecution. Do • Volunteer to help God’s Resort cleaning and painting apartments. • Donate tools to God’s Resort so they can maintain the property.


These are consistent with the “Missions” that they use in LaunchPad and LaunchPad Labs. • Hope: Believing that something good will happen. • Peace: Be calm and get along. • Joy: Happiness no matter what happens. • Love: Choosing to serve others and value them above myself. • Light: Helps us see our relationship with God.

Week 3

Readings & Devotion Candle 3 On the third Sunday of Advent, pink is added to the color scheme, representing the joy that comes with the nearness of the Savior’s arrival. Even the color itself represents a lifting of the grief and mourning portrayed by the darkness of the purple. Joy is found in the hearts of believers at the thought of God’s peaceful presence on earth in the form of a baby. Theme in a Sentence We rejoice in our coming King; it is not long before His arrival and reign are manifested before all the earth. Readings Psalm 126; Isaiah 61:1-4,8-11; 1 Thessalonians 5:16-24; John 1:6-8,19-28 Prayer Stir up your power, O Lord, and with great might come among us; and, because we are sorely hindered by our sins, let your bountiful grace and mercy speedily help and deliver us; through Jesus Christ our Lord, to whom, with you and the Holy Spirit, be honor and glory, now and for ever. Amen.

Daily Readings Monday Psalm 41, 52; Isaiah 8:16--9:1; 2 Peter 1:1-11; Luke 22:39-53 Tuesday Psalm 45; Isaiah 9:8-17; 2 Peter 1:12-21; Luke 22:54-69 Wednesday Psalm 119:49-72; Isaiah 9:8-17; 2 Peter 2:1-10a; Mark 1:1-8 Thursday Psalm 50; Isaiah 9:18--10:4; 2 Peter 2:10b-16; Matthew 3:1-12 Friday Psalm 40, 54; Isaiah 10:5-19; 2 Peter 2:17-22; Matthew 11:2-15 Saturday Psalm 55; Isaiah 10:20-27; Jude 17-25; Luke 3:1-9

Learn. Pray. Do. Learn Learn more about these ministry partners who are bringing JOY to children around the world: • Neighborhood Life House— • Lifted Up International— Pray • Pray for Katie Hargrove, the Director of Life House, and her volunteers to have the strength, wisdom, and compassion to share joy with the children and their families in north Joplin. • Pray for the families in that area to know Christ and to find joy in Him. • Pray for the community to grow stronger as families encounter Jesus this holiday season. That hearts would be stirred and neighbors would see who they can become through the help of God. • Pray for the leadership of Lifted Up International to have wisdom as they help bring people out of poverty and restore their dignity through micro-loans. • Pray for those who receive the micro-loans to not only have a better physical life, but to come to know Jesus and find the joy of eternal life. Do • Have you heard the story of Elizabeth, whose life completely changed with an $8 loan? Check it out at You can start a “Change for Change” jar. In just a short time, you could collect enough money to contribute toward a micro-loan through Lifted Up International to people in the most impoverished places. • Join Life House on Tuesday evenings at 7:30 to pray with volunteers and community members for the work and the needs of the community. • Donate paper towels, toilet paper, soap, hand sanitizer, and styrofoam cups and plates to keep Life House stocked for kids programming and their kids happy and healthy!

Week 4

Readings & Devotion Candle 4 We eagerly await the arrival of the babe, Jesus. Because God sent His Son into the world we know what love is. The lyrics to the song, “O Holy Night” remind us of God’s love in the sending His Son: Humbly He lay, Creator come as creature Born on the floor of a hay-scattered stall True Son of God, yet bearing human feature He entered earth to reverse Adam’s fall In towering grace, He laid aside His glory And in our place, was sacrificed for sin Fall on your knees, O hear the gospel story! O night divine, O night when Christ was born! Theme in a Sentence We remember that God showed His love among us by sending us His Son. Readings Psalm 89:1-4,19-26; 2 Samuel 7:1-11,16; Romans 16:25-27; Luke 1:26-38 Prayer Purify our conscience, Almighty God, by your daily visitation, that your Son Jesus Christ, at his coming, may find in us a mansion prepared for himself; who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.

Daily Readings Monday Psalm 61, 62; Isaiah 11:1-9; Revelation 20:1-10; John 5:30-47 Tuesday Psalm 66, 67; Isaiah 11:10-16; Revelation 20:11--21:8; Luke 1:5-25

Learn. Pray. Do. Learn Learn more about these ministry partners who are showing LOVE to those who are lost and alone: • Watered Gardens— • Life Choices— Pray • Pray that the staff and volunteers at Watered Gardens are filled with compassion and grace. • Pray that those who come to Watered Gardens will experience God’s love. • Pray for the staff and volunteers at Life Choices that they can reflect God’s love to those who come in the clinic. • Many of the clients at Life Choices come from very broken homes. Pray that there will be people in their paths who will help them learn to be good parents. Do • Watered Gardens has many ways you could serve: office and computer work, running errands, sorting donations, preparing food, general cleaning, and maintenance. Call 417.623.6030 to find out how you can help! • Donate diapers and baby clothes for the gift baskets that go to parents who have chosen to keep their babies.

Psalm 89:1,2 Lord, I will sing about your great love forever. For all time to come, I will tell how faithful you are. I will tell everyone that your love stands firm forever. I will tell them that you are always faithful, even in heaven itself.

Christmas Eve

Readings & Devotion Candle 5 On Christmas Eve, the white candle is lit, representing the pure Lamb of God who is the light of the world. We celebrate that the world of darkness has now been illuminated by the presence of God in Jesus. It is this light that God has now poured out on us, that we may shine in the darkness around us. Readings Psalm 45, 46; Isaiah 59:15b-21; Philippians 2:5-11; Luke 1:67-80 Prayer O God, you have caused this holy night to shine with the brightness of the true Light: Grant that we, who have known the mystery of that Light on earth, may also enjoy him perfectly in heaven; where with you and the Holy Spirit he lives and reigns, one God, in glory everlasting. Amen.

Philippians 2:5-11 In his very nature he was God. But he did not think that being equal with God was something he should hold on to. Instead, he made himself nothing. He took on the very nature of a servant. He was made in human form. He appeared as a man. He came down to the lowest level. He obeyed God completely, even though it led to his death. In fact, he died on a cross. So God lifted him up to the highest place. He gave him the name that is above every name. When the name of Jesus is spoken, everyone’s knee will bow to worship him. Every knee in heaven and on earth and under the earth will bow to worship him. Everyone’s mouth will say that Jesus Christ is Lord. And God the Father will receive the glory.

Christmas Day

Readings & Devotion Daily Reading Psalm 97; Isaiah 62:6-12; Titus 3:4-7; Luke 2:1-20 Prayer O God, you make us glad by the yearly festival of the birth of your only Son Jesus Christ: Grant that we, who joyfully receive him as our Redeemer, may with sure confidence behold him when he comes to be our Judge; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.

Luke 2:15-20 Then the shepherds said to one another, “Let’s go to Bethlehem. Let’s see this thing that has happened, which the Lord has told us about.” So they hurried off and found Mary and Joseph and the baby. The baby was lying in the manger. After the shepherds had seen him, they told everyone. They reported what the angel had said about this child. All who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them. But Mary kept all these things like a secret treasure in her heart. She thought about them over and over. The shepherds returned. They gave glory and praise to God. Everything they had seen and heard was just as they had been told.

TItus 3:4-7 But the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared. He saved us. It wasn’t because of the good things we had done. It was because of his mercy. He saved us by washing away our sins. We were born again. The Holy Spirit gave us new life. God poured out the Spirit on us freely because of what Jesus Christ our Savior has done. His grace made us right with God. So now we have received the hope of eternal life as God’s children.

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