Advent guide 2017 kids

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FAMILY DEVOTIONS This year, we have created a set of family devotions that focus on the different characters within the story of the birth of the Christ, as well as the traditional Advent themes of Hope, Peace, Joy and Love. You will also notice that we have incorporated a time of coloring into the family devotions, and we suggest to tie in the Build-aNativity activity with the devotions. This provides you with an opportunity to color the different pieces for your Nativity set, and to have some conversation about each of the characters as you color them each week.

These devotionals are written so they can be used by children of all ages (and adults as well), and we believe you’ll find questions and discussion topics in each of the devotionals that will work for your children, no matter the age. At the same time, we invite you to feel free to tweak the content and questions to work for your family. Each devotion consists of the elements below. We invite you to take a look at the devotionals, and see what you think will work best for your family. Scripture: The scripture for each week is just a few verses, and walks you through the story of Jesus’ birth from Luke 2:1-20. Reflection: A brief reflection is offered for each of the scripture texts. It might make sense for you to read this section to your family, or you may just want to read it for yourself, and see what question(s) or theme(s) might resonate best with your children and family. Discussion: This is a chance for some discussion for your family. Since we love coloring here at Illustrated Children's Ministry, we find that often some of the best conversations happen while coloring and doing something creative together as a family. We suggest this is a great opportunity to color the week’s set pieces of the Build-a-Nativity activity, or the included coloring sheets. Activity: Based on the scripture and discussion, the weekly activity gives you a chance to actually put into practice what you are learning and talking about each week. We’d love to hear about your experiences with the activities, so please remember to share with us some of the creative activities your family does.

Prayer: Finally, each week’s devotion ends with a short prayer that you can say, or invite your children to repeat after you. This is a simple ritual that can end your family’s weekly devotional time. © 2016 Illustrated Children's Ministry. All rights reserved. May be reproduced for family and local use only, provided each copy carries this notice.

December 3

WEEK 2: PEACE & MARY and JOSEPH Suggested date: December 4 December 10

SCRIPTURE: Luke 2:6-7 While they were there, the time came for her to give birth. She gave birth to a son, her firstborn. She wrapped him in a blanket and laid him in a manger, because there was no room in the hostel.

REFLECTION Today we add Mary and Joseph to the nativity scene. They’ve come on a long journey and Mary’s been very pregnant. They finally find a place to rest for the night, but they are alone – except maybe for some animals in the stable – when Jesus is born.

Think about that: the whole world changes in a very small, tucked-away moment. With whatever is happening outside, in the street, or further away in the city, there is this moment of peace that happens for these people who have nowhere else to go. In our world today, many people are forced to make long journeys in search of a safe place to be. Often it is difficult for them to find rest and safety. Moments of fear and chaos can be more common than moments of peace. Give thanks that Mary and Joseph found a safe place, and a moment of peace, and say a prayer that all people on difficult journeys would find the same.

DISCUSSION As you color the set pieces for this week, talk together: •

In our Scripture for today, Mary wraps the baby Jesus in a blanket, offering him peace by letting him know he is safe and loved. What helps you feel at peace?

Have you ever seen someone make peace – maybe at your school, or in your neighborhood, or at your church? What do people do to make peace nearby? What do they do to make peace far away? Share stories about this with each other.

How can you create peace this Advent – for yourself? For your family? For your community? For the world?

© 2016 Illustrated Children's Ministry. All rights reserved. May be reproduced for family and local use only, provided each copy carries this notice.

December 17

December 24

December 25

December 3 December 10 December 17 December 24 December 25

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