Spice June 2013

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June 2013

A Colorful Flag of Faith “But you have raised a banner for those who fear you —a rallying point in the face of attack.” —Psalm 60:4 Colorful flags were first used, not to symbolize a country or a cause, but to identify the position of the commander in the midst of a battle. From a distance, soldiers had no other way of knowing the position of their leader, so the colors had to be bold, the design unmistakable. They followed the flag in the chaos of the fight; and if the flag were to ever fall, they knew the battle was lost. There are times in life when we feel we are amid the chaos of a battle. Tests, challenges, and pressures can come at us from all sides. Surrender and retreat may feel imminent. Like soldiers, we need a flag to follow—a symbol of the presence of our divine leader unfurled and raised high above our battlefield. It’s the one flag that gives us courage. The one flag that inspires hope. The one flag that never falls. The one flag that beckons us to fight for our healing, our deliverance, our victory in Christ. This flag of God is firmly planted in our lives where we can see it. Emblazoned with the Cross of Christ and displaying every color of God’s beauty and majesty, this banner of love leads us forward through the battles of life. As we keep our eyes fixed and follow our Leader, the colors of our own faith are developed. Our own colorful flag of faith is created, which we then display to the world. Perhaps some yellow for new-found joy, purple for accepting our worthiness through Jesus, or red for offering forgiveness. Our faith colors are the same bright and bold colors of God, our Commander, and can also beckon others to join us in following Him. Take a moment today and think about it…what are the colors of your flag of faith?


THE WORD “Consider it a sheer gift, friends, when tests and challenges come at you from all sides. You know that under pressure, your faith-life is forced into the open and shows its true colors. So don’t try to get out of anything prematurely. Let it do its work so you become mature and welldeveloped, not deficient in any way.” —James 1:2-4 (The Message)

In This Issue Testimonies - Battle or Blessing? Rose Fish Pg 2 Sandra Abernathy Pg 2 Susan Peterson Pg 2 Daughter’s Testimony Francene Snell Pg 3 Prayer Corner Pg 4 New CHCC Author Pg 4 WIM Calendar Pg 5

June 2013 | Page 2

Think Pink Pink is the chosen color for Breast Cancer Awareness, and June is a wonderful time to break out everything pink in honor of the women in your life who have survived or been recently diagnosed with breast cancer. June 2, 2013 is the official National Breast Cancer Survivors Day, but any day is a good day to celebrate with survivors or offer support to those in the midst of treatment. We have asked several women of College Heights to share their stories of their battle with cancer. Some of the testimonies are from the women themselves, or the daughters of cancer survivors, some with scriptures that got them through the tough times. These ladies have kept their eyes focused on God's 'banner' and have been reminded of His great love, His provision, and His comfort. We can learn much from our sisters.

Testimonies of God's Faithfulness - through the battle (blessing) of cancer “He is faithful and His love in infinite” We all have our story. We never know how suddenly that story can change. I will never forget the news of my breast cancer; you think it will never happen to you. It is very hard to grasp. But through six surgeries and 4 Chemo treatments in less than a year I found how faithful my God is and how he cares for me. He (along with my wonderful husband) showed me that He is always faithful and that His love is infinite, giving us what we need at the precise moment. I was still able to go to South Padre Island to be with my son and his family, continuing on to Mexico to visit my daughter inbetween two surgeries. The school where my daughter was teaching English allowed her to come back with us for my mastectomy. The fact that she was present for my second surgery was a blessing for both of us. After I finished my chemo treatments, I was also blessed to be able to visit my father in Arizona shortly before he passed away. When he died, I was actually in the hospital for another surgery. I was so happy that I had made the trip to visit him the previous month. I am a cancer survivor of 4+ years. I couldn’t have gone through it without my Lord by my side. He is good, all the time! ~ Rose Fish

---------------------------------------------------------“Peace in the midst of my journey” This is a scripture that a good friend read to me, this passage sustained me and gave me peace in the midst of my journey. “Don’t worry about anything, instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need and thank Him for what he has done.” “Keep putting into practice all you learned and the God of peace will be with you.” Philippians 4:6,9 NLT I was fortunate to avoid chemo and radiation, but used Aromasin to stave off further breast cancer. And it worked! My Oncologist informed me it not because my mother died of breast cancer, but a result of my taking Prempro for 9 years. ~ Sandra Abernathy

“…if not for cancer” It has been a little over a year since my diagnosis of Stage 3C cancer. I knew I would be facing a year of treatment; surgery, radiation and chemotherapy. What I didn't know then was what a gift cancer would turn out to be. I determined early on, that whatever the outcome, I wanted to bring honor to God in the journey. I have discovered so much about the heart of the Father. He asked us to trust, in every circumstance, no matter how difficult or painful. But not just trust, but to give thanks. I believe He leans in when we acknowledge Him for who He IS. I am still amazed at every need met, witnessing a chemo clinic becoming a place of worship, laughter and lunch with my daughter on chemo day. Looking forward to 'chemo-daygifts' from my grandkids, volunteer drivers for daily Springfield trips for weeks, the tenderness, comfort and care from my Dale on those dark days of pain and overwhelming fatigue. The stories and the memories go on and on. So many blessings I would have missed, if not for cancer. ~ Susan Peterson Editor note: Although Susan’s cancer was endometrial; her words still ring true and give us hope and encouragement.

June 2013 | Page 3 A Daughter's Testimony Sweet Sixteen~ school dances, driver’s license, a boyfriend, red roses… It was the spring of 1983, a season sunny, fragrant, and full of happiness. My mom had finished sewing my white eyelet formal. The small purple rose buds seemed to dance with anticipation across the material. It was a normal day. I was helping mom unload groceries. It seemed to always happen when we unloaded groceries. The conversation would turn from “what’s for lunch” to “we need to talk.” My mom had found another lump in her breast. This time it seemed different to her than before. Fear, sadness, rainy days of gray, cancer… We barely fit in her double-occupancy room. The lady in the next bed was trying to hold down a gallon of liquid for her medical tests the next morning. It wasn’t going well. We stood there: my dad, sister, brothers, in-laws, and friends trying to make sense of the befuddling information. It wasn’t as if we didn’t understand the words of cancer and chemotherapy, but we couldn’t sort through what this meant for the future. The room seemed very dark and airless. Chemotherapy, toilets, wigs, padded bras, tears… The anticipation of life became a millstone around our feet. Trips to Columbia, MO were not special outings; they were grueling treatments involving three types of chemotherapy followed by fourteen days of pills. Each trip, mom would come home vomiting and would only find relief for a few days before the process would begin again. I talked to her most frequently through the bathroom door. The only thing we could plan on in life was that this would be our routine for two years. Mom cried often. Her double mastectomy had also left her uncertain. Her doctor joked that now she could go topless like a man. I didn’t think it was funny. Her days were filled with tears, sickness, a wig and bra fittings. She told us we needed to prepare for the worst. Death, life, guilt, love… My grandma died that spring and my nephew was born, all of this within weeks of my mother’s surgery. I didn’t know from moment to moment whether I should laugh or cry. I didn’t know if there would be a normalcy to our family any more. I didn’t know if my mom would live. I didn’t know if my dad would ever smile again. I didn’t know… Seventeen~ my golden year We were half way through my mom’s treatments when I turned 17. It was my golden year since I turned 17 on the 17. I began to anticipate sunshine again. My mom's trips to Columbia were part of our lives now. A little extra help here and there would get her through the worst days. Dad and Mom seemed to dream of the future. We celebrated holidays as a family. The bleakness of 1983 was being trampled down to provide a fertile landscape for 1984. There was hope. Sunshine, heritage, faithfulness… Spring of 2013: as my daughter and I picked through my old prom dresses in search of a “costume” for an upcoming musical, I unfolded my eyelet and rosebud dress. I explained to Antonia that my mom made that for me my Sophomore year of high school, my first official date with this silly boy named Jeff Snell (my future husband and her father). I had to chuckle. 1983 may not have been a sweet sixteenth year for me, but it was rich. I witnessed my dad’s faithful devotion to my sick mother. I experienced first-hand how families sacrifice for the well-being of another. We received endless acts of love from our church family, friends, and extended family. Ultimately, I knew that God heard my cries for comfort and help. His love for me was so obvious and real that I could literally reach and touch it. It was 30 years ago this spring. My mother is a cancer survivor. It has never reoccurred, though she has had many surgeries to undo the damage of the chemotherapy. She and my dad will celebrate their 60th anniversary later this year. They have experienced much sunshine in their lives. If there was a word to sum up those two years in my teenage life, I would say ‘faithfulness’ would describe them best. It was “renewed every morning.” (Lamentations 3:21-23) ~ Francene Snell

June 2013 | Page 4 Women’s Prayer Ministry Since the fall of last year a faithful group of women have met and have dared to dream, pray and strategize to begin an effective WOMEN’S PRAYER MINISTRY at College Heights. We believe God calls us to commit ourselves to pray for the Church, our ministers and leaders, our children, our outreach and protection from the devil’s schemes. Over the next few months you will hear about opportunities for you to become a PRAYER PARTNER. It is our desire to involve more women, bless more people and grow more people for Jesus Christ and His Kingdom. We believe a praying church is a healthy church. Join us in praying for the development of this ministry and search your heart as to becoming a part of this Ministry. “Always work enthusiastically for the Lord, for you know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless.” 1 Corinthians 15:58 ~ Corky Nelson


An Author in our Midst Two years ago, the monstrous Joplin tornado carved its way across our region. Like almost every family in the area, we found ourselves in its grip. “Butterflies at the Window” is a novel based on our family’s true experiences and the mysterious “butterfly people stories” that followed. Dedicated to tornado survivors and volunteers, (and now especially to the Oklahoma towns just beginning their recovery) it is available on Amazon.com, either eBook or hard copy, or you can pick it up locally at The Source College Heights Book Store. I hope you’ll check it out, and if you like it, tell your friends and write a review online. ~Sandi McReynolds Here is just a taste of the story: The date is May 22, 2011. Elly McConnell’s “very good” graduation day seems almost perfect when three enormous butterflies appear at her bedroom window. They are incredibly beautiful, almost other-worldly in their splendor; but when Elly, then her mother, then other members of the McConnell clan begin to see them in the most unlikely places; their presence begins to feel strangely ominous. And when they appear to be watching the family’s every move, it is hard to avoid a growing sense of foreboding. On this perfect spring day of high school graduations, could these exquisite creatures actually be harbingers of looming tragedy? Then a rare and massive EF5 tornado unexpectedly turns that perfect day dark and deadly. As the storm of the century bears down, can the McConnell family survive? And in the midst of unspeakable terror and devastation, could “children of the tornado” actually be seeing “butterfly people?”


A Taste of What’s Happening for Women




Save the Date August 17







Sat 1







WIM Kick-off -- Saturday Brunch



Ladies Bible Study 7PM Rollins Creek

MOPS Chick-fil-A Play Date 9:30 AM



(all ladies invited) Leader: Julie Gariss



Ladies Bible Study 7PM Rollins Creek








Ladies Bible Study 7PM Rollins Creek

MOPS Chick-fil-A Play Date 9:30 AM

Ladies Let’s Do Lunch 11:30-1:00 Woody’s

(all ladies invited) Leader: Julie Gariss









Stone’s Corner North Main, Joplin


Ladies Bible Study 7PM Rollins Creek

(all ladies invited) Leader: Julie Gariss

30 For More Information or Questions: cbowland@chcchurch.org 417-624-6915 x301 College Heights Christian Church 4311 E Newman Rd Joplin, MO 64801

YOUR WIM PLANNING TEAM:  Cheri Adcock adcockcircus@gmail.com  Carol Bowland cbowland@chcchurch.org  Dalenna Giles dgiles@chcchurch.org  Tiffany Fink o2bad@hotmail.com  Sandi McReynolds sanandmac@gmail.com  Leslie Neuenschwander leslijn@gmail.com  Donna Still donnastill@gmail.com  Melissa Tomko melissa.tomko@gmail.com

Design and base content © 2013 Group Publishing, Inc., Loveland, CO, group.com/women. Permission to photocopy granted for local church use only.

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