College Heights Communications Guidelines November 2017

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The basics.

Version: 11.1.2017

BRAND When we use the word “brand,” we don’t mean the logo. It is the visual expression and reflection of the church and the perception of the church in the minds of people in the community. The brand is created through every form of communication: business cards, internal publications, email blasts, signage, website, social media presence, and in many other ways as well. We haven’t yet arrived in the execution of a cohesive brand, but we are growing. The following guidelines are intended to be a starting point and framework in the development and implementation of the College Heights brand and not a source of ready-made solutions for every possibility. The brand guidelines allow for creativity and flexibility but care should always be taken to maintain cohesiveness and continuity.

OVERARCHING GUIDELINES “The ability to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak.” ~Hans Hofmann

• Clear. It’s not what you say; it’s what people hear. Remove distractions to simplify everything your audience sees or touches to help them effortlessly connect with Jesus and others. Eliminate the fluff and get to the point. And remember, clever does not equal clarity! Answer the essential questions: who, what, when, where, and how. • Well Done. If it’s worth communicating, it’s worth getting it right. When you’re trying to enhance the experience and harness the power of a message, details matter—up front and behind the scenes. Don’t let the details– misspelling, wrong info–distract from the meaning/main thing! • Guide. We use communication not as a final destination, but as an effective vehicle that helps people find their way from A to B. Help people navigate their way to what’s next in the process, not everything at once. This helps encourage people to personally interact with our volunteers and staff. • Whole. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts. We are a unified church working toward one common vision, not a federation of sub-ministries working for our own agenda and goals. We don’t strive to be fair, but rather appropriate based on scope. As much

as we love our community partners, church events and departments will take precedence over outside organizations. • Easy Access. Make it shorter, visual, specific, searchable, and unambiguous. Easy to find. Easy to use. Easy to share. Use universal language and avoid insider jargon (and acronyms). • Safe. If you have a photo that includes children, get a signed release form from a parent or legal guardian to use it online or in public. If you collect a child’s personal/contact information, you can only use it to contact the guardian of that child, but not the child himself. You cannot put that information anywhere public, online or otherwise. • Legal. Just because something is on the internet and downloadable doesn’t mean it is legal or ethical to use. If someone makes something (song, book, poem, film, photo, graphic, etc.) it belongs to them as long as it is original and “fixed” (exists in physical form somehow: written down or can be seen on a computer, etc). In order to use what has been made and fixed, you must obtain permission, which is sometimes free (if the owner gives it), but, most of the time, the permission comes through a purchased license. When in doubt, call the Communications Team.

LOGO & TYPEFACE (FONT) Maintain the integrity of the logo.

Logo Use the official logo for the church and accompanying typeface: Gotham (which can be found on the Public drive at public/all church publicity/fonts and logos. The words “College Heights Christian Church” are set in Gotham. •

The church’s official identity (logo) should only be reproduced in either black or white.

Maintain original proportions. Don’t stretch or distort the logo.

Respect the logotype. Don’t change the typeface of the church name.

Don’t add content to the logo.

Maintain the logo integrity. Don’t manipulate the logos with colors, effects, reflections, or other additions.

Fonts While individual pieces of publicity may employ different typefaces, here are some general guidelines: •

Don’t use more than two typefaces (fonts) in printed material. This is a cleaner look and allows the content to speak.

A recommended typeface that complements Gotham but is more space efficient for content is Avenir (the typeface used for this document).

You can also find that in public/all church publicity/fonts and logos

Acceptable variations of our logo:



Church Name: When referring to the church, use either the full name, “College Heights Christian Church” or “College Heights.” (Not “CHCC.”)

Titles: Include staff titles to give people immediate identification and context. Don’t assume people know who a staff person is. Example: Logan Greer, Middle School Minister

Times & Dates: These should be written consistently and concisely. Use this format: time, day, date. Drop reference to year when appropriate. Use AM/PM, uppercase with no periods. Example: 1:00 PM, Tuesday, October 14.

Web: Use lowercase for all web addresses. Internet addresses should not be underlined. Drop www. Example:

Phone: The number should be separated by periods instead of dashes. Use lowercase “x” for an extension with no space. Always include the extension

for direct connection. Example: 417.624.8915 x335. •

Sentences: Choose active versus passive writing. Passive voice lowers the readability and clarity. Example: (Passive) The Chapel was destroyed by the ministers during their annual volleyball tournament. (Active) The ministers destroyed the Chapel and lost their jobs.

Wordiness: Avoid it. Eliminate unnecessary phrases and adjectives. If the sentence makes sense without it, take it out. Clear, concise writing style is preferred to wordy, flowery style. Example: (Wordy) At this point in time, our time schedules do not allow or permit further or additional work tasks. (Concise) Our schedules are full.

Hope not Hype: Avoid overselling an event. Is the event really “epic” or “awesome”? We lose our credibility when we misuse adjectives. Tell people what they will gain by attending your event or getting involved in your ministry.

OUR FILTER: FOUR COMMITMENTS MISSION STATEMENT: (Long Form) College Heights exists to make disciples of Jesus Christ who change the world, through the power of the Holy Spirit, to the glory of God.

We are challenging our congregation to accomplish our mission, “Making Disciples who Change the World”through our Four Commitments: PRAY, SPEAK, GROW, LOVE. These Four Commitments will be one of the primary filters we use in our communication. As individual departments operating as part of a larger family, we are all striving to fulfill the overarching mission statement and disciple the people in our areas of ministry in the Four Commitments. As you plan your publicity for your department, outreach, or event, look at it through these filters—does it spur people on to grow in one of the Four Commitments? If you can’t answer a clear “Yes” to that question, it doesn’t automatically mean it won’t get communicated. But it is a good prompt to evaluate your program or event in an effort to fold one or more of these commitments into it. You can find the Four Commitment logos in public/all church publicity/fonts and logos

(Short Version) Making Disciples Who Change the World


Pray about everything.


Speak the good news of Jesus’ love, rescue, and healing.


Choose God’s way, every day.


Love like Jesus.

PROMOTIONAL LAYERS Here is the filter we use to help promotion emphasis and methods. These are guidelines. Occasionally, there will be exceptions. Please remember: it is not that we don’t like you or value your ministry, we are simply trying to be good stewards of the voice of College Heights and her mission. 100% of congregation

~50% of congregation

<50%of congregation




audience Everyone




Applies to the whole congregation

Applies to 50% or more of the congregation

Targeted, based on location, lifestage, or confidentiality


Crafted and advocated by the Communications Team in collaboration with the ministry stakeholder.

Championed by the ministry stakeholder with the Communications Team providing coaching and resources, if needed.

Championed by the ministry stakeholder with the Communications Team providing coaching and resources, if needed.


(who makes it)

example • • • •

One Less Gift Sermon Series Easter Great Day of Service

Men’s & Women’s Retreats

• •

Lunch for Departmental Volunteers Age-Specific Programs Requests for donations for your ministry

most used outlets Website–home page

Website–home page, possibly Website–other pages

Website–other pages

Worship Guide

Worship Guide

Worship Guide, space permitting




Host Announcement

Host Announcement

Social Media

Social Media



The Loop

The Loop

The Loop

Ministry Catalog

Ministry Catalog

Ministry Catalog

Printed Banners

Printed Banners

Social Media

COMMUNICATION HOW-TO Use the handydandy forms at communications

We want to help you do what only you can do. So when it comes to communicating about your area of ministry, you generate the content. What we can do is help package and present your content in a way that communicates effectively and attractively. Like an art gallery curator, who arranges the displays in a logical manner in the best light and surroundings so they make sense in relation to the other art around it, we want to make your stuff look good and make sense with the larger message of the church. If you have requests of the Communications Team, we ask that you follow these guidelines: NOTES: Church-Wide Program/Event

12 weeks

e.g., Great Day of Service, One Less Gift

Ministry Program/Event

6 weeks

e.g., Men’s Retreat, Family Swim Party, High School Retreat

Worship Guide

2 weeks

These submissions should be made by a staff member

Website Updates

2 weeks

These submissions should be made by a staff member


4-6 weeks

If printed in-house, 4 weeks. If outsourced to a print shop, 6 weeks

Video Project

6 weeks

If it is a pre-produced video, it still must be approved by Josh Huckabay

Sign Up Counter

2 weeks

Included on the Communications Request Form


Did I enter this on the Church Calendar? The Communications Team can’t publicize your event until you do.

What do I want to happen as a result of my communication piece?

Who is my audience? How would they prefer to receive communication from me? Is the communication tailored to them? Am I answering the questions they would ask?

If it is digital, can it be read on a mobile device?

Is it easy for people to take action on this information?

Have I answered who, what, when, where and how? AND WHY? (Can you explain how it fits in to the vision of the church–”Making Disciples Who Change The World”?)

Is the most important information at the front or at the top?

What’s unnecessary? What can I cut?

Did I include the essential contact information?

Have I made arrangements for a photographer to take photos of the event so they can be used for followup and future publicity?

Have I contacted the Communications Team through the right channels in a timely manner?

Have I answered the question for my audience, “What’s in it for me?”

Have I sent this to be proofed for accuracy and context?

Have I used insider or churchy language? Would someone who is new to College Heights (or Christianity) be able to understand the words

and names used? Did you include titles with people’s names? (e.g., Josh Huckabay, Grand Worship Poobah) Did you include a tagline if your event name doesn’t readily give clarity? (e.g. PrimeTimers—Senior Adult Lunch)

SIGN UP COUNTER GUIDELINES We want to provide friendly, personal interaction with people who are interested in ministries and events at College Heights. To make the Sign Up Counter work best for everyone: •

SET UP Please set up before first service. We recommend 8:45 AM as there is a fair amount of traffic in the Atrium before first service–people who arrive early or are coming from the 8:30 AM Bible School classes.

Provide a staff person or volunteer who is knowledgeable about your event to work your area of the Sign Up Counter.

The volunteer(s) should to be present from 10:20 AM until 11:15 AM and from 12:25 PM until 12:45 PM (or until traffic has dissipated).

If you are taking registrations AND payments, it would be helpful to have two volunteers at the counter.

If you cannot have someone at the counter, you may request an announcement in the worship guide through the Minister or Administrative Assistant of your ministry and we can arrange for an online registration. Please feel free to talk to the Communications Manager if you would like to discuss other options.

We have iPads available to assist with registrations and payments. REQUESTS

There is an option on the Communications Request Form to request a space at the Sign Up Counter.

Please request your space at least two weeks in advance.

We can build an online registration form for you. Please contact the Communications Manager two weeks before it needs to go live.

If you need to take payments, we also have a Square available.

Behind the counter on the wall, monitors are available to display a graphic for your event. The Communications Manager will work with you to provide an appropriate slide on the screen behind your section of the counter.

If you have large props or need additional space (e.g., handing out t-shirts for Great Day of Service), please coordinate with the Communications Manager to work out an attractive display and efficient traffic flow.

MISC Help us keep this area clean and inviting. •

There is a cabinet available under the main counter for storage of personal items.

You may also use the closet directly behind the counter area if you have boxes or bags that are not being used.

Please keep the back counter clear of clutter, trash, and miscellaneous items.

If someone comes up to you (or your volunteer) with general questions about the church (or lost & found or Discover College Heights, etc.), please direct them to the Next Steps Kiosk (the counters in the middle of the Atrium).

Of course we all want to make a great first impression and make our guests and attenders feel welcome. If you are working at the Sign Up Counter, SMILE! Take the initiative if someone approaches the counter or looks lost by asking, “How may I help you?”

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