Intersection April 2013

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April-May 2013

where truth, relationship, and service meet






CONTENTS How to Change the World {Sermon Series}


How To...Find Balance {Randy’s Top Ten}


College Heights...A Brief History


A Sponge and a Faucet


How To...Deal with Pain


Come Walk with Me {Marriage Retreats}


The Story: The Musical/Financial Update


Jesus Jam


The “S Word”




Summer Calendar


How To... Change the World What I want to do I don’t always do, not because of heart or intent, but because I really don’t know how! Many times I am frustrated because what seems easy to o t h e r s NEW SERMON SERIES does not STARTING IN APRIL s e e m so easy to me. So there I sit, a bit paralyzed, trying to figure out how to get started on the very thing I want to do. Our next sermon series, “HOW TO…,” will take seven big subjects in the book of Acts (ideas big enough to change the world) and teach us how to do those things. April 7 will begin with How To Mentor (Acts 15,16). We cannot change people’s lives if they are at arm’s length; we need to have deep, longinvesting, personal relationships. This is called mentoring. How do you do that? What do you say? What do you do? Or perhaps, how do you find someone who will mentor you?

Some of the other “How To” subjects we will look at are: • How to talk to someone about Jesus (Acts 17,18) • How to teach the Bible (at least the parts you know) to someone else (Acts 19) • How to know where God wants you to serve (Acts 20-22) • How to tell the story of God’s work in your life (Acts 23-26) • How to live your life so that you leave the legacy you want (Acts 27,28) Second Peter has this wonderful promise: “God will provide everything we need for life and godliness.” We need to know not just the what we ought to do, but how. The Scriptures are rich in modeling and teaching of the how. In April and May we will focus on the how and by June our lives can be just a bit more full and complete as we are being transformed to live like Jesus.


How to...Find Balance By Randy Gariss

RANDY’S TOP 10 AREAS WE NEED TO PAY ATTENTION TO So if I lived a whole life—a full and complete life, not a “piecemeal” one— what would it look like? A paraphrase of Stephen Leacock’s quote, “He flung himself from the room, flung himself upon his horse and rode madly off in all directions” is the metaphor of our day. But I don’t want to live by crisis, I don’t want to play for the crowd, I don’t want to hop on the merry-go-round of fads…I want to hear His applause. I want to live the life of a wise man. I want to be a person of substance, not of shadow. The following areas would appear to be the things I am accountable for in the sight of God. And each would seem to be essential— to leave behind even one of them would be to leave behind the life of wisdom. To leave even one behind would spoil the rest.

1. A Heart of Worship

We were made for intimacy with God. In all of creation we are the only thing that was “made in His image.”

To be a human being means to love Him, follow Him, pursue Him, know Him… anything else is to lose both Him and ourselves. Micah 6:8 “What is required of you? It is this…to walk humbly with your God.” This is far more than simply having daily devotions or a prayer time; it is to anchor my life to the conviction that “I am the sheep of His pasture”, and “He is my shepherd.” It is this truth that will drive every other aspect of my life.

2. A Handful of Godly Friends

We are told to be the “companions of the wise.” Even if you are Elijah and can raise the dead and call down fire from heaven…the absence of godly companions will be part of the reason you are weeping in the desert and so discouraged you want to die. It was Elisha who plays a key role in Elijah’s finishing strong. It is Jonathan and “David’s mighty men” who explain much about David. Needing friends is not a personality trait; it is a core component. Recently in a conversation with a tired and

discouraged veteran kingdom worker, I asked about close dear godly friends. The heartbreaking response was “I thought friendships were a luxury I had to give up.” But friendliness will not substitute for friends. Investing in friendship is a lifelong pursuit.

3. Faithfully Living Out Your Role in Your Family

We were born and will die in a

family. There is both privilege and responsibility in that. Whether you are 13, 33, or 93, there are vital roles that you must understand and embrace. God takes an incredibly serious view of this family thing! In Malachi, He will not accept their worship in His house because of what is happening in their houses. He calls their marriages “His”; regardless whose names are on the marriage license, the marriage


covenant is with Him. Peter tells men how to stop their prayer life with Him…just violate their role with their wife in their marriage. The tragedy of Eli in 1 Samuel is far more than about his sons. It is the tragedy of one who desires to advance the Kingdom, but neglects to do what is right in his own family.

it. But the wise do so and fools do not. When you make your list of spiritual things, sweat needs to go on the list. A question you must ask at the end of the day is, “Did I work hard?”

6. Rest

Why didn’t God design us so that we could “hot-sync” 20 minutes per night and be good for the next 24 hours? 4. Take Up the But not only did He create us with Towel and Basin Wisdom is your the need for sleep, for the Cause of perspective on life, your He even designed Christ sense of balance, your our week with one The horse wasn’t understanding of how day of rest. Mark made for the the various parts and Buchanan, author of stable; he was the The Rest of God principles apply and born to run—just warns that without as man was made relate to each other. enough rest you to serve his God. Steven R. Covey can’t even care about Peter was told, “If the things you care you love Me, then about. A heart will feed My sheep.” Paul says there are lose its way in exhaustion about as “good works that God has prepared easily as it does so in wickedness. In in advance for us to do.” Life doesn’t Mark 6:31, Jesus says to the disciples have enough trinkets and bobbles to “come away to a deserted place to rest ever substitute for this calling. “So awhile.” Rest—it is part of who we are. send I you,” Jesus said, to the lost sheep, to the saved sheep, to the wounded sheep, to the little ones, to the imprisoned ones, to the least of these. It’s there, He said, you will also find your life.

5. Work Hard & Enjoy Your Work

Work is a part of how God made us and precedes sin and the fall. In fact, Adam is at work even before he meets Eve. Solomon describes work as “a gift of God.” In Proverbs we are repeatedly reminded that the fool always struggles with work. There is no doubt work is an acquired taste, and one must stay at it long enough in order to discover the pleasure in

7. Solitude

It plays a significant role in the making of disciples. The examples of Abraham, Joseph, Moses, David, Elijah, Jeremiah, Paul, and others, show a pattern too obvious to ignore. Jesus set an example with His regular use of solitude. He teaches it as essential for prayer. Life lived in the middle of an eight-lane highway will cause the trivial and the important to all look alike. It is in solitude that we are able to sort out what we believe and what we value. Without it, life is puréed and lost.

8. Stewardship Body



Your soul and spirit are placed in this frail jar of clay called a body, the container that will house them all of the days you are on this earth. If your soul and spirit are to go anywhere on this soil, your body is the vessel that carries them, and it must last you to the end. To neglect its care is to destroy your ability to live life and do ministry. To neglect this stewardship due to a lack of self-discipline is to sabotage your future contribution to the Kingdom and the people you love.

the Psalms from David and Romans from Paul…what incredible variety. Have you noticed that God left no definite liturgy for worship? It is our creative nature that prevents worship (and everything else we do) from becoming rote, routine, and mechanical. Creativity is one of His sweetest gifts to us. Can we ever “perfectly balance” all of these? Of course not, but I know these are the things that I must advance today. No matter how high the demands of any one area, I am a fool if I long neglect the care of the whole.

9. Stewardship of Your Possessions

Multiple texts remind us that if you can’t be faithful with temporal things, you can’t be faithful with eternal things. The trash on the floorboard of the car, the unrepaired screen door, they are all indictments of an undisciplined life. Elisabeth Elliot, though blunt, was right: “Don’t tell me how much you’ll love and serve Jesus if you won’t discipline yourself enough to clean under your bed.”

10. Creativity

When God made us in His image He tore off a bit of His creative nature and gave us a piece. It explains art, music, books, and even why my father, though retired, still trains colts. It also explains


College Heights: A Brief History Left: The old Atlas Christian Church building

In 1950 there was a youth group at a church on the west side of Joplin that wanted a church bell for their congregation. They were told of an old abandoned church out east of Joplin that still had its bell, so they and their preacher went to procure it (yes, legally). But while there, nudged by God, they noticed there was a little community around this church, the community of Atlas. They wondered if this community didn’t need a church more than they needed a bell. The building wasn’t great, but it wasn’t bad either. It had hay stored in it, but if you could clean out the hay (and the raccoons) you might have a fine church. In 1951 the Atlas Christian Church was born. Ken Jenkins, one of our current College Heights members, was one of the first ones baptized. The Atlas Christian Church existed and served Christ until a new opportunity arose. Right: College Heights Christian Church in the early years

In the mid 1960s the state of Missouri decided to close Joplin Junior College and erected a new four-year state school to be called Missouri Southern State College (now MSSU). The Atlas church decided that God had given them an opportunity. Their neighborhood was now small; the needs to a new college and its students would be great. The Atlas church made the courageous decision to close down as Atlas, and to move three miles closer to town and reestablish itself as the College Heights Christian Church. In 1967 the new church and the new college got their start. The 40 to 50 people who made that decision would be so excited to see a church of thousands and a ministry to hundreds of college students. They had a vision of something that did not yet exist, but convinced that it was worth the risk they took the action. Probably a moral in there worth repeating; history teaches us much about the God who still leads.


A Sponge and a Faucet By Roger Lieb When it comes to growing in our faith, there are a great many resources at our fingertips. But do we take advantage of them? Did you know that each week there is a plan, a method we follow. Every Sunday morning is not a stand-alone event but part of a series and a broader purpose. What is preached on and what we study in class is not based on whims or current events. Rather, the intent of our Sunday morning experience is to take us from one position to another, from milk to meat, from being a sponge to being a faucet. The question is, “Am I taking advantage of what is being provided?” What do you see when you look back over the past couple of years at College Heights? Our journey began with “The Story” where we took a bird’s-eye view of God’s plan to save His people. We first saw this in the Old Testament as God established a covenant with His people. Then the New Testament shows us Jesus our Savior and the new covenant He established in our hearts, attitudes, and desires. Next we went through “A Year with Jesus” to understand who Jesus is and how His words affect our daily lives. Now we are presently in the book of Acts where we see the church in action after being in the presence of Jesus, each person doing their part to continue His ministry of reaching the world. It is a progression just like in school. We are meant to move forward, to excel, to change grades, and even to narrow our individual focus and major in our talents. The question is, “Am I progressing?” As our church leadership formulates plans to lead and guide the body and to help each person advance, we need to make sure we follow and do not hold ourselves back. That is the last thing any student in school wants, and it should be the last thing we as adults want as well. Be a sponge and soak it all up, but with the intention of pouring it all out like a faucet!

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How to... Deal with Pain By Greg Morrell


.S. Lewis said, “God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks to us in our conscience, but shouts in our pains: It is His megaphone to rouse a deaf world.” I have met very few people who actually enjoy pain. Most of us have sought out multiple ways of avoiding it at all costs. Much like Solomon in the Book of Ecclesiastes, we will try everything under the sun to deliver us from that internal sense of dissatisfaction—that pain—we are attempting to avoid. Solomon tried to fill that longing with money, power, relationships, food, drink, acquisition, hard work, and knowledge. He found none of it worked. You’ll remember him saying, “Meaningless, meaningless, it is a chasing after the wind.” Funny thing about old Solomon, though, is that he just kept moving from one temporary fix to another. When one thing stopped working, he tried something else. Sooner or later the next temporary solution would wear out and he would get uncomfortable again. Like Solomon, we find

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that there is pain associated with living this life. In the words of M. Scott Peck, “Life is difficult.” So our answer is usually to do what makes the pain go away. But our brain has already figured out lots of ways to do that that aren’t Jesus. Some of those ways look messier than others, some of them look really good, but the reality is that if our ways of dealing with pain involve a temporary fix, it isn’t God’s answer. So, somewhere along the line, most of us get stuck. And what we need isn’t a temporary fix for being stuck. We need a spiritual path that we can walk to get on track. That is where Celebrate Recovery comes in. Celebrate Recovery is a Christ-based approach to recovery aimed at all “hurts, habits, and hang-ups” including but not limited to drug and alcohol addictions, sex addiction, eating disorders, and people who have been sexually abused. It is a Christ-based program utilizing eith Recovery Principles that are based on the Sermon on the Mount. We offer a simple solution to put people on the path to living the way God intended us to live. We are happy to share this solution with anyone who is willing to take the first step.


Come Walk With Me Marriage Retreats By Kevin Klein & Rusty Hedger


he new book, Walk With Me, by Annie Wald features Peter and Celeste who choose to travel as one on the lifelong journey to the King’s City. Along the way they discover that the marital journey proves more difficult than they expected. The journey of marriage is certainly an epic passage that can be a refining process.

At our College Heights Marriage Retreats this spring, we based our teaching on this book, directed toward married couples walking their journey with Jesus together. We highlighted some of the help God provides as married couples find the challenges of marriage sometimes daily and difficult. We are not intended to walk this journey alone, so the King provides us helps. Things like special “gifts” to help us love each other better, “gathering huts” where travelers on the journey can find rest and encouragement, and the “guidebook” to give us the King’s instructions on life lived with Him and each other. “Guides” are another help. These are people along the route who have lived life and traveled a bit further down the road, who offer advice, guidance, and support. Guides are not just allegorical, but a real need in life and marriage. They take several forms – family, friends, ministers, home group leaders, Bible School teachers, etc. College Heights is increasing those guides for married life through Marriage Mentor training. Statistics indicate that over 80% of married couples in church would like to have mentors, but a very small percent have them. We recently completed marriage mentor training for six couples in our church family. They

Photos below are from our 2013 Spring Marriage Retreats.

have a great desire to use their life and marriage to bless couples who would like someone to talk with, ask questions of, and have an example to follow. We are excited about what Marriage Mentors can offer those walking together in marriage. They are eager to share their love for Jesus and for marriage with others. We would love to offer help to you as a couple as you walk with Him.

What they are saying about the retreats: “I really appreciated having a weekend to focus on our marriage. I feel closer to Jesus from this experience.” “A great time with lots of laughter. Definitely strengthened our marriage.” “I loved the retreat. We learned some valuable tools for our marriage. It was nice to be away without all the distractions and focus on our marriage.” “A great opportunity for older couples to connect with younger couples.” “It was a huge blessing to get away and work on our marriage and communication with a spiritual focus AND spend time with others during the process!”

If you think a Marriage Mentor couple would be a blessing to you please contact Rusty Hedger at ext.180


APRIL 20 & 21 6 PM

Have you ever found music that is so lifechanging, that you wanted to share it with everyone you know? That is how I feel about this year’s spring musical. It is God’s redemptive story presented in musical form. The Story begins in Genesis and shows us how God’s plan for redemption was worked out in His people. It ends in Revelation when we as His people are reunited with our Creator and Savior. The songs, the Scripture, and the narration have been profound in the lives of our Choir and Orchestra. We would like to invite you to come be a part of this amazing worship experience. The Story tells the grandest, most compelling story of all time: the story of a true God who loves His children, who established a way of salvation, and provided a route to eternity; and this same God is alive and active today – still listening, still acting, still pouring out His grace on us. Listen for God’s call on your life, as He helps you write your own story. God bless you and your Story, Tammy Nelson Choir Director

FINANCIAL UPDATE By Kevin Klein Our budget year runs from July through June. As we approach the final quarter of the budget year, thank you for your consistent and sacrificial giving. We will likely end the month in the black for the year-to-date giving target. Our expenses, as usual, are below our income due to the frugal and diligent work of our staff workers that manage their ministry budgets so well. Be in prayer for the College Heights leadership as they set the budget for the coming year and their continued financial wisdom. Thank you!


Come dance with us

“Under the Sea” A fun evening of dancing, entertainment, and games

In the Atrium Friday, April 26, 7-9 PM Dates to Remember April 7 & 14 Drop off your donations of formal dresses, ties, hats and jewelry at the Thru the Roof garage at 821 Sycamore April 20 Dress fittings at Thru the Roof

By Heather Wimsett April 26 is a big day for us at Thru the Roof! We have teamed with the high school and college age for Jesus Jam. This is a fun evening of dining and dancing providing a tangible way to connect our church to young adults with disabilities in our community. Many of these young people have never been to church or have not found a place within the church where they fit. This is an awesome opportunity to show them we care for them.

April 26 Jesus Jam! If you would like more information about Jesus Jam, please contact Heather Wimsett at 417 621-5471 or Molly Karing at 614-420-2704.

Thru the Roof exists to help people with disabilities and their families have the opportunity to find their place in God’s family.



The “S Word” By Titus Neuenschwander

Recently our students studied about the s-word on Wednesday nights. It’s really not a bad word. It can, however, be a hard word. We understand that we have to s-word to God. After all, He made us. He created us. He loves us. Life is hard, but most followers of Jesus can handle the s-word when it comes to God. So when is the s-word really hard? When we have to s-word to others, especially when we feel mistreated. When circumstances are unfair. When we get in trouble and the other person gets away free. When we don’t get what we want. When we are disappointed. So what’s the “s-word?” Brace yourselves. It’s the word submission. It means “to give over to the power or authority of another.” The very sound of it makes us want to stop reading this article. The Apostle Peter says to Jesus followers (adults and Jr. Highers) “submit to every authority for the Lord’s sake.” The bottom line is this: Live like Jesus who submitted to a corrupt court of law and was obedient

to death for his Father’s glory and for our sake. Submitting to God means submitting to others, even if we don’t like it, want it, need it, or appreciate it. Stinks bad, doesn’t it? Well, yes and no. We don’t like it, but the results can be powerful. Peter says by this humbling act unbelievers “may see your good deeds and glorify God.” Think of all the people who have some authority over Jr. Highers, who are near the bottom of the “authority food chain.” Practically everyone is telling a Jr. Higher what to do...parents, teachers, principals, over-eager hall monitors, grandparents, older siblings, policemen, grouchy mall security officers, and the list goes on and on. So how do you think Jr. Highers responded when asked to submit not only to God, but also to that long list of people in authority over them? Some apologized to their parents for not submitting to their guidance. Some wrote notes of apology to teachers. One student delivered a letter to his principal. One young man wrote a note of apology to his older brother. A young lady apologized to her grandma. One of our leaders wrote a note to his boss. Other students wrote notes of thanksgiving to parents and adults for caring enough to guide them. I hope we will all submit ourselves to people who have authority over us, even in unfair and frustrating circumstances. In this way, God will be honored and others will see His glory, maybe even His salvation!

Above: Our 1st through 4th grade kids worship in LaunchPad


LaunchPad Here are the TOP 5 reasons to stay connected to LAUNCHPad all week long on Facebook: 1. Reminders of the weekly mission 2. Parenting ideas and encouragement 3. Ideas to reinforce the lesson at home 4. Fun family activites 5. Contests at home— winners announced at LaunchPad

scan this QR code for more info

Below: The kids get to ask questions of Gregg Murdock at “Get to Know your Elder” at LaunchPad


Summer Calen April 1 April 7 April 8 April 8 April 8 April 11 April 13 April 15 April 20 April 21 April 21 April 26 April 29 May 5 May 5 May 5 May 10 May 13 May 13 May 16 May 18 May 18 June 2 June 10 June 10 June 11-14 June 17-28 June 18-23 June 19 June 22-29 June 24-28 June 30

Quizzing for Christ Practice 6 PM Discover College Heights 9:30 AM Lunch hosted by PRIMEtimers 11 AM Global Outreach Meeting (Dinner) 6 PM (Meeting) 7 PM Quizzing for Christ Practice 6 PM All Pro Dads 7 AM Steps to Freedom 8 AM Quizzing for Christ Practice 6 PM Spring Musical 6 PM Quizzing for Christ Meet 1:15 PM Spring Musical 6 PM Jesus Jam 7 PM Quizzing for Christ Practice 6 PM Discover College Heights 9:30 AM Quizzing for Christ Meet 1:15 PM Children’s Spring Musical 6 PM Chick-Fil-A Leadercast 7 AM Lunch hosted by PRIMEtimers 11 AM Global Outreach Meeting (Dinner) 6 PM (Meeting) 7 PM Women’s Ministry Let’s Do Lunch 11:30 AM Steps to Freedom 8 AM Car Care Ministry 9 AM Transition Sunday 9:30 AM/11 AM Lunch hosted by PRIMEtimers 11 AM Global Outreach Meeting (Dinner) 6 PM (Meeting) 7 PM Vacation Bible School 9 AM-12 PM High School Mission Trip to Honduras High School Mission Trip to Memphis All Church Picnic 6 PM High School Mission Trip to D.C. Jr. High Mission Trip Congregational Meeting 6 PM

ndar of Events July 7 July 7-10 July 8 July 8 July 8-13 July 11-13 July 14-19 July 20 July 20 July 21-26 August 4 August 12

Discover College Heights 9:30 AM Maranatha Bible Camp 5th & 6th Grade Lunch hosted by PRIMEtimers 11 AM Global Outreach Meeting (Dinner) 6 PM (Meeting) 7 PM CIY Move for High School Maranatha Bible Camp 2nd-4th Grade Maranatha Bible Camp 7th & 8th Grade Car Care Ministry 9 AM Maranatha Bible Camp K & 1st Maranatha Bible Camp 9th-12th Discover College Heights 9:30 AM Lunch hosted by PRIMEtimers 11 AM

Every Week Monday Wednesday Thursday Sunday

Knights of the 21st Century (through May 13) Wednesday Night Adult Classes (through May 8) LaunchPad Labs (1st-4th Grade) (through May 8) Energy (5th & 6th Grade) (through May 8) Collide (7th & 8th Grade) (through May 8) Quake (High School) (through May 8) Celebrate Recovery (Dinner) 6 PM (Group) 7 PM Upper Room (through May 12)

This calendar may not be comprehensive. Times and dates may be subject to change. Please check our website calendar for more information. Or like us on Facebook to stay informed.




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Schedule of Services Sunday Morning Worship Services 9:15 • 11:00 Sunday Morning Bible School (all ages) 8:00 • 9:15 • 11:00


Wednesday Evening January 16—May 8, 2013 7:00 Classes for All Ages

Stay informed. Get connected.


facebook/CHCCJoplin For info or calendar of events, visit our website

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