Intersection Summer 2013

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summer 2013

where truth, relationship, and service meet








Schedule of Services Sunday Morning Worship Services 9:15 • 11:00 Sunday Morning Bible School (all ages) 8:00 • 9:15 • 11:00



CONTENTS A Blueprint for Bible Study


Meeting the Fear of Isaac


Vacation Bible School


Circles: Helping Raise People Out of Poverty 10 chccjoplin

Bright Futures


The Great Day of Service Is Coming


Becoming A Princess: Celebrate Recovery 16


For info or calendar of events, visit our website

Letter from the B Team


TD Team Update


Men’s Fall Retreat


Words for Women


The Power of Praying Women


Friendship Families


Introducing Our Residents


BLUEPRINT: Committing Our Lives to God’s Design is our current sermon series taken from the book of Proverbs. From how we relate as men and women to how we parent; from how we use our words to how we use our money; Proverbs has a lot to teach us. Join us as we continue to examine God’s wisdom for our lives.

A Blueprint for Bible Stu By Jeff White

Saddleback Church in California has created a fitness program with an interesting twist. To be involved means you will be connected in a group. "The secret sauce of Saddleback is we do this as a community," said Rick Warren, "It's very different than most health plans where you do it with yourself or your wife. You get to do this with a whole community." Studies indicate that people who try to lose weight or adopt healthier habits in groups are more likely to be successful than individuals working independently. It has often been noted that in well-functioning teams the sum is greater than the parts. The apostle Paul would definitely agree, as seen in his use of the image of a body to describe the church. There’s truth in the phrase: "We're better together." Life lived or tasks accomplished in community are both more enjoyable and more effective because God wired us for community. Though I am a strong advocate for regular personal Bible reading and study, I am convinced that every believer needs to also regularly study the Bible with others. C.S.

udy Lewis wrote, “What draws people to be friends is that they see the same truth. They share it.” For those who gather around God's Word, with a common desire to grow as Christians, the experience of communal Bible study can produce deep joy and is essential to the health of the body of Christ. Bible study is strengthened Life lived in community and deepened when studying is more enjoyable the Bible in community. It is and more effective because amazing how much more can be God wired us for community. seen when at least three or four pairs of eyes, rather than just one, look closely at the text. Small-group Bible studies ask more penetrating questions, pool insights, challenge assumptions, and create an environment that is dynamic and lively. Furthermore, when we study in community, we are challenged to sit longer with one passage. Too often our personal reading is a quick read through, "in one ear, out the other." But a passage that can be read in three minutes can also be discussed for two hours. Together we have extended discussion, even debates, about the interpretation of a passage and come away with a sharper understanding and a higher retention rate. Our current sermon series, Blueprint: Committing Our Lives to God's Design, is a revealing look at the Book of Proverbs. Try recruiting a few people this next week to share in the study as you examine God’s blueprint in community.


Meeting The Fear of Isaac by Lance Schaubert

Ten Thousand fears assaulted me inside my broken home: What shall I do? Whom shall I wed? To put down roots or roam? How much I made and where my children ended when they, old, had chosen every path before them, summertime and cold… And then I saw another fear, an aweful terror came whose name is Fear of Isaac’s Tribe whose power is whose fame. His breath, it froze the cellar floor. His shadow snapped the studs. His robe’s own train trailed fire and hail. His eyes, they boiled the mud. I feared him, Fear of Isaac’s Tribe, I trembled as he neared. And then, as windstorms pierce through dust, I felt no other fears. He handed me a blueprint then to build another home upon a rock he gave to me right under his heaven’s dome. We hammered both till break of day, I followed Wisdom’s plans. Then all at once a homestead stood— he’d formed it with his hands.

Inside, the fixtures never fell. Inside, the carpet clean. The cellar door stilled cries below, The roof revealed his scene: stormclouds, fire, tempest, lightning, angels shouting “Hail” when peace cut through the noise in whispers: “Wisdom will prevail.” “Wisdom will prevail.” (edited from the original for this magazine) Lance is a freelance writer. He and his wife, Tara, currently live in Joplin and attend College Heights. They are planning to move to Brooklyn, NY to work at Forefront Church.


CHILDREN’S MINISTRY Vacation Bible School this year focused on God’s Word. The kids learned to keep God’s Word in their hearts, share it with others, and to believe it is true—all while having a blast! We couldn’t have done it without the help from our hundreds of volunteers!


Below: Ann Wolfe, Children’s Ministry Associate, teaching the kids about Epic Battles

LEARNING Above: Brian Sitton, Children’s Minister


Left: The Epic Battle; Above: Zookeepers (Grades 1 & 2) practice their chant



Number of Great Teams


T W 361 367 220

TH 367

Dollars Raised for Wheelchairs in North Africa

Average Number of Daily Volunteers


Number of Times Chants Were Repeated


F 361 $2,103


Number of Twizzlers Consumed

days of growing, singing, laughing, playing, having a blast, and learning about God’s Word!


An exciting new initiative to help those in poverty

fabric of our city for decades. It is a generational poverty that destroys the dignity and hope of many in our city trapped in government dependency and relational deficits. The hard work of love that brought us together as a city is being called upon to address the issue that no government or agency can address alone without the power of the Holy Spirit and the love of the church. Jesus said, “When you have done it to one of the least of these, you have done it to Me.”

By Jay St. Clair

So What Happens After Tornado Recovery? On May 22, 2011 an EF-5 tornado ripped through the heart of our city exposing a level of devastation and loss that was unimaginable. In surreal moment after moment, day after day, we worked as one, we worked hand in hand, heart to heart, to surround the suffering to recover. Our goal was to rebuild Joplin better than it was before the monster storm. What many thought would be a five-year process has been abbreviated by the blessing of God through His people the church. We stand poised to enter the third year with hope that we are a different people with new eyes on old problems. The storm of May 22 also uncovered a cultural and spiritual monster that has been grinding its way through the heart and

Out of the collaboration of people from all over the area we are forming a HUGE CIRCLE OF LOVE around the folks that need us most! After trillions of government dollars that have only exacerbated the problems of poverty and created a class of dependent individuals and a bankrupt nation, it is time for the church to take her rightful place at the forefront of the Gospel to the poor. There are more Scriptural commands and examples to take care of the poor than any other command of God. Our poor are unique to the poor of other nations. Our poor are impoverished more by what they don’t know and who they don’t know than by what they don’t have. Therefore, CIRCLES is about surrounding the poor with people who don’t give them things but people who give them love, support, and help them lead themselves out of poverty. That can only completely happen

CIRCLES is a nation-wide community collaborative that began in Bartlesville, OK. It is a non-governmental, community approach to poverty that is heavily dependent on God’s people to do what they do best— love and support people in need through life truths and prayer.

To date, the results among CIRCLES participants in Bartlesville are:



increase in “people they can count on”

increase in income


increase in home ownership


increase in assests


decrease in welfare benefits coming in to that city


high interest debt paid off in 2011-2012

100% E DU

of payday loans paid off within 8 months


of Circle Leaders enroll in higher education


by a closer relationship with God and other people.

How Does It Work? Through churches and agencies, low income people are identified and screened so that Circles knows these people are ready and serious about escaping poverty. These people are called Circle Leaders as it is their responsibility to lead the process. These Circle Leaders go through 20 weeks of curriculum designed to help them develop leadership skills in order to make the necessary changes in their lives to escape poverty permanently. How


Circle Allies are then joined with a Circle Leader to meet in monthly groups to build relationships, review goals, and problem solve barriers to getting out of poverty, such as improving self-sufficiency, expanding social networks, and enhancing academic performance of both children and parents. No money is allowed to be exchanged between Circle Leaders and Allies.

A Golden Opportunity

We have a golden opportunity as the church to engage the greatest need and hurt of so many stuck in the hopeless cycle of government funded welfare or those who are the working Can poor who are just You Help? Those who beyond that desire to help. Only You can volunteer to be a: help them God knows the Circle Ally e s c a p e value these are called relationships Support person for the weekly Allies! will have community meetings This is a with those Cook to help make the meal shared true War whom Jesus by the group Against identifies with Poverty that Himself, “if you Child care worker doesn’t cost do it to them, you Greeter trillions of do it to Me”. The dollars. It does, church on purpose however, cost love and focus, meeting and time. Allies, along the hurt as Jesus did when with the Circle Leaders, are He was on earth is the greatest trained to better understand apologetic to the world that He the “hidden rules” or social is alive! For God so loved the norms associated with social world, He demonstrated that class in America as well as how love… to build long-term vision for their future, both individually Praying that God is speaking to as well as for the broader your heart and calling you to this community. ministry!

Back to Basics Three years ago this fall our community launched the most innovative collaborative effort between the business community, social service agencies, and faith-based groups to address the needs of our most at-risk children. Over 100 people from College Heights volunteered to fill the need at our “adopted school,” Columbia Elementary, through three programs: Lunch Pals, TREK, and Eagle Prayer Partners. Then the tornado came in May of that school year and the whole next two years have been about recovery and rebuilding. Now we want to get BACK TO THOSE BASICS.


We need 50 volunteers to go once a week to our school and have lunch with a kids who needs you. You will be assigned a child and must have a background check to participate. (If your work already provides you a background check that will suffice.)

TREK (Together Reaching Every Kid)

Every Thursday from 3 to 4 PM, we need 20 volunteers to go to Columbia Elementary and read to a child who struggles. Reading and relationships are the key to an academically successful child. Plus we have the opportunity to impact them and their families’ lives forever with God’s love! Background checks apply.


This is a student sponsored prayer support system. Teachers anonymously share needs of students, and we get to pray and trust God to answer!

July and August will be our recruitment month. Be watching for sign-ups in the Atrium. For more info please contact Julie St. Clair, Community Outreach Ministry Associate, at or call 417.624.6915 x365.


The Great Day of Service Is Coming On September 29 from 9 AM to noon, over 2000 of us will serve in neighborhoods mowing, trimming, working at Ronald McDonald House, washing windows, and cleaning. Others will be painting, repairing, and visiting the lonely at area nursing homes. We will be serving Joplin in the name of Jesus. It is amazing how one day can have such an impact on a whole community! It is a day that has come to symbolize the heart of God and our city. Thank the Lord and thank you for making this day a priority for this church family! In seeking to make our time that day more relational and more organized, we need project leaders early for our neighborhood work who will make a personal contact with the people on the block their team will be serving. Please be praying about your willingness to help in this way. Other churches, community organizations, and volunteers will be joining us including the teachers, parents, and students from our Bright Futures adopted school, North Middle School. After we work we will meet at Landreth Park for hamburgers, hotdogs, live music, games, and lots of fun! Registration will begin on Sunday, August 5. You will be able to sign up to volunteer online or at the signup kiosk in the Atrium on Sunday mornings. Jesus came to serve! Let’s join Him in every corner of Joplin for a GREAT DAY OF SERVICE!

Great Day of Service September 29 Registration Begins August 5

Left: Some of our hard workers serving with joy at the Great Day of Service 2012.


Becoming A Princess Hello, my name is Cathy.* I am a grateful believer in Jesus Christ. That is my new identity that I am glad to profess to men. Four years ago the Lord made a message clear to me that I would like to share with you. He told me that I was a mudslinger. I was walking angrily in our trailer court to blow off steam. I asked God, “Why is THIS the life that you have given to me? It is too much for me to handle!” I then came to a realization. God had given me this beautiful castle to live in. I had, over the last 30+ years, taken that castle, that dream He had for me, and thrown mud on the walls. And now I was complaining to God for what I lived in and its ugliness. I had done this mudslinging through unforgiveness of myself and others, a critical spirit, and a closed mind to the fact that God could change me, the stone-hearted believer. Of course this life no longer resembled the woman that God had planned and dreamed about. For the last three years I have been attending Celebrate Recovery. I go in order to find out who I am and hold that in comparison with who I can become if I lay down all of my hurts, habits and hangups. God and I together are using a squeegee to remove the mud I have thrown, revealing the castle I was given and the princess that God dreams of me becoming. Come with me, men and women. Lay down the stuff that keeps you from being the Princes and Princesses to the King. See you Thursday nights! *Cathy’s name has been changed to protect her confidentiality.

Check us out: or email

Celebrate Recovery meets in the College Heights Chapel every Thursday night Dinner 6:00 PM Group 7:00 PM




Letter from the B Te Dear Wade, Well, you are getting this update in real time as the team is on the ground and actively sharing the Good News with others! The neighborhood where we are cleaning the park is abuzz with questions about who these loving foreigners are who have graced their small playground. One grandmother stopped to comment with tears in her eyes that she was so grateful that our team came to bless them in this way and that the city had never done anything like that for them! But the real audience we are attracting is the kids in the neighborhood. Yesterday it started with a handful of kids who were obviously curious about these foreigners who had closed down the park for cleaning and renovation. The longer they stayed, the more they got to know the team and soon began to work beside them. Today, there were a dozen kids sitting at the park waiting for our arrival early this morning! And they were ready to get right to work! As we went we taught them the words to “Jesus Loves Me,� engaged them in a game of basketball, and shared about the local church that was sponsoring the cleanup. They looked

*Our Global Outreach parnters serving in Eastern Europe

eam* on with excitement as a new volleyball net was being put up and roses were being planted around the perimeter of the park. We even encouraged them to continue to keep their park looking nice. We saw several of them catch on as they went around picking up trash and taking great care as they painted the playground equipment! Jesus changes whole communities and that’s what we are praying over this city. Please be praying specifically as the team hands out pieces of the Good News and invites people to worship services. We are praying that there is a revival in this place that ignites a chain reaction all around this nation! Amen!

“After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly.” Acts 4:31



TD Team Update By Phil Casey

Recently the Tai Dam Coaching Team had the privilege to travel to Southeast Asia to visit College Heights’s Tai Dam team of global partners. It was historic. In 1996 College Heights adopted the Tai Dam people group. We have prayed for 17 years for the Tai Dam people, that the Lord would raise up workers for this harvest field, and that many among the Tai Dam would respond to the Good News and become part of God’s family. During that time we have primarily been engaged with Alan and Janet in their passion and pursuit of this people group. But we have also “widened our net” to connect with others who are dedicated to reaching the Tai Dam. We have interceded for KS and MX. We have sent prayer-walking teams to pray “on site with insight.” We have organized 24-hour prayer events here at College Heights. We have helped to fund a radio ministry that just this year began broadcasting daily Bible stories in the Tai Dam language. But our greatest involvement is now through a team of our own. Last December we had a commissioning service for the Tai Dam team: Micah and Justine, Jon and Jenni, Peter, and Derek. When they arrived

in Southeast Asia in January, it was truly a milestone. They had gone through a lengthy process of training and preparation. They have College Heights’ Global Outreach DNA: they were part of the 938 Group; they went through PACT together; they raised prayer and financial support; they jumped through all the hoops of pre-field trainings and counseling sessions and agency affiliation successfully. A coaching team was appointed to give them personalized attention throughout this process. Together, we made a survey trip in May of 2011 when we visited the four countries in Southeast Asia where the Tai Dam live. Now, the team has been on the field for six months, and the coaching team paid them a visit. We are glad to say the visit went very well. Everyone on the team is fully engaged in language learning and cultural adaptation—the two principal goals for their first term on the field. They are all in a healthy place physically, emotionally, and spiritually. They are functioning well as a team. They have met and connected well with a few other workers who are also dedicated to reaching the Tai Dam. It was a joy to meet with them for four days, both one-on-one and in various group settings, helping them to evaluate their first six months and encouraging them to make a few course adjustments as they begin the next season of their work there. They are passionate about our Lord, staying healthy on the field, language learning, and getting involved in pioneering ways to reach the Tai Dam with the Best News ever. Please keep them in your prayers.

Glossary of terms: Tai Dam Coaching Team: Ed Hahn, Mark and Amy Miller, Phil Casey, and Wade Landers KS and MX: Tai Dam Christian leaders, husband and wife. KS was abducted January 18, 2007; MX currently works recording radio programs in Tai Dam 938 Group: young people of College Heights who desire one day to serve in cross-cultural ministry. They meet monthly to pray and learn about global outreach. Named for Matthew 9:38. PACT: Preparing Apprentices through Community and Training - College Heights GO Ministry’s intensive 9-month course of pre-field training, heavy on practical learning and getting a taste of what life on the field will really be like.


Men’s Fall Retreat By Jeff White

Friday and Saturday October 4 – 5 Roaring River State Park Golf Scramble Friday afternoon at Cassville Golf Course For more information, contact Matt Hunter at 417.434.0931 There are dorm type cabin rooms available or there are camping spots available first-come, first-serve or you may reserve a campsite. Visit to reserve a site.

Matt Harenza will be our speaker. Matt has been the Associate Minister at Carterville Christian Church since 2009. He is married to his high school sweetheart, Theresa and they have 2 grown children Jessica and Jeremiah. He has been involved in church leadership and ministry for 20 years and is passionate about the church and the people that make it up. Matt’s other passions include: BBQ (he’s a Kansas City BBQ Society Certified Judge), camping and hunting.



Words for Women By Dalenna Giles

I am amazed at the depths of love our Father God has for us. When I see God’s orchestration to bring women together, it thrills me. Last year’s theme was “Intentional.” We challenged you to be intentional in your relationship with the Lord, in your service to Him, and in your relationships with others. Scripture tells us that we are called to reflect the Lord’s glory (2 Corinthians 3:18). As Christians, we are to be like Jesus, and He was intentional. His heart-motive was always pure and in line with the Father’s. The only way we can get to this place is to spend time

with our Father and know His heart. In searching His heart more I had been reading the Proverbs (and then found out it was to be the sermon series!) I got stuck on Proverbs 31:10-31, the hymn to women. It is said that in Old Testament times this poem was read by husbands at the dinner table over their wives, not as a task list or challenge but as a loving thank you. How often do we look at this list, or any other that says what a woman could or should be, and just feel inferior? Your Heavenly

Father doesn’t want that for you! He is using this passage, and many others, to praise you for your efforts, to encourage your heart, and touch your soul in love. What joy should fill our hearts! Our daddy King adores us. Ladies, He is enthralled with your beauty and He is proud of you. When we are intentional about spending time with Him we see those promises deeper and deeper. Let Him love you better than anyone else ever can. Those of you that have not been loved well by others, let your Heavenly Father teach your heart what true love means. Those of you that have wonderful examples of love here on earth, be grateful, but do not let those replace the intimacy you can have with your Heavenly Father. The more we spend time

with the Lord, the more we can reflect His heart and His glory in all areas of our life. We want to be a part of that journey with you. Women In Ministry (WIM) at College Heights is here to help bring women into deeper relationship with their Lord and to serve His Kingdom where we are placed and around the world. A great place to get started and learn more about WIM is the Annual WIM Kickoff. SAVE THE DATE: All ladies are invited to our Annual WIM Kickoff on August 17. Coffee hour is at 9 AM and the brunch, with guest speaker Denise Beck, is at 10 AM. Please come and ask a few ladies in your sphere of influence to come with you. Ticket sales begin July 28.


The Power of Praying Women Prayer... • delights the Lord (Proverbs 15:8b), • impacts the world (Psalm 2:8), • raises up new workers (Matthew 9:37-38), • causes growth in new believers (Philippians 1:4,6) and • unleashes divine power (Ephesians 3:14-16) • while granting victory over Satan! (Ephesians 6:12,18). The Women In Ministry (WIM) believes strongly in the power of prayer. So much so that this last year we have started a Women’s Prayer Ministry headed up by Corky Nelson. This group prays for our Bible Studies, every WIM event, each attender by name at our retreats, and all of our ministers and associates. We are on the road to having a dedicated prayer place on Sunday mornings where a woman will be praying over all that is happening in the building. Call Carol at 417.624.6915 x301 to get involved. Corky Nelson


Friendship Families


ould you like to travel without ever leaving home? Consider having an international student as a guest once a month for a meal. Make a meal. Meet a friend. Share life.

Contact Trish if you would like to host a meal with an international student: 624.6915 x375

Trish Udell Internationals Ministry Associate


Introducing Our Residen

Cory Chatham

Kayla Davis

Sarah Hester


Middle School Ministry Resident

College Age Ministry Resident

Global Outreach and Communications Resident

Worship Resid

My wife, Lindsey, and I are both from Prescott, Arizona. We are expecting a baby boy in September and can’t wait for his arrival. I am currently finishing up my Bachelor of Arts in Christian Ministry with an emphasis in Student Ministry. I have felt the calling to work with middle school students since I was in high school and plan to become a middle school pastor in the future (hopefully much closer to home than Joplin!). Some fun facts about me: I play guitar and other instruments, I love coffee (a lot), and I really like to eat (a lot).

I am 22 going on 23 years young. I was born in Lebanon, Missouri and graduated from Missouri Southern in December with a Bachelors in Biology. I am currently going through the application process for Missouri States Masters of Arts in Teaching program, which I hope to start next summer so that I may one day be a college professor and participate in oncampus ministry.

Sarah is an adventurer. She once lived in Louisville, Kentucky, but has since lived in Joplin, Sydney (Australia), and many places inside of her own imagination. Here are her favorite things to do (in order): watch movies, cause trouble, ask questions, make movies, talk, sing, eat (mostly bacon, but also cheeseburgers), read, drive trucks, and buy shoes. Due to lack of proper time and space, all of her other favorite things to do cannot be listed here, but she would be more than happy to tell you the rest in person, if you ask politely.

I am from Ca small farmin is located in Missouri. I h dad, and an who is ma kids. I recen from Ozar College with in Music M this residen sure what is seek a minis either in a ch field of mus lived in New summer for m I read 5-10 b Before I deci ministry I wa Penn State U become an Some day I overseas.


Starting in June, seven recent college graduates joined our staff to spend one year training and working alongside our ministry staff. Like a medical residency, our residents are putting into practice what they have learned and experience hands-on ministry. Unlike interns, they have high responsibility and develop teams in their own area of ministry. Be sure to welcome and get to know them this coming year!

r Love

Tiphani Lu

Zach Pittman

Caleb Watson

Ministry dent

International Student Ministry Resident

Worship Ministry Resident

Pastoral Care Resident

ameron, MO a ng town which n northwestern have a mom, older brother arried with 3 ntly graduated rk Christian h a Bachelor’s Ministry. After ncy I am not next but I will stry of my own hurch or in the sic. I have also w York City last my internship. books a month. ided to go into anted to go to University and n Astronomer. I want to live

I am from St. Louis, Missouri. I just graduated from Ozark Christian College with a Bachelors of Arts in Christian ministry with a specialization in Cross-Cultural ministry. Currently I am working at Starbucks and am participating on the residency program with the international ministry. I am very excited to see how The Lord works in and through the ministry here!

I am from Tulsa, Oklahoma. I grew up with a sister, Stephanie, and my two brothers, Jacob and Andrew. I am dating a student at Ozark named Rachel Crockett who is in Tennessee doing an internship. I am excited to be with you for the next year. I plan to search for a full-time ministry position once I am done with the residency here. I love to play guitar and I enjoy working with High Schoolers. I also have started to get into outdoor type activities. I have a passion for leading others in worship and I get much joy from seeing others worship our Lord.

I was born in Hartford, Connecticut where my dad was an urban missionary for for the first 10 years of my life. Then we moved to St Louis, where I graduated from high school. I just graduated from Ozark Christian College with a degree in Psychology and Counseling and I aspire to get a masters in family counseling. I have always been an enormous people person. I like to longboard, play drums, and I am super excited about the year I get to spend on College Heights staff to learn from all these people much wiser than me.

Schedule of Services Sunday Morning Worship Services 9:15 • 11:00 Sunday Morning Bible School (all ages) 8:00 • 9:15 • 11:00






For info or calendar of events, visit our website

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