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May 2013

Welcome to the first addition of “SPICE,” a newsletter for YOU, by YOU. If we have your email address, you’ll be receiving this newsletter at the beginning of each month. You’ll also be able to find a like on our Facebook page (College Heights Women in Ministry) or the church website. If you would like to submit an article or a testimony of what God is doing in your life, a great recipe, a movie or th book review, please send your ideas or information to Carol by the 15 of the month. cbowland@chcchurch.org We will include your article as space allows.

Intentional Living “Make every effort to add to your faith…goodness…knowledge… self-control…perseverance…godliness…brotherly kindness…love.” ~~ II Peter 1:3-7


INTENTIONAL…Last fall at our Women In Ministry Fall Kick-off Brunch, we were encouraged to be “intentional.” Our theme passage for the year has been 2 Peter 1:3-11. In the midst of this passage, Peter says “…MAKE EVERY EFFORT.” That sounds like we need to be intentional. It doesn’t say, “when you think about it, or if you are in the mood,” it says “Make every effort to add to your faith…” We were encouraged to be intentional in our daily quiet times, our friendships, our service, our entire life. So, how are you doing? Have we been more intentional with the 24 hours that God gives to each of us? Are we really connecting with our friends, keeping each other accountable? Are we reaching out to that new mom who doesn’t have family living near-by? Are we gleaning wisdom from an older lady? Are we spending as much (or more) time in the Word or encouraging our neighbor as we do on Facebook or Pinterest? (now I’m meddling, aren’t I?) May I encourage you to continue in your ‘intentional’ walk with Him and asking God to mature you in a certain area of your life?

College Heights Christian Church

WOMEN IN MINISTRY THE WORD “Stay focused; do not lose sight of mercy and truth; engrave them on a pendant, and hang it around your neck; meditate on them so they are written upon your heart.” — Proverbs 3:3 (The Voice)

Tell Us Your Story Send me your story of what God is teaching you or how you have grown in the last 6 months by ‘Living Intentionally.’ Your story will encourage all of us.

May 2013 | Page 2

Picnic-Perfect Salad CHCC Upcoming Events June Bible Study

“Joseph” written and led by Julie Gariss – an 8 week Bible study - June 4 to July 23 at Rollins Creek Clubhouse in Carthage (1900 Bluebird Way) at 7 PM. Please contact Carol at 417-624-6915 x 301 if you would like to attend so we can order books. Workbooks will be available the first evening. Would you like to lead or host a small Bible Study this summer?? Please call Carol.

August 17: ALL LADIES – CHCC Kick Off BRUNCH & Ministry Fair 9:30 AM - CHCC Gym September 20-21: Area Women’s Retreat - Maranatha Bible Camp (Julie & Megan Gariss speaking) September 27-28: Women of Faith in Kansas City ($101 plus hotel and meals) (contact Maggie Dunn 825-6814) September 27-28: Living Proof with Beth Moore in Tulsa ($69 plus hotel & meals) Anyone interested in coordinating a group to attend? Call Carol x 301 October Prayer Retreat: more details to come November 8-9: Fresh Ground Faith with Jennifer Rothschild in Springfield (We will be taking a group of ladies to this event and staying overnight at a near-by hotel $39 plus hotel and meals.) Let’s Do Lunch: Third Thursday of each month at various area restaurants

Contact for more information CAROL BOWLAND Women In Ministry Director 417-624-6915 x 301


Picnic-Perfect Salad The summer picnic season kicks off this month as we honor our nation’s heroes on Memorial Day. This delicious and easy salad pairs fruit with the “perfect food”—bacon—making it the perfect side for any grilled dish!

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8 slices of cooked bacon, crumbled 2 bananas, cut into slices 2 teaspoons lemon juice 1 cantaloupe, cut into bite-size pieces 1 cup seedless grapes ½ cup poppy seed dressing (regular or fat-free) 3 tablespoons chopped green onions Toss the bananas with lemon juice in a large bowl. Add the cantaloupe

Cheri Adcock adcockcircus@gmail.com Carol Bowland cbowland@chcchurch.org Dalenna Giles dgiles@chcchurch.org Tiffany Fink o2bad@hotmail.com Sandi McReynolds sanandmac@gmail.com Leslie Neuenschwander leslijn@gmail.com Donna Still donnastill@gmail.com Melissa Tomko melissa.tomko.gmail.com

** Please be in prayer for the Women in Ministry Board as we pray, dream, and plan for the coming year at our retreat May 31 & June 1.

May 2013 | Page 3 MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers") is an organization that meets twice a month at CHCC during the school year. MOPS International exists to encourage, equip and develop every mother of preschoolers to realize her potential as a woman, mother and leader in the name of Jesus Christ. Below are the happenings for all ladies who have children from birth to kindergarten. Jump in to any of the summer activities listed below OR if you are looking for a place to serve – there are several opportunities for YOU listed.

Summer Book Study Desperate: Hope for the Mom Who Needs to Breathe by Sarah Mae and Sally Clarkson

 We will meet once a month in June, July, and August to discuss the book.  Our discussions over each chapter will be on a private Facebook page so moms will be able to express themselves without judgment.  If interested: contact Kim Arnold 417-434-6959

Summer Play Dates

 Moms will have play dates at Chick-Fil-A at 9:30 a.m. the first and third Wednesday during the summer beginning June 5th.

Upcoming Year  Meetings will be the first & third Wednesday of each month beginning September 4th  We desperately need help in Baby City and Toddler Town during MOPS so our moms can enjoy this ministry. It runs from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. If you are available to serve, please contact Erin Replogle at 417-529-7619.  A breakfast coordinator is also a need. We need someone who can recruit people to provide breakfast for our meetings, and the coordinator will also need to be there to help setup for breakfast. If you or someone you know has the gift of hospitality and would be interested, please contact Amanda Hedger at 417-483-5694. Even if you aren’t a mom of a pre-schooler you are still needed to pray… 1) God provides workers for our sweet babies, 2) we can find a breakfast coordinator, and 3) for our MOPS moms. You may remember the need for support when your own kids were young, and we need all the help we can get as we strive to raise godly children. For any questions, please contact: Amanda Hedger 417-483-5694. We are looking for your STORY. Have you been a part of a mentoring group or Bible study? Would you share how God has worked in your life? How have you seen God working in your family? How about highlighting other ministries? Perhaps someone has ministered to you in a time of need. Have you read a good book lately? Do you write poetry? We want your stories, your testimonies. Submit them by the 15th of each month and we’ll use all that space allows. cbowland@chcchurch.org

Design and base content Š 2013 Group Publishing, Inc., Loveland, CO, group.com/women. Permission to photocopy granted for local church use only.

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