Ministry Catalog Winter 2015

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OUR MINISTERS QUICK GUIDE: Sundays.................................. 4 Bible School........................... 5 Christian Education................ 6 Need Help?............................ 7 Global Outreach..................8-9 Community Outreach........... 10 Ways to Serve....................... 11 Families................................ 12 Children................................ 13 Students..........................14-15 College Age......................... 16 International Students.......... 16 Ministerio Hispano............... 17 Disabilities............................ 17 Men...................................... 18 Senior Adults........................ 18 Women................................. 19 Christian School.................... 20 Homeschoolers..................... 20 Safety Plan............................ 21 Calendar............................... 22 Sermons................................ 23

Rick Bushnell

Logan Greer

Randy Gariss

Bryce Hansen

Josh Huckabay

Wade Landers

Roger Lieb

Titus Neuenschwander

Josh Quade

Senior Adults Minister x190

High School Minister x160

Education Minister x320

Brian Sitton

Children’s Minister x140

Middle School Minister x150

Creative Arts Minister x310

Family Minister x180

Preaching Minister x300

Global Outreach Minister x370

College Age & Young Adult Minister x170

Jeff White

Small Groups & Men’s Ministry Minister x340

For a complete list of our staff, including Managers, Ministry Associates, Administrative Assistants, Receptionists, Custodians, Residents, and Interns, visit To view our current elders, visit


WELCOME College Heights would like to let you in on a little secret. Our passion is to make disciples of Jesus. As you flip through the pages of our Ministry Catalog, don’t get lost in the ink. The events, the ministries, and programs of this booklet are genuine life needs and we invite you to join in. However, just sharing good information isn’t the end goal. We desire more, like deep friendships with authentic followers of Jesus. Over time, College Heights feels less like a place, and much more like family. Prayer is no longer just a 911 call, but a warm daily, even hourly, conversation. We hope you find yourself thinking about Bible passages, and living true in your workplace, family, and social circles. Then quite to your own surprise, the new you can’t help but talk about Jesus as you would talk about a close friend, and now others, seeing your transformation, can’t help but listen. Life is still tiring, but Jesus has become real hope, strength, and your only source of salvation. That’s it. Now you know our secret. Our passion is to make disciples of Jesus. You could just enjoy the catalog . . . or you could take the risk and join us on the journey.



Join us Sunday mornings at 9:15 & 11:00 AM for music and biblical teaching. There is parking for visitors on the south side of the Worship Center.

Your Next Step

If you are new to College Heights or just want to know more about the church and how to get connected, you can stop by the Connecting Place in the Atrium any Sunday morning. You can also come to Discover College Heights on the first Sunday of every month in room W106 (on the north side of the Worship Center) from 9:15–10:45 AM.

Families With Children

We want this to be the best hour of your child’s week and the most helpful hour of yours. To minimize distractions for adults and to maximize your child’s experience, we encourage children to participate in age-appropriate classes.

Cry Room

We love babies at College Heights and realize sometimes babies need to be with their parents. We provide a Cry Room at the back of the Worship Center behind the sound booth with rocking chairs and a live feed of the worship service.

Interpretación en Español

En el Centro de Información hay disponibles audífonos para escuchar en Español, el mensaje que se predica los domingos durante el servicio de las 11:00 AM. Spanish translation devices are available at the Information Center and translation of the message is offered during the Sunday, 11:00 AM service.

Hearing Impaired and Deaf Assistance

Hearing devices for the hearing impaired are available at the Information Center in the Atrium. Deaf interpreters are also available at the 11:00 AM service.

Sermon Downloads

MP3s and videos of the weekly sermon can be listened to and downloaded from our website or from iTunes.


Bible School 8:00 AM Peacemakers Servants (Group A) Truthseekers Victory

E mpty Nesters/Senior Adults (Stammer) 30-70 year olds (Calef, Wicklund) Senior Adults (Brock, Bushnell) Empty Nesters/Senior Adults (Peterson)

K126 K120 A104 A101

9:15 AM Baby City Toddler Town Kids’ Country LaunchPad Middle School High School BCNU College Age Crusaders Life Bridge Life with Kids NextGen Parents Servants (Group B) Spanish Thru the Roof

Infants-1’s Hallway E 2’s & 3’s Hallway D Pre-K & K Hallway H Grades 1–5 Chapel Grades 6–8 K124 Grades 9-12 Gym 30-70 year olds (Conover, DeWelt, Jordan) L106 (Boyd) East Campus All Adult Ages (Cruse, Weber) K126 Single Adults (Kiger, Miller) L110 Parents of Elementary Children (Various) A106 Parents of Middle & High School Students (Nelson, Arnce) K123 25-65 year olds (Pechawer, Thompson, Wicklund, Wilkins) K120 All Adult Ages (Casey, Fish, Munoz) A104 All Ages with Special Needs (Wimsett) TTR House

11:00 AM Baby City Toddler Town Kids’ Country LaunchPad Encouragers Fellowship Journey

(Infants-1’s) (2’s & 3’s) (Pre-K & K) (Grades 1–5) All Adult Ages (Cosby, Flory, Kutz) Empty Nesters/Senior Adults (Wood) Young Married Couples (Gill, Otero)

Hallway E Hallway D Hallway H Chapel K126 K123 K124


CHRISTIAN EDUCATION Wednesday Nights All of us need encouragement, support of others, and practical advice on our journey. Each Wednesday evening we offer studies for men, women, and single moms. We also have support groups for foster parents, those coping with grief, those dealing with a divorce or separation, and more. And there is never a dull moment for our kids with high energy programming and intentional small group discipleship times intended to build up your child’s relationship with Christ. Join us each Wednesday evening. For a list of classes offered, go to

RightNow Media Would you like to watch thousands of Christian education and entertainment videos at home for FREE? has been called “the Christian version of Netflix” and is available to you and your family for free. Email and we will send you an invitation.

DC Groups DC, or “Developing Co-Laborers,” is a study designed for Christians who are ready to work on their discipline and study of God’s Word. Each week study consists of one and a half hours with a group of 5-10 friends plus four to five hours of your own personal reading and study, focusing on various topics each week. This is a 21-month program, but you start with a commitment to just the first 10 weeks. For details, contact Roger Lieb at or 417.396.1801.


NEED HELP? Celebrate Recovery

Thursday, 7:00 PM Chapel This Christ-centered program helps us overcome issues of anger, grief, alcoholism, guilt, shame, financial loss, divorce, dysfunctional families, sexual abuse, drug abuse, eating disorders, depression.... We share experiences, strengths, hopes, and accept God’s grace. We have worship, teaching, and small groups. For more info about Celebrate Recovery, contact Greg Morrell, the Celebrate Recovery Coordinator, at gmorrell@ or call 417.624.6915 x347.

Single Moms

Wednesday, 7:00 PM We offer a support group for single moms called Together We Stand. You are not alone; there are ladies who will walk alongside you and help you with the issues that come from singleness and parenting. Experience a community where you can receive the encouragement you need as well as make good friendships. For more info about Together We Stand, contact Angela Grantham at 417.439.6836.


DivorceCare is a group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. Don’t go through separation or divorce alone! For more information, contact Dave Wood, Care Ministry Associate, at 624.6915 x345 or


If you need help working through struggles, painful experiences, and life’s challenges, we want to be able to connect you with the resources that can help. If you would like to schedule an appointment with a counselor, please contact Dave Wood, Care Ministry Associate, at 624.6915 x345 or

Car Care

Every other month, qualified volunteers provide basic car service to single moms, the elderly, and those who are financially challenged. For more information on volunteering or to sign up for the service, please contact Jeff White, at 624.6915 x340 or jwhite@


GLOBAL OUTREACH Making disciples of Jesus who change the world is the mission of College Heights. We are committed to doing our part to see that local churches are planted all over the world where they currently do not exist. We believe that every person has a part to play in this ministry. We do this through a variety of ways: • We send and support teams all over the globe. • We enlist every person in the body of Christ to help. • We provide opportunities that allow those of us here in Joplin to actively participate in the work our Global Partners are doing around the world.

Global Outreach Team 2nd Monday of the month, 6:00 PM


Know about the work our Global Partners are doing, encourage and support them, and educate others in the church.

Global Outreach Kids Team 2nd Monday of the month, 6:00 PM


Each month at our Global Outreach team meeting we have a special time for the kids to teach them what God is doing around the world.

Prayer Events

Look for special opportunities to pray, especially at our prayer events throughout the year when we pray for a specific people group, Global Outreach team, or significant event. For more information, contact Wade Landers, Global Outreach Minister, at 624.6915 x370 or wlanders@chjoplin. org, or Marcus Van Dorn, at 624.6915 x371 or mvandorn@


Global Outreach Trips Have you ever wanted to see the world...AND make an impact on Kingdom lives? Join us for “All In” Global Outreach trips in 2015. As we travel to the lands and people groups where our Global Partners are already working, we will join them in fulfilling three of College Heights’ key values: extraordinary prayer, abundant seed sowing, and intentional discipleship. Here’s a preview of the planned destinations for our “All In” Global Outreach trips in 2015: • • • • • •

Eastern Europe North Africa Serbia Northeast Africa India Southeast Asia

You can find more details as they are made available and start the application process at For more information, contact Wade Landers, Global Outreach Minister, at 624.6915 x370 or, or Marcus Van Dorn, at 624.6915 x371 or



Neighborhood Life House Josiah was the youngest sibling at age six in a large, blended family. His siblings had come to Neighborhood Life House for months, but he always hung back, adamantly opposed to anywhere that taught about God. For five months, our volunteers greeted him with smiles and warm hellos. They asked him about school, his favorite things, and his dreams for life. One day, as the children gathered for Kids Club, Josiah and his siblings came running with smiles on their faces. He passed through our doors that day without a hint to the sudden change and continued to come every day he could. Their family told us three months later they were moving. On their last day at Neighborhood Life House the activity was to draw a life-size self-portrait with pictures and words that described them. In the middle of Josiah’s portrait were the words “I am loved by God.” Neighborhood Life House is one of our Community Outreach partners that is a Christ-centered nonprofit committed to building a stronger community in North Joplin by helping people to see who they can become with the help of God. For more information, contact Katie Hargrove at or 417.413.1880.

God’s Resort God’s Resort is another Community Outreach partner who shares God’s love and truth with their neighborhood. They work with people who are ready to come to God and walk hand-in-hand with God’s people to a better life in Christ. For more information, contact Justin Miller at or 417.553.4080. Ways to serve: • Resort Builders—Help maintain dignified housing for people God loves. Contact Dwayne Friend at or 417.434.0541. • Welcome Neighbor Team—Welcome new residents by bringing a card, a smile, a prayer, and a basket of cleaning supplies and treats for housewarming. • Financial Counsel—Join a team that counsels residents to build up strong, financially independent individuals.


SERVE THE COMMUNITY God’s Resort Help with meals, maintenance, and transportation for people who need help to escape fear, hurts, and addictions. For more information, contact Julie St. Clair at 417.929.1889 LifeChoices Answer phones and provide practical help to aid this ministry to people struggling to make right choices concerning pregnancy. For more information, contact Life House Play with neighborhood kids, take photos and videos, lead in craft and worship time, and help with general maintenance. For more information, contact Katie Hargrove at or 417.413.1880. Watered Gardens Help with office work, sorting donations, preparing food, home repair, construction, cleaning, and tutoring. For more information, call 417.623.6030.

SERVE THE CHURCH Guest Services Make people feel welcome on Sundays by serving as a greeter, server, or usher. Tech Crew & Creative Arts Help with graphic design, camera operation, lighting, and photography. Children & Students Help children with crafts and worship. Serve as a check-in worker, substitute teacher, helper, or discussion leader. Attend events and invest in the next generation. Senior Adults Provide compassionate help to the elderly through Spring River Christian Village, Meals on Wheels, and Crosslines.

Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS) Organize breakfast and take care of children during their gatherings. Thru the Roof Be a buddy to help with sports, cooking, art, worship, publicity, and driving for our ministry for those with special needs. Parking & Groundskeeping Help direct traffic in our parking areas. (And wear a cool orange vest!) Volunteer to mow and trim to make our grounds look nice. Interested in serving in any of these areas? Contact our receptionist at 624.6915.

SERVE THE WORLD Global Outreach Team Encourage and support our Global Partners. Participate in prayer events for a specific people group, Global Outreach team, or significant event. Help teach children what God is doing around the world. Global Outreach Trips Take part in a ministry trip overseas for prayer, encouragement, and work. Interested in serving? Contact Marcus Van Dorn at 624.6915 x371.


FAMILIES A healthy family nurtures their marriage, seeks deep relationships and friendships, leans hard and fast on a loving God, and leads their children to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. We seek to be a ministry that helps families pursue and lay these foundational building blocks. Our main strategy to accomplish this is by tried and true, seasoned-in-life families walking beside others that are not as far along on the journey.


1st and 3rd Wednesdays, 9:15-11:30 AM


MOM...such a small word that brings so much responsibility and courage. It takes courage to ask brave questions and even more courage to search for the answers. We are excited to journey alongside you this year as we ask one another what it means to “Be you, Bravely.” MOPS (mothers of preschoolers) is for any mom with kids birth to kindergarten. Check us out, the first meeting is free (and usually addictive)!

Marriage Mentors The Family Ministry department is recruiting and training more marriage mentors! This is not a program, it’s a working relationship. It’s the process of having a seasoned and experienced couple (nobody said anything about being “perfect”) come alongside a less experienced couple to help show them the way. If this is something that sparks your interest, please contact us. For more information, contact Titus Neuenschwander, Family Minister, at 624.6915 x180 or or SuSan Murdock at x181 or


LaunchPad (Grades 1-5)

At LaunchPad, we want kids to: • love coming to church. • connect with friends and leaders. • see God’s big story and how they fit into it. • walk away with ways to live out what they have studied. Our tagline—play hard. sing loud. love God.—describes what we do every week. We play thrilling games, worship with an amazing band, and learn about our AWESOME God by studying the Bible in group settings.

CHILDREN Baby City (0-1 Year Old)

We strive to provide safe, quality care in a faith-nurturing environment. We know it’s a great privilege to take care of your children.

Toddler Town (2-3 Years Old)

Your child will learn biblical virtues through lessons in the Bible. Each virtue is reinforced many times during the morning through lessons and play.

Kids’ Country (Pre-K and K)

Sunday, 9:15 & 11:00 Chapel At 9:15 AM we meet for big group fun before heading to Bible School classes. At 11:00 AM we have games, songs, lessons, and small groups. Kids in Grade 5 head off to Advanced Training to explore what it looks like to be a disciple of Jesus. Wednesday, 7:00 PM Grades 1-3 K120 Grades 4-5 Gym On Wednesdays, LaunchPad takes a hands-on approach to reinforce the lessons studied on Sunday. Through games, activities, and science experiments, kids see tangible examples of biblical principles.

Your child will enjoy singing, Bible lessons, hands-on activities, crafts, snacks, and the fenced-in playground.

OTHER OPTIONS: Youth Creative Team (Grades 3-12) Wednesday, 6:00 PM


Kids help ministries within our church by using their talents through art, drama, puppets, and the Youth Orchestra.

Kids Choir

(Grades 1-5) Wednesday, 7:00 PM

Fellowship Hall

Kids worship God and use the talents He has given them through drama and music.



Middle School

Sunday, 9:15 AM Wednesday, 7:00 PM

K124 Atrium

We believe that kids in grades 6–8 are ready to deeply engage their faith and beliefs. We use specifically designed programming, teaching, games, and mentorship to help direct middle schoolers’ rapidly developing minds toward Jesus. Our goal is for middle schoolers to have a transformational understanding of and belief in the gospel. We want to engage their hearts with the truth of Jesus, and proactively help them answer the “Why?” of their beliefs.


Wells for India

High School

Sunday, 9:30 AM Wednesday, 7:00 PM

Gym Chapel

We want students to be able to answer three questions: • • •

Who am I? Finding truth in confusing times. Where do I belong? We were designed for a relationship with God and with each other. What am I supposed to do? I live to bring God joy and to serve as His heart, hands, and feet.

QUAKE is a fun environment where students hang out and spend time playing, worshipping, and listening to truth from God’s Word. Not every week looks exactly the same, but they are always full of music, fun, and people who care. Kids are challenged to make a difference in the world and use God’s Word as a springboard to empower them.

We often have kids ask us, “What can I DO to make a difference?” That’s why we are challenging our kids in LaunchPad, Odyssey, and Quake to raise $15,000 to help build a well in India for clean drinking water in a place that needs it most. We are partnering with our Global Outreach team and Central India Christian Mission to make sure the well goes to a place where the church is invested and seeking to spread the truth of the gospel. We want to give a village not only clean water, but also THE Living Water, Jesus Christ! Here are ways our kids have already responded: • They are sacrificially giving their own money towards this project. • One young man is going to “give up” his birthday. Instead of gifts for him, he is asking friends and family to donate money to the “Wells for India” project. • Some students want to put on a Fun Run and 5k to help raise money. • A group of boys are trying to organize a volleyball tournament to raise money. • A group of girls are designing t-shirts to sell. Will you please PRAY? Pray God would continue to work in the lives of our kids. Pray they would know Jesus more and continue to seek out ways to build His Kingdom on this earth. Will you GIVE to help the kids raise money for this to bless a village in India with clean drinking water? Go to and click on “Give,” and choose “Wells for India” from the drop-down menu. You can also donate money at the Youth Office.


COLLEGE AGE Sunday, 9:15 AM, Bible Study East Campus (811 Sycamore) Sunday, 11:00 AM, Worship Worship Center Sunday, 7:00 PM, Upper Room Worship Center The College Age Ministry helps college age individuals prepare for what’s next: families, careers, and ministry involvement. Follow the College Age Ministry on Twitter @chcollegeage.

Community Groups Our community groups are small groups that are hosted by families within the church and led by college age students. Some of the groups are Bible studies, some are purely relational, most are a mix of students from various colleges, but all of them eat food! For more information, contact Josh Quade, College Age Minister, at 624.6915 x170 or, or Madeline Bridgford, College Age Assistant, at 624.6915 x171 or mbridgford@

INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS Interested in sharing a meal once a semester with one of 100 international students in the Joplin area? This is an easy way to show hospitality and learn about other cultures. Sign up in the Atrium today to become a Friendship Family and enjoy a crosscultural experience right in your own home! We host several events each year to bring together international students, Friendship Families, local resident internationals, and language partners. We host events like Chinese New Year, goat roasts, and themed parties which brings together international students, Friendship Families, and the area international community. For more information, contact Trish Udell, Internationals Associate, at 624.6915 x375 or email


MINISTERIO HISPANO La vida del creyente Cristiano requiere de un crecimiento espiritual continuo. El Estudio Bíblico (Domingos) y el Tiempo de Oración (Miercoles) son medios que brindan esta oportunidad a la comunidad hispana, en su ayuda para el andar en el camino hacia Dios. Así también es una puerta abierta para los no creyentes a que conozcan a Jesús, Nuestro Salvador. Este Ministerio desarrolla otras variadas actividades cristianas; tales como vigilias, ayunos, cursos financieros para saber manejar los ingresos, viajes a conferencias y obras teatrales, películas y caminatas de oración, viajes de recreación sana, y visitar a los enfermos en los hospitales; para llevarles una voz de aliento. For more information, contact Luis R. Munoz 417.317.3162 or 417.624.6915 x338 or

PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES Our Thru The Roof ministry desires to help everyone experience God’s love and learn more about Him regardless of physical or developmental challenges.

Sundays Bible School classes meet at 9:15 AM for children, high school students, and young adults.

Wednesdays We have a mid-week service every week with a special activity every 4th Wednesday.

Parents’ Night Out About every two months, we plan a fun-filled evening for the children so parents have a few hours to themselves.

Jesus Jam Prom In the spring we host one of the highlights of the year—a prom for our friends with disabilities. Jesus Jam is a fantastic evening of dancing, entertainment, and games for our friends with disabilites. For more information, call the church office at 624.6915.


MEN In the Men’s Ministry, we want to help you build relationships, invest in your family, develop as a leader, and become the man God made you to be. We have a men’s group that meets on Wednesday nights and we host special events throughout the year. Be on the lookout in the near future for more information about our Fantasy Football League, Men’s Encounter, the 3-2-1 Ministry, 21st Century Knights, and the ever popular Wild Game Feed. For more information, contact Jeff White, Men’s Ministry Minister, at 624.6915 x340 or

SENIOR ADULTS PRIMEtimers PRIMEtimers meets the second Monday each month at SMB Community Center, 7th and Duquesne, from 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM for an entertaining and informative program and a catered lunch.

Meals On Wheels

To see the smile on peoples’ faces when they hear a friendly knock on the door and see our volunteers with a hot and nutritious lunch, is worth it all.

Spring River Christian Village

Volunteers can pass out fresh water, sew and mend, set up the dining room for lunch, help with breakfast, visit with the residents, lead an exercise class, share a hobby, bring children, and more.


Through the “Cheerleaders,” we visit people in homes, hospitals, and health care centers who are restricted in their activities due to health or other problems.


Crosslines helps provide food and clothing to more than 1000 families a month. Volunteers meet once a month to fill the pantry and food orders for people in need and help sort, size, and hang clothes for families. For more information, contact Rick Bushnell, Senior Adults Minister, at 624.6915 x190 or rbushnell@ or Vicky Stuck, Administrative Assistant, 624.6915 x121 or


WOMEN This year’s theme for the Women’s Ministry is taken from Ephesians 4:23—”to be made new in the attitude of your minds, and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.” Special events, retreats, Bible studies, and monthly encouragement will be based on this great book. We encourage you this year to read, study, and meditate over Paul’s words to the Ephesians. The Women’s Ministry has Bible studies for groups and individuals that will encourage your understanding and study. For more information, contact Carol Bowland, Women’s Ministry Associate, at 624.6915 x301 or


COLLEGE HEIGHTS CHRISTIAN SCHOOL College Heights Christian School was founded in 1978 by the elders and ministers at College Heights and has grown to approximately 600 students from preschool to 12th grade. The school follows a college preparatory curriculum laying the foundation for graduates to become successful business and community leaders. Students are simultaneously surrounded by the Word of God in a Christian environment while preparing for success in the world. Many students come to know the Lord more deeply because they are in this environment, and then go out as salt and light in their own communities and beyond. In essence, the school has become not only a ministry to children, but also a launch site for service ministry. Students represent over 90 different area churches, with the largest number coming from College Heights Christian Church. College Heights Christian School is accredited by the North Central Association and is a member of the Association of Christian Schools International. For more information, call the school at 417.782.4114 x201 or visit

HOMESCHOOLER’S NETWORK The HomeSchooler’s Network is a co-op meeting weekly in Joplin to assist parents in educating, nurturing, and leading their children in the Lord. We encourage and support parents, provide group educational opportunities and activities for interacting and fellowship, and resource homeschooling families and potential homeschooling families. The Homeschooler’s Network currently meets at Wildwood Baptist Church. The spring semester runs from February 3–April 28. Classes meet from 8:45 AM–3:00 PM on Tuesdays for Kindergarten through the 12th grade. A nursery is provided. For more information, visit


SAFETY PLAN Your safety and the safety of your family is an important part of family life at College Heights. We have developed an “Emergency Response Plan” for the following emergency situations: fire, severe weather, armed intruder, medical emergency, bomb threat, and utility failure. Please note that in the case of severe weather your children will be the first to move to shelter and will move to the safest areas in the building. Those in the Worship Center will be given specific directions regarding movement to their shelter areas. Each ministry area has a plan in place that is designed to meet the safety needs of that particular ministry. For additional information contact any ministry leader or Steve Dennis at 624.6915 x120.



COLLEGE HEIGHTS CHRISTIAN CHURCH Areas in RED: Designated Restrooms B104 B106 E103 E104 E105 E106


F108 F110 G102 G104 H104 H105 H106 H107




K106 K110 K112 K124 K126












Signs like these are placed above certain doors throughout the building denoting Storm Shelter Rooms. 10.15.2014


CALENDAR REGULAR WEEKLY EVENTS: SUNDAY Upper Room College Age Worship MONDAY Red Sea Fitness Quizzing for Christ 21st Century Knights Men’s Study WEDNESDAY Wednesday Night Programming THURSDAY Celebrate Recovery JANUARY MOPS January 7 PrimeTimers Lunch (Senior Adults) January 12 Global Outreach Meeting January 12 Wednesday Night Programming Starts January 14 MOPS January 21 Men’s Wild Game Feed January 23 CIY Believe January 30-31 FEBRUARY MOPS PrimeTimers Lunch Global Outreach Meeting Marriage Retreat MOPS CIY Superstart

February 4 February 9 February 9 February 13-15 February 18 February 20-21

MARCH MOPS March 4 Annual Thanksgiving Dinner March 8 PrimeTimers Lunch March 9 Global Outreach Meeting March 9 Marriage Retreat March 13-15 No Wednesday Night Programs (Spring Break) March 18 Women’s Getaway March 27-29 APRIL MOPS Amazing GRace PrimeTimers Lunch Global Outreach Meeting MOPS Jesus Jam MOPS Auction

April 1 April 4 April 13 April 13 April 15 April 17 April 18

This is not an exhaustive list. For more events, visit


SERMONS You can watch past sermons at

You can also listen to past sermons on iTunes. Go to the Sermons & Media link on our website and click on the Sermon Podcast link in the dropdown menu.


CONNECT WITH US! Find us @ chjoplin

4311 E NEWMAN RD JOPLIN, MO 64801 417.624.6915 CHJOPLIN.ORG


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