One Less Gift Catalog 2016

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GIF T 2016



ONE LESS GIFT Over the past few years, the holiday season has changed for many of us. Between Thanksgiving and Christmas every year, over $100,000 that we could have spent on ourselves and our families was given to people who have greater needs. Half was used locally for those locked into poverty, and the other half was used internationally for those struggling with hard issues that confront the poor. In this catalog you will find a wide variety of wish list items from our Community and Global Partners. We want to fully fund each request through One Less Gift. As a sponsor, your contribution will go toward the One Less Gift fund. We will then distribute these financial gifts proportionately. Be a part of this amazing opportunity to make a difference this holiday season! Gather your family, sit down with a cup of your favorite hot drink, and prayerfully consider how you will give to those most in need. You can give at church on any Sunday between November 27 and December 31, pay online (mention “One Less Gift� in the memo or description), or bring a check to the church office.


$120,000 If you choose to give, please pick up a box from the One Less Gift table in the Atrium to remind you to pray for the ministries in this catalog. Thank you for giving to One Less Gift!


Helping a New Church in Harlem $10,000

Orchard Group has been planting churches in the New York Metropolitan area for over sixty years. These are some of their new church planters: Kenny and his wife Shanika, who is a Brooklyn native, love the people and understand the culture of Harlem. They feel the call to give the rest of their lives to living out the gospel in this community. With the rapid changes taking place in Harlem, a seismic shift has happened in its demographics and wealth. This often divides the long term residents and newcomers. They see a need for the ethnic reconciliation that can happen with the spread of the Gospel. They desire to start a multi-ethnic, multi-generational, and socioeconomically diverse church unified around the reality that Jesus is Lord. This gift will create a benevolence fund to help this church show the compassion and mercy of Jesus to the community of Harlem.



Motorcycles for Evangelists $1,200

This gift will provide four motorcycles for evangelists working in the Shahdol area in India, allowing them to travel more widely and more easily to share the Gospel.


Haiti Hurricane Relief $10,000

Many communities along the coast in southern Haiti as well as inland were devastated by Hurricane Matthew, which hit the country in October. According to an evaluation by national authorities, 175,000 people were displaced by the storm, and 1.4 million people are in need of aid. While many donations and volunteers have helped the people in Haiti rebuild their lives, there is much work left to do. We want to continue to help the people in Haiti to receive the care they need to live happier, healthier lives.


Vision for Sanela in Serbia $300

Sanela is the daughter of the Roma Nexus church pastors, Mirko and Slavica Kish. Sanela was born almost blind and requires special lenses to be able to see. Her family lives in very hard conditions like most of the Roma people and cannot afford expensive lenses, doctors, or additional treatments. She has not had any contact lenses for several months now so she cannot do housework or care well for her baby girl. This gift will provide the much needed contact lenses so she can see!

Medicine for Teodora $500

The staff at Choose Life loves Brankica and her daughter Teodora. Teodora has Batten disease— an extremely rare and fatal autosomal recessive neurodegenerative disorder that begins in childhood. Only four children in Serbia have Batten disease. Brankica’s husband left them a year ago leaving them with even less resources. This gift will help provide two months of medications that Teodora needs.

Making a House A Home $300

J.M. has been living in the Choose Life Maternity home in Serbia since February 2016. She is slowly preparing for her independent life with her son. She will start searching for a flat by the end of this year, and we can help her by buying her small home appliances (iron, iron board, vacuum cleaner, hand mixer, hair dryer, and kettle). 7

Love Gifts for Women in Crisis $1,500

The Choose Life Center in Serbia works with women in crises who are choosing life for their babies. Often they are without the support of their partner or family, or they are victims of generational poverty. Through this gift, we can help the Choose Life Center show the truth that every life is valuable to God and establish closer relationships with their clients. This gift will help provide food, hygiene products, and diapers for 15 clients. 8

Healing for Rescued Boys Blackbox International provides holistic aftercare for boys rescued from sex trafficking that helps them experience healing from their past, joy in their present, and hope for their future. These boys are in need of very specialized counseling to help them heal from their past. Some of the components of holistic aftercare for the boys are healthy hobbies and outlets such as music and reading. Music therapy helps them cope and find joy and healing.

Counseling $2,000 Spanish Books $500 Music Therapy $2,200

Behind every black box is a story and that #storymustchange.


Training for Rescued Girls $6,050

Rapha House helps rescue and restore trafficked girls. Three of Rapha House’s newly reintegrated girls have the capability to get jobs if they have proper job training. Rapha House seeks to partner with a local Christian business in Haiti to provide quality job training in restaurant services. This gift will help them continue their formal education and provide six month vocational training scholarships for these girls as well as provide a Maintenace Worskshop as a part of their follow-up care. 10

Refugee Aid $5,000 Syria’s civil war has created the worst humanitarian crisis of our time. Half the country’s pre-war population — more than 11 million people — have been killed or forced to flee their homes. Families struggle to survive inside Syria, or make a new home in neighboring countries. Others risk their lives on the way to Europe, hoping to find acceptance and opportunity. And harsh winters and hot summers make life as a refugee even more difficult. At times, the effects of the conflict can seem overwhelming. But one fact is simple: millions of Syrians need our help. According to the U.N., it will take $7.7 billion to meet the urgent needs of the most vulnerable Syrians in 2016. This gift will help many families who are struggling with just the basic needs of survival. (Information from Mercy Corps)

Helping Refugees in Our Own Backyard $5,000 The ESL Center Refugee Project works with refugees and immigrants in Noel, Missouri. They currently have 95 immigrants and refugees enrolled in classes and enrollment increases every month. They host meals, events, and a coffee center creating community for the refugees and connecting them with believers. This gift will help them with expenses and help them host a Bridges seminar equipping believers to love their Muslim neighbors and sharing the hope Jesus offers. 11


A Stroller for Children $150

The Choose Life Center in Serbia is reaching out to Kosara, who has a 7-year-old daughter, a one-year-old, and a new baby arriving in January. She is without the support of her partner or family, and is very poor. She doesn’t have a car and needs to take her oldest daughter to school as there are no school buses there. This gift will provide a new stroller equipped for two children.

Helping Farmers in Togo $4,000

Lifted Up International is involved with providing micro-loans to crop farmers within this very impoverished country. The program allows farmers to be educated on better agricultural practices, financial stewardship, and ultimately to recieve micro-loans to improve thier production and ultimately thier income. This gift will have lasting impact on many families!.

Helping Former Addicts Make A New Life $3,000

New Life House, a drug rehabilitation and vocational training center located in Southeast Asia, helps men from every walk of life come out of addiction and are grow as disciplemakers who are ready for the next step. They want to train them with various skills to be able to earn a living when they leave. This gift will help provide a chicken house, a goat house, and a hut to raise mushrooms. 13

Wood for Widows $2,500

This ongoing project over the past three years has helped our Global Partners form good relationships with families who struggle with basic needs. This year Bosnian believers who help deliver the wood will also share their testimonies. This gift provides enough wood for the whole year for five widows.

Seeds for Harvest $1,500

Our Global Partners in Bosnia know some members of their community who do not have a regular source of income but who own land. The team wants to provide seeds for crops. They will start helping the families in late winter to be ready for spring planting. This gift will provide enough seeds for ten families. 14

Warm Clothes for Children $5,000

This gift will provide warm clothes for five of the children’s homes in India. Each $25 furnishes two sets of clothing, undergarments, shoes, slippers, socks, and a jacket. 15

Food for the Roma $600

The Nexus Church in Serbia takes food parcels to people’s homes which allows them to become friends and share the gospel. One Less Gift has helped provide food parcels for 40 families in the past. The results? Two Roma house churches were planted with the potential to start two more. This gift will help provide more of these much-needed food parcels to some of the poorer families in Serbia.

Warmth for Poor Families $2,000

This gift will help ten families survive the cold Serbian winter either by providing firewood or paying their electric bill.


Children’s Park in North Africa $5,000

Our Global Partners in North Africa want to build a park to help generate income for their therapy center project. They plan to hire a local believer as a guardian for the park, providing him with a much-needed job, and giving him the opportunity to share the good news with the many people he interacts with at the park. Currently the playground equipment is set up in a temporary location but this gift will help secure a more permanent home in the next year.


Camp for Children with Disablities $400

The Nexus Church in Serbia has befriended a single mom of three children whose husband has committed suicide. Two of her sons have autism. The Nexus Church wants them to feel welcome and invite them to different conferences and camps. This gift helps cover the fees for them to attend a Christian camp in southwest Serbia.


Carts for Dignity

Emergency Food

There are many in our community who don’t know where their next meal is coming from. Watered Gardens wants to restore honor and respect to those in need. This gift would provide twelve shopping carts to help give dignity to those who need to ask for help.

This gift will provide 1000 emergency food bags through Crosslines ministry for the homeless and those in crisis in our community.


ONE LESS GIFT VIDEOS You may view One Less Gift videos and updates at



Help for Trafficked Victims $3,500

Life Choices has an equipped, state-of-the-art, medical mobile unit to serve those in high risk or dangerous situations. This gift would enable Life Choices to serve ten trafficked victims.

Basic Utilities $1,800

This gift will provide a utility subsidy for tenants living at God’s Resort. God’s Resort helps provide safe and affordable living solutions for people struggling to make ends meet. 20

Safe Play for Kids $3,000

This $3,000 would provide partial funds for a new playground. This playground is a simple way to provide troubled kids in broken families a place of joy and fun.

Essential Nutrition $1,000

This gift will help purchase a nutrition cart for the residents at Spring River Christian Village. This cart will assist during flu season with on-demand hydration and prevention of weight loss, which can be a very serious issue.


Care Packages for At-Risk Kids $1,000

This gift will assist eight students who are at high risk of relapsing into undesired circumstances by providing care packages that include new gym shoes, a Bible, and tutoring to help them get their GED.

LifeHouse $1,000

Approximately 60% of the families in North Joplin have insecure food. This gift will provide meals for children in an afterschool program in North Joplin. 22

College Heights Christian School $2,500

This gift would provide tuition assistance for one under-resourced child to attend College Heights Christian School to get an education from a Biblical Worldview. 23


Benevolence Counseling $12,000 Housing & Utilities $11,000 Car Care $6,500 Food & Gas $4,000 Misc. $1,500

The purpose of the Benevolence Fund is to draw people closer to Christ by helping meet their basic financial needs in times of crisis or transition. These disbursements are accompanied by evangelism (when applicable), discipleship, and counsel on biblical financial stewardship. Besides financial aid, College Heights seeks to make available other resources such as budget coaching, Dave Ramsey Financial Peace University, spiritual counseling, assistance, and community resources. The call to provide for those in need is found throughout the Bible. In Matthew 25:34–40, Jesus emphasizes the need for benevolence in God’s name. John asks, “If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has no pity on him, how can the love of God be in him?” (1 John 3:17–18). Maintaining a benevolence fund is one way to help those who come to the church for aid during difficult times.


Car Care Every other month, College Heights is blessed to be able to offer oil changes and minor car repairs to single parents, elderly and those struggling financially. Spencer and Tammy Aggus have graciously hosted “literally hundreds� of people at their barn and served and blessed them, one family at a time.

3-2-1 To share the love of Christ we send out in the community teams that adopt the widowed, single parents, and others with long term need. Teams are normally comprised of four individuals. Each person donates on the 3rd Saturday, 2 hours of time, 1 time a month. They preform basic handyman chores around the house such as yard work, fix a leaky faucet, clean windows, etc. This is a relational ministry making long-term changes in the lives of people.

Financial Budget Counselors Creating a personal budget can be a difficult habit to develop. For most people it is reassuring to have someone walk with them through this process. College Heights recognizes the importance of not only assisting individuals and families with financial struggles but to offer basic budget tools, encouragement, and hope to show people that they are not defined by their financial situation. 26

You can give during the offering collection or in the Atrium on Sunday mornings, at the receptionist’s office during the week, or online at

School Supplies for Bosnian Children $1,500

School supplies are expensive for most Bosnian families and very little assistance is offered. Some kids opt not to go to school if they can’t afford to buy the materials needed. The Bosnian believers have taken a big role in the delivery of these supplies and usually do some of the shopping giving them opportunity to share their stories. This gift will provide school supplies for ten families. 27

Safe Shelter $2,700

Watered Gardens offers a variety of services and basic items to many families in need. This ministry is multi-denominational and literally thousands of services and items have been provided to meet the needs of individuals throughout our community. This gift will provide an individual with six months of shelter in a safe environment, meals, case management, and life skills training in a Christian environment.

Dental Clinics $1,000

This project affects the communities in Northeast Africa including the displaced people and refugees in the camps in Northern Uganda. It allows us to reach the unreached people and those who are suffering with tooth problems in refugee camps and communities around. This gift will allow our partners to treat and witness to over 200 people. 28

Caring for Refugees $1,300

The displaced people and refugees in the camps in northern Uganda are hungry and need physical food as well as spiritual food. This gift provides 40 families with enough food for a month.



4311 E Newman Road Joplin, MO 64801 417.624.6915



You can give during the offering collection or in the Atrium on Sunday mornings, at the receptionist’s office during the week, or online at

Photo Credits (Photos licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic License): p. 1,_Kenya_1.jpg p. 5 p. 6,_in_a_refugee_camp_in_Liberia.jpg p. 9,_northern_Jordan_(9613477263).jpg p. 11,_Hungary,_Central_Europe,_3_September_2015.jpg p. 13 p. 15 p. 16 p. 16 p. 17 p. 18 p. 19 p. 21 p. 21 p. 25 Mid-South_in_Millington,_Tenn.jpg p. 26

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