One Less Gift Catalog 2015

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Watch our 2012 One Less Gift video online at or scan the QR code.



ONE LESS GIFT The past few years, the holiday season has changed for many of us. Between Thanksgiving and Christmas over $100,000 that we could have spent on ourselves and our families was given to people who have greater needs. Half was used locally for those locked into poverty, and the other half was used internationally for those struggling with hard issues that confront the poor. In this catalog you will find a wide variety of wish list items from our Community and Global Partners. We want to fully fund each request through One Less Gift. As a sponsor, your contribution will go toward the One Less Gift fund. We will then distribute these financial gifts proportionately to each of our community and global partners. Come be a part of this amazing opportunity to make a difference this holiday season! So gather your family, sit down with a cup of your favorite hot drink, and prayerfully consider how you will give to those most in need. You can give at church on any Sunday between November 15 and December 31, pay online (just mention “One Less Gift� in the memo or description), or bring a check to the church office.

If you choose to give, please pick up a box from the One Less Gift table in the Atrium to remind you to pray for the ministries in this catalog. Thank you for giving to One Less Gift!


MEDICAL CARE $500 As a church, we have “adopted” the unreached people group called the “Tai Dam,” who live mostly in Southeast Asia. We have committed money, resources, and people to seeing this people group reached with the Gospel. One way to show Christ’s love to them is to help the Tai Dam in Vietnam who are unable to receive adequate medical care.



This hostel for Tai Dam youth will give them an opportunity to live in a healthy, Christian environment and have access to school and medical care. The hostel is struggling and we want to help them continue their ministry.

SYRIAN REFUGEES IN SERBIA $1700 Serbia is one of the transit countries at the so called “Balkan route� for refugees. Each day thousands of migrants are entering Serbia from Macedonia. This is a great opportunity to show them Christian love especially since most of the migrants are Muslims. This gift would help provide care packages for 1000 of these refugees as they pass through Serbia.


DENTAL CLINIC OUTREACH $2000 This gift will provide simple but very needed dental care in places in Northeast Africa where there is no access. It will also open access to new villages where our Global Partners have no current connections. We hope that at each outreach God will lead workers to a person of peace where they can begin new discipleship groups. Each dental clinic outreach costs $500. This will fund four outreaches by paying for medicines, supplies, and transportation. 6

JUSTICE FOR GIRLS $4000 Rapha House, one of our Community Partners, helps exploited and trafficked girls. They have designated two rooms in the new Thai building compound to serve as an interview area. They plan to furnish it with comfortable furnishings so that traumatized children will feel at ease during the interview process. They plan to work with local law enforcement and the court system to help obtain testimony against perpetrators in a way that does not cause further trauma. This gift will help provide a “child-friendly� interview room.


You can view videos and updates from past One Less Gift campaigns at


WOOD FOR WIDOWS $2500 This gift would provide enough firewood to heat the homes of twelve widows in the community of our Global Partners in Eastern Europe.

THERAPY FOR KIDS $1000 In North Africa our Global Partners run a physical therapy center that ministers to many families. We would like to be able to buy them special therapy equipment they can use with the children that visit them in the center.

SEEDS FOR HARVEST $1500 In Eastern Europe, our Global Partners know some families who have land but no income. This seed project will help them to help themselves with seeds for harvest. This gift will help ten families secure income and gain dignity. 8

FINANCIAL FREEDOM FOR FARMERS $5000 Lifted Up International provides assistance in the form of grants for micro loans in the most impoverished areas of the world, where a small amount goes a long way. There are many microfinance programs around the world, but LUI supports programs specifically meeting the emotional, physical, and spiritual needs of families. With the average loan of $150, $5000 will assist 33 farmers in Togo to be more productive and to be one step closer to selfsufficiency.


CARE PACKAGES FOR NEW MOMS $1,500 This gift would allow The Choose Life Center in Serbia, one of our partners, to provide care packages for 15 women who come to their Center and are choosing life for their babies in crises situations.

HELPING MOMS FIND WORK $1,800 The Choose Life Center wants to empower women after the crisis of unplanned pregnancy so that they can make a decent living. This gift will provide sewing machines and accessories for four women.

WINTER WARMTH $1,500 This project will affect ten of the poorest Roma (gypsy) families in Serbia helping them to survive the winter. The money will either provide wood for heating or money to pay their electricity bill. 10

BETTER LIVING SPACE $455 Last year we were able to partner with The Choose Life Center in Serbia to buy a stroller for Rosalie who chose to keep her third child in a crisis situation. Her family of five now lives in a space of about 290 square feet. Through this gift we want to bless Rosalie and her family by making the space more livable for this family.

ONE LESS GIFT PRAYER REMINDERS If you choose to give, we invite you to pick up a box from the One Less Gift table in the Atrium to help you remember to pray for the ministries in this catalog. This visual can also serve as a reminder (and a teaching moment for kids!) on Christmas morning that we are called to intentional and deliberate acts of love toward those in need. Thank you for giving to One Less Gift! 11

LOVE FOR REFUGEES IN NORTH AFRICA $1,000 North Africa, like many places, is seeing a rise in refugees. This gift will help our Global Partners show the love of Christ for people in crisis and great need.

CARE PACKAGES $4,000 In India, Central India Christian Mission would like to provide clothing and food packages for Afghani and Burmese refugees in the Delhi area. This will open doors for the evangelists who are already working among them. 12


MEDICAL CAMP $3,000 Central India Christian Mission wants to provide a medical camp for 400 people. This care will be given to villagers who are considered Untouchables in Uttar Pradesh, in the village areas of Lucknow. This gift will help their outreach and church planting ministry.


ART SUPPLIES, BOOKS & TOOLS $3,050 Blackbox International is a faithbased, non-profit organization providing holistic aftercare for boys rescued from sex trafficking. This gift will purchase the supplies needed for counseling modules for the Blackbox home in the Dominican Republic.

SPORTS EQUIPMENT $1,800 This gift will purchase a variety of sports equipment for the boys to have a wholesome, active outlet and opportunity to just play.

COMPUTER EQUIPMENT $2,000 Through this gift, we can help Blackbox provide specialized training to the boys in their home in the Dominican Republic.


WHEELCHAIRS $1,000 Central India Christian Mission provides care through their hospital. This gift would provide five wheelchairs for the Emergency Ward, Mother and Child Care Unit, and the Surgical Ward.

HOSPITAL BEDS $3,000 This gift will help Central India Christian Mission reach more people for Christ through their medical ministry. They specifically need beds for their Mother and Child Care Center. This will help furnish the Center with almost 40 new beds. 15


Syria’s civil war is the worst humanitarian disaster of our time. More than 11 million people are displaced and thousands of Syrians are fleeing their country every day. They often decide to finally escape after seeing their neighborhoods bombed or family members killed. The increasingly dire impact can seem too overwhelming to understand. But one fact is simple: millions of Syrians need our help.


SYRIAN REFUGEES $10,000 This gift will help build a community center to be used as a school for Syrian kids and a training center to develop skills for Syrian women. Some of the funds would also go toward care packages to help families get through the winter.


FOOD FOR WIDOWS $5,000 This gift will allow us to help Central India Christian Mission provide two months of food for 250 widows among the Bundeli people. Here are the kinds of beliefs that God our Father accepts as pure and without fault: When widows and children who have no parents are in trouble, take care of them; and keep yourselves from being polluted by the world. ~James 1:27


SOMALI REFUGEE AID $1,000 We want to help the Somali immigrants in our own backyard in Noel, Missouri. This gift would help some of these immigrants with their financial needs and allow us to show them the love of Christ.

BLANKETS FOR KIDS $4,000 This gift would buy 1500 replacement blankets for the children in the five children’s homes in India with Central India Christian Mission.


COMMUNITY CARE BENEVOLENCE MINISTRY $18,000 Benevolence is goodwill toward others or an act of kindness or charity. We maintain a “benevolence fund,” a monetary reserve to help those with needs: those with unexpected or high medical expenses, victims of natural disasters, the unemployed, the underemployed, 20

and others in similar circumstances. The call to provide for those in need is found throughout the Bible. In Matthew 25:34–40, Jesus emphasizes the need for benevolence in God’s name. John asks, “If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has no pity on him, how can the love of God

be in him?” (1 John 3:17–18). And Paul tells us that, “God loves a cheerful giver” (2 Corinthians 9:7). Through One Less Gift and other giving throughout the year, we maintain a benevolence fund and intentionally choose to put Christ at the center not only at Christmas, but all year round.

CAR CARE $6,700 Every other month, College Heights is able to offer oil changes and minor car repairs to single parents, the elderly, and those struggling financially. A couple in our church have graciously hosted literally hundreds of people at their barn and served and blessed them, one family at a time.

3-2-1 $800 We send teams out into the community who adopt the widowed, single parents, and others with long-term needs. They go out on the 3rd Saturday, for 2 hours, 1 time a month. They perform basic handyman chores. This relational ministry makes long-term changes in the lives of people.

COUNSELING $15,000 College Heights recognizes the importance of not only assisting individuals and families with struggles, but also the need to provide basic tools, encouragement, and hope showing people they are not defined by their situations.


COMMUNITY MEALS $1,200 God’s Resort provides clean, safe, and affordable housing in one of Joplin’s highest call-forservice areas, according to the Joplin Police Department. Weekly fellowship is vital to the community presence of God’s Resort. We want to help provide supplies for their community meals for a year.

COMMUNITY BUILDING $480 God’s Resort hosts a free movie night once a month as part of their resident and neighborhood outreach. We want to help sponsor these evenings that provide a safe, fun neighborhood activity.

NEEDED EQUIPMENT $1,500 The need for refrigerators in the God’s Resort apartments is regular and ongoing. The gift of a refrigerator will bless a resident transitioning to a home of their own – perhaps for the first time. 22

HELPING CROSSLINES HELP OTHERS $2,500 Crosslines is a non-profit organization that provides necessary food, household items, clothes and financial assistance to people in the Joplin area. After 34 years providing vital services to the community, Crosslines Ministries is renovating a facility at 320 S. School Avenue in Joplin. The move-in date is expected to be spring 2016. This new facility will allow Crosslines to expand their services to include couponing, food budgeting, gardening, nutrition, cooking, and canning/preserving classes for their clients. They also anticipate hosting social and community building events centered on healthy living and good-habit forming activities like Bible study, sewing, knitting/crocheting, wellness and other hobbies.


MOBILE MEDICAL UNIT $2,000 We would like to help Choices Medical Services (formerly LifeChoices) outfit a mobile medical unit which will provide sexual health services for those at risk.


PRISON MINISTRY $1,700 One of the statewide prison ministries currently visits fourteen state prisons in Missouri, and their ultimate goal is to be in all 23 state prisons and the federal prison in Springfield. They travel 1,400 miles weekly. We want to help them with their travel expenses so they can be more effective in their ministry to inmates.


COOKSON HILLS $1,500 Cookson Hills is a home, school, and therapy haven for children who are at-risk. This gift will help them purchase new beds and dressers for some of their kids in residence.

CAMP EQUIPMENT $1,500 Many of us can reflect back to a pivotal moment at camp when we experienced God challenging us. This gift will provide upgrades for equipment at Maranatha Bible Camp so children can experience the love and compassion of Jesus, and marriages and families can find encouragement and hope during retreats.


CHILD SPONSORSHIP IN JOPLIN $2,500 Neighborhood Life House in north Joplin was created to see communities restored through a relevant church. They also desire to see their community thrive—developing healthy interpersonal relationships, community partnerships, and systemic change. Life House has an unprecedented number of children coming from high poverty crisis situations and taking care of them well is their top priority. This gift would help sponsor youths at Life House for the full week of programming for a year. 26



House of Hope exists to heal hurting teens and restore broken families through the grace, hope, and love of Jesus Christ. We want to help House of Hope to provide a resource library for their clients and their parents. This would allow them to check out books and videos that focus on teen issues and parenting skills. We also would like to be able to provide a more comfortable setting for counseling.

This gift will enable House of Hope to serve more clients by providing scholarships for those who are not able to pay the full fee. We will also be able to help them provide a support group for teens and classes for their parents. It is an opportunity to give parents new tools to use in their homes and with their children.


4311 E Newman Road Joplin, MO 64801 417.624.6915



You can give during the offering collection or in the Atrium on Sunday mornings, at the receptionist’s office during the week, or online at anytime.

Photo Credits (Photos licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic License): p. 2 p.4 p. 5 p. 6 p. 8 p. 10 p. 12 p. 13 p. 13 p. 14 p. 15 p. 16 p. 19 p. 19 p. 22 p. 22 p. 24 p. 27

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