PTM 2016 Notebook Digital Edited

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Welcome Letter..................................................................................................................3 Schedule - Pre-Conference Workshops............................................................................5 Pre-Conference Speaker Bios............................................................................................6 PTM Conference & History, Nametags, Ways to Connect...........................................7-8 Helpful Information - Ridgecrest..................................................................................9-10 PTM Zoomed-in Ridgecrest Map....................................................................................11 Schedule - PTM Conference 2016...................................................................................13 Conference Speaker & Worship Leader.........................................................................14 Wednesday Morning Time in the Word & Small Group Questions........................15-16 Thursday Morning Time in the Word & Small Group Questions............................17-18 Friday Morning Time in the Word & Small Group Questions.................................19-20 Schedule - Workshops.....................................................................................................21 Schedule - Workshop Descriptions............................................................................23-27 Workshop Speaker Bios..............................................................................................29-31 Special Events..............................................................................................................33-34 Schedule - Personal Networking.....................................................................................35 Asheville Attractions.........................................................................................................36 Bibliography.................................................................................................................37-44 Member Care Websites..............................................................................................45-46 2017 PTM Conference Information.................................................................................47 Conference Evaluation.......................................................................... Inside Back Cover Call for Presentations............................................................................ Inside Back Cover Small Groups & Leaders & Map........................................................... Inside Back Cover PTM Conference Attendees................................................................. Inside Back Cover


WELCOME! October 4, 2016 Welcome to our 2016 PTM Conference! Our PTM Planning Team has been looking forward to these days together with you for quite some time. We have been and are praying that the Father meets each of us in personal ways, ways that stir us toward the Larger Story of what He is doing and how He longs for us to be part of that. Boldly Waiting...The City That Is To this year’s theme, from Hebrews 13:14, “For this world is not our home; we are looking forward to our city in Heaven, which is yet to come.” How does one wait and yet do it boldly? We are to look forward to our city in Heaven and yet sometimes, if you’re like me, I get caught up in the immediacy of the ‘now,’ losing focus on a dimension of God’s promised reality that, at times, can seem so far away. How do we as pastoral caregivers offer the hope of eternal perspective to global workers who are discouraged, at risk, and often lonely? How do we bravely wait with eyes fixed on our eternal home in Heaven with Jesus? Our Bible teacher, Dr. Matthew St. John, author, consultant and senior pastor of New Hope Church in Minneapolis, Minnesota, is humble, wise and has a rich command of Truth. Because of how he has opened his own life to the work of God, we believe he will stir our souls with reflections and challenges regarding our theme of Boldly Waiting...The City That Is To Come. We trust your time here in this beautiful setting, as well as the Bible teaching, workshops, and fellowship will be helpful in retooling, reconnecting, and refreshing yourself in the pastoral roles of shepherding God’s global servants. On behalf of the PTM Planning Team and with much anticipation,

Paul Niager

PTM Leadership Team Chair PTM Leadership Team Darwin & Darlis Anderson, Perry Bradford, Dave Holabeck, Michael Lodge, Amy Miller, Steve & Deborah Wise, and Paul Niager



Pre-Conference Workshops 2016 Shepherding Others to Spacious Places in Harsh Lands Scott Shaum Johnson Spring – 2nd Floor – 3 ABCD

Theology of Risk & Suffering Karen Carr, Darlene Jerome, John & Kathryn Wile Johnson Spring – 2nd Floor – 4 ABCD


Monday, October 3


Tuesday, October 4

12:00 -1:30

Ridgecrest Registration in Pritchell Hall, get settled in hotel room, then PTM Registration in Johnson Spring 2nd floor lobby

7:15 - 8:15

Breakfast (Dining Room)

9:00 - 12:00

Workshop Session 3

12:00 - 1:00

Lunch (Dining Room)

1:00 - 3:00

Workshop Session 4

1:30 - 5:00

Workshop Session 1

5:30 - 6:30

Dinner (Dining Room)

7:00 - 8:30

Workshop Session 2



*See large map for location of the Johnson Spring Building


PRE-CONFERENCE SPEAKER BIOS SCOTT & BETH SHAUM Scott and Beth Shaum have been married for 31 years and have three sons in their 20’s. Their joys are anything reflecting beauty: fly fishing, solitude with God, meals with friends, the privilege of journeying with servants across the world, and devouring Beth’s amazing madefrom-scratch pies. They are missing the Cantonese they learned while church planters in Hong Kong and have fond memories of the years spent pastoring in Detroit. They richly enjoy shepherding, coaching, and training cross-cultural workers with Barnabas International, where Scott serves as Director of Staff Development. KAREN CARR Karen Carr is a staff member of Barnabas International. She has lived and worked internationally since 1998, serving as Clinical Director of Mobile Member Care Team ( Karen trained as a clinical psychologist in Virginia and feels honored to serve cross-cultural workers along with her team through counseling, training, consulting, and mentoring. Some of the trainings and written resources Karen has helped to develop are in the areas of crisis and resilience. Karen enjoys anything related to water, hiking, birding, good humor, reading good books, talking to good friends, drinking coffee, and listening to instrumental music. DARLENE JEROME After 10 years in Cameroon with Wycliffe/SIL as Personnel Director, Darlene helped to launch the Mobile Member Care Team in 1999. Her contributions to MMCT have primarily been in training and personnel while serving in West Africa for 15 years. Darlene is now based in the US and serves as MMCT’s International Coordinator. She’s excited to be part of this stage of the ministry’s development. When not envisioning, training, networking or doing emails, she enjoys gardening, reading, cooking for and talking with good friends, most anything “music”, and is thinking of taking up kayaking and pickleball. JOHN & KATHRYN WILE The Wiles have spent a lifetime in pastoral ministry. Their first 15 years they served congregations in the United States. For the last two decades their “congregation” has been global servants. They’ve invested in long-term pastoral relationships with specific groups of global servants in Asia, Africa & South America. They love to share the Word of God and His life-giving grace in Jesus Christ and to walk alongside God’s servants wherever they may be so they will thrive in their personal journeys with God and in the ministries to which He has called them.


BOLDLY WAITING Barnabas International sponsors the PTM Conference. We are thankful for their support, guidance, and encouragement! Barnabas International exists to edify, encourage, enrich and strengthen servants in ministry. They creatively seek ways to fulfill their charter through a variety of ministry models. They are pastoral care providers, shepherding the hearts and souls of God’s people. Their ministry priorities are targeted toward global servants, pastors, national church leaders, and their families. They are committed to providing encouragement to God’s global servants through: • • • •

Going: traveling to the fields of service to provide an “on sight” ministry of presence. Listening: asking questions, taking time to listen to the servant’s story. Speaking: ministering the Word of God through preaching and teaching. Giving: believing that encouragement is fundamentally a gift of grace.

If you have any questions about Barnabas, please don’t hesitate to find one of the members of Barnabas here at the conference or drop us an email at or give us a call at 815-395-1335. We’d love to connect with you!

MAIN CONFERENCE The PTM Conference kicks off on Tuesday evening, October 4 and runs through Friday, October 7 at noon. You’ll start the conference with a banquet buffet where you will meet your small group, and be introduced to the Conference program. Through time in God’s Word, worship, plenary sessions, and workshops, you’ll be challenged and inspired as you hear from leaders and learn what’s next in member care. You’ll catch up with old friends and make new ones. Leisurely, unscheduled time is given to allow for personal renewal and connecting to others in the community. PTM Conference seeks to build, equip, and network missionary pastoral caregivers in a Christ-centered community environment. We trust you’ll leave inspired, encouraged, and refreshed.

A BRIEF HISTORY OF PTM Over two decades ago, five couples gathered around a table at the headquarters of Missionary Internship in Farmington, Michigan, to brainstorm about meeting the need for pastoral care among cross-cultural workers, missionaries, and humanitarian aid workers. As a result, the Pastors-to-Missionaries Conference was birthed in 1989.


In the early years, news of the existence of the conference spread mostly by word of mouth, gathering pastoral people— couples and singles alike—with the same passion for encouraging cross-cultural workers. Founded just three years prior in 1986, Barnabas International focused on the encouragement of cross-cultural workers as well. And so it was that MI and Barnabas International worked in concert toward this unique ministry focus. Soon MI moved from Michigan to Colorado and changed its name to Mission Training International (MTI). Shortly thereafter in 1994, the sponsorship and administrative oversight of the conference transferred to Barnabas International where it remains to this day. As the conference has grown in numbers, the Leadership Team charged with conference planning has continued to define and hone the core values and distinctives that have been present from the beginning: • • • •

Pastor the cross-cultural workers Resource the pastoral caregiver Provide respite for both the worker and caregiver Shepherd the flock of God wherever they may be

NAMETAGS To help identify special groups of attendees, the nametags are color-coded as follows: Speakers: ORANGE PTM Leadership Team: YELLOW

WAYS TO CONNECT Facebook – PTM Conference Facebook – Global Member Care Network


L to R front: Darlis Anderson, Amy Miller, and Deborah Wise L to R back: Darwin Anderson, Michael Lodge, Dave Holabeck, Paul Niager, Perry Bradford, and Steven Wise Please feel free to come and talk with us at any time throughout the Conference if you have any needs or questions.



Ridgecrest Conference Center’s mission is simple: Cultivating experiences, nurturing relationships, and impacting lives for God’s glory. Ridgecrest is where people come to listen to God. They strive to provide excellent customer service in a Christian environment. Before you even set foot on the campus, Ridgecrest’s staff has prayed for you - by name.


Throughout the Conference, there will be ample time for you to interact informally with your colleagues. The Personal Networking Schedule in this notebook for help with setting appointments. On campus you can enjoy coffee at the newly-remodeled Clouds Coffee Shop, as well as pastries, muffins, desserts, sandwiches, salads, espresso, and smoothies. Rocking Chair Ridge (the breezeway outside of Clouds Coffee Shop) and our fellowship rooms (found on each floor of Mountain Laurel with a TV & several couches) are available to relax and enjoy. Our prayer is that the relationships, surroundings, worship times, and sessions will renew and refresh you for the work to which you have been called.


Other than Tuesday evening’s banquet in Johnson Spring 2 ABC, all meals will be served buffet-style in the Dining Room, located in the center of the campus (see map) in Rhododendron. When you register, you will receive meal tickets for Tuesday dinner through Friday breakfast. If you are attending the Pre-Conference sessions, your meal tickets will include Monday dinner through Friday breakfast.


Ridgecrest has developed a new system on the dining lines since last year. Each menu item will be labeled as gluten-free, dairy-free, and/or vegan. This has greatly improved the response to dietary needs as most folks are able to make their selections based on this information without the need for a special plate. For those with severe allergies who need a plate prepared for them specifically, contact a member of the Food Service Team and they will take care of you.


We have one hearing-impaired device that requires some set up from our conference services team. It’s likely that this will only be available in our general session space. If you would like to use one, please notify a member of the PTM Planning Team and we will be happy to assist you.



Ridgecrest does not staff medical personnel. In case of an emergency, please contact the Ridgecrest Front Desk (828-669-8022) or dial 0 from any Ridgecrest phone. In the event of a life-threatening emergency, please call 911 first and then contact the Front Desk. It is extremely important you notify Ridgecrest when 911 has been called so we can direct the emergency personnel when they arrive on campus.


Firearms, alcoholic beverages, fireworks and the use of tobacco products are prohibited.


Mountain Laurel to Johnson Spring to the Dining Hall • Begin at the Mountain Laurel C-Level Lobby (the bottom floor). • Go outside to the patio. • Cross to Johnson Spring on the covered walkway. • Take the elevator down to Johnson Spring 1. • Take a left out of the elevator and follow the hallway all the way down • Take another left at the end of that hallway and follow the hallway all the way to the doors at the end. There is also signage for “Accessible Route to Dining Room” as guests come off of the Johnson Spring elevator on the 1st floor. • Exit out of the doors onto the ramp. • Take a right off of the ramp and follow that road downhill to the awning outside of Rhododendron. • The entrance will be to your right. • Enter through the doors and into the line for the Dining Hall.


Vacate your room by 10:00 AM Friday. You don’t need to check out at Ridgecrest’s front desk in Pritchell Hall. Leave the room as is, you don’t need to strip the beds, etc. Leave your key in the room and lock the door. Upon departure, please leave the following items on the Information Table in the snack area by our large group meeting room: o Your nametag o PTM Conference Evaluation o PTM 2017 Call for Presentations

PTM 2017

October 3-6, 2017 Ridgecrest Conference Center Main Speaker: Fil Anderson Theme: “Audacious Grace”






“Boldly Waiting…The City That is to Come” TIME

Tuesday – Oct 4

Wednesday – Oct 5

Thursday – Oct 6

Friday – Oct 7

Registration Day

Day 1

Day 2

**Closing Day


Breakfast (Dining Room)


Worship & the Word




Pre-Conference Workshops & Travel

Guided Time for Personal Reflection or Conversations

Special Interest Groups & “Missionary Care Catalysts” Forum Room 3


Lunch (Dining Room)



3:00-3:15 3:15-4:45 4:45-5:30



Ridgecrest Registration in Pritchell Hall, then PTM Registration in Johnson Spring 2nd Floor Lobby

Closing & Communion Goodbye & God Bless You!

Break Workshops Free Time

1st - W Banquet @ 6pm Dinner @ 5:30 (Dining Room) Johnson Spring 2ABC Welcome, Small Groups, Fireside Chat Concert of Music Interviews with with & Prayer with St. Johns, Matthew St. John Marc Imboden Imbodens, & Wiles (optional) (optional) S



5:00 - Welcome meeting for all first-time attendees in Johnson Spring 3ABCD



5:00 – 6:00 - Welcome Hour in Johnson Spring lobby



8:30 - Meeting for all workshop speakers/presenters in Johnson Spring 3ABCD (after the banquet)


Please sit with your Small Groups.


Please check out of your room by 10:00 Friday morning.


to the Helpful onPTM page 10 for further departure instructions. Refer to theRefer “Helpful Info” page Info in the Notebook for further instructions.


MAIN SPEAKER & WORSHIP LEADER TIME IN THE WORD: DR. MATTHEW ST. JOHN Dr. Matthew St. John is the senior pastor of New Hope Church, a congregation of 3,000 attendees in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Having served as a senior pastor for over twenty years, as well as having represented Christ in twenty-five countries around the world, Matthew nurtures a deep passion for sharing God’s Word so that all who are spiritually-hungry may experience and proclaim the life-changing power of Jesus Christ. Matthew and his wife Christa have two daughters—Emily, who with her husband Hunter, lives in West Fargo, North Dakota, and Katy, who is a high school junior. We are thrilled to welcome him as our plenary speaker for this year’s PTM conference.

WORSHIP LEADER: MARC IMBODEN We’re thrilled to have Marc & Amy Imboden back for the second time. Marc Imboden has been leading worship and writing songs for the past 25 years. He has traveled throughout the country with his band playing for conventions, conferences, teaching workshops, and performing concerts for all age groups. His songs reflect a heart and passion that longs to draw people to a loving and gracious God. You may know him best by his song, “You are Holy/ Prince of Peace” as recorded by Michael W. Smith, Newsong, and Bob and Larry of the “VeggieTales”, and has been included in the new Baptist Hymnal. He currently lives in Lebanon, Indiana with his wife Amy, and their five children - Nash, Hattie, Zoe, Jet and Ari. Over the years, Marc has developed a style of storytelling during worship that draws the crowd into an intimate place with wonder and laughter creating a worship time that will be remembered long after the concert is over. Marc is currently working on a new book called A Kiss Towards, a collection of his stories that explores the daily life of a worshiper. His latest CD is also titled “A Kiss Towards” which you can stream on his website:


WEDNESDAY MORNING: TIME IN THE WORD Dr. Matthew St. John Live Beyond This Present World—2 Timothy 4:9-18 Reframing my Circumstances with a Heavenly Lens


(Small Group Discussion Questions on back)



1. There is a hint of desperation in Paul’s words in 2 Timothy 4:9. Tell of a time when you were feeling somewhat desperate in your life and/or ministry. What kind of longings did this create for you? 2. D emas, “in love with this present world” (v.10), highlights for us a tension between our world and the “heavenly kingdom” (v.18) to come. Explain in what ways that tension grips your life. 3. It is noteworthy that Paul’s final words before his death were not about theology or even the Gospel, but about things very personal and practical. What does that say about the importance of “self-care?” 4. Process the three items Pastor Matthew indicated Paul longed to enjoy. Take each one, and explain its value, particularly in a season of desperation. 5. I n what way does Paul’s yearning for the “heavenly kingdom” influence the tone of this passage and our own application of the things we have learned?


THURSDAY MORNING: TIME IN THE WORD Dr. Matthew St. John For God Will Save–Psalm 69 Finding Gladness and Choosing to Bless in Light of Eternity


(Small Group Discussion Questions on back)



1. The first words of Psalm 69 set the tone for what follows: “Save me, O God!” David then recounts through verse 21 some of the troubles afflicting him. If this were your psalm, what afflictions might you describe? What might others you know pen here? 2. Psalm 69:9 suggests that David’s passion for ministry is a catalyst for much of the trouble he faces. In what ways is your zeal for ministry costing you? 3. V erses 13-18 find David crying out for God to deliver him. Twice in the passage David references God’s loyal love (“chesed”)—verses 13 & 16. How might this loyal love motivate David’s faith in the face of affliction? 4. Pastor Matthew told of taking the imprecatory verses (vs. 22-28) and turning them into verses of blessing over those who are against him. Were you to do likewise, who would you bless? Are you prepared to forgive as a key to credibility? 5. Where affliction and faith intersect, David solicits praise to God and affirms the blessing of dwelling in Zion (vs. 34-36). In what way does this hunger for our heavenly home influence David, and how might it shape you?


FRIDAY MORNING: TIME IN THE WORD Dr. Matthew St. John Hear the Thin Silence–1 Kings 19 Revisiting the Mountain of God so as to Keep on Keeping On


(Small Group Discussion Questions on back)



1. Three words sum up Elijah’s whole spirit: “he was afraid” (1 Kings 19:3). Take a few minutes and discuss any fear that permeates not only your life, but the world in which you labor. 2. V erse 5 suggests that Elijah has become convinced his ministry is worthless. Evidently, Jezebel’s threats (v.2) deepen Elijah’s sentiment. When was the last time you felt like this? What were the circumstances, and what did you wish to do because of those feelings? 3. Notice God’s care over Elijah even as Elijah was on the run. In what ways has God shown extravagant grace to you or those for whom you care, even as affliction is lurking close at hand? 4. Horeb, to which Elijah runs, is also Mt. Sinai, the place where God met Moses as recorded in Exodus. What did Pastor Matthew suggest was Elijah’s motivation in going there? What or where is your personal “Horeb,” where you can meet with God? If you were there right now, what might you tell God? What clarity and commissioning do you think you will receive?


PTM 2016 Workshop Schedule








Darci Nealeigh

Lost & Found Identity

Betty-Anne VanRee

Serving Single and Serving Singles

Betty-Anne VanRees

Serving Single and Serving Singles

Darci Nealeigh

Lost & Found Identity



John Certalic

Better Listening. Better Care.

Melissa Chaplin

Dick & Larrie Gardner

Beyond the Basics in Missionary Care, Part 2

Dick & Larrie Gardner

Looking Back, Moving Beyond the Basics Forward: Using Returning Well to Help in Missionary Care, Part 1 Returnees Thrive Anew

Mark Anderson

A Practical Approach to Spiritual Oppression


Debbie Lamp

Melissa Chaplin

Mark Anderson

Getting to the Heart: Looking Back, Moving A Practical Approach Forward: Using Asking Questions to Spiritual Returning Well to Help Oppression That Take You Deeper Returnees Thrive Anew

John & Kathryn Wile

Soul to Soul with God in His Word

John & Kathryn Wile

Soul to Soul with God in His Word

1st Floor Getting to the Heart: Better Listening. Asking Questions Better Care. That Take You Deeper John Certalic Debbie Lamp


*See large map for location of Johnson Spring Building



Jeff Colon

Pure in Purpose

Silas West

Facing Trauma without Fear

Jeff & Rose Colon

From Ashes to Beauty

Silas West

Facing Trauma without Fear



Nancy Todd

Igniting the Contemplative Heart

Rose Colon

When His Secret Sin Breaks Your Heart

Nancy Todd

David Beger

Is Big Brother Watching You? Protecting Ministries through IT/Data Security

Herb Lamp

Holy Listening: An Invitation to Spiritual Formation and Direction

Herb Lamp

Holy Listening: An Invitation to Spiritual Formation and Direction

David Beger

Is Big Brother Watching Igniting the You? Protecting Ministries Contemplative Heart through IT/Data Security

2nd Floor


Banquet, General Sessions, & Small Groups

Wednesday & Thursday, October 5 & 6 • Johnson Spring Building (JS), Ridgecrest Conference Center





W O RK SHOP S All workshops will be held in the Johnson Spring building.

WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 5 1:30-3:00 PM Lost & Found Identity Darci Nealeigh (also offered Thursday 3:15) I’ve seen afflictions plaguing our Young Adult MKs like identity crisis, difficulty in developing relationships within their communities, and spiritual strain. I will share some dynamic modules the Lord has given me through time and personal experience that I hope will answer questions for both MKs and caregivers, and provide a balm of healthy perspective for MKs of all ages. Getting to the Heart: Asking Questions That Take You Deeper Debbie Lamp (also offered Thursday 3:15) Learn key skills that will exponentially improve interaction within any group experience you design: how to ask questions that draw out people’s own life experiences and knowledge to get beyond superficial thinking, and how to engage every part of their brain for the most beneficial growth possible. Better Listening. Better Care. John Certalic (also offered Thursday 1:30) If we could do only one thing to care for missionaries, one thing with lasting impact, it would be to listen well. We are not born good listeners; it’s an acquired skill. Taken from James 1:19, this interactive workshop will help improve one’s listening skills by demonstrating five practical “quick to listen” principles, and five “slow to speak” strategies. A Practical Approach to Spiritual Oppression Dr. Mark Anderson (also offered Thursday 3:15) Do you want practical approaches for spiritual oppression? This is encountered regularly by field workers. This workshop will cover: a brief orientation to spiritual oppression; a practical application to the experiences of field workers; an integration in discipleship and on-going shepherding. Facing Trauma without Fear Silas West (also offered Thursday 1:30) We all know the feeling that comes when we get that phone call–what will I say? Will I have anything to offer? This workshop will focus on dispelling the myths that are associated with crisis and trauma and provide practical tools for engaging crisis whether you are providing pastoral care or clinical support.


Igniting the Contemplative Heart Dr. Nancy Todd (also offered Thursday 3:15) This experiential workshop explores the use of creative forms of prayer as a way to experience and abide in God’s presence. Various forms of creative prayer will be introduced (e.g., collage, clay, photography, discernment walks, imaginative prayer) followed by a time of personal exploration and discussion on how these practices might be used in member care. No artistic ability needed! Is Big Brother Watching You? Protecting Ministries through IT/Data Security Dave Beger (also offered Thursday 3:15) As the adage says, “big brother is watching.” Whether you travel or correspond with ministry partners electronically, you may be inadvertently endangering those you serve. Hackers, unfriendly governments, and even terrorist groups might be watching. Fortunately, there are some ways to reduce the possibility of exploitation. This session will discuss prevention, de-escalation, and the aftermath of data breach.

WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 5 3:15-4:45 PM Serving Single and Serving Singles Betty-Anne (also offered Thursday 1:30) We’ll explore some of the unique challenges and blessings of serving God as a single in a cross-cultural setting, as well as how the body of Christ is God’s generous provision to meet some of those challenges. This will be a practical, interactive workshop looking at some specific issues and how they can be met in a proactive manner. Soul to Soul with God in His Word John & Kathryn Wile (also offered Thursday 1:30) We enjoy our coworkers and friends, yet might not experience soul-to-soul enrichment in the presence of God. In this workshop we’ll explore a simple way to hear God speak through His Word, be open and vulnerable, and pray… together. We’ve been using this approach for years in a variety of situations and consistently find it joy-filled, inviting, encouraging, and memorable. Looking Back, Moving Forward: Using Returning Well to Help Returnees Thrive Anew Melissa Chaplin (also offered Thursday 3:15) What if the journey of re-entry came with a guidebook? It can! Returning Well guides both you and the returnee you are serving through his or her re-entry process in a way that is flexible, thorough, and focused on thriving. Come learn how to use this powerful yet practical resource and serve as a Returning Well Companion. Beyond the Basics in Missionary Care – Part 1 Dr. Larrie Gardner (Part 2 will be offered Thursday 1:30) This two-part workshop is an essential equipping of new and experienced member care workers on mission trips. Part I deals with what you have to give, what do you need to learn, and what do the recipients need? Part II deals with building rapport, discernment and delivery of care, and dealing with the residue. Case studies will be the primary mechanism of instruction.


From Ashes to Beauty Jeff and Rose Colón Jeff and Rose will share from their own personal testimony the effects of sexual sin in marriage. This workshop will deal with the devastation that sexual sins brings into the marriage but also the hope and restoration that is found through the message of the cross. Holy Listening: An Invitation to Spiritual Formation and Direction Dr. Herb Lamp (also offered Thursday 1:30) Many missionaries complain that their leadership does not discuss with them their walk with God. They hunger for leaders, mentors, coaches and member care workers who will help them with their personal and spiritual development. We will present a model for spiritual formation for the global servant, including how we can use spiritual direction as a guide to maturity.

THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6 1:30-3:00 PM Serving Single and Serving Singles Betty-Anne (also offered Wednesday 3:15) We’ll explore some of the unique challenges and blessings of serving God as a single in a cross-cultural setting, as well as how the body of Christ is God’s generous provision to meet some of those challenges. This will be a practical, interactive workshop looking at some specific issues and how they can be met in a proactive manner. Soul to Soul with God in His Word John & Kathryn Wile (also offered Wednesday 3:15) We enjoy our coworkers and friends, yet might not experience soul-to-soul enrichment in the presence of God. In this workshop we’ll explore a simple way to hear God speak through His Word, be open and vulnerable, and pray… together. We’ve been using this approach for years in a variety of situations and consistently find it joy-filled, inviting, encouraging, and memorable. Better Listening. Better Care. John Certalic (also offered Wednesday 1:30) If we could do only one thing to care for missionaries, one thing with lasting impact, it would be to listen well. We are not born good listeners; it’s an acquired skill. Taken from James 1:19, this interactive workshop will help improve one’s listening skills by demonstrating five practical “quick to listen” principles, and five “slow to speak” strategies. Beyond the Basics in Missionary Care – Part 2 Dr. Larrie Gardner (Part 1 offered Wednesday 3:15) This two-part workshop is an essential equipping of new and experienced member care workers on mission trips. Part I deals with what you have to give, what do you need to learn, and what do the recipients need? Part II deals with building rapport, discernment and delivery of care, and dealing with the residue. Case studies will be the primary mechanism of instruction. Facing Trauma without Fear Silas West (also offered Wednesday 1:30) We all know the feeling that comes when we get that phone call–what will I say? Will I have anything to offer? This workshop will focus on dispelling the myths that are associated with crisis and trauma and provide practical tools for engaging crisis whether you are providing pastoral care or clinical support.


When His Secret Sin Breaks Your heart Rose Colón This workshop will focus on the wife who is devastated by finding out her husband is in sexual sin. Rose will share out of her own personal testimony and the truths of God’s word, how God is able to bring good out of a seemingly hopeless situation. Holy Listening: An Invitation to Spiritual Formation and Direction Dr. Herb Lamp (also offered Wednesday 3:15) Many missionaries complain that their leadership does not discuss with them their walk with God. They hunger for leaders, mentors, coaches and member care workers who will help them with their personal and spiritual development. We will present a model for spiritual formation for the global servant, including how we can use spiritual direction as a guide to maturity.

THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6 3:15-4:45 PM Lost & Found Identity Darci Nealeigh (also offered Wednesday 1:30) I’ve seen afflictions plaguing our Young Adult MKs like identity crisis, difficulty in developing relationships within their communities, and spiritual strain. I will share some dynamic modules the Lord has given me through time and personal experience that I hope will answer questions for both MKs and caregivers, and provide a balm of healthy perspective for MKs of all ages. Getting to the Heart: Asking Questions That Take You Deeper Debbie Lamp (also offered Wednesday 1:30) Learn key skills that will exponentially improve interaction within any group experience you design: how to ask questions that draw out people’s own life experiences and knowledge to get beyond superficial thinking, and how to engage every part of their brain for the most beneficial growth possible. Looking Back, Moving Forward: Using Returning Well to Help Returnees Thrive Anew Melissa Chaplin (also offered Wednesday 3:15) What if the journey of re-entry came with a guidebook? It can! Returning Well guides both you and the returnee you are serving through his or her re-entry process in a way that is flexible, thorough, and focused on thriving. Come learn how to use this powerful yet practical resource and serve as a Returning Well Companion. A Practical Approach to Spiritual Oppression Dr. Mark Anderson (also offered Wednesday 1:30) Do you want practical approaches for spiritual oppression? This is encountered regularly by field workers. This workshop will cover: a brief orientation to spiritual oppression; a practical application to the experiences of field workers; an integration in discipleship and on-going shepherding. Pure in Purpose Jeff Colón Many Christians are succumbing to the lust of this world and sexual sin is running rampant in the church. This workshop will tackle the core issues of sexual sin and give Biblical answers on how to live pure in an impure world.


Igniting the Contemplative Heart Dr. Nancy Todd (also offered Wednesday 1:30) This experiential workshop explores the use of creative forms of prayer as a way to experience and abide in God’s presence. Various forms of creative prayer will be introduced (e.g., collage, clay, photography, discernment walks, imaginative prayer) followed by a time of personal exploration and discussion on how these practices might be used in member care. No artistic ability needed! Is Big Brother Watching You? Protecting Ministries through IT/Data Security Dave Beger (also offered Wednesday 1:30) As the adage says, “big brother is watching.” Whether you travel or correspond with ministry partners electronically, you may be inadvertently endangering those you serve. Hackers, unfriendly governments, and even terrorist groups might be watching. Fortunately, there are some ways to reduce the possibility of exploitation. This session will discuss prevention, de-escalation, and the aftermath of data breach.



S P E A KE R B I OS MARK ANDERSON Mark and Sarah Anderson spent 20 years doing evangelism and church planting in France. They became aware of spiritual oppression in the spiritual climate of the country and in ministry. They returned to the States in 2002 for family reasons. Mark has worked with Muslim ministries, member care, and pastoral ministries. His Master of Divinity and Doctor of Missiology degrees are from Trinity Divinity School in Illinois. He completed half a Master’s degree in Islamic studies at Columbia Seminary in South Carolina. They have three adult children and four wonderful grandchildren. DAVID BEGER David grew up in Flagstaff, Arizona and gave his life to Christ while attending college there. After earning a BS in Business Administration/Computer Information Systems, David went on to complete an MA from Reformed Theological Seminary, and a second MA in New Testament Studies from The Master’s Academy International. He, his wife and two children have served in Poland for nine years. Currently, David works to plant churches and train national leaders in Europe, the Middle East, and North America. JOHN CERTALIC John Certalic is the executive director of Caring for Others, a member care ministry devoted to increasing the effectiveness of missionaries and reducing their attrition rate. Along with training and debriefing work with cross-cultural workers, John has trained lay counselors and taught pastoral care seminars on five continents. He also conducts workshops to help churches better care for their missionaries. Caring for Others has ministered to over a thousand missionaries from 62 different sending agencies serving in 85 countries around the world. John is also the author of THEM - The Richer Life Found in Caring for Others. MELISSA CHAPLIN Melissa Chaplin is in her second decade of serving cross-cultural workers. She is a Professional Certified Coach through the International Coach Federation, and she has devoted her career to helping make healthy transitions and thriving relationships a reality for those who desire them. She is the author of Returning Well, a guidebook for cross-cultural servants seeking to thrive back “home” after serving cross-culturally. Melissa is a devoted follower of Jesus, wife, mom, learner, coach, and educator, whose heartbeat is to live today in light of eternity, taking practical steps to love and obey her Creator.


JEFF & ROSE COLÓN Jeff & Rose served as biblical counselors at Pure Life Ministries for 22 years, a ministry which helps Christians dealing with sexual sin. Both of them hold master’s degrees in counseling and are now pioneering a new work called Lighthouse Biblical Counseling Center in Kentucky. In addition to their roles at LBCC, Jeff is an ordained minister of the Assemblies of God and the senior pastor of Lighthouse on the Rock. Rose has also been a keynote speaker for numerous women’s conferences, biblical counseling training seminars, marriage conferences, A Call to Purity weekends, Christian college seminars and pastors’ wives’ conferences both nationally and internationally. DICK & LARRIE GARDNER Dick and Larrie Gardner are veterans in missions and missionary care --training, translating, counseling, leading, writing, and consulting. We enjoy people, especially missionaries and those who want to help them. We also deeply love our family--two sons, two daughters-in-law and eight grandchildren. We love hiking, horseback riding, fishing, hunting, and living in Tucson. We also enjoy music, books, second-hand book stores, and sunsets in the desert. We especially love Jesus and His Word. HERB & DEBBIE LAMP Herb and Debbie Lamp served 28 years in various countries of Europe, focused initially on training Eastern European pastors, and since 2009, have served with Barnabas International, shepherding the global missionary work force through pastoral care, ministry training and spiritual formation/direction. Debbie has a passion for encouraging, strengthening and training women in ministry, which has found its main outgrowth using a women’s ministry skill training curriculum to establish three training hubs - in Europe, Thailand and Brazil, under the name Equipping Women International. Herb holds a doctorate from GordonConwell Theological Seminary and is presently writing a theology of spiritual formation for global workers. He is director of “Come Away, My Beloved” Spiritual Formation Retreats. Debbie and Herb have three adult children and three adorable grandkids. DARCI NEALEIGH Darci’s family moved to Brazil when she was six years old and she lived there until high school graduation in 2000. She moved to the United States and since then has moved over 30 times. A tumultuous reentry experience sent her seeking an identity, which she found when God led her to the mountains of Colorado and quieted her heart. She has worked with MKs of all ages at Mission Training International for the past five and half years and has now transitioned to Barnabas International to focus on her heart’s passion; young adult MKs. NANCY TODD Nancy Todd and her husband, Terry, joined the staff of Barnabas International in 2008. Prior to that time, Nancy was an educator in both the U.S. and the P.R.C. She and her husband worked at the Well Member Care Center in Chiang Mai, Thailand for four years as pastoral counselors, debriefers, spiritual directors, and retreat facilitators. Nancy holds a Ph.D. in education and is a certified spiritual director. One of her passions is encouraging global workers to encounter the Holy Trinity through art, retreats, and contemplative practices.


SILAS WEST Silas is an MK and a veteran of over a decade of field experience as a pioneer worker and field director. He served as Director of Member Care for Word Made Flesh and currently works as a pastor at Waypoint Church. He also serves as a consultant and member care provider for church planters in the Antioch Ministries International Network. In addition to his member care work, Silas has a Masters in Clinical Mental Health Counseling and operates a private practice. He currently lives with his wife and four children in Omaha, Nebraska. JOHN & KATHRYN WILE John & Kathryn Wile have spent a lifetime in pastoral ministry. Their first 15 years they served congregations in the U.S. For the last two decades their “congregation” has been global servants. They’ve invested in long-term pastoral relationships with specific groups of global servants in Asia, Africa & South America. They love to share the Word of God and His life-giving grace in Jesus Christ and to walk alongside God’s servants wherever they may be so they will thrive in their personal journeys with God and in the ministries to which He has called them.




We’re looking forward to having Matthew St. John facilitate a time with us Wednesday evening at 7:00pm in the large group meeting room, Johnson Spring 2 ABC. This will be a good occasion for us to simply enjoy being together, have some organic time to ask Matthew questions based on his topic, BOLDLY WAITING….but also a chance for Q & A. Matthew has traveled the world, having visited over 25 countries and shared the Hope of Christ. Matthew has spent years contributing to more than just the local church, but has also consulted with a variety of global ministries. He is the author of Crazy Sex: Embracing God’s Best in a World Gone Crazy and a contributing author for Vital Church Issues: Examining Principles and Practices in Church Leadership. So you can see, Matthew has reflected and pondered many things that perhaps you have as well. We trust our time together will leave us all stirred to be good shepherds and better equipped to enjoy THE Good Shepherd. None of this can happen if you aren’t there. While this is an optional opportunity for us all to get together, we hope to see you there!

MISSIONARY CARE CATALYSTS FORUM Thursday, 10:30am, Johnson Spring 3ABCD

MCC (Missionary Care Catalysts) partners with God to birth a nationwide movement of churches committed to excellent missionary care. We aspire to: • communicate a clear vision • develop a common language • create an easier on-ramp for church involvement • increase awareness and participation in missionary care In some ways, it’s never been ‘easier’ to be or to send a missionary: all that’s truly required is a calling, a ticket and a passport. And yet, the 5,000+ missionaries leaving the field for preventable reasons each year challenge us to improve the care for those we commission. We are hosting a forum on this subject at the PTM Conference, and you’ve been invited because your experience and perspective would be an asset. Please join us for this time of collaborative interaction, thanks! The MCC Team, Donna Cole, Brian Gibson, Frances Green, Dr. Gary Green, Marcia Mills, Neal Pirolo, Lori Rogers, Dottie Schultz, & Coy Walters


CONCERT OF MUSIC & PRAYER Thursday, 7:00pm, Johnson Spring 2ABC

Join us for a time of responding to God in music and prayer. Marc and Amy Imboden will help us focus on the goodness of our Shepherd, so that we might be encouraged and emboldened in our shepherding of others. This will be a time for those who are weary in heart to be led to the Fount, as well as for those longing for a chance to express their joy in the Lord to share in doing so among their co-laborers. Come to the feast that He has prepared for us!


Thursday, 10:30am or other times as scheduled Do you have a very specific topic that is important to you that you would like to talk about to others with the same interest? Maybe you’re interested in re-entry challenges, caring for people in 24//7 resident ministries, trends in church-mission agency relationships, hosting missionary retreat centers, or ministering to millennials. You’ll find people who share your passions, life situation, and/or job descriptions. Please sign up with your ideas on the legal pads on the PTM Registration Table with a suggested location & time for your Special Interest Group meeting, if this Thursday morning time slot doesn’t work for you.


NETWORKING The PTM Conference values networking and wants you to be able to reestablish relationships and build new ones. Some of the best networking happens after hours. At Ridgecrest there is an abundance of nooks and crannies for you to sit down with someone to visit, pray, or connect. Whatever or wherever you chose, make sure you make time to network with other participants this year!

When Tuesday







Break Lunch Afternoon Dinner Evening Thursday

Breakfast Break Lunch Afternoon Dinner Evening


Breakfast 35


Incredible scenery, fun outdoor activities, shopping, golf – it’s no wonder that the Asheville/ Western North Carolina area is a top 10 tourist destination. Many visitors to Ridgecrest enjoy spending time in the community of Black Mountain, just minutes away from the Ridgecrest campus. Quaint galleries, shops and restaurants accent this small community. Just further down the road in Asheville sits the historic Biltmore Estate, home of the late George W. Vanderbilt. Other visitors enjoy outdoor activities such as hiking, horseback riding, or shooting the rapids on one of several rivers that slice through the mountains. If you have the opportunity this year, you may want to use some free time during the PTM Conference to visit some of the attractions in the Asheville area. Asheville Area Attractions: (Great Smoky Mountain Railroad)


BIBLIOGRAPHY DEBRIEFING AND RE-ENTRY Art of Coming Home, Craig Storti Most people who live overseas find repatriation—coming home after their foreign assignment—more difficult than going abroad in the first place. The Art of Coming Home explains why—identifying the main challenges and how to get beyond them. The book describes personal and work-related issues for returning employees, as well as key concerns and frustrations for returning spouses and children. It also features separate sections on special readjustment issues for four unique populations: exchange students, international volunteers, military personnel and their families, and missionaries and their children. Burn Up or Splash Down: Surviving the Culture Shock of Re-Entry, Marion Knell Just like a space shuttle struggles and strains to re-enter the earth’s atmosphere, so those returning from living overseas can find themselves confused and in a state of panic at coming home. While people anticipate that going overseas will require major changes in their lifestyles and thinking, few anticipate the difficulties they will face upon return. Cross Cultural Re-Entry: A Book of Readings, Clyde Austin Dr. Austin’s classic resource for missionaries and others working in cultures outside of their own. Also, this book of readings is perfect springboard for a graduate student beginning his or her thesis or dissertation. Re-Entry: Making the Transition from Missions to Life at Home, Peter Jordan “Having counseled with hundreds of returning missionaries, Peter and Donna know from experience the re-entry challenges and opportunities that await missionaries worldwide. They have much to say on this vital subject of re-entry ... and the authority to say it.” --Loren Cunningham, Founder and President, Youth with A Mission The Reentry Team: Caring for Your Returning Missionaries, Neal Pirolo Neal has given us this thoughtful study on how to care for returning missionaries. It is his heart’s desire to see our missionaries better cared for. Its practical wisdom and touchingly true-to-life stories will, without condemnation, assist the church in receiving back the ones they have sent out. The results? Healthy returnees will make enormous contributions to body life at home, the church will be blessed and built up, and world missions will go forward.


Returning Well: Your Guide to Thriving Back “Home” After Serving Cross-Culturally, Melissa Chaplin Returning Well invites you into a guided conversation with your Creator that will reveal and apply invaluable insights as you reflect on your season of crosscultural service. By using Returning Well, you will discover how this season influenced you, how to re-integrate well, and what moving forward in faith means for you.

GENERAL Doing Member Care Well: Perspectives and Practices from Around the World, Kelly O’Donnell This book explores how member care is being practiced around the world to equip sending organizations as they intentionally support their mission/aid personnel. The information provided includes personal accounts, guidelines, case studies, worksheets, and practical advice from all over the globe. Expectations and Burnout: Women Surviving the Great Commission, Sue Eenigenburg and Robynn Bliss Missionary women have high expectations when they respond to God’s call; of themselves, their mission agencies, host cultures, churches, co-workers, and even of God. These expectations are often times impossible to fulfill and can lead to mental and physical exhaustion. Eighty percent of missionary women feel they have come close to burnout, whether they were married or single, traditional or tent making, new or experienced. In Expectations and Burnout, Sue provides research and surveys from the field while Robynn lends her own personal experiences to demonstrate how burnout can happen and how God can bring life from ashes. Join them as they explore how to develop realistic expectations and yet maintain faith in our sovereign God who continues to accomplish the impossible. Evangelism in the Digital Age: Media Case Studies, Volume 1, Dan Henrich This is a series of case studies that will help novice and professional alike learn how to use all forms of media in the evangelism process. These case studies come from Africa, Asia and Latin America and most have discussion questions to help the reader grasp the key parts of these examples from radio, television/film, and mobile/Internet media. Foreign to Familiar: A Guide to Understanding Hot-And Cold-Climate Cultures, Sarah Lanier This book is a splendidly written, well-researched work on cultures. Anyone traveling abroad should not leave home without this valuable resource! Sarah’s love and sensitivity for people of all nations will touch your heart. This book creates within us a greater appreciation for our extended families around the world and an increased desire to better understand them. Frontline Women: Negotiating Cross-Cultural Issues in Ministry, Marguerite Kraft Frontline Women is a collection of writings on women’s issues from those who have had mission field experience. Each author has special interest and expertise in the area in


which he or she has written. In the past we have failed to understand the significance of gender in mission work. Though women have historically been the majority in mission service, they have not been allowed much say in policies or strategizing. This book deals with gender differences in many areas of life and how that affects service to God in mission work. Women’s God-given gifting is meant to complement that of men and needs to be recognized, appreciated, and made use of in the day-by-day functioning of missions. Global Servants Cross-cultural Humanitarian Heroes Volume 1: Formation and Development of These Heroes, Lois Dodds and Laura Mae Gardner The family of origin and the culture and history in which it is embedded give rise to a person’s sense of self. The self grows in various dimensions of development, including emotional, psychosocial, cognitive, moral and spiritual. Each one of these clarifies our understanding of a person’s formation and his or her potential for effectiveness in cross-cultural humanitarian work. Global Servants Cross-cultural Humanitarian Heroes Volume 2: 12 Factors in Effectiveness and Longevity, Lois Dodds and Laura Mae Gardner Twelve factors contribute to the effectiveness and longevity of a person serving in crosscultural or multi-cultural humanitarian work. These are all shaping the person to some degree, and are also outcomes of the person’s development. When these twelve are maturely developed, a person has the capacity for making a significant and lasting impact on the groups or peoples he or she serves. Global Servants Cross-cultural Humanitarian Heroes Volume 3: The Art and Heart of Agency Care, Lois Dodds and Laura Mae Gardner Chapters include: Screening and selection, risk factors which affect functioning and require proactive care, how people get sick and wounded, grief and loss, risk assessment, responses and interventions, organizational responses and resource brokering, organizational responsibilities, organizational audit, personnel care audit, when trouble comes, leaders & leadership – key factors in care, and the role of the agency in promoting health. Healthy, Resilient, and Effective in Cross-Cultural Ministry: A Comprehensive Member Care Plan, Dr. Laura Mae Gardner In this book Dr. Gardner outlines a vision for care as well as policies and procedures for recruitment, orientation, placement, and supervising personnel. She also discusses roles of the agency, field authorities, and the sending church. She addresses the make-up of member care, attitudes and tools needed to care well for cross-cultural workers, a job description, how to begin, and how to function collegially with administrators and sending churches. Dr. Gardner also tackles nine specific challenges that face leaders and care-givers and gives advice on how to prevent these challenges from becoming threats. Honorably Wounded: Stress Among Christian Workers, Marjory F. Foyle As a psychiatrist, medical doctor, and former missionary, Dr. Foyle provides insights and special help for the stress and pressures of full-time Christian service. It’s always been tough serving the Lord on the front lines, whether you’re an office worker, missionary, evangelist, doctor, or teacher. If you put your head above the parapet you will get shot at. Sometimes you will get hit. After the initial chapters on the current challenges of Christian work around


the world, and on the nature of stress itself, Dr. Foyle explores such topics as: depression, occupational stress, interpersonal relationships, stress and children, and burnout. Personal Growth and Growth for Every Missionary, Dr. Jo Anne Dennett A short book in outline form which looks at developing a counseling program for mission organizations for their global workers. Written in an encouraging and helpful manner. Psychology of Missionary Adjustment, Marge Jones and E. Grant Jones In these pages you will discover what it takes to be an effective missionary. This study will open your eyes to, and more importantly prepare you for, the mental challenges of the mission field, from beginning to end, including financing, first-term stress, learning and language, becoming bi-cultural, facing unfulfilled expectations, living in a gold fish bowl, developing self-esteem, dealing with civil authorities, handling conflicts, re-entering North American culture, and adjusting to retirement and/or termination. Soul Talk: The Language God Longs for Us to Speak, Larry Crabb “Soul talk” happens when two Christians talk to each other in a way that results in their passion for God being stirred, ignited, and released. Tender Care: The Heart and Soul of Caring for God’s Scattered Servants, Seabrook Seven Seven coworkers from Barnabas International invite you into their conversation as they take a practical, candid, biblical look at the task of refreshing the hearts and souls of those who carry the good news of God’s love to the nations. From big picture perspectives to tightly focused detail, they remind us of both the privilege and the pressures of serving Christ across the boundaries of culture. With warmth, wisdom, and not a little passion, the Seabrook Seven draw from their many years of experience in pastoral care to cross-cultural missionaries as they paint a compelling picture of tender care. They take you to the place where the Great Commission and the Great Commandment converge. From cosmic struggle to earthly realities and underwater analogies, they challenge your thinking from motivations to preparation to expectations. Aimed at broadening the base of missionary care, Tender Care helps you encourage the hearts of God’s scattered servants. THEM - The Richer Life Found in Caring for Others, John Certalic More than a member care how-to book, this is a show-how book that weaves together personal stories of people caring well for one another. It helps missionaries better care for each other–when we focus on THEM, it leads to a better ME, resulting in a more fulfilling US. It has stories of conflict resolution, dealing with fear, anger and depression, forgiveness and reconciliation, honoring others, listening well, and more. Transitions: Making Sense of Life’s Changes, William Bridges Deals with the human capacity to deal with change and the pattern that basically defines any change process. The Way of Transitions: Embracing Life’s Most Difficult Moments, William Bridges William Bridges’ lifelong work has been devoted to a deep understanding of transitions and to helping others through them. When his own wife of 35 years died of cancer, however, he


was thrown head-first into the kind of painful and confusing abyss he had known before only in theory. An honest account of being in transition, this uncommonly wise and moving book is a richly textured map of the personal, professional, and emotional transformations that grow out of tragedy and crisis. Demonstrating how disillusionment, sorrow, or confusion can blossom into a time of incredible creativity and contentment, Bridges highlights the profound significance and value of endings in our lives. Too Valuable to Lose: Exploring the Causes and Cures of Missionary Attrition, William D. Taylor Does God really care about His servants? Yes! Do we care for our people who are serving the Lord in cross-cultural ministry? This book utilizes the findings of a 14-nation study done by Reducing Missionary Attrition Project (ReMAP) and will help supply some very encouraging answers. Trauma and Resilience, A Handbook, Drs. Charlie and Frauke Schaefer Are you looking for resources to come alongside people who are suffering as they serve God? This book brings together theological perspectives; personal stories; and spiritual, psychological, community, and medical resources. It is research-based and at the same time practical. This is a handbook for church and mission leaders, peer supporters, counselors, those in personnel and member care roles, as well as those who suffer. It is also an excellent resource for training courses about the topic. Worth Keeping: Global Perspectives on Best Practice in Missionary Retention, Hay Rob Worth Keeping is more than worth just reading. I urge church and missional leaders to reflect on the research and absorb the principles contained in this important volume. I am convinced if we put into practice its recommendations we will see more effective missionaries who feel valued as servants of the living God. Worth Keeping should be required reading for all mission leaders and local church mission teams

MORAL ISSUES Close Calls: What Adulterers Want You to Know About Protecting Your Marriage, David Carder Dave Carder has spent more than 30 years counseling husbands and wives trapped by infidelity, and he knows that the vast majority of these heartbroken people never saw it coming. In Close Calls, he reveals what adulterers want others to know about protecting their marriages before trouble strikes. False Intimacy: Understanding the Struggle of Sexual Addiction, Harry Schaumburg With frank honesty, False Intimacy offers realistic direction to those whose lives or ministries have been impacted by sexual addiction while examining the roots behind these behaviors. This compelling book examines different aspects of sexual addiction, including shame, purity, and forgiveness, while exploring one’s true identity and God-given sexuality.


From Ashes to Beauty - Spiritual Truths for Rebuilding & Revitalizing Your Marriage, Jeff & Rose Colón Jeff and Rose Colón’s marriage stands as a testimony of God’s power to restore any marriage, even one that has been ravaged by sexual sin and drug addiction. Christian marriages are under attack as never before. Couples are suffering more than ever under the same despair that once gripped Jeff and his wife, Rose. Is there really hope for my marriage? THE ANSWER IS A RESOUNDING YES!...but the answer wasn’t the typical fare found in Christian marriage books. Jeff and Rose had to go to the heart of the problem. They needed something more than outward alterations; they needed an inner transformation. Like every couple facing serious marital strife, they needed to discover the power of the Cross to bring them into the Beatitudes of Christ. Jeff’s personal journey and his subsequent experience counseling men and couples at Pure Life Ministries has uniquely qualified him to share the biblical truths that will restore any marriage from ashes to beauty! Shattered Vows: Hope and Healing for Women Who Have Been Sexually Betrayed, Debra Laaser This sensitive guide provides practical tools to help you make wise and empowering decisions, emotional tools to develop greater intimacy in your life, and spiritual tools to transform your suffering. Debra Laaser’s personal journey through betrayal, her extensive work with hundreds of hurting women, and her intimate marriage two decades after the disclosure of her husband’s infidelity provide meaningful answers to the questions that arise amid the complex fallout of broken vows.

SENDING Mind the Gaps, Engaging the Church in Missionary Care, David Wilson Mind the Gaps is intended to empower churches, to complement and enhance the efforts of the member care department of mission sending agencies, and to reduce the attrition rate of missionaries by encouraging them and helping to develop their resilience. It provides a distinct contribution to existing missionary care literature because it is collaboratively written by an experienced and practicing missionary care team from a local church. They share their experiences, both positive and negative, and relate real stories and lessons learned. By minding the gaps in missionary care, the church can create a system of proactive care, which will ensure lasting engagement of both the church and the agency into the lives of our precious and beloved missionaries. Serving as Senders, How to Care for Your Missionaries, Neal Pirolo Written primarily for the local church, this is the classic book on how to support a missionary from appointment to retirement. It should be used as an outline to guide a church to think holistically and developmentally. Well Sent: Reimagining the Church’s Missionary-Sending Process, by Steve Beirn Well Sent provides an image of a missionary sending process that rests in the hands of the local church. It acknowledges the many challenges mission agencies face due to an


increasing number of unreached peoples throughout the world and the current increase of retiring missionaries. Well Sent equips local churches with scalable guidance.

SPIRITUAL VITALITY Holy Invitations, Exploring Spiritual Direction, Jeannette Bakke Holy Invitations is a comprehensive introduction to spiritual direction written for both directors and directees. Jeannette Bakke, an accredited spiritual director who has been practicing and teaching this material for over fifteen years, is one of the first evangelicals to write on the subject. Bakke incorporates sample dialogue and reflective questions to acquaint readers with the unique practice of spiritual direction. Holy Invitations can be used by individuals exploring new approaches in their relationship with God, for spiritual direction training programs, or as a church or small group study guide. Sacred Companions, The Gift of Spiritual Friendship and Direction, David Benner Benner introduces readers to the riches of spiritual friendship and direction, explaining what they are and how they are practiced. Spiritual direction moves beyond mere moral lifestyle accountability and goes deeper than popular notions of mentoring or discipling. Through prayerful, guided attunement to God’s activity, sacred companions provide care for the soul. If we are to experience significant spiritual formation and growth, our souls must be nurtured through spiritual companions. Benner models the kind of traveling companion who can move us toward deeper intimacy with God. Surrender to Love: Discovering the Heart of Christian Spirituality, David Benner In this profound book, David Benner explores the twin themes of love and surrender as the heart of Christian spirituality. Through careful examination of Scripture and reflection on the Christian tradition, Benner shows how God bids us to trust fully in His perfect love. Writing with mature wisdom gleaned from many years of integrating psychological and spiritual insight, Benner demonstrates keen perception and sensitivity to the realities of spiritual formation. In each chapter he includes meditative exercises to guide you into a greater experience of trust and spiritual transformation. The Gift of Being Yourself: The Sacred Call to Self-Discovery, David Benner Discerning your true self is inextricably related to discerning God’s purposes for you. Paradoxically, the more you become like Christ, the more you become authentically yourself. In this profound exploration of Christian identity, psychologist and spiritual director David G. Benner illuminates the spirituality of self-discovery. He exposes the false selves that you may hide behind and calls you to discover the true self that emerges from your uniqueness in Christ.


THIRD CULTURE KIDS/MISSIONARY KIDS Raising Global Nomads: Parenting Abroad in an On-Demand World, Robin Pascoe In her fifth book for expatriate families, the author recounts with honesty and trademark humor what worked for her family and shares the hard lessons learned. Parenting styles in general, and of third culture kids in particular, have changed dramatically, prompting this timely and comprehensive reexamination of the challenges of parenting abroad. Sammy’s Next Move, Helen Maffini This book is a wonderful story about a snail named Sammy who lives around the world with his parents. He is a ‘third culture kid’, TCK or global nomad. He often moves to new countries and has to change schools and make new friends. Sammy experiences the feelings and thoughts common to children in similar situations. Sammy is a snail and so he carries his home with him wherever he goes, just as third culture kids do by knowing that home is where their heart is! The Mission of Detective Mike: Moving Abroad, Simone T Costa Eriksson This is a story to help expat children understand the relocation process. The Mission of Detective Mike: Moving Abroad will allay the fears of every relocating family member as this sensitive story, written in words and terms that make sense to young children, shares rock-solid strategies and advice that anyone will find easy to apply. Third Culture Kids: Growing Up Among Worlds, David C. Pollock and Ruth E. Van Reken Nearly a decade ago, this book introduced the concept of and has been the authority on the experiences of TCKs-children who grow up or spend a significant part of their childhood living abroad. Unrooted Childhoods: Memoirs of Growing Up Global, Faith Eidse and Nina Sichel A fusion of voices and experiences from every corner of the globe, Unrooted Childhoods presents a cultural mosaic of today’s citizens of the world. Twenty stirring memoirs of childhoods spent packing, written by both world-famous and first-time authors, make the story of growing up displaced feel universal. Bestselling fiction and non-fiction authors Isabel Allende, Carlos Fuentes, Pat Conroy, Pico Iyer, and Ariel Dorfman contribute powerful and deeply personal accounts of mobile childhoods and the cultural experiences they engender.


WEBSITES MEMBER CARE WEBSITES YOU MIGHT FIND HELPFUL... • Professional coaching for the missions community • Restorative residential missionary/pastor care in Michigan • Pastors to Missionaries Conference, Elim Retreats • “Come Away, My Beloved” spiritual formation retreats • Archive of weekly email bulletin of missions info/resources • Missionary debriefing, counseling, and member care training • Internet accountability and filtering • Developing and connecting member care worldwide • Transitional coaching, relationship coaching, counseling, debriefing • Christian organizations all committed to doing ministry online. • Trauma care, training • Training, restoration and renewal for international workers •,, International Conference on Computing & Mission, community of Christian technologists • Resources relating to evangelism, communication and technology • Interpersonal skills workshop site • Missionary debriefing center in France, near Geneva • Biblical counseling center offering training, seminars, pastoral care • IT consulting, training, missionary technology support • Residential restoring care for missionaries/pastors in California


• Marriage restoration for missionaries/pastors in Colorado • Coaching for missionaries • Global Member Care resources • Media ministry of encouragement & resources for cross-cultural workers • Brochures & 800 articles database on member care, MK • Medical resource especially for missionary mental healt • Music CD’s and retreat center developing in Tennessee • Provides training, consultation, counseling, crisis response, and referral for cross-cultural workers • Free PDF download of Mobile Ministry Made Easy, International Mission Board • Mission Training International – developing and equipping missionaries through training and debriefing • Narramore Christian Foundation, psychology resources for missionaries • Missionary counseling and training in Europe, along with North and West Africa • Peacemaker seminars to resolve & prevent church conflict • For missionary women • Pastoral care, retreats, seminars, training, in Alberta, Canada • Additional resources related to Returning Well • Provides preventive and responsive care and resources for mission organizations, teams, and individuals • The realities of life after living cross-culturally • MK or TCK resources, reentry seminars for kids • Pre-field training, debriefing retreats, church coaching • Member care for women working overseas • Resources on transitions for cross-cultural workers • An online community with an abundance of resources for women serving cross-culturally • Provides youth programs in a cross-cultural setting for TCKs




Fil Anderson is executive director of Journey Resources, based in Greensboro, North Carolina. He’s a frequent conference speaker, spiritual director, and directs retreats and workshops nationally and internationally. A member of the pastoral staff of St. Mark’s Church and the Spiritual Care Team for Samaritan’s Purse, he provides on-site soul care to their staff and volunteers. Fil is also a member of the Board of Trustees at The Seattle School of Theology and Psychology. He is the author of Running on Empty: Contemplative Spirituality for Overachievers (Waterbrook) and Breaking the Rules: Trading Performance for Intimacy with God (InterVarsity). Fil contributed to Transformation of a Man’s Heart: Reflections on the Masculine Journey (InterVarsity). He’s also a regular writer for InTouch Magazine and various other publications. A graduate of the University of North Carolina at Wilmington and Fuller Theological Seminary, he also completed the Graduate Program in Christian Spiritual Guidance at the Shalem Institute for Spiritual Formation. Fil worked with Young Life for twenty-five years, serving as area director and regional director before becoming national director of training. He and his wife, Lucie, live in Greensboro and are the parents of three adult children. Avid beach lovers, they frequent Wrightsville Beach, NC as often as possible.


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