Quarterly Ministry Catalog Spring 2014

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I want to speak to those of you who may be new to College Heights. We hope that your life in this church family leads to a wonderful encounter with the living God. Whether you are new to seeing the face of God in your life, or someone who has known him for years, either way, we are convinced that God is active and will meet you in the people, the prayers, the ministries, the studying, and the life of this body of believers. God is still advancing His Kingdom in our lives and this community. If we can help you get connected we want to do so. You are welcome to call any minister or ministry leader as your beginning place; our website, chjoplin.org, would get you started. Or, on any Sunday morning there is a room called The Connecting Place, just off the main Atrium of our Worship Center, where people are prepared to sit and visit with you; they would love to help get you started. May God meet you today and may He be gracious to you in all that you do today. Randy Gariss Preaching Minister


Rick Bushnell

Randy Gariss

Logan Greer

Bryce Hansen

Josh Huckabay

Wade Landers

Roger Lieb

Titus Neuenschwander

Josh Quade

Brian Sitton

Jay St. Clair

Jeff White

Senior Adults Minister x190


chjoplin.org 417.624.6915

Education Minister x320


Preaching Minister x300

Family Minister x180

Middle School Minister x150

College Age & Young Adult Minister x170

High School Minister x160

Children’s Minister x140

Creative Arts Minister x310

Community Outreach Minister x360

Global Outreach Minister x370

Small Groups & Men’s Ministry Minister x340





Join us Sunday mornings at 9:15 & 11:00 AM in the Worship Center for contemporary music and biblical teaching. There is parking for visitors on the south side of the Worship Center on Newman Road. We offer a variety of Bible School classes for all ages on Sunday morning at 8:00 AM, 9:15 AM, and 11:00 AM. Visit our website for more details or stop by the Information Center in the Atrium.


Discover College Heights is an introduction to College Heights and serves to acquaint you with our beliefs, purpose, and personality. This special event happens on the first Sunday of the month in room W106 (on the north side of the Worship Center).

Hearing devices for the hearing impaired are available at the Information Center in the Atrium. We also provide the services of deaf interpreters at the 11:00 AM service. MP3s and videos of the weekly sermon can be listened to and downloaded from our website or from iTunes.


If you would like to become involved at College Heights, you can stop in the Connecting Place in the northwest corner of the Atrium near the Worship Center. Volunteers will be glad to answer your questions and help you take your next step.


We want this to be the best hour of your child’s week and the most helpful hour of yours. To minimize distractions for adults and to maximize your child’s experience, we encourage children (birth – 4th grade) to participate in their age-appropriate classes.


We love babies at College Heights and realize sometimes babies need to be with their parents. We provide a Cry Room at the back of the Worship Center behind the sound booth with rocking chairs and a live feed of the worship service.


Spanish translation devices are available at the Information Center and translation of the message is offered during the Sunday, 11:00 AM service.


En el Centro de Información hay disponibles audífonos para escuchar en Español, el mensaje que se predica los domingos durante el servicio de las 11:00 AM.



Welcome Home by Lance Schaubert

“Welcome home,” he said. He was seventy, frail, and the first of dozens. I had crossed from the San Diego summer sun into the air-conditioned venue for this church plant named Ranchland Church. Single college sophomore, lonely on an internship, ready to start ministering. Ready, but unprepared. “Welcome home.” A jacked, thirty-yearold black man who, as a captain, piloted helicopters at the local Navy base. Blackhawk helicopters, he assured me. “Welcome home.” A single mom and children’s minister. An Algerian-French doctor, female and middle-aged, said it. So did a retired millionaire landowner, an insecure hipster,



a child TV star. I’ll be honest: I wanted to mock them. I’ve got Irish Gypsie, Cherokee, Blackfoot, German “shoemaker” blood all gushing around in my veins. I’m a runner. I’d road tripped over two-thousand miles to work at that church plant. The concept of “home” was alien to me. When I heard these joy-filled ragamuffins welcome me, I had to wonder: Is this really home? Is there such a thing as a real home? I’d begun to disbelieve in home before San Diego. I thought I’d run away from my problems forever. After all, birds have nests and foxes have dens but the Son of Man, Jesus, had “no place to lay his head.” Then I met this church as a visiting pastor and everything changed. The church building wasn’t home, but a house. A house can aspire to nothing more than being a building. A house is a “what.” People say, “I’m going to go to church,” meaning that thingy with the steeple. God clearly said, “Where is the house you will build for me?” God’s at home in the heavens – that womb of the worlds – and here on earth – His footstool – and just about everywhere else between. He doesn’t need the houses of worship we build for Him. He lives everywhere. Nah, a home means where and with whom I belong. When the people of God searched for a place to “rest from their journey,” the word rest means an end to their struggle. Even Hitler longed to have that kind of relief – his magnum opus was named My Struggle. Animals need a place to lie down, a den. Businessmen need a place to return to after a long time away. They seldom find it. There’s this story Jesus told once about a son who told his father, “Give me what you’ve dedicated to me in your last will and testament.” The son blew the cash on

everything you could imagine and ended up so literally dirt poor that he was eating out of the same mud-covered trough as pigs, who eat roadkill. He remembered his dad’s butler had three square meals, so he decided to come home and clean toilets for his father. He rehearsed this speech: “Father, I’m not worthy to be called your son. Make me your janitor.” Over and over he rehearsed this… While he was a ways off, his father saw him, hiked up his dress pants, and started sprinting barefoot – a soldier in a front-line charge. The son expected to be chased off, beaten, disowned. But the father lifted up his son – a grown man – hugged him and kissed him, tailored a new suit, bought him surf and turf. His son was home. Home: a where and a with whom. I belong where? In the midst of The Father’s divine life. I belong with whom? Those people who’ve found a home in the risen Jesus. I’ve been to Tunisia and New York and Detroit. My wife’s been to London and Kaohsiung and Greece. Everywhere we go, when we assemble with the people of Jesus, we feel peace. I started saying, “Welcome home” to everyone that comes over for dinner, even for their first time. We even pray an old prayer: May the peace of Christ go with you, wherever He may send you. May He guide you through the wilderness, protect you through the storm. May He bring you home rejoicing at the wonders He has shown you. May He bring you home rejoicing once again into our doors. We want everybody to enjoy this homecoming. “Welcome home,” they hear. All of them like us: broken, impoverished by their prodigal lifestyles. Yet welcomed into the arms of the Father. “Welcome home,” they hear, and having heard, they say the same to anyone who hasn’t heard: “Welcome home.” chjoplin.org


GUEST CONNECTIONS DISCOVER COLLEGE HEIGHTS If you are new to College Heights or just want to know more about the church and how you can connect, Discover College Heights is the place for you! This one-time gathering meets every first Sunday of the month in the North Counseling room in the Worship Center from 9:15-10:45 AM. You will learn the history of the church, what we believe, and what happens weekly. We want you to feel at home at College Heights! CHUCK WAGON SUPPER Imagine some of the best food cooked over an open fire in cast iron pots, lots of friendly people! The Chuck Wagon Supper is a place where everyone is welcome their first time and again after their first visit if they bring someone who hasn’t been before. You won’t want to miss the famous desserts and bread too (there is a story behind both), but most of all, just come for the fun! Call Bill and Elicia Good for reservations at 417.291.7715 or 417.291.7717. CONNECTING PLACE Need a better connection to College Heights? Come to the Connecting Place in the northwest corner of the Atrium near the Worship Center. Every Sunday, volunteers and staff will be glad to answer your questions and help you take the next step in your relationship with Jesus and the church. For more information, contact Jay St. Clair, Community Outreach Minister, at 624.6915 x360 or jstclair@chjoplin.org.



Worship Center of College Heights Registration begins at 7:00 AM Program 8:00 AM—3:30 PM General Admission ticket—$65 Groups of five or more—$55 Student—$45 Ticket includes continental breakfast and lunch provided by Chick-fil-A Giant Impact provides CEU’s in 3 areas: • General (through Giant Impact) • Human Resources (through HRCI) • Nursing (University of Cincinnati)

Save the Date December 12, 13, 14

We are so excited about our special Christmas production this year that we want to give you plenty of time to plan to be a part of it! “I’ll Be Home For Christmas” is a musical theater production to be given December 2014 by the College Heights choir and orchestra in conjunction with the Stained Glass Theater. INTERESTED IN TRYING OUT? We will need singers, actors, instrumentalists, and many production crews. Auditions will be Saturday, August 23 at 9:00 AM in the Worship Center. Watch for more updates in the near future.



NEIGHBORHOOD GATHERINGS The College Heights leadership would love to meet with you and the other College Heights families that live in your neighborhood (or if you have no “neighborhood” they will be the families that live nearest to you). We want to spend some time with you because you are dear to the Lord and dear to us, and we would be delighted if you would join the conversation in one of these Neighborhood Gatherings. We would like to talk about God leading us as a church to invest more in our neighbors and the powerful impact Christian families can have on a neighborhood if they work together. There is no launch of a campaign; we simply want to talk and pray. We know it will be an effort for If you would like to be included in the you to be a part of these Neighborhood Neighborhood Gatherings, please Gatherings, but we visit chjoplin.org/neighbors and fill believe it will be out the form with your information. important to you and to this church family and is the sort of thing that a healthy church would do. Through the Power of the Spirit let’s change the world!

Your middle school and high school youth are invited to attend with you. We would love to have them. You can bring younger children with you; however, the high school youth and sponsors will offer childcare for a donation for 4th grade and under as a fundraiser for their summer events.

Scan this QR Code to watch a video of Randy introducing the Neighborhood Gatherings concept on a Sunday morning. Or you can watch it at chjoplin.org/ neighbors.






Read about two new classes to help equip you to be a better neighbor on pages 22 and 23.


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We want to share things God is doing with us and where He is taking us as a congregation.


We want to give you a chance to meet other families from your neighborhood who attend College Heights.



We want to gather your feedback and address your questions.

We want to pray together with you.




Teams led by elders and ministers will meet with each of the 46 neighborhoods or regions in the College Heights family.

Neighborhood Gatherings



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April 13 – May 18

Each Neighborhood Gathering will be on a Sunday evening at 5:00 ending at 6:15.

You will receive a letter and phone call about your Neighborhood Gathering. If you cannot attend, you will be invited to the next gathering. We want you even if you can’t attend with your neighborhood.


Most Neighborhood Gatherings will be held at the church (some will meet elsewhere and will be notified).






BIBLE SCHOOL We have classes for all ages each Sunday morning. Some are as small as 10 while others are over 100. Bible School looks at the whole chapter we are studying while the sermon focuses more on a single application to our lives. Why not take in both each week?

8:00 AM

Peacemakers Empty Nesters/Senior Adults Keith Stammer


Truthseekers Senior Adults Rick Bushnell


Servants (Group A) Mixture of 30-70 year olds Dana Calef


Victory Empty Nesters/Senior Adults Dale Peterson


Servants (Group B) Mixture of 25-65 year olds Pechawer, Snell, Thompson, Wicklund, Wilkins


Spanish All adult ages Casey, Fish, Munoz


9:15 AM

BCNU Mixture of 30-70 year olds DeWelt, Conover, Jordan College Age Seth Hart


East Campus

Crusaders All Adult Ages Dick Weber & Jay Cruse


Great Adventure A103 Parents of School Age Youth Pat Otero Life Bridge Young Adults Josh & Kala Smith


Life with Kids Parents of School Age Children Geiser, Miranda, Schafer


11:00 AM

Encouragers Empty Nesters/Senior Adults Dan Flory & Dick Williams


Fellowship Empty Nesters/Senior Adults Dave Wood


Thru the Roof TTR House All ages ministry for people with special needs Heather Wimsett Baby City (Infants-1’s) Toddler Town (2’s & 3’s) Kids’ Country (Pre-K & K) LaunchPad (1st-4th Grades) 5th Grade 6th Grade Junior High Senior High

Hallway E Hallway D Hallway H Chapel K121 K123 K124 Gym

Baby City (Infants-1’s)

Hallway E

Toddler Town (2’s & 3’s)

Hallway D

Kids’ Country (Pre-K & K)

Hallway H

LaunchPad (1st-4th Grades)


Journey K124 Young Married Couples Mehrens, Gill, Otero



CURRENT SERIES WELCOME HOME A Sermon Series on Living as a Family We all need reminders about what it means to be family from God’s perspective. Family means valuing children, functioning in beneficial ways as families in our neighborhoods, cultivating atmospheres of peace in our homes, understanding singleness, and growing in our marriages. HOW TO STUDY THE BIBLE You’ve sat down to read the Bible multiple times, but you don’t have direction for what to do with what you’ve read. There are many good approaches for having your own personal Bible study and we can provide you with some resources at our website. EXAMPLES OF A PRAYER LIFE Talking to the Creator of the world about personal things in your life, especially without being able to see Him physically, is not something that comes naturally. Yet, in most cases, you just need to get past the initial apprehension and start talking. It is not easy for someone to be taught HOW to pray since it is a conversation, but we do want to provide some examples and testimonies for how others pray. Visit our website at chjoplin.org/prayer to watch short video clips taken from our own College Heights family. CRAZY DEEP So you read your Bible and your prayer life is going well, but you want to be more disciplined, more dedicated, and more challenged to go crazy deep? Well, we have a study that can do just that. “Thoroughly Equipped” is geared for small groups that meet once a week for about one and a half hours and focuses on Bible reading, study, and memorization. There is a commitment of consistent attendance and four to five hours of homework each week. The times and dates will vary depending on the group. Contact us and we will find the best connection for you. This could be just what you’ve needed. For more information, contact Roger Lieb, our Education Minister, at 624.6915 x320 or rlieb@chjoplin.org.



NEED HELP? CELEBRATE RECOVERY This Christ-centered program helps us overcome issues of anger, grief, alcoholism, guilt, shame, financial loss, divorce, dysfunctional families, sexual abuse, drug abuse, eating disorders, depression.... We share experiences, strengths, hopes, and accept God’s grace. Each Thursday at 7:00 PM in the Chapel we have worship, teaching, and small groups. For more information about Celebrate Recovery, contact Greg Morrell, the Celebrate Recovery Coordinator, at gmorrell@chjoplin. org or call 624.6915 x347. SINGLE MOMS We offer a support group for single moms called Together We Stand. You are not alone; there are many ladies who would like to walk alongside you in your journey and help you with the issues that come from singleness and parenting. Experience a community where you can receive the encouragement you need as well as make good friendships. We meet every Wednesday night at 7:00 PM at the church building. For more information about Together We Stand, contact Angela Grantham at 417.439.6836. DIVORCE CARE DivorceCare is a caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. Don’t go through separation or divorce alone. For more information, contact Dave Wood, our Care Ministry Associate, at 624.6915 x345 or dwood@chjoplin.org. COUNSELING If you need help working through struggles, painful experiences, and life’s challenges, we want to be able to connect you with the resources that can help. If you would like to schedule an appointment with a counselor, please contact Dave Wood, our Care Ministry Associate, at 624.6915 x345 or dwood@chjoplin.org. CAR CARE Every other month, qualified volunteers provide basic car service to single moms, the elderly, and those who are financially challenged. For more information on volunteering or to sign up for the service, please contact Jeff White at 624.6915 x340 or jwhite@chjoplin.org.



CHILDREN BABY CITY (0-1 YEAR OLD) We strive to provide safe, quality care in a faith-nurturing environment. We realize it’s a great privilege and responsibility to take care of your children. TODDLER TOWN (2-3 YEARS OLD) In Toddler Town, your child will learn biblical virtues through the lessons in the Bible and how those virtues apply to their life. Each virtue is reinforced many times during the morning through lessons and play. KIDS’ COUNTRY (PRE-K AND K) Your child will enjoy singing, lessons from God’s Word, hands-on activities, crafts, snacks, and the fenced-in playground. Bible School classes are at 9:15 AM and beginner worship at 11:00 AM. LAUNCHPAD (GRADES 1-4) • • • •

We want kids to love coming to church. We want kids to connect with friends and small group leaders. We want kids to see God’s big story and how they fit into it. We want kids to walk away with practical ways to live out what they have studied

Sunday In LaunchPad 1st - 4th graders develop a solid Christian foundation. Our tagline—play hard. sing loud. love God.— describes what we do every week. We play thrilling games, worship with an amazing band, and learn about our AWESOME God by studying the Bible in large and small group settings. At 9:15 AM LaunchPad meets in the Chapel for big group fun before heading to Bible School classes. At 11:00 AM we stay in the Chapel for games, more songs, engaging lessons, and small group times. Every week our MISSION helps us remember the key concept from the lesson. Wednesday On Wednesdays at 7:00 PM, LaunchPad LABS takes a hands-on approach to reinforcing the lessons we studied on Sunday. Through games, demonstration, and science experiments kids see tangible examples of biblical principles. FAMILY SUNDAY On the fourth Sunday of every month we have Family Sunday at College Heights. During the 9:15 AM service, children in 1st - 4th grades attend LaunchPad as usual. After the service, parents pick up their children in 1st - 4th grades to be together at 11:00 AM in the Worship Center.



Kids have many opportunities to learn, grow, and serve at College Heights! KIDS CHOIR On Wednesday evenings at 7PM during the school year, kids in 1st through 6th grade have the opportunity to worship God and use the talents He has given them through drama and music in Kids Choir. The Kids Choir will be presenting “The Agape League” for their spring program on Sunday, May 4 at 6:30 PM in the Chapel. YOUTH CREATIVE TEAM During the school year, kids in 3rd grade through high school can participate in Youth Creative Team on Wednesdays at 6 PM in room K121. Kids are given opportunity to bless various ministries within our church by using their talents through art, drama, puppets, and music. This creative crew has a lot of fun and our artists are busy right now with preparations for VBS in June. It’s not too late to help out! KIDS SUMMER SERVICE CLUB For around 6 weeks during the summer months, kids in 3rd and 4th grades have opportunity to bless others through various service projects. Doing yard work, washing windows, visiting nursing homes, making cards to deliver to shut-ins, raising money for a well in India, and creating parachutes to deliver Bibles in the jungles of Colombia are just some of the ways our kids have served the Lord while serving others. After a couple hours of service, the kids have fun with a picnic and swimming at a local pool. The Summer Service Club meets on Tuesdays during June and July.


Vacation Bible School is June 10-13! Kids in preschool through 6th grade will have a blast this summer as they learn how to serve God and others at the “Minion Factory”! Tuesday through Friday from 9 AM to noon, kids will learn to “Know the Master and Know the Mission” through fun games, music, lessons, crafts, and snacks. We need lots of volunteers to make the factory come to life and bring the love of Jesus to these awesome kids! chjoplin.org



APRIL 16 MOPS 20 Easter 25

Jesus Jam (Friends with Disabilities)


Neighborhood Gathering

MAY 2 A Time To Remember (Musical Program) 4

Discover College Heights Class


Unity in the Community (at OCC)

4 Children’s Choir Program 4

Neighborhood Gathering


Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS)

9 Leadercast



Mother’s Day


Baby Recognition Sunday


Primetimers Lunch (Senior Adults)


Last Wednesday Night Programming for Spring


Ladies Let’s Do Lunch


Car Care Ministry


College Heights Christian School Graduation


Neighborhood Gathering


Memorial Day

SPRING CALENDAR Convenient Tear-Out Calendar!

JUNE 1 Discover College Heights Class 9

Primetimers Lunch (Senior Adults)

10-13 Vacation Bible School 15

Father’s Day

16-23 High School Trip to Honduras 18

Annual Church Picnic


Ladies Let’s Do Lunch


Senior Adult Volunteer Banquet


Steps to Freedom


Missourians Concert


Independence Day


Discover College Heights Class


CIY MOVE (High School)


Beginner Camp (grades K and 1)

13-16 Junior Camp (grade 5) 14

Primetimers Lunch (Senior Adults)

17-19 Kids Camp (grades 2-4) 20-25 Junior High Camp (grades 6-8) 27-1

High School Camp (grades 9-12)

This is not an exhaustive list of all of the events at College Heights. For more information, check out our website at chjoplin.org.


STUDENTS Our student ministry purpose at College Heights is simple: we want each student to be able to answer three questions regarding their identity and purpose: • • •

Who am I? Finding truth in confusing times. Where do I belong? We were designed for a relationship with God and with each other. What am I supposed to do? I live to bring God joy and to serve as his heart, hands, and feet.

Sunday Dive deeper into the Bible! Our classes generally follow the Sunday morning teaching schedule. Our students have great interaction with teachers and a safe place to ask questions. 9:30 – 10:30 AM 5th Grade 6th Grade 7th Grade High School

Room K121 Room K123 Room K124 Gym

Wednesday ENERGY is our preteen program and it definitely lives up to its name. The gym allows students to play, laugh, and have a great time. While the energy meter may be high, our real focus is the lessons, small group time, and transforming our 4th, 5th, and 6th graders into followers of Jesus. We believe preteens who love God and love others will do really big things! 7:00 – 8:15 PM in the Gym COLLIDE is specifically designed for Jr. High students. It is high action and highly relational. The atmosphere is designed for students to build friendships with each other and trained leaders. Fun is planned for and encouraged, but Collide is also deep in worship, biblical teaching, and creative learning. The small group element is essential to explore Scripture, talk real life, and be a compass during the confusing times of adolescence. 7:00 – 8:15 PM in the Atrium QUAKE is a fun environment where high school students love to hang out and spend time playing, worshiping, and listening to a message of truth from God’s Word. Not every week looks exactly the same, but will almost always be full of music, fun, laughter, inspirational challenges, and people who genuinely care about you and want to get to know you. At QUAKE, students are challenged to make a difference in the world and use God’s Word as a springboard to empower them to do just that. 6:30 – 8:30 PM in the Chapel For more information, contact Cathy Cook, Youth Team Administrative Assistant, at 624.6915 x151 or ccook@chjoplin.org.



COLLEGE AGE The College Age Ministry helps college age individuals prepare for what’s next: families, careers, and ministry involvement. SUNDAYS 9:15 AM Bible Study @ East Campus (811 Sycamore) 11:00 AM Worship in the Worship Center 7:00 PM Upper Room in the Worship Center (ends May 11) For more information, contact Josh Quade, College Age and Young Adult Minister, at 624.6915 x170 or jquade@chjoplin.org, or Shaylea Brown, Administrative Assistant, at 624.6915 x171 or sbrown@chjoplin.org. You can also visit chcollegeage.com or follow the College Age Ministry on Twitter @ chcollegeage.

FAMILIES A healthy family nurtures their marriage, seeks deep relationships and friendships, leans hard and fast on a loving God, and leads their children to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. We seek to be a ministry that helps families pursue and lay these foundation building blocks. Our main strategy to accomplish this is by tried and true, seasoned-in-life families walking beside others that are not as far along on the journey. MARRIAGE MENTORS The Family Ministry is recruiting and training more marriage mentors! This is not a program, it’s a working relationship. It’s the process of having a seasoned and experienced couple (nobody said anything about being “perfect”) come alongside a less experienced couple to help show them the way. If this is something that sparks your interest, please contact us. JUST FOR PARENTS This is a new event being planned for fall 2014. The purpose is to serve, connect, and empower parents to be the primary spiritual leaders in their homes. We have a wealth of knowledge among our families and community and are making many of them available to you in one location. FAMILY CAMP This fall get-a-way is designed for family fun, being a memory-maker, enjoying some rest, and making new friendships. This get-a-way takes place as Maranatha retreat center with hotel-like facilities and access to many of the camp’s adventure elements like zip lining, archery, basketball, bonfires, and much, much more. For more information on these events or mentoring for a healthier marriage or if you want to help other couples seeking growth in their marriage and family, contact Titus Neuenschwander, Family Minister, at 624.6915 x180 or titus@chjoplin.org or SuSan Murdock at x181 or smurdock@chjoplin.org.



SENIOR ADULTS PRIMETIMERS What a great group of senior adults! PRIMEtimers meets the second Monday each month at SMB Community Center, 7th and Duquesne, from 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM for an entertaining and informative program and a catered lunch for $5.00 per person. CHEERLEADERS Through the “Cheerleaders,” we visit people in homes, hospitals, and health care centers who are restricted in their activities due to health or other problems. If you know of anyone who could benefit from this ministry, please contact us. MEALS ON WHEELS Just to see the smile on peoples’ faces when they hear that friendly knock on the door and see our volunteers with a hot and nutritious lunch, is worth it all. CROSSLINES We help the Crosslines Ministry by providing food and clothing to more than 1000 families a month. Volunteers meet once a month to fill the food pantry shelves and food orders for people in need and help sort, size, and hang clothes for those who will be shopping for their families. SPRING RIVER CHRISTIAN VILLAGE There are many opportunities to make a difference in the lives of residents at SRCV. Volunteers can pass out fresh water in health care, sew and mend, set up the dining room for lunch, help with breakfast, visit with the residents, lead an exercise class, share a hobby, bring children, and more. We hope you will volunteer and share some good times with those who call SRCV their home. For more information, contact Rick Bushnell, Senior Adults Minister, at 624.6915 x190 or rbushnell@chjoplin.org or Vicky Stuck, Administrative Assistant, 624.6915 x121 or vstuck@chjoplin.org.

MINISTERIO HISPANO La vida del creyente Cristiano requiere de un crecimiento espiritual continuo. El Estudio Bíblico (Domingos) y el Tiempo de Oración (Miercoles) son medios que brindan esta oportunidad a la comunidad hispana, en su ayuda para el andar en el camino hacia Dios. Así también es una puerta abierta para los no creyentes a que conozcan a Jesús, Nuestro Salvador. Este Ministerio desarrolla otras variadas actividades cristianas; tales como vigilias, ayunos, cursos financieros para saber manejar los ingresos, viajes a conferencias y obras teatrales, películas y caminatas de oración, viajes de recreación sana, y visitar a los enfermos en los hospitales; para llevarles una voz de aliento. Luis R. Munoz 417.317.3162 or 624.6915 x338 hispanic-ministries@chjoplin.org



MEN In the Men’s Ministry, we want to help you build relationships, invest in your family, develop as a leader, and become the man God made you to be. We have a men’s group that meets on Wednesday nights and offer special events throughout the year. For more information about events and groups for men, contact Jeff White, Men’s Ministry Minister, at 624.6915 x340 or jwhite@chjoplin.org.

WOMEN The Women’s Ministry is designed to encourage one another, study the Bible together, pray for one another, and serve the community together. We meet together for lunch on the third Thursday of each month at an area restaurant to meet new friends and hang out with old ones. We also have a variety of events throughout the year. For more information about events and groups for women, contact Carol Bowland, Women’s Ministry Associate, at 624.6915 x301 or cbowland@chjoplin.org.

PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES SUNDAYS Our ministry for people with disabilites, Thru The Roof, has three Bible School classes meeting at 9:15 AM for young children, elementary age children, and high school/young adults with disabilities. WEDNESDAYS Wednesday evenings focus on prayer followed by specific activities alternating each week among Strength: Sports; Mind: Arts, Heart: Cooking, Soul: Worship; and Inclusion (visiting our same age peers for Wednesday activities). PARENTS’ NIGHT OUT About every two months, we plan a special evening. The children have a fun-filled evening and parents have a few hours to themselves. JESUS JAM We are also preparing for one of the highlights of the year: Jesus Jam! Jesus Jam is a fantastic evening of dancing, entertainment, and games for our friends with disabilites held at College Heights. For more information about the Thru The Roof ministry, call the church office at 624.6915.



Learning to Love Your Neighbor 11:00 AM


Sunday, June 8—Sunday, July 15

You are invited! LEARNING TO LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR. The class will be on Sunday mornings at 11 AM in room K120. We will begin the class Sunday, June 8—Sunday, July 15

Room K120

This life with Jesus is a journey not a destination. So when it comes to loving our neighbors, we will keep learning and relearning to love my neighbors as we love ourselves.

Here are some quotes from others who have taken this class: “I love all the Scripture. Very encouraging to be released from the guilt of not doing enough.” “The teaching on boundaries helped me the most. God does know us and has given us a simple way to be a part of his great work.” “Before this class, I felt really intimidated by how to love my neighbors, but now I feel more equipped and more ready to pray and respond to God’s will in this. Thanks so much!”


Together we will learn: •

Who is our neighbor and the accompanying challenges of time and fears we face in loving them.

Practical help going from stranger to relationship with your neighbors and some proven ways God can build those relationships. He will take us on some baby steps to get to that point.

We will look at our motives for loving our neighbors. Believe me, the last thing our neighbors need is to feel like a project and a part of a program. We will learn to be receivers as well as givers to our neighbors!

“The part about boundaries is what is really important. People can quickly feel overwhelmed and burn out and then not want to neighbor anymore.”

All healthy relationships have healthy boundaries and how that applies concerning our neighbors.

Neighboring is definitely not a solo sport, so how can we do this without feeling alone.

“It was so helpful! Awesome! I’m a passive type person, but I am jumping for joy!”

We want to be an encouragement and resource to you as you take to heart how Jesus summed up loving Him in His Kingdom.


NEW CLASS ON COMMUNITY TRANSFORMATION I remember the dream we had as a community just weeks after May 22, 2011. Even as we were still in the process of unburying our past, we were looking to the future. We wanted to be better than we were before the tornado. The EF5 on that infamous day revealed what had been a part of Joplin for decades: the low-grade fever of generational poverty that could be ignored by the general population. In the back of our minds it was a problem too big and not “our” concern. When we all came together to recover, we discovered the power of working together as a community to tackle the BIG problems.

Transforming Our Community One Life at a Time: Learning to Give a Hand-Up, Not a Hand-Out! 11:00 AM Sunday, April 27—Sunday, May 18 Room K120

Now we stand on the precipice of something even grander: the church of Jesus leading the community to gather around the poor and through friendship, love, truth, hard work, and teamwork, truly make Joplin better. More importantly, our goal is to preach Good News to those who have been ignored in our past. We are not the same Joplin and we are not the same church we were before that fateful Sunday evening. We see more clearly the importance of working together to love our neighbors as we love ourselves. It is not a novel idea but it is the most powerful community transformation idea. Come learn how to help in such a way that people’s lives are changed and challenged by the love of Christ and the truth of His life! You will learn practical ways this is happening through God’s Resort, Neighborhood Life House, and Circles.



COMMUNITY GROUPS There’s nothing like getting together with a group of friends on a regular basis to talk, play games, snack, study the Word, pray, and live life together. We offer a variety of groups on a variety of nights to provide opportunities for you to build relationships with others who are on this journey of following Jesus. For more information on how to get connected to a group, contact Jeff White, Small Groups Minister, at 624.6915 x340 or jwhite@chjoplin.org.

QUIZZING FOR CHRIST Fun competition, time with friends, prizes, scholarships to Ozark Christian College, and getting to know God’s Word. Not a bad combination! Quizzing For Christ (similar to Scholars Bowl) is an opportunity for kids to study the Bible and compete against their friends for how much they remember. Kids in 3rd - 12th grades are invited. Practices are Mondays from 6:00 – 8:00 PM with four competitions on Sunday afternoons throughout the semester. For more information, contact Shane & Melody Hilsenbeck at 417.434.1674. The next semester begins September, so watch for more information this summer.

our church’s bible study library is now digital...

and giGAntic. o v e r 2 0 0 0 d i s c i p l e s h i p v i d e o s f o r k i d s, yo u t h , a n d a d u lt s.


To gain access to over 2,000 Christian videos for your whole family, email rlieb@chjoplin.org and we will send you an invitation. This is a great tool to help you with your personal Bible studies!


7:00–8:15 PM

So many choices! Which one will I choose? Our building has more activity going on each Wednesday evening than the mall on Black Friday, and there is something for everyone in the family. So, bring your kids to our youth events and pick something for yourself from the choices below:

Prayer Time – “Asking God to Move” Jay St. Clair Room F108 We want to gather to ask God to move in our lives and His church. We desire His Kingdom to be established in a powerful way as we learn to shine our lights to our neighbors and across the world. Men’s Group – “Uncommon” by Tony Dungy Phillips & Stewart Room K119 This men’s study with interview clips from former NFL coach Tony Dungy challenges us to dare to be uncommon. Ladies Group – “Beloved Disciple” by Beth Moore Kris Johnson Room L110 Perhaps like no other disciple, John understood that relationship is the point. Bible Study – “Joshua” Stan Wohlenhaus Room A101 Bring your Bible and your hearts ready to study and walk away with much more than you came with. Caring Words – “Helping Your Friends in Difficult Situations” Bud Clapp Room A103 Join Bud Clapp, hospital chaplain, as he advises us on how to help our friends during their difficult times. “Financial Peace University” by Dave Ramsey Michael Hicks Room A105 We all need a plan for our money. Financial Peace University (FPU) teaches biblical principles of handling money. This plan will show you how to get rid of debt, manage your money, spend and save wisely, and much more! There is a cost to this 9-week program.

MOPS – “Mothers of Preschoolers” Bible Study Carrie Harter Room K125 Are you a mother of young children who wrestles with feeling alone, isolated, and confused about who you are? Join with other mothers as we explore Psalms to deepen your faith and realize how valued and valuable you are to your Creator.

The Power of the Praying Woman Joanie Evans Room L106 Come find out how to become closer to God through prayer and discover different ways to pray that will make your relationship with God stronger.

Choir & Orchestra Nelson & Johnson Single Moms – “Together We Stand” Room K124 & K126 Angela Grantham Looking for other musicians to perform Room G104 and connect with? Miss playing the If you are a single mom it is nice to have instrument you played back in school? It sisters around you who care. Join other is never too late for another shot at being ladies who want to encourage you and a part of something harmonious. bring you closer to our God who loves you very much. Tiempo de Oración “Orando a nuestro Padre” Support Group for Foster Parents Luis Rodolfo Munoz Jared & Lettie Kendall Salón A104 Room A106 Es un bonito tiempo para alabar al Thinking about fostering? Already have Señor y orar unidos unos por otros y por foster children? Have encouraging nuestras propias necesidades. Momento stories you want to share? Struggling de una buena relación de amistad y with some issues related to your charlar acerca de los éxitos y problemas fostering experience? Join with others de nuestras familias. Tiempo para and be encouraged each week knowing conocer mas acerca de nuestro Dios y that you don’t have to travel this journey aumentar nuestro amor por Él. Nosotros alone. cantamos, oramos y aprendemos en el idioma español. ¡Es un tiempo de Zumba bendición! Dave Miller Worship Center Thru the Roof – “Ministry for People Each week in the Worship Center 25- with Disabilites” 50 people follow highly energetic Dave Heather Wimsett Miller as he leads us through Zumba, TTR House an exercise dance class that keeps you Heather and friends lead worship, moving, sweating, and on-track with your lessons, and activities for those with discipline plan. special needs. You will feel great spending time with these young people Beginning Worship Guitar and being challenged with their devotion Shane Hazlewood to God. Room K123 Shane Hazlewood is offering two For more information about Wednesday different classes for those who want Nights @ College Heights, contact Roger Lieb, to get started learning how to play. Education Minister, at 624.6915 x320 or rlieb@ Join him at 6:00 PM or 7:00 PM each chjoplin.org. Wednesday evening.



GLOBAL OUTREACH Making passionate disciples of Jesus who radically change the world is a high value to College Heights. We have a variety of opportunities that allow those of us here in Joplin to actively participate in the work our Global Partners are doing around the world: •

Impact Teams Know about the work our Global Partners are doing, encourage and support them, and educate others in the church. Join us the second Monday evening every month at 6:00 PM.

Global Outreach Kids Team Each month at our Global Outreach Team meeting we have a special time for the kids to teach them what God is doing around the world.

Global Outreach Trips Each year we take ministry trips overseas for prayer, encouragement, ministry opportunities, and work.

Perspectives Course Serve the world better by becoming more informed. This 15-week course is an in-depth look at how the Scriptures describe our purpose, especially as it relates to Global Outreach.

Prayer Events Look for special opportunities to pray, especially at our prayer events throughout the year when we pray for a specific people group, Global Outreach team, or significant event.

For more information about global outreach, contact Wade Landers, Global Outreach Minister, at 624.6915 x370 or wlanders@chjoplin.org.

INTERNATIONAL STUDENT MINISTRY Interested in sharing a meal once a semester with one of 100 international students in the Joplin area? Sign up in the Atrium to become a Friendship Family and enjoy a cross-cultural experience right in your own home! We host several events each year to bring together international students, Friendship Families, local resident internationals, and language partners. We hold events like Chinese New Year, goat roasts, and themed parties which bring together international students, Friendship Families, and the area international community. For more information, contact Trish Udell, Internationals Ministry Associate, at 624.6915 x375 or email tudell@chjoplin.org.



COMMUNITY OUTREACH Jesus tells us to love Him with all our hearts, souls, mind, and strength and to love our neighbors as we love ourselves. There is a difference between enabling someone to continue as they have been, or empowering them to take responsibility for their own lives as they find solutions for their goals and dreams. This “hand-up” philosophy sums up Circles, a community-transforming initiative we believe has the heart of Jesus and involves the family of faith as well as the business and social services communities. Circles partners with the entire community to help struggling citizens get from the difficult circumstances that currently define their lives to a place where they are living on stable ground—financially, vocationally, emotionally, and spiritually. Right now 17 individuals, called Circle Leaders (because we want to empower them to lead the progress of their own lives), comprised of three married couples, four single men, and six single moms, are meeting weekly at St. Paul’s United Methodist Church working through a 20-week curriculum called “Getting Ahead in a Just Getting By World.” As they learn to escape the grip of generational poverty, they are helped by a Resource and Development Team that assists them in overcoming their obstacles and meeting their goals.

Be looking forward to a Poverty Simulation coming soon to College Heights where you will be able to “experience” what it is like to live in generational poverty in Joplin. You will have a chance to learn more about Circles, meet some Circle Leaders and Allies, and hopefully join this awesome community effort to love our neighbors as we love ourselves!

Upon graduation from this class, we need YOU! You can be a Circle Ally. Each Circle Leader will be circled with three or four Circle Allies who will commit to meeting once a month in a highly relational context. Studies show that the more relational the process, the more success people in poverty have in escaping it. Circle Allies commit to 18 months to give advice and encourage their Circle Leaders to attain their goals. Circle Allies are trained and assisted by the Circles Director, Coach, and Resource and Development Team in their efforts. In other words, Circles is designed so that no one feels alone in this process.

UNITY IN THE COMMUNITY Joplin voices are calling for a multiethnic expression of the Kingdom of Christ in our community. Christians across ethnic, generational, and denominational lines discuss how the church of Joplin can come together. Join us as we join a variety of churches from Joplin for a celebration at Ozark Christian College on May 4 at 5:00 PM. Our special guest will be Dr. John M. Perkins.



SAFETY PLAN Areas in RED: Designated Restrooms B104 B106 E103 E104 E105 E106 F108 F110 G102 G104 H104 H105 H106 H107 K106 K110 K112 K124 K126


Please note that in the case of severe weather your children will be the first to move to shelter and will move to the safest areas in the building. Those in the Worship Center will be given specific directions regarding movement to their shelter areas.



To that end, we have developed an “Emergency Response Plan” that details our response to the following emergency situations: fire, severe weather, armed intruder, medical emergency, bomb threat, and utility failure.


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Your safety and the safety of your family is a very important part of family life at College Heights Christian church.






Please note the map that shows the “safe areas” that should be used in the event of severe weather and a photograph of the sign posted above the doors identifying those “safe” areas. The map also shows the location of exits that may be used in the event of a fire.

2-3 Years Old


Each ministry area has a plan in place that is designed to meet the safety needs of that particular ministry.

Storm Shelter Rooms throughout the building are marked with these signs above the doors.

For additional information contact any ministry leader or Steve Dennis at 624.6915 x120.



COLLEGE HEIGHTS CHRISTIAN SCHOOL College Heights Christian School was founded in 1978 by the elders and ministers at College Heights and has grown to approximately 600 students from preschool to 12th grade. One can’t help but wonder if these elders in their wisdom understood what an incredible light to the community the school would become. The school follows a challenging college preparatory curriculum which lays the foundation for graduates to become successful business and community leaders. The component that pushes it over the top is that the school itself is a place of ministry where children are simultaneously surrounded by the Word of God in a Christian environment while preparing for success in the world. Many students are coming to know the Lord more deeply because they are in this environment, and then are going out as salt and light in their own communities and beyond. In essence, the school has become not only a ministry to children, but also a launch site for service ministry. Students represent over 90 different area churches, with the largest number coming from the College Heights Christian Church family at approximately 29% of the school’s total. Over 800 students have graduated from CHCS in the past 35 years. College Heights Christian School is accredited by the North Central Association and is a member of the Association of Christian Schools International. Enrollment for the 2014 – 2105 school year is underway. For more information about this exciting ministry call the school at 417.782.4114 x201 or visit their website at collegeheights.org.

HOMESCHOOLER’S NETWORK The HomeSchooler’s Network is a homeschool co-op meeting weekly in Joplin to assist parents in educating, nurturing, and leading their children in the Lord. We encourage and support parents, provide group educational opportunities and activities for interacting and fellowship, and we are a resource for homeschooling families and potential homeschooling families. The Homeschooler’s Network currently meets at Wildwood Baptist Church on Tuesdays. Our schedule is based on two 12-week semesters. The fall semester begins in September on the Tuesday after Labor Day and ends the Tuesday before Thanksgiving. The spring semester begins the first Tuesday in February and ends the last Tuesday in April. Classes begin at 8:45 AM and continue through 3:00 PM. Classes are offered for Kindergarten through the 12th grade. A nursery is provided. For more information, visit thehomeschoolersnetwork.com.



SERVE THE COMMUNITY “Restoring a relevant church in the Joplin area, by loving our neighbors as we love ourselves.” Bright Futures­ By working with the school systems we help strengthen children and families by being breakfast or lunch pals with a child, reading with them, tutoring them, and praying for them. We partner with North Middle School and Columbia Elementary.


Great Day of Service This once-a-year service extravaganza happens every September. We need people to be a part of teams sent into the city to work on people’s homes and yards as well as ministries and relief organizations. LifeChoices This ministry to people struggling to make right choices concerning sex, disease, and pregnancy needs volunteers to answer phones, counsel, and help in practical ways.

Circles This community-wide effort that helps people escape poverty needs volunteers to greet, provide childcare during meetings, cook and serve meals, and be a part of a circle of people who will surround people in need.

Life House This outreach ministry to a struggling community could use help loving children by playing with neighborhood kids, taking photos and videos, leading in craft and worship time, cleaning, and general maintenance work such as plumbing and electrical projects.

God’s Resort People need help to escape fear, hurts, and addictions to become one who walks with God and makes wise choices. You can help by providing meals, maintenance, landscaping, encouraging cards, personal calls, visits, and transportation. You can also be a part of their Bible studies.

Watered Gardens This ministry to the poor of Joplin needs help in office and computer work, sorting donations, preparing food, home repair, construction, cleaning, lawn care, tutoring, and more.


SERVE THE CHURCH Worship Service Volunteer in various areas in the Worship Center on Sunday mornings such as greeters, servers, and ushers.

Lawn Care Volunteer to ride lawn tractors, string trimmers, and push mowers, to make our facility and grounds look nice.

Tech Crew & Creative Arts Help in areas of graphic design, camera operation, lighting, stage design, photography, and podcast uploading.

If you are interested in serving in any of these areas, please contact our receptionist at 624.6915.

Babies & Toddlers Caregivers are needed on Sundays and Wednesdays, as well as help with crafts and worship. We also need volunteers who can help with last minute roles and special events. Children’s Department Work with our children’s programming on Sundays and Wednesdays as check-in workers, substitute teachers, helpers, and discussion leaders. Youth Department We need sponsors to lead group discussions on Sundays and Wednesdays, build relationships with kids, and lead Discipleship Groups during the week. College Age We need adults who are passionate about college students to attend our events and invest in the lives of young adults. Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS) MOPS needs people to organize breakfast and take care of children every other Wednesday morning. CR Kids Celebrate Recovery needs childcare during their worship and meetings on Thursday evenings. Thru the Roof We need volunteers in the areas of sports, cooking, art, worship, construction, publicity, and driving for our ministry for those with special needs. Parking & Safety Help is needed in our parking areas as we take care of the traffic of over 2,000 people. Bookstore Volunteer to take a shift on Sunday mornings in our church bookstore, “The Source.” Senior Adults Volunteers are needed for Spring River Christian Village, Meals on Wheels, Cheerleaders, and Crosslines.

SERVE THE WORLD Impact Teams Our Global Outreach Team needs volunteers who want to know about the work our Global Partners are doing, want to encourage and support them, and educate others in the church. Join us the second Monday evening every month at 6:30 PM. Global Outreach Kids Team Each month at our Global Outreach Team meeting we have a special time for the kids. Volunteers are needed to help teach our children about what God is doing around the world. Global Outreach Trips Each year we take ministry trips overseas for prayer, encouragement, ministry opportunities, and work. Perspectives Course You can serve the world better by becoming more informed. This 15-week course is an in-depth look at how the Scriptures describe our purpose, especially as it relates to Global Outreach. Prayer Events Always be looking for special opportunities to pray, especially at our prayer events throughout the year when we pray for a specific people group, Global Outreach team, or significant event.

For more information about global outreach, contact Wade Landers, Global Outreach Minister, at 624.6915 x370 or wlanders@chjoplin.org.






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4311 E NEWMAN ROAD JOPLIN MO 64801 CHJOPLIN.ORG 417.624.6915

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