1 minute read

Sochin Kata Seminar at MIT

July 24, 2022


In late July, Vazrik Sensei taught the kata Sochin to students ranging from beginner to advanced in skill in the TClub Lounge at MIT. As with the other kata seminars, this is following one of the principles that Tabata Sensei emphasized, which is to teach advanced kata to students of all skill levels. Tabata Sensei believed in sharing knowledge, and that offering advanced kata can help motivate students to train to reach the next level as well as open their minds to more complex movements and sequences.

In addition, Sochin emphasizes fudo dachi (rooted stance), which was Tabata Sensei’s favorite stance. It is one of the most stable stances, and helps to develop leg strength. Tabata Sensei loved to use this stance to prepare students for the leg strength and power needed for free sparring. Vazrik Sensei emphasized this important aspect of fudo dachi in teaching the kata and encouraged students to train and develop their understanding of the kata.

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