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Scott Sensei’s Newest Book


We congratulate Scott Langley Sensei for publishing his most recent book: “A Sustainable Karate-ka” . We encourage students to read it to learn more about his Karate journey! Check out the back cover information below to have a brief description about the book.


From a prematurely early age, I have been concerned with the longevity of my karate journey. Before I was anywhere near my prime, I was already predicting my decline and busied myself with ideas of how to counteract my natural tendencies to be lazy, fat and aging. Now, as I approach my fiftieth birthday, I am somewhat justified in my anxiety over general decline. Therefore, I have written a short book about the long journey I embarked upon all those years ago. This book is about me, no one else. However, I do hope that the lessons I have learnt as I meandered through life speak to you a little. This book isn’t about making big gestures or disclosing huge revelations. It doesn’t contain secrets or answers to mysteries and enigmas. It doesn’t even share salacious gossip about well-known karate-ka (I am sorry to say.) What it does contain is how I have approached the difficult question of how do we keep on keeping on? So, I do hope you enjoy how I have tried to become a Sustainable Karate-ka.

Promotions Preparation Class in MIT T-Club Lounge Augus 8/16/2022t 16, 2022

With the end of summer approaching and with it the summer kyu exams, we had a promotions preparation seminar in the MIT T-Club Lounge. We had students ranging from beginner level up through advanced level preparing for their belt tests at the end of the summer! Vazrik Sensei did a review of the ido kihon requirements for the beginners and advanced students, focusing on proper stance and correct use of hips in blocks and punches. We then gave students recorded feedback on their individual kata, before finally doing a review of kumite requirements. The black belt students helped the kyu exam students review their kata and paired with them for kumite to help them understand proper distancing and timing.

Having a goal of the next belt level, then having a clearly structured plan of training as well as individualized feedback from Vazrik Sensei has been key to helping students grow quickly throughout the summer months. We are excited to see all the hard work from training this summer culminate in the belt test soon!

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