Correct Me If I Am Mistaken

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Correct Me If I Am Mistaken What must one believe and do to be saved according to different major religions or worldviews? by Daniel Keeran, MSW Victoria, Canada

1. Baptist/Pentecostal: invite Jesus into your life. 2. Catholic: receive Catholic baptism and do good works, go to Purgatory for final purification. 3. Christian: believe the facts of the good news, receive biblical baptism into Christ by immersion for the forgiveness of sins and to receive the Holy Spirit as a gift, be faithful doing what is right until death, face final judgment. 4. Some Baptist/early Lutheran: nothing (See Bondage of the Will by Martin Luther.) 5. Atheist/Liberal Protestant: nothing 6. Muslim: believe in Muhammad as a prophet, do the five pillars (Shahada: Faith; Salat: Prayer; ZakÄ t: Care for the poor; Sawm: Fasting; Hajj: Pilgrimage to Mecca), go to hell, then go to Paradise (in radical Islam: die as a martyr to enter Paradise immediately). 7. Buddhist: do good deeds/karma, be reborn to higher existence (all who suffer, deserve it due to bad karma/deeds in a former life), detach from your identity/individuality, meditate, merge with cosmic consciousness (Buddhist heaven). 8. Hindu: through good karma and rebirth into a higher human or animal form (bad karma results in suffering in the next rebirth), advance to highest caste (Brahman), then enter Nirvana (Hindu/Buddhist heaven). 9. Jewish: keep 613 laws of the Torah and do good works; non-Jews are saved by doing humanitarian deeds.

See also Meaning Therapy

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