How To Approach A Drinking Problem in the Family

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How To Approach A Drinking Problem in the Family By Daniel Keeran, MSW President, College of Mental Health Counseling

The following is an excerpt from the training manual “Effective Counseling Skills: the practical wording of therapeutic statements and processes” by the Daniel Keeran, MSW, listed on Amazon at Briefly, the helping process works like this: I'll have a family meeting (intervention conference) and identify the issue as something the client may need to work on, and I'll elicit how the drinking affects them as family members and have them give the client feedback on it. I may meet with the family without the client and prepare them to meet with the client so that the feedback can be given without anger or dumping but in a caring way. An example of what family members might say is, “When you drink I feel afraid and sad and distant because we can’t have a meaningful conversation.” Understand the drinking as a cry for help, a suicide process, or as a way of distancing due to loss of parental caring. STEP ONE: Let Him Control It and Agree On Limits And then I'll outline a treatment approach or a treatment plan with the entire family involved. If the client thinks that he can control his drinking, I'll make that Step One, which means restricting the time, place, amount, and people he drinks with. I may allow two glasses of wine per weekend or per Friday night or Saturday night with a meal at home or at a restaurant with the family. That covers time, place, amount, and people. STEP TWO: Stop Drinking I'll then say, “What if you can't control the drinking, what will happen then?” If the client is able to control the drinking, fine. If not, then we'll go to Step Two. The steps increase in confrontation or consequence. Step Two is to stop drinking altogether. I'll have the family set the parameters in Step One, and these will vary from family to family as to what is acceptable, and parameters may have to be renegotiated after time. It may be that the amount of use is too much, and has to be reduced. THE ENABLING FAMILY A co-dependent type of family would just allow the client to drink as much as he wants, so I'd be meeting with them again to see how things have been going; to see what their report is. And the addict will be letting me know or I'll be picking up on whether they've been letting him get away with violating the limits. They may say, “But he only had an extra drink.” So I'll be picking up on whether or not they're enabling his use in some way, and I'll point that out to them. And then I'll recommend total


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How To Approach A Drinking Problem in the Family by Daniel Keeran MSW - Issuu