Questions and Objections To Christianity

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Questions and Objections To Christianity to add your thoughts, email

from Daniel and Jennie Keeran, Victoria, Canada

Questions and Objections To Christianity from Daniel and Jennie Keeran, Victoria, Canada 1. I don’t think you have to follow any particular religion as long as you are a good person. 2. The only important thing is to love and be happy. 3. There’s too much evidence that the Biblical creation story is a myth and that the theory of evolution is true. 4. I simply can’t accept that a book that has been around for 2,000 years would have no major errors. 5. Christianity is responsible for much suffering such as the Inquisition and Crusades. 6. There is no scientific evidence that God exists. The universe has a beginning – all things that began, had a cause. Therefore, the universe was caused by something- some power outside the universe. 7. Morality is relative and subjective. There is no absolute truth. 8. If you love someone, it follows that you should have sex with them. 9. Religious people waste their mental and physical time and energy instead of helping the world and others or enjoying their lives. 10.If God is all-loving and all-powerful why is there so much suffering in the world? 11.I don’t know enough to form an opinion. I’ve never thought about it. 12.I have my own religion and I don’t talk about it. 13.Christianity is too judgmental. 14.Churches are filled with hypocrites and unfriendly people. 15.The Bible is filled with violence and slavery. 16.The church is filled with sexual abusers.

17.People who follow Jesus (who died) and used blood sacrifices are in a death cult. 18.The Bible was written long after the original documents which are all lost. 19.Sunday morning is my only time off and so I want that time to relax. 20.The only reason a person is Christian is because of where and in what family they were born. 21.I identify as a _____________ because I was born that way. 22.I don’t like all the rules with Christianity. 23.The Bible is too complicated. 24.I’m just not interested. I’m not able to do more than I’m already doing. 25.The Bible says homosexuality is wrong so it can’t be true. 26.The Bible doesn’t condemn homosexuality although Christians do. 27.I can’t believe in a God that tortures people for an eternity for things they did on earth. 28.If I am not all-knowing, then there is no all-knowing being. 29.I can’t believe that people who have not heard about Jesus would be lost forever. 30.I don’t believe because of my life experience. 31.I don’t believe that anyone has the right to tell me what I can and can’t do (including God). 32.I believe that morality is dependent on the person and circumstances (situational ethics) 33.I don’t believe in the existence of evil, sin or the devil, so I don’t believe in God. 34.Jesus’ popularity is explained by the Jewish expectation/hope for a rescuer (Messiah). 35.All religions teach basically the same thing such as “love your neighbour”.

36.There’s no proof that Jesus died or was resurrected. 37.Jesus is just another prophet. Muhammed is more recent. 38.The prophecies about Jesus were written after His life. 39.The fulfillment of prophecies concerning Jesus were written to make the prophecies come true. 40.Isn’t God in everything and consequently, everything is in God? Therefore God is in every person. 41.Isn’t God just part of our life source which is in all living things? 42.I believe in Karma – we all get what we deserve, based on how we have treated people in the past or in lives we lived before this one. 43.I believe that God is a nice warm feeling you get when looking at a sunset or walking in the forest of looking at a starry sky. 44.Why should we worship a Christian God rather than any other idols or gods? 45.Why can’t I be spiritual and not follow any organized religion or system of belief? 46.Did God create the universe then step back and leave it alone? 47. I don’t see any evidence of anything outside the material world.

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