Veganism 101 for College Students

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Veganism 101 for College Students

Because there are so many mouths to feed, we have to create factory farms to sustain these levels of production Animals are treated in a way that any object in an assembly line would be treated Animals are kept in cramped conditions They are vulnerable to disease, injury, incredible stress, and an overload of antibiotics Producers (both factory and free-range) often mutilate animals in order for them to be easier to manage Most animals are transported in nightmare conditions



Cheese, milk, and other dairy products represents an incredibly torturous process There is no reason to believe that producing dairy products is less evil than producing meat Artificial insemination is used for there farms and dairy cows are given tons of hormones in order to produce more milk

As with the dairy industry, the egg industry is also a terribly abusive one Chicken are kept in extremely cramped quarters, where they must produce an alarming amount of eggs daily (with the help of a bunch of hormones, of course!) To prevent fighting amongst them, their beaks are mutilated Many chickens never see the light of day

It takes 2,500 gallons of water to produce one pound of beef

That’s like 6 months worth of showers!

If anything, do it for yourself‌

Diets high in animal protein have been proven to increase the risk of: Osteoporosis Cancer Heart Attacks Diabetes Strokes Hypertension IBS & Crohns Asthma Multiple Sclerosis Acid Reflux Hemorrhoids Rheumatoid Arthritic ‌the list goes on and on

Everyday, nearly 2,400 Americans die of some toe of cardiovascular disease‌that’s about one death every 36 seconds. Most of these cases is because of a diet made up of lots of animal products Fish is high in mercury, which can cause blindness, deafness, and other detrimental effects With a vegan diet, you will reduce your chances of dying due to heart disease, obesity, or cancer by 50% in men and 30% in women

Dairy causes bloating, acne, gas, calcium deficiency, stomach problems, among many other issues By following a vegan diet, you will find that you have increased energy, better skin, it will be easier to maintain your ideal weight

Frequently Asked Questions Where will I get my protein? This is a very common question, in actuality most people get more than enough, which is actually detrimental to our health. Too much protein leads to obesity and heart problems. But, there are many protein rich foods in the plant world. Here is a list of some protein rich foods that you can eat as a vegan: Tempeh (30 grams) Almonds (18 grams) Lentils (18 grams) Chickpeas (15 grams) Quinoa (11 grams) Peas (9 grams) Oars (7 grams) Spinach (5 grams)

Okay, so what about calcium? Iron? Put down the calcium supplements, you definitely will not need those. Fortified plant milk contain plenty of calcium, as well as tofu, kale, collards, and broccoli And iron can be found in dark leafy greens, beans, lentils, nuts, and fortified cereals Point is, the plant world provides us with all the minerals that we need to survive. You can be incredibly healthy by following a vegan diet. The most important part is to be informed about what foods you need to eat to get all your vitamins and minerals. You have to do this on a meat diet as well, but you face the negative effects of consuming animal products. Isn't it too expensive to be vegan? This is totally a myth. As a college kid, its actually incredible affordable. Vegan staples like rice, beans, potatoes, and pasta are some of the cheapest foods in existence. And by eating plant foods now, you are investing in the future-we’re talking about the healthcare bills from an animal product filled diet!

What will I eat when I go out? Instead of focusing on what you cannot eat, think about all that you can eat! There are so many incredible vegan foods out there! You can always ask your waiter or waitress what vegan options are available! There are tons of vegans out there, so I’m sure that they will know what you are talking about. There are also some great vegan restaurants. Some great options in Tallahassee are: Soul Veg 1205 S Adams St Open 11AM-3PM & 5PM-9PM Sweet Pea CafÊ 832 W Tharpe St Open Tuesday-Thursday from 11 AM-8PM

Some Tips for College Vegan Beginners • It may seem impossible to be totally 100% vegan in today’s society, but trying to live as vegan as possible is an essential way to make a positive change in our world and ensure that the planet has a future • Start with an open mind! This is your time to experiment with new foods and recipes! • Try to cook at home! If you don’t know how to cook, take this as an opportunity to learn how to! Meal prepping is great for college kids. Prepare enough food for the whole week, store it in the refrigerator, and just heat it up each day! This saves so much time! • Smoothies are your friend • Try to avoid too much processed, vegan junk food • Don’t ever be embarrassed! • Order pizza without the cheese and extra sauce and toppings (make sure the dough is vegan)! • Invest in a crockpot and a blender. You can find some for about $15 each. As a college student, you don’t need something fancy, it just has to work • Join a campus club, like Students for Ethical Eating at Florida State to connect with other vegan students! • Keep your dorm stocked with vegan snacks, especially fruits and vegetables! • Buy frozen fruits and veggies to save money!

College Vegan Grocery List Salad greens Tomatoes Carrots Green Beans Onions Minced Garlic Bottle Sweet potatoes Potatoes Corn Zucchini Apples Bananas (!) Lemon juice Melon Watermelon Tofu Plant based milk Hummus Canned beans Quinoa

Rice Pasta Lentils Rolled Oats Nuts Nutritional yeast Garlic powder Oregano Cumin Salt Black pepper Frozen fruit: mangos, pineapple, berries, peaches Frozen vegetables: broccoli, peas, Brussel sprouts, ect Veggie burgers Pasta sauce

Check out our FREE College Vegan Cookbook for lots of easy recipes! Visit @collegevegantally for more!

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