Collegian Magazine - December 2012

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Collegian The MAGAZINE of Brisbane Boys’ College

December 2012

p m u j a t t a w ER P I C S ILV M Y L O S E y S ECU R bo D L O BBC

Also inside:











still AT S CHOOL


Collegian i s s u e 2 decembe r 2012 upfront

BBC news




Five things we've learnt from putting this edition together

BBC unviels its new Middle School Precinct

Students test drive university whilst still at school




A few words from Headmaster Graeme McDonald

A chance meeting changes the life of a small Ugandan boy

Editor’s letter

More than meets the eye

Second chance


University head start

The gift of giving

Goodwill goes into overdrive with students raising money for various charities

15 24 on the cover For story turn to page 67

Father and son

Media man

We explore the importance of the father-son relationship

We pay tribute to a remarkable man with an equally remarkable story

BBC arts


The Odyssey Theatre students take on Homer's epic 'The Odyssey'

Published by Brisbane Boys’ College CRICOS Code 00491J Kensington Terrace, Toowong, Queensland 4066 T 07 3309 3571 F 07 3371 2679 W A MEMBER OF THE Presbyterian and Methodist Schools Association

Editor and Art Director Adele Graves Contributors Nicole de Vries, Bren Arkinstall, Kelly Edwards, Helen Jackson Photography Michael Marston, Matt Roberts, Barry Alsop, Sam Scoufos Cover BBC Old Collegian Mitchell Watt ~ Olympian Photograph by Mike Hewitt/Getty Images


With pride and purpose Featuring BBC's iconic Pipe Band

Into the woods fe at uring bbc ' s music a l

Collegian december 2012

bbc sport

regular items


53 90 Insight


Meet BBC's 17 national representatives and potentially the next generation of elite athletes

The experts offer advice to navigate through the journey of parenthood

We reflect on the cyclical nature of teaching methodology at BBC

Family act


Last word

Scenes from Speech Night and other events in the College calendar

Student Charles Pidgeon explores the complex issue of extreme poverty

Next gen

83 91


Meet the family mastering the sport of alpine skiracing


69 72 76 As destiny would have it

Old boys on the Thames

Old Boys Weekend

Tom Price's journey to stardom in Asia

Old boys take part in the Queen's Diamond Jubilee celebrations

Old collegians gather for a weekend of festivities

Upfront | 5

editor’s letter I’m constantly amazed and inspired by the stories emerging from our community,


with each highlighting not only the diversity but also the interconnectedness of this group. For me, it’s the trivial facts and

interesting. It’s these pieces of information

Despite living in tropical Queensland, thousands of kilometers from the snow,


With as little as 300 grams of spaghetti and 125mL of PVA glue, you can build

which I believe enable us to personally

unusual things we’ve learnt from putting


this edition together.


In a relatively short space of time, it's possible for one person to gain a university degree, learn a second language and launch their career in Asia as a Coca-Cola and Sony to name just a few.

inspired this year and we wish you a safe

Adele graves

a bridge to withstand more than 18 kilograms; that’s the average weight of a

DJ, actor and model working for the likes of Channel V International,

We hope our stories have informed and and happy holiday break.

it’s possible for an entire family to master the sport of alpine skiracing.

four year old.

connect or engage with a story and with this in mind I’d like to share five, somewhat

hence can completely transform the way a child learns.


details embedded, sometimes ever so subtly, in each article which I find most

Furniture itself can enable educators to use varying teaching methods and


School spirit and mateship never dies – just as they would have in their College days at a GPS match, 300 alumni let out a raucous cheer when Olympian and BBC Old Boy Mitchell Watt’s magnificent performance was recognised at the recent Annual Dinner.

Collegian december 2012

6 | upfront


“The best way to predict the future is to create it.”

undertaking in first compiling and then

position on our College Executive,

analysing data on student performance will

entitled Head of Co-curricular Activities.

Peter Drucker – Professor and Australian-

help us to carefully track student progress

This person will oversee all sports and

born American Management Consultant,

in all areas of school life. In 2013, Matthew

activities programs at the College and

Educator and Author

will focus on developing ways to use

will be a strong advocate for both areas

this data more effectively to improve the

of College life. The appointment process

reporting process for all parents.

for this position is well underway and I

Our College’s Strategic Plan proudly enunciates our vision for the future. It is a multi-faceted document which encompasses and directs new programs we will be implementing, new facilities we will be constructing as part of our 3D Master Plan and importantly, changes to the College’s staffing structure. Together these elements will enable us to cement our position as one of the leading boys schools in Australia. My focus in this edition of Collegian is on this third element, staffing structures.

A second appointment recently announced was that of Mr Sean Riordan as Director of Professional Learning. Sean’s role will be to oversee the PMSA's Performance Planning and Review process for all staff. His work will focus on the observation of staff in action as well as on providing constructive feedback on their interactions with students in the classroom and in the co-curricular and pastoral dimensions of College life. He

The changes we are putting in place, I

will be an invaluable resource to staff in

believe, will transform the operations of

helping them to pursue a pathway towards

our College and importantly improve both

continuous improvement by identifying the

student outcomes and our communication

most valuable professional development


opportunities available to suit their

Recently I announced the decision to appoint Mr Matthew O’Brien to the newly

individual needs.

am hopeful that I will be able to make an announcement in connection to this early next year. Already, however, this decision has allowed me to appoint Mr Steve Phillpotts in the role of Director of Rugby. Steve is currently the Australian Schoolboys’ Rugby Union Coach and I am confident that his expertise in this area will transform our current rugby program. In addition Mr Ben Spearritt, who was previously our Rugby Administrator, has now been appointed as Head of Physical Education. Ben’s enthusiasm and commitment in this area will significantly revitalise this important area of our curriculum. The future that lies ahead is very exciting.

Finally, we determined as a College to

created position of Head of Strategic

review our whole co-curricular program

Graeme McDonald

Planning. The work Matthew is currently

and our first step was to create a new



bbc news 8 More than meets the eye BBC unveils its new state-of-the-art Middle School Precinct

13 First steps Staff return to the First Steps School in Cambodia to donate additional Tablet PCs

15 Father and son We explore the importance of the father-son relationship

22 The gift of giving Goodwill goes into overdrive with students contributing to a number of fundraisers

Media man A tribu te to k eith M c D on a ld

Collegian december 2012


MORE THAN MEETS the eye unveiling BBC's new middle school precinct


WITH RAPID ADVANCES IN TECHNOLOGY CHANGING THE WAY IN WHICH CHILDREN INTERACT AND ACQUIRE KNOWLEDGE, BOTH PHYSICAL AND VIRTUAL SPACES CAN NOW COMPLETELY TRANSFORM A CHILD’S LEARNING EXPERIENCE. SO MUCH SO, THAT THE TERM CLASSROOM (IN ITS TRADITIONAL SENSE) HAS ALMOST BECOME NULL AND VOID, WITH A NEW GENERATION OF LEARNERS THRIVING IN ENVIRONMENTS CONDUCIVE TO FLEXIBLE CURRICULUM DELIVERY. ThE changing educational landscape demands a holistic approach to creating learning environments and it’s this trend which has greatly informed the development of BBC’s new Middle School Precinct, which is due to be completed by 2015. The new precinct will be geared for 21st century learners with specialist teaching spaces and interconnected rooms for flexible teaching and learning. According to BBC Headmaster Mr Graeme McDonald the new precinct represents the bringing together of space, technology, responsive design and teaching and learning practices to ensure students are both motivated and inspired. “Breakout spaces, greater flexibility and better access to resources will assist us in producing learners who are confident, adaptable and independent,” Mr McDonald said. “The precinct will enable us to fluidly interchange between physical and virtual learning spaces through the use of new technologies,” he said. “Not only will the development enable us to stay at the forefront of education at a global level, for the first time we will be able to seamlessly align our pastoral care and teaching and learning practices with spaces specifically dedicated to these activities. “We wanted to create a precinct that provides a strong sense of place for each community whilst also facilitating the transition from Junior to Middle to Senior School by enabling better connections across the campus and I believe this building ticks all the boxes.” To ensure the development will remain at the cutting edge, BBC has invested heavily in researching learning environments and their effects on student outcomes, looking at best practices nationally and in a global context.

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According to Head of Strategic Planning Mr Matthew O’Brien an extensive research and consultation process has greatly guided the development. “The learning spaces have been uniquely designed, carefully overlaying the academic and pastoral needs with sustainability and technology initiatives, resulting in a world class facility that is purpose built to be flexible, adaptable and specifically designed to meet educational needs both now and into the future,” Mr O’Brien said. “Consultation with the wider community through our master planning processes has allowed us to identify the needs that should be met by this new facility,” he said. “Senior staff and the College’s architects have visited schools and sites both across Australia and the world, bringing back ideas and lessons learned, ensuring we replicate the best of what we have seen in the secondary and tertiary sectors, contextualising within the traditions of BBC.” The precinct represents the first project in BBC’s Master Plan for the physical expansion of the Toowong campus, with the state government’s decision to move Year 7 to high school as part of the Flying Start for Queensland Children initiative, acting as a catalyst for the development. For BBC Headmaster Mr Graeme McDonald, when the state government announced that Year 7 would move to high school it was clear that the policy aligned perfectly with the structures and staffing already in place at the College. “This year we celebrate our 10th year of Middle Schooling and the work that has occurred during this time has provided a strong and valued bridge between primary and secondary education,” Mr McDonald said. “So whilst the policy had little ramifications in terms of curriculum, it quickly became apparent that we would need to cater for greater numbers, with Year 7 now becoming a major intake year,” he said. “The new Middle School Precinct will enable us to provide state-of-the-art facilities for not only students in Years 7 to 9, but our entire cohort and will ensure our growth is well resourced and sustainable.”

INSIDE THE PRECINCT Four levels with each level dedicated to a specific group. Year 6 will be housed on the bottom level, with Years 7 to 9 occupying the remaining levels Thirty-five contemporary spaces allowing for both group work and individualised learning Two storey purpose built Junior School library Dedicated spaces for pastoral care activities and house meetings

State-of-the-art science laboratory left above: artists impression of the new precinct within the current campus left across:the central heart of the college, connecting the junior, middle and senior schools across: ground view of the courtyard All impressions created by art solutions

Collegian december 2012


Transforming a child’s learning experience How learning environments are changing education Modern classrooms afford a lot more than

Should alternate or improved teaching methods

the traditional teaching of students sitting

be used in the future, the spaces can easily

uncomfortably at desks in rows. According to

adapt to these because they are fundamentally

Hamilton Wilson, the architect for the Middle

a shell. This repurposing is not confined to the

School Precinct, schools “need to develop

classrooms, but also to the outdoor areas used

a critical understanding of how space and

for both recreation and learning spaces.

technology can enable diverse pedagogies.” In order to achieve this, senior staff and the College’s architects have visited schools and sites both across Australia and the world, bringing back ideas and lessons learned, ensuring we replicate the best of what we have

Blending Modern classrooms have a mixture of technological and face-to-face teaching and learning resources. From the ground up, the Middle School Precinct is built around ubiquitous

seen in the secondary and tertiary sectors. With

technology access in all areas at all times.

this in mind, the new Middle School Precinct has

Building-wide wireless allows uninterrupted

been designed specifically around a number of

connectivity, whilst computer monitors

21st century learning principles.

throughout the classrooms and building will allow students to collaborate, teachers to instruct and

Repurposing Modern teaching spaces have to all allow for multiple uses, both now and into the future. The use of furniture that is easily moved, combined with the ability to open adjoining spaces results

in non-teaching times act as digital signage.

Instant switching of learning modality There are four main modes of learning that

in the ability to easily change the use of the

commonly occur. Modern classrooms need to

room for short term or long term needs. For

be able to cater for each of these modes, with

example, the top level of the building is designed

the best physically being designed to allow

to enable the nine classrooms to be opened

for instant switching between the modes –

up and the entire floor be used for exams or

this means that the teacher does not have to

a parent evening. In the lower levels, pairs

change the configuration of the space, rather

and trios of classrooms can be joined and the

the students and teachers only change their

furniture moved to allow for almost any scenario.

behaviours within the space, instantly.



Learning modes Didactic This is the most traditional method with someone directly instructing students (teacher talking, students listening).

Active learning Commonly called group work or collaborative work, active learning is when groups of students collaborate in an active way, generating knowledge and a shared understanding (students doing and talking).

Discursive Where discussion occurs around the class, between groups or students, but usually with the whole class attending to the discussion and being involved (students talking, teacher listening and guiding).

reflective This is usually individual but sometimes small group work, in which students reflect on the whole learning experience; often this will take the form of a project or assignment (students working, usually quietly).

You'll notice in set-up one that none of the furniture has moved and the space can seamlessly support the various learning modes. In set-up two, you would have to completely reconfigure this classroom to achieve the same result.


1 2 Traditional set-up

T Active




first steps BBC’s love for coffee continues to help provide children living in Cambodia with a brighter future. IMAGE COURTESY HARVEST CAMBODIA/ DOUG SHOBBROOK

and an additional 25 machines and projector.

and netting around the volleyball courts have

help fundraise for the First Steps School in

Middle School Librarian Elaine Mowat

also been constructed,” he said.

Siem Reap since June last year, with three

also visited the school whilst holidaying in

teachers recently returning to the school

Cambodia, donating a number of books to

the feeling is overwhelmingly positive and this

having visited earlier in January as part

their library.

is generated by the amazing young local staff.

Staff at BBC have been selling coffee to

of Harvest Cambodia’s Teacher Training program. Thanks to this fundraising initiative, the

According to David Biggs the school has

“The school is set in a truly beautiful area;

“We have now also raised enough money

grown exponentially and is now the focal point

to supply the school with a photocopier.

of the village.

Previously all printing had to be done in a

group were able to donate 10 Tablet PCs

“Since our last visit, a water purification

shop 40 minutes away. Our Cambodian

to the school during their first visit and in

system has been installed which benefits the

friends are truly appreciative and excited

September Tamara Sullivan and David Biggs

health of the entire village,” Mr Biggs said.

about this new acquisition.”

returned to provide vital computer training

“An additional classroom wing, playground

Collegian december 2012


second chance A chance meeting between an Australian professor and Ugandan Pastor on a plane over a year ago, has seen a small Ugandan boy receive life-changing surgery. His story and unbelievable spirit has touched the lives of many, including the BBC community. In 2009 at the age of just two, George

this year Dr Winkle and a plastic surgeon, Dr

Prep class. For a child who has experienced

Mukisa fell victim to child sacrifice, a relatively

Scott Ingram, performed an operation to re-

such injustice, his attitude and infectious

new phenomenon which sees children live in

route George’s urethra and to revise previous

enthusiasm for life is simply inspiring,” said

fear of abduction by witch doctors who claim

reconstructive surgeries.

Prep Teacher Mr Maurice Awhy.

they can bring prosperity and power through

According to Professor Mitchell without the

During his stay Pastor Sewakiryanga also

surgery George was likely to develop chronic

spoke to the College’s Interschool Christian

The stories emerging from Uganda are

infections, renal failure and eventually die.

Fellowship group, sharing the work of his

unimaginable and in George’s case, whilst he

In a story epitomised by survival and

sacrificial rituals.

ministry and their plight to stop child sacrifice in Uganda.

managed to survive – thanks to passers-by

strength, George again amazed doctors,

who heard his cries – he was left severely

family and friends with his remarkable


recovery and it was this chain of events that

great injustices of child sacrifice in Uganda

saw Professor Mitchell contact BBC Chaplain

and particularly about the extreme challenges

replacement surgery, this eventually failed

Graham Cole to see if George could join

that will continue to surround George’s life. He

and the injuries sustained led to constant

BBC’s Prep class for the last few weeks of his

also focused on the confidence that he had in

discomfort and dangerous infections.

stay in Australia.

God being able to meet their desperate needs

Whilst doctors were able to perform

In 2010 on a plane trip from South Africa

“It is so exciting for our school to be an

to Australia, Executive Director of Kyampisi

instrument in God’s hand for the restoration of

Ministries Peter Sewakiryanga, happened

George’s life,” Rev Cole said.

to sit next to Geoff Mitchell, a Professor of

Suffice to say, George settled into the Prep

General Practice. After hearing of George’s

class quickly and made many friends in a very

terrible ordeal, Geoff approached friend and

short space of time.

Urological Surgeon David Winkle. In May

“It was a delight having George join our

Pastor Sewakiryanga spoke about the

through the generosity of others. above: pastor sewakiryanga with george in brisbane. image courtesy Paul Harris / Fairfax Syndication



&SON With this in mind, BBC supports a number

The journey to manhood can be challenging at the best of times, not to mention a little daunting, for both boys and their parents. Yet as research would suggest,






make all the difference.

“It’s a program that mixes fun and learning

“Hats off to these dads who despite life’s

of programs designed to assist not only fathers

in a unique environment and also gives fathers

busy-ness, make the time to do something

and their sons, but the entire family, through

an opportunity to get clear on what is required

special for their sons and themselves.”

this transitional phase.

from them at this important juncture in their

Powerhouse Programs, who have been working with BBC’s Careers and Counselling

family’s life,” Mr Halsall said. “Boys are introduced to communication

In the Junior School, boys have the opportunity to participate in a father son trip and earlier this year boys and their fathers

Department for several years now, run two

tools and the ‘Freedom and Responsibility

ventured to Maroon Dam for some quality time

programs to help foster this relationship –

Equation’. They are also privy to the men

and serious fishing.

Building Bridges and Journey to Manhood.

sharing stories of their own lives and

More than 55 families have participated in the

relationships with their fathers and this greatly

boys and their dads to allocate time to spend

last two years alone.

expands their ideas on what it is to be a man,”

together away from the city - an important first

he said.

step in fostering a strong father and son bond.

According to Powerhouse Programs Co-founder Mr Stephen Halsall, the Building

“The Journey to Manhood is a five day

Bridges Program, which runs over six weeks

‘rite of passage’ focusing on the changing

at the College, provides fathers and sons with

relationship between a father and his son, with

some core skills to help build a stronger bond.

mothers also playing a role in this program.

It’s a simple concept, but one that enables

Below: fathers and sons take part in the journey to manhood program and junior school fishing trip

Collegian december 2012


going green Although considered a buzz

towards operating within our ecological limits, whilst exemplifying and

word, sustainability now greatly

inspiring responsible leadership in sustainability.”

influences our household

Healthy body, healthy planet

activities, work environments and government policy. It’s a movement that has seen us develop a much greater awareness of our

Junior School students have joined the Nude Food Movement, a program designed to encourage individuals to make informed decisions about their food and its effect on their bodies and the environment. After a successful trial in 2012, boys are encouraged to pack a healthy ‘Nude’ lunch Monday to Friday utilising lunchboxes that allow them to eliminate

environmental footprint and one

portion packing and wrapping.

which will play an important role

Sustainability in the great outdoors

in the life of the College as we

Dominic has worked closely with BBC’s Outdoor Education

move towards creating a greener

Department to introduce a sustainability element into the curriculum. The


program includes six key focus areas, one of them being minimal impact. In the Year 7 program, which sees students attend a camp at Mt Barney, boys are involved in a number of initiatives which support this theme

After two years of study and extensive research in the

including composting all food waste, diverting minimal waste to landfill

area, at the beginning of this year BBC’s Head of Drama

through recycling and worm farms, water conservation, habit regeneration

Dominic Piacun was appointed to the role of Sustainability

and creek bed stabilisation. The boys also learn about the concept of


‘food miles’, as everything consumed on site is produced as close to the

“We understand that as an innovative and relevant

national park as possible. The experience acts as an excellent working

educational institution, sustainability must be embedded

example of sustainability in action, which the boys can take home with

into every facet of the organisation and BBC has made a

them to educate the rest of the family.

firm commitment to integrate sustainability into our core operations,” Mr Piacun said. “The sustainability commitment will foster a sense of positive collective action amongst all stakeholders and whilst we have a long road ahead of us before sustainability sits seamlessly within the College, the commitment is a positive first step,” he said. “We are currently actively working to enhance both staff and students’ knowledge of sustainability to enable them to identify areas for improvement and make habitual changes. Although 2012 was identified as a year of commitments, we’ve implemented a number of great initiatives that are already working to reduce our environmental footprint. “We have developed a plan which provides a clear pathway for success, outlining short, medium and long term goals to ensure BBC is systematically working


Collegian december 2012



head start

What do you want to be when you grow up? A fireman. A teacher. A microbiologist. Answering this question is always easier when a career seems a decade away. But for Year 12 students, a career is just around the corner and life after school can, at times, be quite daunting. For nine BBC students, this big decision

“The main thing that I got out of the

the work that was covered in the event where I missed a lesson from going to university.”

was made easier with the UQ Enhanced

program was that it helped in the transition

Studies Program, as they test drove

from secondary to tertiary education. I was

university life in the first semester this year.

able to experience a bit of what goes on

informed decisions about their future tertiary

The program enables students to make

The boys successfully completed a

once secondary education is over and the

study options. BBC Old Boys Mitchell

chosen university subject in the program,

different atmosphere and environment the

Gooding, Hamish Thorburn and David Wei,

learning what it’s like to be a university

university has to offer,” Julian said.

took part in the UQ program while at BBC

student and gaining credit towards their

But there were many aspects of the

studies. Chosen university subjects included

program that assisted Julian in his Year 12

Introduction to Software Engineering,


Calculus and Linear Algebra 1, Fundamentals

“It [assisted] me in my Mathematics

and chose to continue their studies at the university following graduation. Hamish believes the program helped him make that big decision on what to study after graduating from BBC.

of Chemistry and Introduction to Psychology:

C studies as I was able to gain different

Developmental, Social and Clinical

perspectives of content taught and different


problem-solving methods. The lectures

really helped me decide on my degree

“The Enhanced Studies Program (ESP)

assisted me to better understand new

choice, by giving me exposure to the type

for five years, helping boys transition into

concepts in conjunction with any similar

of material we would be covering during the

their chosen career path through extension

material taught at school,” Julian said.

degree,” Hamish said.

BBC has been a part of the program

studies in an area of their interest (usually

With the help of BBC Enhanced Studies

And it seems preparation was key to

mathematics or a science), all while

Program Coordinator Mr Chicri Maksoud,

Hamish achieving his tertiary studies goal

completing their Queensland Certificate of

students plan their university timetables

to study medicine at the University of


around the normal school day, ensuring they


The BBC Accelerated Mathematics

don’t miss any of their other school subjects.

“The program made me familiar with

program enables students to complete their

When they are not attending lectures or

a huge part of the whole administration

Mathematics B course in Year 11, decreasing

tutorials at St Lucia, students meet specialist

process at UQ (which was a level of

their workload to five subjects in Year 12.

teachers at the MAP Centre to check-in and

responsibility that wasn't present in high

This then provides the boys the opportunity

gain assistance with their studies.

school) so the transition into university was

to be involved in the Enhanced Studies Program in their final year. Participant of the program, Julian Wade,

Workload wasn’t an issue for Julian with the help of BBC’s dedicated teaching staff. “The teaching staff and MAP staff were

enjoyed the experience as a university

extremely helpful during the program. I

student while studying the Calculus and

had overwhelming support from them. The

Linear Algebra course.

teaching staff helped me catch up on any of

just that little bit easier because of it,” Hamish said.




the board have in





achieved remarkable





solutions to complex and abstract problems.

MINDWORKS Spaghetti stands strong With just 300 grams of spaghetti, 125 mL of white PVA glue and a minimum span of 30cm, students were put to the test in the Thiess Spaghetti Bridge Competition, held in conjunction with the Ekka. In an amazing display of engineering, BBC’s Promethium Project (consisting of Sam Rasmussen, Andrew Su, Brain Chen and Rob Kopel - pictured below), constructed a bridge with fine fettuccini. Despite some confusion over the rules, the boys were awarded a supplementary first place with the bridge only failing after been subjected to an extraordinary 18.204 kilograms. The Year 9 Extension Science students were recently presented with their $5000 prize money at assembly which will be used to begin an Engineering Club as part of BBC's co-curricular program in 2013. Spaghetti bridge competitions have become a favourite design and construction challenge for science and engineering students of all ages around the world.

Consecutively complex Year 8 student Hugh Ciereszko was recently awarded a state medal and prize for the best performance in Queensland in the highly regarded Australian Mathematics Competition. He was also presented with a Prudence Award, for the greatest number of consecutively correct answers, at The University of Queensland by Australian Mathematics Trust Chairman Greg Taylor. According to BBC’s Head of Mathematics Mr Christopher Blood, this is a remarkable achievement particularly for a boy of his age. “Hugh is one of only two Queensland boys between Years 5 to 12 to receive this prestigious award with the other a Year 11 student,” Mr Blood said. “This achievement highlights not only Hugh’s mathematical skills but also his ability to problem solve by thinking outside the square,” he said.

Collegian december 2012


OUT OF THE BOX The imaginations and creativity of children across Brisbane, including BBC Prep students, ran wild at this year’s Out of the Box Festival. THIS YEAR BBC WAS INVITED TO TAKE PART IN THE OFFICIAL FESTIVAL BLOG ALLOWING STUDENTS AND TEACHERS TO SHARE THEIR EXPERIENCES ONLINE.

royal dutyroyal duty

in recognition of the Diamond Jubilee, Year 6 student Jed Brimblecombe and Head of the Junior School Gary Musson were invited by the lord mayor to plant a Huon Pine. The pair joined 60 other groups with the trees forming part of the Diamond Jubilee Walk in Victoria Park.


CHRISTMAS appeal BBC students have been busY collecting gifts to donate to the Wesley Mission brisbane emergency relief just in time for christmas. The college has been participating in the appeal for over a decade.


rural discovery Year 3 students were given a taste of the country and life on the land at the recent RNA Rural Discovery Day. Designed to showcase the primary industries, the day provides unique handson learning experiences for city students, from learning how to milk a cow to fitting a horse shoe. Boys were also able to gain a greater understanding of where their food and fibre comes from with a number of farmers providing information on local beef products, sugar cane production and organic farming methods. BELOW: WILL RUDDELL AND MAX NAHRUNG

Inside knowledge STUDENTS GAIN REAL WORLD EXPERIENCE Year 12 Biology students interested in pursuing careers in health including medicine and physiotherapy recently attended the QUT Anatomy Experience where they were able to witness a full cadaveric dissection. According to BBC’s Head of Science Mr David Fisher the experience was invaluable, providing boys with a firsthand look at what’s learnt in the classroom. “Boys were able to handle different organs such as the brain, heart and lungs in order to see and understand various disease processes,” Mr Fisher said.


Collegian december 2012


the gift

of giving There’s certainly no shortage of community amongst students charities







supporting this year,


numerous collectively


charitable treats

Recent fundraisers at BBC have provided boys with the perfect excuse to indulge in some sweet treats.

On 20 August the Junior School hosted a RSPCA Cupcake

raising more than $41,000 alone in

Day, raising more than $1800 for animal shelters and clinics

the stories featured in this edition

supported the fundraiser for several years now, Adam Sherlock

of collegian.

in Queensland. Driven by the Sherlock Family who have (Year 6) and TJ Leaver (Year 2) were recently presented with a Certificate of Appreciation by the RSPCA. With support from his school house, Hamilton, BBC’s Junior Masterchef and Cupcakes for a Cure Ambassador Jack Kibble also raised $951 for The Kids’ Cancer Project - an Australian charity dedicated to finding cures for childhood cancers with the lowest survival rates. Hamilton House boys (and undoubtedly their parents) hit the kitchen, making hundreds of cupcakes for the fundraiser with Jack making ‘top-shelf’ rocky road, vanilla butter cream and Oreo varieties. Jack also recently surprised the Vienna Boys Choir with some ‘Aussie’ cupcakes whilst touring Australia in September to support The Kids’ Cancer Project.

think pink

Interact students recently showcased their textile abilities,

tearing up hundreds of strips of material and making crochet floor rugs for auction at this year’s Pink Dinner. The group raised more than $4000 for the Kim Walters Foundation who YEAR 8 BOY JACK KIBBLE WITH JUNIOR SCHOOL STUDENTS DILLON SMITH, BLAKE SASS AND TED BELAVY

provide support for women and their families who have been diagnosed with breast or gynaecological cancer.


royal duty helping australians More than 125 boys participated in this year’s Red Shield Appeal, raising $11,400 for the Salvation Army who provide assistance to more than one million Australians each year. The College has participated in this annual fundraiser for more than three decades. IMAGE COURTESY RED SHIELD APPEAL

ThOusANDs Of fAmiliEs ThANk gOD fOr ThE sAlvOs EvEry WEEk. WE ThANk gOD fOr yOu.

changing the world in 40 hours DONATE NOW 13 SALVOS (13 72 58)

More than 180 BBC students joined together to support this year’s 40 Hour Famine, facilitated by the Interschool Christian Fellowship Group. The fundraiser has become one of Australia’s biggest youth events, inspiring a new generation of people to help break the cycle of poverty. Both staff and students raised a remarkable $24,000, placing them in the top two fundraising groups in Queensland. BBC’s highest individual fundraisers included Vincent Foo ($1325), Matthew Cheel ($1025), Kyle Eggins-Allman ($1000) and staff member Maria Verti ($815). The UN reports that nearly one billion people worldwide suffer from chronic hunger. This year, the 40 Hour Famine focused on Ethiopia where around 4.5 million have been affected by the severe drought in the Horn of Africa. IMAGE COURTESY WORLD VISION

Collegian december 2012

24 | BBC Feature


MEDIA MAN He helped shape one of Australia’s most colourful

industries, working alongside global media magnates, managing the growth and change of newspapers in Queensland. But despite his incredible and seemingly intimidating success, Keith McDonald (BBC 1939-43) was better known for his compassion and integrity; a gentle giant in the media world. with the lobbying of organisations like Legacy,

intelligence and particular acumen for financial

as General Manager and later CEO of the then

the government of the day created educational

diagnosis. It was here that Keith began what

Queensland Newspapers, Keith McDonald’s

opportunities for children like Keith. So began

would become a long standing connection

journey up the corporate ladder is as

Keith’s education as a boarder at BBC in 1939

with Queensland Newspapers after he was

remarkable as it is grounding.

where he excelled at tennis and academic

employed as a Finance Writer for The Courier

From humble beginnings to his appointment

studies, receiving several subject awards.

Mail, located at the time in Queen Street. As

were recognised when Queensland’s biggest

Keith’s religious instruction teacher at this time

Mr Smith had predicted, Keith moved quickly

media centre was named in his honour. The

was former Headmaster, Mr Patrick Hamilton.

into the ranks of management at Queensland

Keith McDonald House represents a new era

Very influenced by Hamilton’s explanation and

Newspapers, initially as Finance Editor and

for News Queensland, housing more than

feeling for the Acts of the Apostles, it was

rising to General Manager.

1000 media specialists at the original Bowen

at the age of fifteen that Keith very privately

Hills site.

entered his name in his Bible, committing

love of his life, wife Lorna, as they set about

himself to Christianity.

moving to the south-side suburb of Coorparoo

In March 2012, Keith’s work and passion

Keith spent much of his life in this building.

The 1950s were busy for Keith and the

It was only in 2009, with the progression of

Influenced by the sacrifice of his father

(considered 'out in the sticks' at the time) into

Parkinson’s disease increasingly impacting

and indebted to the Armed Services for the

a home with a view of the city from their back

on Keith physically and leading to a fall as

opportunities he had been given, Keith sought

veranda which revealed the glowing red light

he made his way from reception and up

to join the Army after graduating from BBC in

atop the Brisbane City Hall in King George

the marble stairs to his office, that Keith

1943. The recruiting officer – known only as

Square and the marvelled Story Bridge which

stopped making his weekly journey to the

Mr Smith - gave him some sound advice: “The

Keith would cross every day as he travelled

Bowen Hills facility. Keith sadly lost his battle

war will end soon; the country needs young

to the new home of Queensland Newspapers

with Parkinson's passing away on Friday 30

men like you to rebuild industry. Concentrate

in Bowen Hills. During the 1974 floods, Keith

November. In this edition of Collegian we pay

on your studies and get your mother off that

would use binoculars to see if there was any

tribute to a remarkable man with a remarkable

dairy farm.” It was a hard decision, but Keith

traffic on the bridge. If there was none, he


took his advice and so began his corporate

knew that Fortitude Valley or the Mowbray Park


bend of the river were still flooded and that's

FROM HUMBLE BEGINNINGS. For Keith, life began in 1926 at Biggenden on the

A DRIVEN MIND. In 1944, Keith was

the only time he ever stayed home from work! HIS RISE IN QUEENSLAND

Darling Downs. He was the son of dairy-

awarded the prestigious Archibald Scholarship

farmer parents, Ada May and Ainsley Neville

and graduated from the University of

NEWSPAPERS. During the early 1950s,

McDonald – a lay-preacher, Sunday School

Queensland in 1949 with a Bachelor of

Keith also came to the attention of Sir Keith

teacher, local RNA organiser and all round pillar

Commerce with First Class Honours. He was

Murdoch, who had formed Queensland

of the community. Neville served in Alexandria,

also awarded the University Medal and a

Newspapers in 1933 by merging the

Gallipoli and France during the Great War, but

Government Gold Medal for outstanding merit.

Brisbane Courier (dating back to 1846)

Beginning work as an investment advisor

and the Daily Mail (early 1900s). In 1954,

Bright’s disease in 1935 when Keith was just

and stock broker, Keith came into contact with

Queensland Newspapers was sold to The

nine years old. Like many families of returned

Sir Theodore Bray (The Courier Mail’s Editor-

Herald Weekly Times and remained there

servicemen, the family struggled financially but

in-Chief) who recognised Keith’s grounded

until 1986, when Rupert Murdoch made a

died from complications of war injuries and

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take over bid, returning the ownership to the

of the Board of Governors of The University

Murdoch family. Throughout Keith’s time at

of Queensland Foundation and Chair of the

LIFE. Keith was clearly an empathetic yet

Queensland Newspapers, communications

Editorial Board of the University’s Graduate

determined character. In his line of work,

with the Murdoch family were frequent: Janet

Contact magazine. He was appointed Officer

there were many people in the community

Calvert-Jones (Rupert’s sister) kept in touch

of the Order of the British Empire in 1989

at government and business levels, keen to

with Keith, making numerous job offers

for service to the print media industry and in

influence editorial staff and the content of The

including the Adelaide-based running of South

1998 was awarded an honorary Doctor of

Courier Mail and Sunday Mail. But Keith was a

Australia’s The Advertiser for Rupert; but

Philosophy by UQ for his service to business,

believer in the free market going by the mantra

Keith was a Queenslander at heart and his

the University and community.

of ‘let the people decide’.

young family was settled in Brisbane. When

FAMILY FIRST. Keith and Lorna were

His legacy in the business world is of a

Lachlan Murdoch first arrived at Queensland

committed Christians. Keith was a decent,

gentleness in management that savours face-

Newspapers to ‘learn the ropes’ from Keith,

practical man who understood what sacrifice

to-face over email and genuine engagement

he dined with Keith and Lorna at their family

meant and treated everyone he met with

in day-to-day issues. Keith would always say

home in Coorparoo, where his father Rupert

compassion - the cleaners, the truck driver and

to his girls, “I know you will be successful

had dined years before. Keith attended mass

the most robust print union representatives

because you can stand upright in a topsy-

with Lachlan and kept a wise eye on his

- they all received fair and honest treatment.

turvy world.” His example was thus and

developments – careful to never overstep any

It was these qualities that mattered most. He

his empathetic connection to people and

boundary, and only offer advice when asked

didn’t go on long, boozy lunches nor did he

their issues made him a brilliant manager, a

in confidence. Keith managed this relationship

play golf with members of parliament; he could

responsible executive and the most wonderful

as he did with others of a perceived elevated

have but he chose to work in the garden with


rank: with dignity and compassion at all times.

Lorna and cultivate relationships with his four

WITHOUT LIMITS. Keith was always

daughters – Mary-Anne, Margaret, Jennifer

looking for new opportunities, taking on

and Janet. According to Margaret, who is one


varied roles within the industry and broader

of very few female sports journalists for The

Friends and former colleagues of the late

community. He went on to become Director

Australian, “Dad’s love of reading was shared

Keith McDonald are invited to join with his

and CEO of Queensland Newspapers,

gleefully with his daughters whom he read to

family for a public celebration of his life at

Chairman of Queensland Press and Director

each and every night after coming home from

King’s College, University Of Queensland,

of Australian Associated Press and HTW (then

work. He rarely missed delving into books with

at 11.00am on 11 February 2013.

News Corporation Ltd). He was a member

his little girls,” she said.

BBC arts | 27

bbc ARTS 28 Into the Woods BBC boys join with St Aidan's for this year's bewitching musical - Into the Woods

32 The Odyssey Students perform in front of capacity crowds at the Princess Theatre

34 With pride and purpose A focus on BBC's iconic Pipe Band

38 Arts indulgence BBC boys immerse themselves in the arts in one of Australia's cultural capitals

Creative pathways B B C ' s in au gur a l a rt show

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28 | BBC ARTS arts

BBC arts | 29


into the woods In the bewitching production of Stephen Sondheim’s Into the Woods,

students from Brisbane Boys’ College and St Aidan’s Girls School transformed into classic fairytale characters as they performed over three magnificent nights in College Hall.

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30 | BBC arts

a witch, a wish and a dark fairytale

Into the Woods tells the tale of a baker and his wife, cursed by the witch next door, as they try to follow their dream of having a child. The characters may have sprung from fairytales meant for children, but the cast’s theatrics and song were wholly adult on stage. The storytelling shone through as the students consciously portrayed their characters’ journey. “Every aspect of the performance was so professional that it was hard to believe that we were in fact watching students,” said Headmaster Mr Graeme McDonald. With more than 156 hours of rehearsals and a myriad of staff and parents working together to bring the show to life, Into the Woods was an unforgettable experience for all involved. “While the students are the main focus of all our activities, without the commitment and generosity of staff, parents and volunteers, productions like this would not be possible,” said BBC's Head of Music Mr Stuart Quill. Much like the characters of the musical, it seems our cast and crew were reminded of the importance of community.

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32 | BBC arts

the odyssey Taking on an epic such as Homer's The Odyssey and condensing it into live theatre is no small undertaking. Seniors from BBC, in partnership with St Aidan’s Girls School, took on the great journey of storytelling in August to establish a connection with a text written close to the end of the 8th century BC. Students performed to capacity crowds at the Princess Theatre in August this year, embellishing scenes and discovering the mysteries of the Bermuda Triangle while on a journey home. Set in the 1950’s post World War II, the young cast were passionate in delivering a professional adaptation to the famous text, making it relevant to today’s society. “I have seen nothing but support, engagement and a lot of fun happening around me as students take the lead and help create…and play endlessly with characters,” said Director Ms Helen Stephens. Scintillating performances, dazzling costumes and elaborate storytelling ensured another unforgettable BBC production as they journeyed home. For audiences and performers alike, The Odyssey will long be remembered for its grand vision – a vision for students to deliver a sophisticated, multi-dimensional production beyond their years and a journey they will never forget.

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winning design A BBC art student has painted a colourful Brisbane City Council traffic signal box in the hopes of attracting new members to the local St Lucia Bowls Club. The club called on Brisbane Boys’ College art students to create a winning design themed around the local landmark to promote the club’s services and increase membership. Year 10 student, Michael Jeon, created the winning piece and, with the help of a mural painter, painted the traffic signal box earlier this year. The 15 year old’s creation even impressed seasoned artist, Frances Rowland Wregg, who was more than happy to assist Michael in transforming his design onto the traffic signal box. IMAGE COURTESY NEWSPIX

the journey begins creative pathways for eveRy boy BBC presented its inaugural art show ‘The Journey Begins: Creative pathways for Every Boy’ over a two day viewing on 19 and 20 October. The show featured an exciting collection of pieces, created by students from Prep through to Year 12. According to Junior School Art Teacher Kim Murray, it’s the first time the College has ever hosted a whole-of-school exhibition. “From drawings to prints, ceramics to large installation pieces, the exhibition showcased a large spectrum of works,” Ms Murray said. “It presented a wonderful opportunity for our youngest students to get a glimpse of what their own art journey will look like in the future, whilst allowing our older students to reflect on their experiences and appreciate the talent of their peers,” she said.


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34 | BBC arts

BBC pipe band

with pride and purpose This year has seen many highlights for the BBC Pipe Band with performances at a range of College events and community engagements. They have become an impressive and prominent icon of the College and at every important moment in the life of the school – the pipers and drummers are there. Over the past four months alone, the band has been extremely busy with competition, a concert and international workshop.

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36 | BBC arts

Piping times at BBC Nine highland bands from South East Queensland and Northern New South Wales

Sounds of scotland Our Pipe Bands followed July’s competition

travelled to Brisbane Boys’ College to unite at the inaugural Pipe Band Competition,

with the spectacular Sounds of Scotland concert in

held on Main Oval in July. The competition was fierce and with 13 pipers, 10 snare

September to a full house. As prominent icons of the

drummers and six bass section, BBC were clearly the largest band of the competition,

College, our pipers and drummers impressed the

turning a few heads of the 400-strong crowd.

audience with their unwavering passion and spine-

Scottish fare and Clan stalls contributed to the wonderful atmosphere on the day,

tingling performances. “For many of us, when we

marking the strength of the College’s heritage and traditions. Under the scrutiny of top

hear that first note on the pipes, our spines tingle

judges, the final results saw the BBC Pipe Band secure fifth place; an encouraging

and a tear comes to our eye – it is a very emotional

result considering the young players were in their first season of competition. BBC

experience,” said Headmaster Mr Graeme McDonald.

also placed second for drumming and uniform presentation in the Best Dressed Band

The concert brought together the BBC Pipe Band,

category on the day. Our BBC Old Collegians also competed well, placing second

BBC Old Collegian’s Pipe Band, guest performers


Kings of Rock, Watkins Academy of Irish Dance and

According to Director of the Pipe Band Mr Steven Stanley, the BBC Pipe Band

Thistle Highland Dancers.

continues to go from strength to strength. “Our boys show amazing dedication with performance levels and results continuing to improve throughout the year as new members have made their way into the band, supported by the senior players,” Mr Stanley said.

I could never imagine life at BBC without a Pipe Band. It is a joy for all of us to hear and see the magnificent spectacle of our Pipe Band perform graeme mcdonald, headmaster.

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international exposure To continue the ever-growing BBC Pipe Band, the College hosted a world-class International Tutor Workshop to student pipers and drummers in October. The two day workshop was a unique opportunity for students to learn from world champion musicians including Stuart Liddell (three times World Pipe Band Champion), Tyler Fry (leading world exponent of Bass Section Drumming), Grant Cassidy (six time World Junior Solo Drumming Champion) not to mention Kyle Warren who is a member of the famous Red Hot Chilli Pipers.

The BBC Pipe Band continues to go from strength to strength. Numbers in both the drum and pipe corps are on the increase and the band is more and more in the public eye.

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38 | BBC arts

arts indulgence sydney arts tour - September 2012 Theatre, workshops and dinner at Chinatown were the stand out events of the annual BBC Arts Tour to Sydney recently. Fifteen boys in Years 10 to 12 travelled interstate for a whirlwind tour of some of Australia’s most famous arts venues, institutions and landmarks. BBC Drama Teacher Ms Michelle Carey, has been running the tour for some years so that students can experience the rich artistic culture that is right at their doorstep. “The boys are able to indulge themselves in arts experiences, such as the workshops and shows, and they have the freedom to explore local areas and iconic places such as the Opera House and the Sydney Harbour Bridge,” Ms Carey said. The tour gave students the opportunity to experience a range of theatre shows and activities, including a tour of the Sydney Opera House, the Australia Day production - a satire by Sydney Theatre Company at the Opera House and Wrecking, an independent play at the Old Fitz in Woolloomooloo. They also participated in comedy and Scene from Australia Day By Jonathan Biggins. IMAGE COURTESY THE Sydney Theatre Company. Photocredit: Jeff Busby

improvisation workshops at the National Institute of Dramatic Art (NIDA) and ATYP (Comeedia d’ell Arte).

state honour BBC sent the largest group of state representatives to the Queensland Conservatorium of Music State Honours Program over the school holidays for intensive rehearsals, music-making and camaraderie. Eleven BBC boys were carefully selected from more than 1300 of the finest young musicians from across Queensland to participate in the four day Griffith University program held at South Bank. The 735 participants travelled from across the sunshine state for the opportunity to work alongside international and national conductors, as well as US exchange students from the prestigious State Honour Ensemble Program. Four grand finale concerts showcasing the talents of these amazing young musicians were held on the final day of the program in the Conservatorium Theatre.

BBC sport | 39

bbc sports

40 Next gen Meet BBC's 17 national representatives and potentially the next generation of elite athletes

45 Passing on the passion A taste of Wallaby glory for Year 7 student Izaak Moore

49 Robo wars BBC claims victory in the Robocup Junior Australia National Championships

50 Football fever Thirteen footballers travel to Europe for some iconic sightseeing and skilled football


w ill geni a at bbc

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40 | BBC sport

BBC sport | 41

NEXT GEN You may well be looking at Australia’s



of elite athletes with each of these young men representing their country in various codes throughout




Belgium to America, Spain and Thailand,




home soil cities Melbourne and Tasmania, these 17 boys have travelled far and wide in the name of competition, delivering world-class performances and securing exceptional results.

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42 | BBC sport

corey teunissen (year 10) Age 14 Representative LEVEL World champion

Achievement Cory is the current World Wakeboarding Champion for the Junior Men 14 to 18 years Age Division; a remarkable

This year, Peter represented Queensland, winning a national title in the Under 16 200m Backstroke

secured this position after competing

championships held in July in Western

in the WWA World Titles in Pleasant


Age 17 Representative team

bob thornton (year 12) Age 17 Representative team Junior National Squad for Gymnastics

Australian Schools Orienteering team



Having claimed gold at the national

David recently competed in the National Orienteering Championships in Tasmania. As a result of his performance, David has been selected

championships last year, Bob, despite nursing an injury all year, has been selected in the Junior Men’s Olympic squad. The team will trial shortly and

for the Australian team to compete

those selected will compete in the

against New Zealand in January 2013.

Youth Olympics.

Orienteering is a national adventure based navigation sport.

tim dickson (year 12) Age 17 Representative team Australian Schools and Australian Youth Volleyball teams



event at the School Sport national

david tay (year 12)

David Tay

National title holder

achievement for a boy of his age. Cory

Praire, USA.

Cory teunissen

peter mills (year 12) Age 16 Representative Level

owen gillott (year 12) Age 17 Representative team Team Specialised

Achievement Owen represented Australian Track Cycling in America producing


outstanding results. Competing in the

Tim has enjoyed an incredibly

California State Track Titles, he placed

successful year in volleyball as Vice

first in the standing 1km and 3km

Captain of the Queensland Schoolboys

setting a new record for the track. He

team as well as selection in the

also set a new record in the flying 200m

National Schoolboys team who recently

as well as placing first in the 3km time

competed in New Zealand. He also

trial at the Californian State Track Titles.

secured the position of Vice Captain

Owen has also been selected in the

for the Australian Youth Boys team,

Specialised Cycling Junior Development

winning all matches and the Trans-

team which is based in California.

Tasman series against New Zealand

Iran in October and will compete in

Harry jones (year 12) Age 18 Representative team

the Australian Junior Beach Volleyball

Australian Under 19 Quad Scull

in Victoria. He competed in the Asian Volleyball Championships in Esfahan,

Championships in January 2013, having

peter mills

bob thornton

won gold at the Queensland event for the second year in a row.

Achievement After overcoming an exceptionally thorough trialing process, Harry was selected for the Australian Under 19

BBC sport | 43 quad scull to contest the Junior World

took home gold in the 50m Freestyle

Rowing Championships, held in Plovdiv,

(matching the current record), 50m

Bulgaria. Harry’s crew posted their

Backstroke, 100m Backstroke and in

fastest ever time at the event. In the

the Medley Relay (setting a School Sport

lead up to this event Harry was offered a

Australian Record). He gained his silver

place at the AIS Rowing Australia Talent

medal in the 50m Butterfly with his time

Identification camp. He also competed

surpassing the current record.

in the Australian selection regatta in Sydney finishing third in the scull and emerging as the outright winner for the seat racing.

luke pittle (year 12) Age 17 Representative team

harrison jones (year 11) Age 17 Representative team Under 17 Australian Cricket (merit) team

Achievement Having competed with the winning

Australian merit team

Met West team at the State Secondary


Schools Cricket Championship, Harrison

Based on his performance with the

Jones was selected for the Queensland

Queensland Schoolboys Open Under 18

State Schoolboy team and in recognition

Basketball team, Luke was selected for

of his skill the Australian Under 17

an Australian merit team. The national

Cricket merit team.

owen gillott

team only competes every two years, with the merit team compiled every ‘off year’ to recognise each member’s skill and talent.

gareth kalell (year 12) Age 18 Representative team Australian Schoolboys Rugby Union

scott marshall (year 12) Age 17 Representative team Australian Junior Under 20 Handball team

team (Fiji and NZ)

Achievement Gareth was selected for the history making Australian Schoolboys Rugby Union team. The side defeated their


New Zealand counterparts 16-14 in

After trialing and gaining selection for

Auckland. The team, led by BBC’s very

the Queensland team, Scott competed

own Director of Sports and Physical

in the Oceania qualifying tournament

Education, Mr Steve Phillpotts, was

with the Australian Youth team, held in

the first to defeat Fiji, New Zealand,

Samoa during October. Earlier in the year Scott was also part of an Australian Under 18 Handball tour which saw these athletes compete in Spain and Italy.

ben carlyon (year 7) Age 12 Representative level

Scott marshall

Ben Carlyon

Unfortunately Gareth sustained a serious ankle injury in the first game and was unable to compete in the rest of the tour, nonetheless his selection is a tribute to his skill and ability on the field.

Achievement Within his long list of achievements, Ben

Australian 29er Sailing Crew

has managed to claim an Australian

luke pittle

Tonga and Samoa in the same year.

charlie wyatt (year 9) Age 15 Representative team

National champion

harry jones

champion title having secured four


gold and one silver medal at the recent

In July this year Charlie travelled to

School Sport National Championships

Poland and Germany to compete in the

held in Sydney, where he captained the

Open European 29er and Open World

Queensland Primary School team. Ben

Championships respectively. Charlie

Collegian december 2012

44 | BBC sport

gareth kalell

harrison jones

charlie wyatt

scott pegg

josh chambers

hayden johnson

delivered a strong performance

Championships for Surf Life Saving.

team defeating New Zealand.

open to all age groups, in which he

in the first round of competition

Scott collected two gold medals

Individually Josh placed second

placed 36th.

securing fourth place overall. In

in the rescue event, winning both

in his division. Josh will represent

Germany, Charlie competed against

the Under 17 and Open event with

Australia again in January next year

some of the best sailors from

his teammate. The pair broke the

in Las Vegas as part of the National

around the world, with 220 boats

Australian record in the Under 17

Men’s Open Tour.

entered over 11 races. Charlie put


in a solid effort to secure 20th place overall.

scott pegg (year 12) Age 17 Representative LEVEL

josh chambers (year 11) Age 16 Representative team

Daniel self (year 10) Age 15 Representative Level National representative

Hayden johnson (year 12) Age 18 Representative Level National representative

Australian Team Level 7 Open Gymnastics


National title holder


the Laser Radial Youth World


In June, Josh competed in the

event held at Moreton Bay. His

Scott was named the National

nationals event in Sydney at

performance saw him qualify for the

Champion in the Pool Rescue

Olympic Park, with the Australian

Laser Radial Men’s World event,

Hayden recently competed in

Achievement Daniel, alongside Hayden, also competed in the Laser Radial Youth World event finishing in a credible 69th position.

BBC sport | 45

n o i s s a p e h t n o g pa ss i n

Sitting alongside your sporting heroes is the stuff that dreams are made of, particularly when you’re 13 years of age, a rugby enthusiast and it’s the Wallabies. Thanks to Lexus, the official Motor Vehicle Partner of the 2012 Qantas Wallabies, Year 7 student Izaak Moore was given the ultimate prize having been selected as the official Lexus Ball Kid for the Wallabies match against Argentina on 15 September at the Gold Coast’s Skilled Stadium.

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46 | BBC sport

a taste of wallaby glory

It was Izaak’s passion for the sport and some creative prose he whipped up during an English lesson about his dreams of being a Wallaby that saw him secure the prize. As part of the experience, Wallabies Captain and BBC Old Collegian James Horwill visited the College on 6 September to officially announce the winner, whilst sharing some valuable playing advice with competition entrants and members from BBC’s First XV team. According to Lexus of Brisbane General Manager Julian Mason the program provides a fantastic opportunity for boys to experience what it’s like to be a Wallaby. “Participants get to run on with the team as well as taking part in the Captain’s run. The program is a great way of engaging young up and coming stars in the sport,” he said. The event was filmed by Fox Sports and aired prior to the Wallabies verses Argentina match. CLOCKWISE FROM TOP: IZAAK IS ANNOUNCED AS THE COMPETITION WINNER; BOYS TAKE A LOOK AT THE V10 LEXUS LFA; BBC FIRST XV PLAYERS PARTICIPATING IN THE RUGBY CLINIC; JAMES HORWILL AND THE FOX SPORTS CREW

BBC sport | 47

Family act While most Queenslanders head for the

beach, Year 7 student Connor Leggett will be heading for a training camp in the Austrian Alps. He and his siblings, Hamish (Year 9) and Claudia (Year 11), are alpine skiracers. For the past four years they have been members of the Thredbo Skiracing team and are making their presence felt in the race circuit.

Ski Cross at the regionals by the skiracing

while carrying all our equipment in a backpack

to an unfortunate start with a bad foot injury

equivalent of several boat lengths. According

and a spare sets of raceskis (which are much

keeping him sidelined for the entire June/

to mum Megan, “the wins happened to

heavier than normal skis) on our shoulders. We

July training block. His race boots had to be

coincide with a Reds victory against New

then have to strip down to a lycra racesuit in

heated and stretched to accommodate a still

South Wales and a Queensland State of

freezing, windy conditions!” he said.

badly swollen toe so he could get back onto

Origin victory – leaving the crowds at the

skis just in time for the inter-club race series to

awards ceremony in Perisher in no doubt that

mountain to ourselves for a few hours before

commence in mid July.

Queenslanders are to be taken seriously.”

the public are allowed up.

Connor’s 2012 Australian season got off

After a hectic six weeks of racing in various

Claudia, who is at St Aidan’s, was the

“But each morning we get the whole

“It was also pretty exciting getting to see

ski resorts throughout New South Wales and

first ever Queenslander to grace the podium

your sister walk out into the middle of the

Victoria, he managed to secure the number

at nationals in the Interschools Snowsports

Olympic Stadium in Austria at the opening

three Australian ranking for his age group.

Championships last year. She was later

ceremony. It was packed and everyone was

Connor was also selected as a member of the

selected by the AOC to be the Australian


NSW/ACT Race Team for 2012 and has again

female competitor in the Ski Cross event at

gained selection for the 2013 season.

the inaugural Youth Winter Olympics held in

Australia and you get to know some

“You get to make friends from all over

Innsbruck in January this year. Claudia placed

Olympians but the best part of all is definitely

the national race series this year because it

fifth beaten marginally by the wintersport

the speed.”

now coincides with the GPS season but in

giants – Austria, Switzerland, Czech Republic

2011 Hamish won the Age Champion’s Trophy

and Canada.

Hamish, a passionate rugby player, missed

as well as the Most Improved Racer award


For Connor whilst it has its challenges there

at the Thredbo Skiracing Awards Ceremony.

is something really special about the sport of

In 2011 Hamish also won both Slalom and

skiracing. “We have to ski and catch chairlifts

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48 | BBC sport

SURPRISE VISIT Wallabies Vice Captain and BBC Old Boy Will Genia recently paid a surprise visit to BBC Junior School students, MUCH TO THEIR DELIGHT, in his role as local KooGa ambassador, as part of the ‘Relentless’ school and club promotion. IMAGE COURTESY NEWSPIX/ Jodie Richter


With four experienced and qualified staff members, a fully equipped

strength training facility and a dedicated student athlete population, the College’s strength and conditioning program is certainly at the forefront of schoolboy athletic preparation. The Powerzone, as it is known at the College, houses teams and squads ranging from Years 5 to 12, with a particular focus on the College’s Open First squads – whom prepare tirelessly for their seasons for months in advance. Including multiple Olympic lifting platforms, dumbbell racks and machine weights, the facility is also utilised by the general student population prior to and following school hours, along with integration into the school’s Physical Education structure during the academic day. Staff members eager to increase their fitness levels also have access to the facility. Students participating in sport across the College’s activities and co-curricular program, who undertake strength training and conditioning work, are placed on developmentally appropriate training programs aimed at developing their physical characteristics critical to their relevant sport, whilst following the principles of long term athletic development – looking to develop the physical qualities of young adolescent athletes over an extended timeframe, not just overnight. With the facility open year round during term time and throughout holiday periods, students have the opportunity to develop themselves both physically and mentally for the rigours of GPS sport and prepare themselves for life after school, be it in a competitive sport setting or social sport environment.

BBC sport | 49

Triumph in national

robo wars BBC has triumphed again claiming victory in the top division of the prestigious RoboCup Junior Australia 2012 National Championships for the fifth year running. Four staff and 28 students were accompanied by three old collegians and several parents as they travelled to Canberra in September to contest their robotic construction, design and programming. RoboCup is an international scientific initiative with the goal to advance the state of the art of intelligent robots. The competition motivates young people to learn skills and knowledge necessary in science, technology, engineering and mathematics, as well as to foster their teamwork skills through participating in the creative process of building and programming autonomous robots to achieve a

SPORTS WHIP AROUND From river to coast A ‘peloton’ of BBC teachers, parents and students recently participated in the Brisbane to Gold Coast Cycle Challenge, to help raise money for the Heart Foundation and Diabetes Queensland. Despite the warm day, the BBC team of Lee Bennett, Tim Harris, Kieran Hogan (teachers), Wayne Moulday, Steve Smith (parents) and Jeremy Milne, Tim Moulday, Kallum Strachan, Declan Gamack, Liam Lafferty and Peter Grant (students) finished the 101km race with ease.

common goal. This year’s RoboCup nationals proved to be a tough competition, with 50 schools and clubs participating over six divisions. Our teams contested the three distinct challenges of dance, rescue and soccer, placing second, third and fourth for the junior rescue division. The following day saw the senior teams go head to head in the senior dance, premier rescue and open soccer challenges. BBC Senior School students Tristan Roberts and Steven Lau, were victorious in the prestigious premier soccer challenge, taking out the top division of the competition. Tristan was also offered

Hole in one Year 11 student Jack Spurgin secured a hole-in-one using a nine iron to ace the 118m par three on the ninth hole in the final round of the Queensland Intercollegiate Golf Association (QIGA) tournament. He is the first competitor to record this achievement in the QIGA’s seven year history. In the GPS competition, the BBC Golf team (Jono Ledger, Hugh Taylor, Carlo Surace, Jan Van Wyk and Keegan Short) secured exceptional results this year winning the GPS Golf title in Toowoomba.

a scholarship to study computing at the esteemed University of New South Wales next year. These fantastic results are a tribute to the hard work of all teams, trainers and supporters, and are a great indication for what is to come next year for BBC. BELOW: TRISTAN ROBERTS AND STEVEN LAU

Mountainous task Year 9 student Nicholas Pedler competed in the Queensland State Cross Country Mountain Bike championships, securing second place in the Under 15 division and fifth in the Under 19 Flight Centre Epic Mountain Bike race.

water polo Four BBC athletes competed in the Australian National Club Water Polo Championships held in Brisbane. Peter Pavildes (Year 12) and Nick Pace (Year 11), competing for the KFC Breakers, finished fourth with Lachlan Lyndon and Elliot Acworth (both Year 10) helping to secure a silver medal for the Brisbane Barracudas.

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50 | BBC sport


football fever Thirteen footballers travelled

to England and Spain for a two week adventure of iconic sights, rich culture and skilled football.


Photograph by David Price/Getty Images


s e p tembe r LONDON > WEST HAM FC

After landing in London via Singapore in the early hours of the morning, students and staff settled into their hotel before their first adventure; attending an English Premier League football match at West Ham’s Upton Park against Sunderland. The atmosphere of Upton Park was electric with 30,000 fans singing and chanting for the entire match. The game resulted in a draw, with a dramatic injury-time goal by West Ham midfielder Kevin Nolan in the ninetieth minute.

G e n e ra l e n t ry

BBC sport | 51

23-25 s e p tembe r

ARSENAL FC > LONDON SIGHTS > CHELSEA FC > FULHAM FC Kicking off their football tour as official tourists, the boys navigated their way through the grey city for a day full of sightseeing. First stop: Emirates Stadium, home of Arsenal Football Club. At a capacity of 60,361, the Emirates Stadium is the third-largest football stadium in England. The following morning gave the players time to relax, before making their way to Chelsea for a training session. The chance to work with professional coaches from the world-renowned academy improved the boys’ basic skills and knowledge of the game. The boys were given challenging training drills and were worked harder than ever before. The next day it was onto Fulham Football Club to meet Premier League Goalkeeper and fellow Aussie, Mark Schwarzer OAM. Mark’s

white Newcastle squad in the Capital One Cup

advice to the BBC players was to “follow

at Old Trafford. It had been 40 years since

your dreams”. The boys then watched their

Newcastle United won away at Old Trafford,

Australian idol in full flight at the Fulham pre-

and that record seemed to continue.

match session, where Mark demonstrated

The second day in North West of England

his determination to represent Australia at the

led the boys to Liverpool for a tour of the

2014 FIFA World Cup.

famous docks. Next it was time for some retail

The team was all fired up for their first

therapy at Liverpool One shopping precinct;

football match against historic independent

the largest open air shopping centre in the

school, Charterhouse. With more than 400

United Kingdom with a 14-screen cinema and

years of sporting history, Charterhouse was

36-hole adventure golf course. With around

bound to make it a challenging game. As

170 stores and services, the boys were

expected Charterhouse, who are a school of

definitely entertained for the entire day before

excellence for football, had some exceptional

their second football match against Christleton

players and they went on to win the game 6-0.

High School in Chester. Christleton High School, a large academy


school with a specialist status in Maths and


goal on English soil. The boys went on to win

s e p tembe r

For the second part of their journey, students travelled by coach to the North West of England to dive deeper into true football heritage land; Manchester. That night, the boys watched the Devils (Manchester United) defeat the black and

Computing with Business and Enterprise, was an easier match for our footballers. BBC were determined to have a better showing and it didn’t take long before they scored their first 6-1. The following morning, the boys made their way to Manchester City for a training session at Platt Lane. Operated by qualified Manchester City Football Club coaches, Platt Lane is synonymous with football coaching and developing young talent.

FAST FACTS Emirates stadium White seats are displayed in the pattern of the club's trademark cannon. Meanwhile, eight large murals on the exterior of the stadium each depict four Arsenal legends linking arms, such that the effect of the completed design is 32 legends in a huddle embracing the stadium.

mark schwarzer Mark is Australia’s most capped player at an international level with more than 100 appearances representing Australia, including selections in the 2006 and 2010 World Cups.

port of liverpool The Port of Liverpool is ab enclosed 12.1 km dock system, first built in 1715. The dock was the world’s first enclosed commercial dock and was the most advanced port system in the world.

old tafford With a capacity of 75,765, the stadium is the eleventh-largest in Europe. The ground, nicknamed the Theatre of Dreams, has been United's permanent residence since 1910, with the exception of an eight-year absence from 1941 to 1949, following the bombing of the stadium during the Second World War. The ground has frequently hosted several England international fixtures and matches for the FIFA World Cup, UEFA Euro, as well as the UEFA Champions League.

Collegian december 2012

52 | BBC sport From the derby team’s blue and white, to the red and black Devil’s lair of Old Trafford, BBC enjoyed a tour of one of football’s greatest stadiums of all time. As the boys walked in the same hallways as some of their idols - Beckham, Giggs and Rooney – it was time for their third match against Grange School in Cheshire. With some competitive bouts, the Grange Under 18s football side were too good, securing a 5-1 victory against BBC. The echoes of ‘You’ll never walk alone’ were heard as the boys attended an Academy session with Liverpool Football Club. As footballers participating in this training session, they developed an appreciation of what life would be like for a young professional player attached to one of the professional academies run by a top English football club. To end their time in the United Kingdom on a high, the game was followed by an intriguing football seminar led by Ray Hall, Academy Director for Everton Football Club. Ray told the boys about how they were the ones who originally discovered football great, Wayne Rooney, producing an impressive list of players.

30-04 s e p tembe r & o ct o be r

Camp Nou The football club is one of the largest in the world and the second richest football club in the world. It has 62 national and 15 continental trophies, including four FROM the UEFA Champions League and two FROM the FIFA World Cup. Photograph by Krzysztof Dydynski/Getty Images

BARCELONA > CAMP NOU FC > BARCELONA > RCD ESPANYOL It was a very early check out from the hotel

in Spain, the boys participated in a training

as the boys departed Liverpool for Barcelona,

session with FC Barcelona rival football club,

Spain. After a warm welcome from Barcelona,

RCD Espanyol at their Football Academy. It

the group enjoyed a stadium tour of Camp

was a great end to the tour and for the boys to

Nou; the largest stadium in Europe seating

experience the different cultures in the UK and

99,354 people. The tour was followed by a

in Spain.

La Liga football game where Atletico Madrid defeated rock-bottom Espanyol with a solid goal by Raul Garcia. The following morning, it was back to Camp Nou for a training session with FC Barcelona. The next day or two were then free to go sightseeing in the busy city visiting many World Heritage sites, giving the boys a glimpse of European culture and history to expand their own knowledge and understanding of that part of the world. To mark their last day

Photograph by Sylvain Sonnet /Getty Images

insight | 53





54 Navigating change Clinical Psychologist Judith Locke provides strategies for dealing with endings and new beginnings

57 Keeping it real How to remain down to earth in an increasingly virtual world

59 Doing your homework BBC’s Matthew O’Brien looks at homework and the role it plays in the learning process

60 Online resources Recommendations for innovative online resources

Collegian december 2012

54 | insight

Navigating change In this edition of Collegian our Clinical Psychologist Judith Locke provides a number of strategies for parents to help them assist their child in managing both endings and new beginnings. Endings. It’s that time of year isn’t it? Lots

In my parenting sessions, I always advise

friends and feel comfortable quickly in an

of graduations and goodbyes. Yet this time

against this strategy for a number of reasons.

unfamiliar situation. For many parents at BBC,

can often be bittersweet. If saying goodbye

It is unlikely that they will be placed in the

their child starting Prep will be the only time

is incredibly emotional, it typically means that

same class or be sitting together. More

they start at a new organisation/school until

you have had good times, created wonderful

importantly, you are giving your child fish

the child’s university or working years. They

friendships and have had generally positive

rather than teaching them to fish. A much

need to use that opportunity to practice their

experiences at the place you are leaving.

better strategy is to have them practice the

social skills in fitting in and making friends. For

Endings are often accompanied by wonderful

art of making friends. Prior to them starting

parents whose child will be at one school all

graduation ceremonies, celebratory farewells

at school, take them to a park to be around

of their life, it is important to continue to give

and appreciative speeches. So it is with no

children they don’t know and have them

them opportunities to learn to be at ease in

wonder we often leave with tears rather than

practice becoming comfortable with making

new groups of peers. Sporting teams, after


new friends. If they don’t know how to do

school classes and undertaking part time

it then coach them in making friends. For

jobs are great ways to continue to polish and

starts, in my experience a whole range of

example get them to ask someone if they can

be confident of their social skills in initially

other emotions typically accompanies the

play with them, and then imitate them. Don’t

unfamiliar situations.

process of beginning. How can you or your

step in too early with any friendship issues you

child feel more confident about starting that

see. Unless they are physically pummelling

BBC community will be experiencing is the first

new chapter?

each other, try to initially let them work out

day of university. Next February many old boys

social dilemmas such as sharing equipment or

will begin their tertiary studies. Parents too can

at a new school or workplace is making

dealing with frustration. Don’t rob your child of

help them make this transition effectively and

friends. This is particularly true when a child is

the opportunity to be confident that it is their

build their confidence in the process. How? By

commencing at a new school. Typical parental

skills that make and keep friendships – not

doing nothing. By sitting back and letting your

responses include being highly involved with

their parent’s hustling.

child be responsible for getting their books,

So as one chapter closes and another

One of the biggest fears about starting

Another new chapter that members of the

As the child of a civil engineer, my family

sorting out their classes and getting into the

transition for their child. One way of doing

moved around to different cities when I was a

best tutorial. Why am I even saying this, you

this is by setting up friendships prior, through

young. While there were challenges associated

ask? Because, increasingly, universities are

arranging play dates with other children

with the lifestyle, I have to say one of the

finding that parents are attending the first day

starting at the same school.

great skills I learnt was to be able to make

of university with their children, parents are

the process in an attempt to make it an easier

insight | 55

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56 | insight ringing lecturers about assignments and are coordinating their child’s timetables. It is no wonder that the adult children involved are not as engaged in the process and are more at risk of dropping out early. There is no doubt that it is a loving act to help your child cope with new beginnings, but it is giving them a big message that, in the end, is inadvertently but ultimately harmful for your child – I don’t think you can manage this change yourself and I need to step in and help. If you feel your child needs or will need that assistance, then it is your job as a parent to start stepping back a little in your child’s school and extra curricular life prior to the start of something new for them. Let them gradually learn to take responsibility and feel good about and confident of their organisational, social and academic skills. Starts are scary but they are essential to experiencing life at its fullest. You don’t want your child to be choosing activities in the future based only on what their friends are doing. They should be confident enough of their start skills to be willing to strike out on their own and do an activity or course led by their passion and talents, rather than simply

helping your child find their way

following their friends. This will give them not only the opportunity to be leading the life they

practice making friends

want to lead, but they also will be creating a

Let your child practice making friends by occasionally getting them

whole new set of mates to add to the great

involved in activities where they don’t know the children there. Keep this

group of friends they made in the last chapter

up throughout their schooling.

of their life, with the added benefit of creating even more confidence in their skills in starting new adventures in life.

judith locke clinical psychologist

facilitate don't initiate Allow your child to initiate friendships rather than introducing them to new children; let them learn the skills of making friends.

generally speaking When they come home from their first day at a new activity keep your questions broad, “How was it?” - avoid asking “Did you make a friend today?” and putting unnecessary pressure on them.

manage expectations Try to ensure your and your child’s expectations are not too high. It is unlikely that they will form close friendships in the early days of school, university or work. How often have you started a new job and come home on the first day to announce, “I have met my best friend today”?

stay focussed Technically making friends at school, work or university is a by-product of the main task at hand - to learn and work. Their effort should primarily be in learning new skills and processes, not making friends. If they are having difficulty in forming friendships, immersing themselves in study and activities will help them cope with early social awkwardness.

insight | 57

keeping it real BBC’s Digital pedagogy facilitator Antonia simone-trelour explores the notion of 'keeping it real' in an increasingly virtual environment and how parents can ensure their children experience the best of both worlds. virtual /adjective:

Parents of school-aged children (particularly

pace of change in ideas, perspectives and social

2 [Computing] not physically

those of older ones) can be forgiven for feeling

identity was constrained by the ‘real’ limitations

existing as such but made by

like they are straddling two very different worlds:

of time and distance and so was easy to keep

software to appear to do so

one foot on solid ground, the other on white-water

up with. Information evolved slowly and was

rapids. Negotiating the rapids when you were

distributed and shared over a very limited and

trained to manage life on land can be challenging

tightly-held number of channels. Communication

to say the least.

happened in person, by voice, or on a piece of

real /adjective: 1 actually existing as a thing or occurring in fact; not imagined or supposed 2 (of a thing) not imitation or artificial; genuine

We are indeed in a very unique position, historically speaking. We grew up in an age in which most of the factors that shaped our lives were very much subject to the limitations of

paper. This was the world in which we completed our training for life. Fast-forward 30 to 40 years to parenthood.

the real world, as had been the case from the

Our children’s world is a quantum leap from

beginning of time. With the exception of television

our own – different in such fundamental ways

and the telephone, our experience of life was

that we can sometimes feel overwhelmed by

limited to the physical reality around us. Even

the implications of that difference. We are still,

those two technologies were bound by a physical

as a society, working on understanding more

infrastructure that had to cover distance in a

completely what those implications are, much less

tangible way.

addressing them.

By today’s standard, life in the ‘60s and ‘70s

Their world is much more virtual and much

moved painfully slowly. One day was much like the

less constrained by the same time and distance

next and the only ‘virtual’ entertainment available

that humans have been subject to up to this

to us was film and television. Every other form

point. Entertainment (stimulation) is increasingly

required physical, hands-on involvement. The

virtual and other-created instead of self-made.

Collegian december 2012

58 | insight Communication and information floods in at a pace we are not trained to keep up with. Change occurs at such a dizzying pace, we find it difficult to settle on a

internet addiction?

reference point from which to understand and interpret it (that old ‘solid ground’). We are fortunate in that the lives from which we came – the ones on which we stood on the solid ground – have provided us with a reference point. I wonder what reference point those born into this new world use? What is their solid ground; their ‘real’ world from which they can interpret change and manage the virtual? Our early life training could not prepare us for this, but, oddly enough, perhaps we can learn from earlier generations. Consider the changes witnessed by those born in the earliest years of the 20th century. Consider the world in which they grew up compared to that of our own childhood. This was a world without the telephone or television or air travel, let alone computers. Nothing at all was virtual in that world. But even with the advent of these technologies, there remained a healthy balance between the virtual and the real. Yes, you could immerse yourself in the unreal worlds presented on television, but you could also go outside and kick a ball or go fishing. Yes, the telephone meant you didn’t have to journey to deliver a message, but it was only a tool, not a replacement for real communication. The reference point was still the real world, which provided the balance. Today is no different. What we can ensure our children have as their reference point is still the real world. We may sometimes worry that these technological developments can be harmful in some way, but consider the ones you grew up with. Could you imagine living without the telephone or the television (consider the news shows you watch)? I

Children are in a particularly vulnerable position with respect to the negative effects of excessive internet use simply by virtue of the phase of life they are in. The years leading to adulthood represent a critical developmental phase of life during which healthy social, intellectual, and emotional skills need to be learned in order to be able navigate the many challenges we will face in life. If too much of ‘real life’ activity is sacrificed to the virtual world, we risk the possibility that our children will reach adulthood with an inability to manage relationships (personal and professional) effectively or to deal with life’s stresses in a healthy way.

What can parents do to avoid overuse? Curbing or circumventing excessive internet use involves strategies that are common to the management of many other behavioural issues. However, which ones you choose and the fine details you settle on should be informed by the nature of your child’s habit. Address the underlying attraction of the internet for your child. For

wonder if our ancestors vilified or mistrusted them when

example, if one of the strongest motivators for your child’s internet

they emerged? It seems the key was to keep them in

use is the feeling of connectedness he finds there, then assisting him

perspective and to use them as tools – not complete

to find an alternate ‘real life’ group to connect to will go a long way


toward weaning him off the computer. If you suspect that your child’s

I suppose this is one reason I appreciate the touch

primary motivation is escaping life’s stresses, then assisting him to

screen and tablet pen so much. It seems to say that my

manage those stresses in healthier and more productive ways may be

hand can still add what a keyboard and mouse cannot.

what is required. Spending time discussing your child’s concerns and

It keeps a bit more of the ‘real’ in the virtual, more of

strategising solutions together can make a dramatic difference in this

the human element in the technology. It is the same


when I turn off the TV and my daughter’s computer screen at home and send her out to play with real people in the real world. Ultimately, the choice is ours as to how much ‘real’ to keep in our lives, and to what degree we use the virtual world as a tool instead of as a replacement. As long as we keep the ‘real’ in the picture, we can continue to maintain a reference point, both for our

Replace rather than stop - it is far more effective to replace rather than simply stop a negative behaviour. It may be more timeconsuming initially to plan or help your child find activities to substitute for on-screen time, but it will be much more successful in the long term. One idea you may wish to include is to post a list of suggestions entitled, for example, “Things I Can Do That Don’t Involve a Screen!” Goal-focused use only - allow computer use only for achieving a

children and for us. Then we can appreciate and use

specific outcome (even if that outcome is fun) not just to while away

the virtual for all the good it has to offer, without fear of

their time. Set a specific time limit for that use.

what it could replace.

insight | 59

the dog ate it: doing your homework on

homework an unnecessary evil or critical part of the learning process? BBC's former dean of studies and now head of strategic planning, mr matthew o'brien, explores homework and its place in the educational environment. I am sure that most of us, at some point or another, can recall just how good or bad homework can seem. For me personally, the thought of my Year 9 history assignment, in which I had to produce a full medieval K-Mart catalogue the night before it was due, conjures


Preparation Homework set as preparation is aimed to get students ready for the next lesson, concept, idea or process. This could be reading a section or chapter of a textbook or novel; listening to or watching a podcast from a university website; reading the instructions for operating a piece of equipment, or writing

up vivid bad memories. On the flip side I have

down safety precautions for an activity that is going to occur. By setting these

an equally good memory of the hours of work

preparation activities outside of the class, more time can be dedicated to 1:1

a Year 12 physics project took. Knowing that I

or small group instruction during the lesson. In recent education movements,

really understood the topic and completing the

this notion has been termed the ‘Flipped Classroom’ where content and direct

task at hand was a great feeling.

didactic instruction occurs out of class time and classes are run more so as tutorials where problems are completed and activities conducted using the

There is much debate surrounding the use and effectiveness of homework and this has

teachers expertise to fill gaps, solve issues and progress the students. It is

been widely commented on in mainstream

important to note that if this type of homework is set and not completed, the

media recently. Before the benefits (or not) are

student will be behind from the start of the lesson, certainly a disadvantage to

debated however, it is important that the term

their own understanding and education.

is fully understood. Homework, according to the dictionary definition is “schoolwork assigned to be done outside the classroom” or “thorough preparatory study of a subject”. From a teacher’s perspective, homework – when used correctly – plays a critical role in the learning process. In my experience


Drill and Practice It’s a fact of life that we have to practice in order to learn and internalise information and yes, sometimes this is less than exciting – even boring. Examples include completing maths exercises, learning definitions or concepts using flashcard software, or a pair of students quizzing each other

there are three main types of homework and

as they revise for an exam. We have all had to complete this and whilst some

I think it’s important that parents can identify

have argued this method is more of a ‘time filler’ with little benefit, research

each of these. It is only through this shared

shows this process enables students to instinctively recall information,

understanding that the school, parents and

processes or concepts so that they can more effectively engage with the

students can appreciate homework’s place in

subject matter or a problem. Sometimes it is hard to determine whether the

the learning environment and how and when

drill and practice will be required, but the advice I always give to students

each method should be used.

is to complete it, just as they would complete the drill and practice set by a

Collegian december 2012

60 | insight

coach on the football, rugby or cricket field. To parents, I always give the advice of trying to help make drill and practice fun – can you sit down with your son and quiz him? Can he make

online resources

questions up for a friend to do and vice versa? Can he sit down and teach you the fact, concept or process – after all, teaching someone takes more knowledge on the subject than studying it.


Application Arguably the most important purpose for homework is the application of the newly learned material in varying contexts and in a meaningfully way. This method often represents the ‘why’ of the learning process. Examples include: designing a piece of furniture that uses a specific joint that has been taught in woodwork, or using the scientific method to design a novel for Year 12 Biology Extended Experimental Investigation. It could equally be writing an English essay from the perspective of a character in a novel, or students studying French going to a restaurant and having to read and order from the menu using the language. In the application stage students take the learned and internalised knowledge, shape it for their own use in a specific context and apply what they have learned.

Lawrence Hall of Science Lawrence Hall of Science is a simple, engaging and child-friendly resource for complex science questions. The kids section of the website offers up a myriad of simple and intriguing questions in an easy-tonavigate format. Find a topic, read about it and choose a suggested activity to explore the question deeper. Children can use their hands, feet, eyes, ears, brain and imagination to design, test and discover amazing things about the world around them. The site has plenty of content for older kids too, including a simple explanation of the electromagnetic spectrum.

The last word So whilst at times homework may seem like an unnecessary evil in the eyes of both students and their parents, when set and used correctly it is an invaluable and essential tool when it comes to acquiring knowledge. It also encourages students to become independent and self-driven learners, providing them with a solid foundation for future studies.

nasa kids' club html NASA Kids’ Club is an interactive website where kids can learn about space and what it’s like to be an astronaut. The games, based on a gradual skill level, are a fun way to learn about science while featuring favourites Elmo from Sesame Street and Toy Story’s Buzz Lightyear. Check out the view of the Great Barrier Reef from space, name an asteroid and read all about the many NASA missions into space.

connect | 61

connect old collegians

where are they now


62 Stellar year Old Collegians' Association President provides an overview of what has been a stellar year for the OCA

64 Future focus The BBC Foundation shares its strategic directions for 2013 and beyond

69 As destiny would have it BBC Old Boy Tom Price's unscripted rise to stardom over in Asia

72 Old boys on the Thames BBC Old Boy Xavier Small shares his experience having been involved in the Queen's Diamond Jubilee Pageant

80 BBC's Vintage Collegians

Watt a jump london oly mpic glor y

Collegian december 2012

62 | connect

stellar year

for the oca It has been a very good year for the OCA,

The OCA Website, launched in June, and

Renewal is an important element of all

the highlight of which was Old Boys Weekend

an emailed newsletter in the same style, have

voluntary organisations and I’m very pleased

in August. We staged Old Boys day, five 10

transformed communications for the OCA.

to tell you that our activities have attracted a

year reunions and the Annual Dinner as one

I’d like to thank Old Boy Phil Winning for both

number of requests to join us and be part of

big event and I can’t describe how good

these quality communications tools and Bren

the process. BBC Old Boy and current parent

it felt to be a part of that. Numbers for the

Arkinstall and Kelly Edwards for delivering

Steve Pyman has provided passionate and

Annual Dinner were up 275 percent on last

quality content. The OCA Facebook group is

enthusiastic support so we’ve invited him to

year, with almost 60 percent from 2000 to

working well and we have plans to continue

join us. We’re looking forward to having Cam

2011, a resounding vote of confidence from

to improve this communications platform.

Wallace, 2012 School Captain join us next

our younger members. There were a number

As always there is much happening behind

year also. Old boy parent representation on

of additional events organised around the

the scenes and I’m confident you will see

the Executive is a very important element and

weekend, including a luncheon with partners

continuous improvement in the near future.

we invite old boy parents to nominate as we

and well attended gatherings after the main

At our last meeting, the Executive revisited

approach the renewal phase at the AGM to be held early in 2013.

event. At the Annual Dinner we launched a

our goals, set earlier this year in a strategic

fund to restore the AW Rudd, the wooden

planning session. Some of these extend

racing shell that bears the name of BBC’s

beyond 2014 but I’m very pleased to say

peter dun

founder. The year 2016 will be the BBC

we’ve achieved 75 percent already. We set a

oca president

Rowing Centenary and the restored AW Rudd

goal to double the email database by 2014

will take pride of place at the school.

and this has already been achieved.

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building solid foundations Our great school is the result of 110 years of generosity and 2012 has once again highlighted BBC’s tradition of giving. Brisbane Boys' College would not be the institution it is today without the financial support it has received from the entire College community.

This support continues to have a direct impact on the lives of BBC students and their families. It is this support that has enabled the College to be about more than just education. Thanks to generous contributions from old collegians, parents, staff and friends, our students experience boundless opportunities, lifelong friendships with a diverse range of students and a pathway to success through the nurturing of individual talents. These generous donations and bequests have been vital to the success of BBC and all its students - past and present. The BBC Foundation's vision is to achieve the engagement of the whole College family in successful fundraising to maintain the pursuit of excellence in all facets of boys education at BBC. The importance of this statement has never been more significant, with exciting plans for the development of our Toowong campus and expansion of future educational opportunities here at BBC. The willingness to support our College has never been better exemplified than by Old Collegians Phil Bisset and John Noblet. Both of these men expressed their love for BBC in the form of lasting gifts in their wills.

did you know growing numbers The BBC Foundation now has more than 110 members, highlighting the resolve of our old collegians and current BBC family to ensure the financial security and growth of the College.

Annual Giving The 2012 Annual Giving Program, which is the single biggest fundraising initiative on the College calendar, successfully raised just under $200,000 - our most successful Annual Giving result in the history of the BBC Foundation.

Since 2009 the BBC Foundation has received well over

$4 + Million

in donations- a truly remarkable achievement. The Foundation is committed to investing its resources wisely and building a solid Foundation, allowing the College to plan for the future with confidence, assured of an adequate supply of funds to meet its ongoing needs.

art of generosity Phil Bisset was a successful architect who was a student here in 1936 and 1937. Phil’s bequeathed gift to BBC is one of great magnitude, but also great responsibility for the BBC Foundation. Phil left his estate to the Foundation including real estate, a large collection of artwork and various other collections of tremendous size. The ‘Bisset Gallery’ was included in the plans for the College Hall redevelopment and is now an amazing, vibrant space utilised for College functions and Foundation events. Phil’s love of art and passion to share this gift with our current and future students was a tremendous act of generosity and demonstrates the significant impact of his time here at BBC.

a noble man John Noblet finished his time at BBC in 1942. During his years, John was a keen cricketer, representing the First XI for several years. John’s legacy to the College in the form of a bequest just short of $2 million was also astonishingly generous and as a result, the Foundation approached the College Council in late 2011 to honour his memory by renaming the Main Oval to the John Noblet Oval. The College agreed that this would be an appropriate way to acknowledge John’s gift and a ceremony to officially do so will take place early in 2013.

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future focus After several strategic planning sessions in late 2011 and early 2012, the Foundation board determined that the Foundation has three main focuses in their endeavours:

Build, Improve and Maintain Buildings and Grounds BBC needs to maintain existing facilities in top condition, but we also need to invest in new facilities. The BBC Foundation, through generous donations to the BBC Building Fund, has been able to provide more than $4 million in funding towards several key projects including College Hall, the College Amphitheatre, upgrades to the College’s Tennis Courts, refurbishment of the Rudd-Hamilton Wing and improvements to the Boarding House. BBC Foundation future projects will be guided by the College’s Strategic Plan and the BBC Foundation is excited by the prospect of the capital projects on the horizon including the new Middle School Precinct.

opportunity for all BBC's success over the years has been brought about through the diversity of the boys it has attracted. The BBC Foundation Scholarship Fund and Indigenous Fund has assisted with several bursaries and scholarships for deserving individuals, who may have been otherwise unable to access an education at BBC. The Foundation is extremely proud of the young men who have received Foundation support for the way in which they have conducted and immersed themselves in College life.

support exceptional teaching and coaching BBC is committed to providing the highest quality of teaching and coaching over the many and varied range of activities available to our boys. The Foundation seeks to support and endow teaching positions and support the further education of school staff in all areas of teaching be it music, sport or academia. The Foundation sees it as an essential role to support the teaching and coaching staff to ensure BBC attracts and retains the best and brightest, which augurs well for future generations of boys receiving an all-round education in body, mind and spirit. The future role of the Foundation is clearly defined as it continues to provide substantial funding, enabling BBC to take its educational facilities to the next level. The College is about to embark on several exciting projects including the Middle School Precinct, a new aquatic centre and the Oxley Sporting Precinct. Together these developments will enable the College to secure future access to world class academic and sporting facilities. The Foundation is committed to channelling the goodwill of the community through Foundation membership and donations to ensure BBC has the necessary resources to expand to its fullest potential.

thank you Finally, thank you to the many members of the College community who have made generous contributions to the Foundation. Their valued commitment and generosity is paramount to a successful BBC. The Foundation is extremely grateful and humbled by the generosity of the BBC community and is appreciative of all donations and bequests, no matter how big or small and treat each gift with dignity and respect and I encourage our community to continue to support the Foundation in its purpose of securing the financial future of BBC.

Bren arkinstall director of development

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GOLf day more than 100 keen golfers gathered at indooroopilly golf club on friday 9 november for the 2012 bbc watpac golf day. twenty-six teams from all areas of the bbc community took part with 'Moggill united' (angus cowan, brett mcgrath, chris humphrey - 1990) taking home the old boy trophy. the event was kindly supported by major sponsors watpac and hole sponsors: blades project services, data#3, Green Options, holding redlich, lexus, lonE pine koala sanctuary and westpac.

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integrity& leadership Sam Bloom is this year’s recipient of the Graham Thomson Medal. This prestigious award has been made possible through a generous donation to the BBC Foundation Scholarship Fund from Old Collegian John Wylie. The medal is awarded to a current BBC student who demonstrates the qualities personified by our distinguished former Headmaster during his time at BBC. Sam has committed fully to all aspects of College life. His application to his studies is obvious, with strong academic results and a desire to study law upon completing Year 12. Sam has also maintained a commitment to a variety of activities including rowing, football, cross country, basketball and rugby. Sam has served others and the College through his participation in Amnesty International, Red Shield Appeal, Interact, as well as being involved

recipient qualities

in our country service activity during Year 10. This year Sam has

Integrity Sportsmanship Commitment to teamwork Modesty Leadership by example

been elected a 2013 Prefect and School Vice Captain, reflecting his commitment to the College and his leadership skills. Sam is well spoken, modest, motivated and committed – everything the Graham Thomson Medal stands for.


visit us online www.old BBC's OCA website enables past students to connect with a community of more than 12,000 old boys. keep up to date with recent news and upcoming events or update your details to receive the oca newsletter. As an Old Collegian, you automatically become a member of the OCA and it's 100% free.

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WATT A JUMP Australian athlete and bbc OLD BOY Mitchell

Watt starred at the London Olympics in August when he claimed the silver medal in the men’s long jump. Watt produced an 8.16 metre jump in the final round of the event to finish second behind British jumper Greg Rutherford who soared to gold with a leap of 8.31 metres.

Photograph by Quinn Rooney/Getty Images

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Photograph by Mike Hewitt/Getty Images

For a young man who spends his time leaping through the air on the world’s biggest sporting stage, Watt is well grounded. In a tough competition played out in

leading into the Olympics after courageously

blustering wind, Watt registered three legal

overcoming a string of Achilles and calf injuries

jumps, a 7.97 metre effort in the first round,

that threatened to derail his campaign.

followed by an 8.13 metre leap in the fifth and his silver-medal winning jump in the sixth. Watt, a GPS superstar who quit the sport at

"I haven't had the perfect season, I've had to be pretty cautious with everything I've done,” he said.

Post-event, Watt responded to coverage that he felt was unfair and well, unsporting. "An Olympic gold medal is bloody hard to get," Watt said. "All the sports are becoming extremely competitive and more globalised. There are 210 countries competing and if people

14 before returning to the sport as a 19-year-

"In saying that, I felt good, my warm-up

old, said the result was the biggest highlight of

was good. I think that's why I'm a lot happier,

can't realise that a silver medal is a great

his fledging career, before heaping praise on

because I gave it all I had."

achievement then there's something wrong

the hometown hero. "I didn't even watch the Beijing long jump - I was sitting on my couch and I had no aspirations to be an Olympian," he said. "It's been a pretty crazy four years and to be honest I think Greg deserved to win. "He was pretty consistent. He's my best

For a young man who spends his time leaping through the air on the world’s biggest sporting stage, Watt is well grounded. Steely determination and unwavering

with them." Watt’s magnificent performance was certainly celebrated at BBC, with a raucous cheer from 300 alumni erupting at the recent

self-belief are his strongest qualities, and are

OCA Annual Dinner when his sporting triumph

qualities that not only ensured his success on

was mentioned in a speech.

the track, but allowed him to withstand the

It may not have been as deafening as the

friend on the circuit, we spend a lot of time

intense spotlight that comes with being an elite

roars within the Olympic stadium in London but

together and I'm extremely happy for him."


it was as passionate and appreciative as any

Watt, who added the Olympic silver

Indeed, Watt unofficially became the

medal to his 2009 and 2011 World Athletics

athlete’s voice of defiance towards a media

Championships bronze and silver, holds the

that seemed more intent on criticising

Australian national record of 8.54 metres.

the Australian Olympic performance than

He was ranked number one in the world

celebrating it.

Watt could receive. Congratulations Mitchell, Olympic silver medal champion!

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As destiny would have it As a young boy, Tom Price (BBC 1998-02) dreamed of being a professional NBA player. He loved sports, hated maths and his favourite subject was inevitably PE. What followed however was somewhat different, stardom yes, but sports no. Now a rising DJ, actor, model and all round superstar, Tom’s journey to stardom is as unscripted as they come.

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Tom was born and raised in Hong Kong to

at USYD Tom ran out of money, literally. And so

working alongside other artists such as Wyclef

an English father and Chinese mother. Both

unfolded the next chain of coincidental events

Jean, DJ Havana Brown and a host of Asian

had always wanted him to attend boarding

which saw Tom get his first break as an actor.

superstars including Jay Chou. I remember

school and Brisbane seemed like a logical

“After returning to Hong Kong on deferral from

one of the shows was in Tapei and I flew out

choice. “Hong Kong was such a concrete

university, I was sent to a TV drama casting by

from Sydney on a Thursday, did the show

jungle, Brisbane boasted vast spaces and nice

a modelling agency. After multiple castings, I

on the weekend and was back sitting in the

weather, the exchange rate was good and the

got the role as one of the lead characters in a

lecture theatre on Monday - hectic.”

decision was made,” Price said.

Chinese teen drama, The Crossing. I was 20 at

Returning to Hong Kong for his gap year, Tom took on a number of jobs with the goal of

the time.” From there multiple TV commercials

“Whilst on summer holiday that year I shot a film in Hong Kong called Amphetamine. It was all in Cantonese and this represented my

saving for university. Like most boys his age,

followed - Coca Cola, KFC, Sony, Panasonic,

first major film role.” Despite experiencing such

the work was uninspiring and monotonous,

Aeon and Hennessy to name a few. Tom

success Tom remained at university and in his

but a means to an end. “I had quite a few

started appearing in music videos and

final year was chosen as an ambassador for

jobs, two of the most memorable (for all the

continued to DJ on the side. He appeared in

the Education faculty, graduating in 2009.

wrong reasons) included back breaking labour

a number of films as well, albeit minor roles.

everyday on a golf course and selling ladies

As quickly as the money had gone, Tom had

with Channel [V] International, working as a

shoes in a high end department store. But

saved up enough to go back to university. “My

VJ before flying off to attend the 60th Berlin

I was saving for university and that kept me

friends thought I was crazy leaving behind my

Film Festival meeting Jackie Chan amongst


somewhat rockstar lifestyle, but I really enjoyed

others. Since then, he has signed with an artist

my time at USYD and I missed the lifestyle and

management company in Taiwan and has

academic culture.”

learnt to speak Mandarin. Two more successful

It was at this point in his life however that Tom fell in love with electronic music. He couldn’t afford any equipment but nonetheless

A free spirit, Tom happily settled back

Shortly after graduating Tom did a brief stint

Taiwanese TV drama’s were to follow before he

set a simple goal - to become a DJ. It wasn’t

into university life. “I remember going into

spent three months in Singapore shooting the

until his first year at Sydney University (USYD)

completely random lecture theatres and sitting

drama - Double Bonus. He’s also still DJing,

in 2004 that destiny would reveal itself and

in on other subjects just to see if I could learn

usually at high end fashion events for Burberry,

this goal would come to fruition... sort of.

something interesting. I was also coaching

Hugo Boss, Miu Miu and other such brands.

Whilst studying human movement and

sport, juggling various part time jobs and DJing

“I guess I’m living the dream, but I’m still

health education, Tom moved into a student

once a month. Every now and then I would fly

nowhere near achieving my goals. It’s not easy

apartment coincidently sharing a floor with a

back to Hong Kong for a few days to shoot a

in this industry; you never know when your

DJ who had turntables in his room. “I was like

TV commercial.”

next job will be. One day you’re in and the next

a sponge, learning all I could while starting to

From here on in Tom started to experience

collect records. I also started work in a bar

stardom, rock star treatment and red carpet

as a glass hand - an experience I will never


forget.” Once again the reality of being a young university student kicked in and after two years

“In 2008 I was selected as the headlining

you’re out.” But if the patterns from Tom’s life are anything to go by, I think it’s safe to assume that things will no doubt fall into place for this

DJ for the Hennessy Art of Mixing tour. We flew

talented young man and we will be seeing a lot

across Asia putting on stadium size shows,

more of him in the years to come.

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crossover: from student to

old collegian At the final Year 12 assembly, BBC Old Boys were given the opportunity to play a pivotal role in celebrating this milestone and to welcome these new old collegians into the OCA. More than 35 old boys attended the event, at which the Year 12 boys received their old collegians tie. Old Boy Tom Law (2011) was invited onto the OCA Executive this year to help ensure the association meets the needs of its youngest members. He shares with us his insights on the transition from a current student to a new old boy below. In the transition from a student to old collegian, everything seems to change so quickly. This time is exciting because new times lie ahead. New challenges, new and rewarding experiences. The hard slog of school is over, but the change can be bittersweet. It isn’t until we have moved on that we fully realise what we’ve lost. It means that we are leaving behind our mates, mates that we see everyday and spend so much time with. But it doesn’t have to be like this; because whilst we move on, whilst we leave so much behind, there is one thing that we don’t lose, and that is our connection with BBC. Upon leaving school every BBC boy becomes a member of the OCA. This happens automatically. The OCA, in its most basic form, is about mates keeping in touch with each other. Every year this happens through reunions, dinners, lunches, BBQs, there are many opportunities to catch up. Your involvement in the OCA is completely what you decide, there are no obligations. If you only want to come to a few social events, such as the Annual Dinner or the Old Boys Day, then that is great and I hope to see you there! If, however, you want to take on a greater role, such as coaching sport or contributing to the future of BBC, to improving the College, then that’s great too, and I would definitely encourage you to do this. Because we, as the youngest old boys of BBC are also the ones who understand the College the best. By becoming involved with the OCA, even simply on a social level, we make an important contribution. We ensure that the OCA is up to date with the current values and needs of BBC and is able to effectively cater for these needs and reflect these values. This year as a member of the OCA Executive I have gained an insight into the tremendous work that goes on within the old boy network. The time and effort put in by the gentlemen on this committee and many other old boys is truly phenomenal. Their determination and passion for BBC is unquestionable. To all old boys, don’t be a stranger. You will always be welcome in the OCA, and in the OCA you will always be welcomed by a mate.

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by xavier small

old boys on

the thames

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photograph by AFP/GETTY IMAGES

From the waves of Currumbin to the gentle river Thames, BBC Old Boy Xavier Small shares his experiences on the water, having represented Australia in the Flotilla pageant as part of the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee celebrations earlier this year. photograph by WPA Pool/GETTY IMAGES

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Before we knew it we were standing in the streets of London. Four Australian surf boat rowers along with two of our other Currumbin crews, and Evan Mills, surrounded by bunting, street festivities, packed pubs, good old English cheer and an electrifying atmosphere unlike any other I had experienced before.

photograph by WPA Pool/GETTY IMAGES

As a member of Currumbin Surf Life Saving

Following high-spirited celebrations, life

The major focus of the week was the Flotilla

Club on the Gold Coast, I participate in the

returned to normal and we were soon back

pageant that would occur down the river

sport of surfboat rowing. The big 200kg

at university. But not much time had passed

Thames. This was the reason we were there

boats out in the ocean taking on the big surf.

when we received a phone call with an

- our time to shine. It was one of the largest

An exquisite combination of swirling waves,

opportunity of a lifetime. It was late on that

flotillas ever assembled on the river, with rowed

salty sea breezes and the famous budgie

Monday night when I got a call from Jonno,

boats, working boats and pleasure vessels of

smugglers. For the ultimate adrenalin rush,

letting me know that we had been selected to

all shapes and sizes beautifully dressed and

what more could you want?

represent Australia in the Queen’s Diamond

turned out in their finest rigs.

After six years of still water and two years in

Jubilee Celebrations in England. In just three

Throughout the two-week stay we attended

the Open First VIII for BBC, my fellow collegian

short weeks we would be on a plane to

some events that I never thought I would as a

and good mate Jonno Katahanas decided that

England and rowing a surfboat down the river

newly-turned 18-year-old. The most charming

it was time for a change. After hearing about

Thames. The enormity of the concept didn’t

being lunch with BBC’s own past mother, Her

surf boating via another collegian, Evan Mills, it

click at first, but when it did the idea of rowing

Excellency the Governor General Ms Quentin

sounded like a good idea. We rustled together

16km for six hours surrounded by 1000 other

Bryce, who fondly shared her BBC memories,

a crew, with a final combination of myself,

vessels was both daunting and exciting.

as I mingled with other distinguished guests

Jonno, Justin Somerset (Brisbane Grammar

Before we knew it we were standing in the

during lunch at Stoke Lodge and dinner and drinks at Australia House.

School) and Andrew Taylor (Gregory Terrace)

streets of London. Four Australian surf boat

and named ourselves the Currumbin Titans.

rowers along with two of our other Currumbin

Our weekends were spent at Currumbin Surf

crews, and Evan Mills, surrounded by bunting,

June it hit home. As we donned our Australia

Club learning the ways of the surf, coached

street festivities, packed pubs, good old

Unlimited apparel from head to toe and

and swept by Pat McGuire. Before we knew it

English cheer and an electrifying atmosphere

braved the cold temperatures, wind and rain

we were Queensland state champions and had

unlike any other I had experienced before.

to prepare ourselves for six hours on the river

won gold at the Australian Surf Rowers League titles earlier this year.

All citizens came together in celebration of Her Majesty’s 60-year reign for the monarch.

Late in the trip it all still felt surreal, but on 3

Thames, with millions of expected viewers both on the banks and TV, reality and nerves kicked

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in. After an abundance of photo and media opportunities, our security checks and a strict briefing, along with four layers of clothing to keep warm, we were ready to launch the boat. It was eerily quiet at the first stroke, all crewmen speechless as we slowly began our voyage up the Thames. The adrenalin began to flow, goose bumps had overtaken our bodies and the hair on our necks pricked up. The nervous fever was further heightened by the roar of the crowd, the array of different vessels and the strangers that lined the banks, singing ‘Waltzing Matilda’ and shouting ‘Aussie Aussie Aussie’. As Australians in our bright gold we were hard to miss as we led the flotilla with pride. The remainder of the journey saw us rowing alongside the queen’s barge. We were a moment in history that will never be repeated. Even now, it only seems like yesterday that we were raising our oars in salute of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth, and were only too happy to wave to Catherine the Duchess of Cambridge.

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old boys ranging from 18 to 80 years of age returned to bbc to catch up with mates and re-live their days in their beloved green, white and black - bren arkinstall, director of development

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s n a i g e ll o c e g a t BBC v i n

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More than 50 BBC Vintage Collegians gathered in Mooloolaba for the annual trip to the Sunshine Coast on 13 November. A casual lunch at the Mooloolaba Surf Club provided a relaxing backdrop for a catch-up with old school friends. A variety of ages attended with a fantastic turn out particularly from the class of 1958. The annual Brisbane luncheon was also held in September with more than 80 old boys in attendance. With presentations from the Headmaster and BBC Archivist Helen Jackson, it was a great chance to reminisce and find out more about future developments at the College. The Vintage Collegians host luncheons in Toowoomba, Brisbane and the Gold and Sunshine Coasts each year. If

A true

gentlemAn of honour In June this year, the College community was deeply

you are over 65 and interested in joining the group please

saddened to hear of the sudden loss of their good friend and

contact John Stewart (BBC 1953) on 0427 167 849 for further

colleague Bob Esler (pictured left above). Bob was a proud


BBC Old Boy (1944), successful architect and a distinguished member of our BBC Vintage Collegians Group. He was well known to many staff and students, as he would sit every Tuesday morning up at College House, reading the paper and watching over his beloved BBC. It was the pride of Bob’s Scottish and Irish immigrant parents that he achieved scholarship and qualified to attend BBC, where he began his education in 1941. Bob spoke often and fondly of his school years and mates and retained a lifelong connection with the College. Bob visited College House religiously every Tuesday to meet with his fellow Vintage Collegians, where they have jointly made a significant contribution to documenting and archiving all aspects of the history of BBC. Following on from his school days, Bob pursued study in Architecture, which he practiced until his last commissioned role, just last year at the age of 83. During the longstanding and successful partnership of Conrad, Esler and Simpson, Bob was involved in the design of many prominent Brisbane and Ipswich developments including the Civic and Law Courts Complex. His most notable architectural achievements include parts of the University of Queensland, the Hibernian building in Queen Street – the tallest building in Brisbane in the mid-1960s and Brisbane’s first sky scraper at 13 stories high. Despite a life full of achievements, Bob was most proud of his beloved wife of 57 years, Zeita (deceased) and his family of six children and 13 grandchildren. Humble, dignified, friendly and engaging – Bob was loved and respected by many people and will be sadly missed by all within the school community and his wide circle of family and friends.

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where are they now

milestones Weddings Thomas Washington (2001) and Alexandria Grainger 28 April Rhett Townsend (1994) and Sarah Mayze 4 August - below Daniel Green (2000) and Holly Datson 23 September Mark Packer ( 2006) and Deborah Anstee 28 September

brian thomson (BBC 1966) I finished at BBC in 1966 and went straight into the Bank of New South Wales. From 1968 to 1988 I sampled vocational opportunities - oil drilling in New Guinea, the North West Shelf and in the North Sea; construction in Port Hedland, selling insurance (hated it); repping for a major distributor of motorbikes and chainsaws; hospitality (waiting on tables as a student); public servant in Canberra; and transport on the way to collecting a degree in Social Work from the University of Queensland. In 1988 my wife and I travelled in Europe, the US and the Seychelles. In 1989 we headed for South Australia where I began to study wine marketing at the then Roseworthy College. With no exit plan after my study, we are still in the Barossa Valley 23


Ben McGeachie (BBC 1999) and wife Sarah welcomed Eva Grace on 11 October 2011 at Mount Elizabeth Hospital in Singapore

Vale Ian Hurwood (1953) passed in December 2011 Noel Glasgow (1939) passed in February Anthony (Mark) Sargood (1960) passed in April William (Bruce) Wylie (1945) passed in April Robert Bertram (1961) passed in April John (Jack) Byers (1939) passed in April Allan Richard Hodge (1944) passed in May

years later. My wife Anne, who is a lawyer, is the CEO of the

John Ferrett (1957) passed recently

local 'branch' of Regional Development Australia. This enables

John Prove (1957) passed recently

me to indulge my fancy of running our 16 hectare vineyard. We

Tennyson Lau (1957) passed in June

are a top quality vineyard and aim to be in the top one percent

Robert (Bob) Esler (1944) passed in June

of vineyards in Australia. I think that we are probably three to

William Jameson (1942) passed in August

five years from attaining that goal although this year some of our

Peter Delugar (1959) passed in August

fruit was purchased for inclusion in the 2012 Penfolds Grange

Ralph Brown (1951) passed in August

- confirmation that we are on the right track. We make limited

Emmanuel Hellen (1951) passed in August

quantities of wine under the LanzThomson label, soon to be changed to Moolanda Vineyard. We have two children, Raf (17 years) who is a state Under 18 hockey player and his sister Phoebe (13 years) an aspiring actress, model and fashion designer. I believe she is typical of the genre.

John Baker (1962) passed in August Frederic Hemming (1953) passed in September Lister Bainbridge (1955) passed in November Keith McDonald (1943) passed in December

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Christmas in july Saturday 28 july ~ College Hall The Junior School's Christmas in July function was again a huge success with 70 more guests in attendance at this year's event and more than $25,000 raised by the Junior School Support Group.

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Stepping out in style BBC Spring Fashion Parade | 14 September ~ Hillstone St Lucia A highlight of the BBC social calendar, this year’s Spring Fashion Parade saw nearly 300 ladies in attendance. writer for Brisbane News and U on Sunday

modelling debut at the event, appearing with

year, was organised by the school’s Parent

magazine, who gave an entertaining and

BBC Old Boys Jarrod Turner, Xavier Small and

Connections group. The event started with

informative commentary.

Jonno Katahanas!

The parade, which is now in its 23rd

champagne and canapés on the terrace

The fashion parade itself was a stunning

The final event of the afternoon was the

and then moved into the ballroom for lunch,

display, showcasing eight of Brisbane’s top

raffle draw, in which some fabulous prizes

where tables looked beautiful with spring

fashion houses, with fashions ranging from

were given away. Although primarily a social

flowers kindly donated by Fig of Kenmore

informal day wear to evening wear. The

event, the organisers took the opportunity to

and chocolate gift bags donated by Lexus of

emphasis was on this season’s bright colours,

raise some funds, which are donated partly


bold prints and pared-down silhouettes, with

to the school and partly to charity. The two

accessories such as slim belts and handbags

charities chosen to receive funding this year

adding a neon colour ‘pop’.

were the Hope Foundation and Beyond Blue.

Master of Ceremonies for the day was television presenter Sofie Formica, host of The Great South East and, more importantly,

The models, mostly BBC mothers, looked

All in all, it was a great social event and

a BBC mum! Sofie did a terrific job of keeping

fabulous on the catwalk and drew great

definitely one for the ‘must-not-miss’ list next

the event running to time and ensuring that

cheers from the audience. Men’s fashion was


people were listening – no mean feat with 300

also included, with four male models dressed

ladies in the room. During the fashion parade

elegantly by Mitchell Ogilvie. Bren Arkinstall,

she was joined by Kimberly Gardner, fashion

Director of Development at BBC, made his

Katie Forbes Parent Connections President

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GRANDPARENTS and friends' DAY thursday 20 september ~ junior school green Junior School students welcomed thier grandparents and friends for morning tea on the Green on a sunny Spring morning in September.

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SPEECH NIGHT Friday 2 November ~ QPAC BBC's top performing students were honoured at this year's Speech Night held at the Queensland Performing Arts Centre.

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year 12s last day friday 16 november ~ Brisbane boys' college Year 12 students celebrated the end of an era on Friday 16 November with a breakfast held for parents and students in the Boarding House courtyard. Students were then piped down the guard of honour by the BBC Pipe Band with the morning ending in an emotional service.


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Revolutionary in his own right The cyclical nature of teaching methodology is evident in the history of BBC. Mr Rudd possessed clear sighted beliefs and aspirations for the students in his care. Mission and Vision statements of intent are clearly declared and are readily accessible in BBC policy, 2012.

Numbers helped shape Mr Rudd’s methods. His school in 1908 consisted of

asked for individual help when required. After seven word building books were

learning beyond the classroom walls, the students were also taken to the Ipswich

35 students, ranging from Year 2 in Primary

completed, one student produced a dictionary

Woollen Mills and Railway Workshops and

School to Year 9 in Middle School. Seated

to further his spelling and vocabulary. Mr Rudd

geology excursions around Brisbane.

in chairs and tables adjustable to the height

always encouraged his boys to learn spelling

of the individual boy, all were together in one

and poetry, of their choosing and quantity,

Mr Rudd wrote a paper, ‘The Scientific Study

room. Students were taught how to work by

which he heard.

of the Child’, which was presented to the

themselves and at their own pace. To tailor

Tablet technology and stylus use are at the

As part of a new era in education, in 1910,

Australasian Association for the Advancement

the needs of individual students, Mr Rudd

forefront of BBC learning, 2012. The Rudd

of Science. Reading his paper which sums

produced wall charts, namely: a printed

students did not complete lessons on traditional

up his philosophy, Mr Rudd said, “Shall we

alphabet, models sums, parsing schemes,

slates, but rather in work books. Copy books

take life as we find it, and warp and strain the

models for answering geography and history

were also dismissed in favour of the students

nature of youth to suit it, or shall we endeavour

questions as visual prompts.

writing neatly in their daily work books.

to educate so that the result will be seen as

Southern educational reform movements

To substantiate his belief in providing

a better social life – a life that shall satisfy a

gave impetus for the Victorian Department

more than the basic 3Rs, Mr Rudd attended

man’s deepest needs and his best cravings,

of Education to publish excellent books

night classes in clay modelling, chemistry,

and which at the same time will inspire him to

containing exercises on grammar and

geology and botany. The Founder passed

do the utmost for his community?”

composition suitable for all primary grades. Mr

on these skills to stimulate interests beyond

Rudd’s pupils worked through these English

the prescribed and in order to help increase

and Arithmetic exercises themselves. The boys

his pupils’ general knowledge. In extending

Helen Jackson Archivist

lastword | 91

Amnesty International at BBC has enjoyed a phenomenal year, with membership growing to more than 150 students. These boys are determined to make a difference in the lives of others both locally and globally. Captain of Amnesty International Charles Pidgeon is an outstanding example of a young man who has made a remarkable difference this year as a dedicated defender of human rights. In this edition of Last Word, Charles explores the complex and challenging issue of global poverty.

In our day and age, in the 21st Century, in an era of incredible technological advancement and political liberation, the unerring truth is often forgotten: that millions of people are starving. We strive for political rights and free speech yet these liberations are wasted if the people are starving and thus cannot benefit. It is rare for a starving person to waste

micro scale by providing them with food in

per day. You might be thinking, “that’s not

breath or energy complaining about political

the short term, but also, it is arguably more

so small, US$1.25 actually buys quite a lot

conditions when they cannot move from

important that these problems are addressed

in most developing countries”. Unfortunately

the incredible pain coursing through their

on a macro scale by trying to establish stable

that’s not true - the US$1.25 figure is

stomachs, rippling through their bowels. Even

governments, root out corruption and focus

calculated using Purchasing Power Parity and

being able to rationally consider freedom of

on trying to grow the economy and allow

therefore adjusting for Australian dollars, and

speech would be a luxury to these people, for

these people to help themselves, as they are

incorporating changes since 2005, living in

everything, every whim, every cause, every

desperately trying to. That is why supporting

extreme poverty means having $2 a day for all

desire follows the need to eat.

charities that donate food is great and this

your food, shelter, health, education transport

short term lift is needed to accomplish better

and any other living costs, in Australia.

To truly fight for human rights, we must fight against poverty, hunger, famine and starvation.

things, however, the greatest change that can

For lack of food really is an oppression of one

be made is lasting change.

of our most innate and basic rights. Everything

Many great organisations understand this

HOW MANY PEOPLE CURRENTLY LIVE IN EXTREME POVERTY? Today, there are 1.4 billion people living below the extreme poverty

that Amnesty stands for; freedom of speech,

vicious cycle and the escape that comes

line. That’s over 60 times the population of

the freeing of political prisoners, the changing

from not only feeding, but also educating,

Australia. Since 1985, a combined global effort

of social attitudes and policy whilst striving for

supplying with equipment and helping people

has meant that the percentage of the world’s

equality, all, are rendered completely obsolete

to get themselves out of poverty in the long

population living in extreme poverty has more

if our fellow humans do not have food to eat.

term by acquiring a stable job. Two of these

than halved, falling from 52 to 25 percent.

That is why BBC Amnesty has been

organisations that everyone should investigate


focusing on starvation and making donations to

are Live Below the Line and Opportunity

POVERTY: Development work must be

the Red Cross to aid victims of the devastating


focused on educational projects, because

famine caused by drought in West Africa. However, political advocacy must never be forgotten, for the only way to obtain a long term solution to poverty is to work from both ends. We must support these victims on a

I’d like to share some of the facts about extreme poverty worldwide. WHAT IS EXTREME POVERTY: In 2005, the World Bank defined the extreme

education is the key to empowering people to break out of the cycle of EXTREME poverty. Charles Pidgeon

poverty line as living on less than US$1.25

Collegian Collegian december May 2012






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