About This Guide
CollegiateParent has published this guide in partnership with the University of the Pacific. Our goal is to share helpful, timely information about your student’s college experience and to connect you to relevant campus and community resources.

Please refer to the school’s website and contact information below for updates to information in the guide or with questions about its contents. CollegiateParent is not responsible for omissions or errors. This publication was made possible by the businesses and professionals contained within it. The presence of university/ college logos and marks in the guide does not mean that the publisher or school endorses the products or services offered by the advertisers.
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Design by Kade O'ConnorFor more information, please contact:
University of the Pacific Celia Castro, Associate Director
Orientation and Transition Programs
3601 Pacific Avenue Stockton, CA 95211 209.946.7619

Dear Pacific Parents and Families,
We are pleased to welcome you and your student to the 2023–2024 academic year. We have been looking forward to your arrival for several months now and are excited to introduce you and your student to our Pacific Community.
At Pacific we value parents and family members as partners in the education of our students. Our staff has prepared this Parent and Family Guide to inform you about the many resources and services we offer to ensure that all students are successful in their educational experience.
I would also like to take a moment to invite you to make plans to come back to campus to attend Homecoming and Family Weekend October 13–15, 2023, for all Pacific students, their families, and Pacific alumni. The weekend’s festivities will feature many activities and presentations, time to reconnect with your student, and opportunities to connect with Pacific faculty, staff, and alumni, and experience the rich academic, social, and cultural community that is Pacific.

If you are ever on campus, please do not hesitate to stop by our office in the McCaffrey Center. Please feel free to call on us if we can be of any assistance to you throughout the year.
Best regards to each of you,
Celia Castro Associate Director for Orientation and Transition ProgramsCHECKLIST FOR FAMILIES FROM
Your Orientation Team
Remind your student to carry their Pacific ID Card with them at all times.
There are departments on campus that can assist your student with their physical, emotional, and academic needs. Encourage your student to take advantage of these services when needed.
Your student will sign up for PacificConnect in their pre-orientation onboarding. Ask your student to sign you up, too! This important service provided by Pacific will contact you and your student in the event of a campus emergency.
If your student is living on campus, remember to get the name of their residence hall, room number, and Resident Assistant in case of an emergency.
Homecoming and Family Weekend
October 13–15, 2023

Campus and Community Information

The PacificCard™ is your student’s multi-purpose University ID card. The PacificCard™ is used to enter campus facilities, access services at the library, enter athletic events, purchase food both on and off campus, and for access to their laundry account in the residence halls. Have your student create a guest access login so you can easily add funds to their PacificCash™! For more information, visit MyPacificCard.com and follow us on Twitter or Instagram for news, updates, and more: @PacificCard.
PacificCash™ is a debit account on your student’s PacificCard™ to which you add value. PacificCash™ purchasing power is very broad; the funds from PacificCash™ can be used for food on campus at a discount, off-campus purchases at various local retailers and restaurants, purchases from the Pepsi vending machines in our academic buildings, and utilizing the PacificPrint copy and print machines around campus. Anyone can add value to a student’s PacificCash™ account by visiting MyPacificCard.com, choosing
“Add Cash Now,” and entering the student’s Pacific ID# and credit card information. Students can add value via credit card to their PacificCash™ account on the website. Additionally, students can add value using cash or credit card at one of the PacificCard™ Kiosks in The Lair, Library, and Pharmacy Branch Library, or by visiting the PacificCard™ office in person during normal business hours.
Using a guest access login to our website is the easy and convenient way to add funds to your student’s card and help monitor account balances. By setting up email reminders, you can be notified when your student’s PacificCash™ reaches a certain threshold and it’s time to deposit more.
Campus Employment
In order to work on campus, students need to obtain a “Legal Status to Work Card” from Human Resources. Students will need their driver’s license and social security card, U.S. Passport, or birth certificate to obtain this card.
Many departments on campus offer work-study options. Students should review their financial aid package on MyPacific or contact the Financial Aid office at 209.946.2421 to determine if they qualify for work-study. arrow-right

Campus Dining
Bon Appetit offers students a variety of dining options, meal plans, and dining facilities. Each facility features a variety of menu options such as a salad bar, home-style soups, freshly baked desserts, and beverages. At least one vegetarian entrée is featured at each meal. Our Market Place dining selections cater to a variety of specialty diets and include gluten-free pizza, pasta, and bread.
Dining facilities at Pacific include the Marketplace (our main dining facility located in the DeRosa University Center), The Lair (pub-style eatery located in the DeRosa University Center), the Calaveras Coffee House, the Health Sciences Café (located in the Health Sciences Learning Center), and the “Easy Artisan Takeout” (E.A.T) food truck located on South campus. In addition, students may purchase any of the items offered at the Grove Grocery, located in the McCaffrey Center, with the Meal Plan.
All students living on campus are required to participate in a Meal Plan.
Students have the ability to use the Meal Plan to buy food they want to eat — whenever and wherever they are hungry. The Meal Plan account works like a debit card, with all of the funds loaded onto the student’s account at the beginning of each semester. The amount of points placed on the student’s account each semester is determined by the plan that they choose. Each time the student makes a purchase, the amount is deducted from the balance. After each purchase, the remaining Meal Plan balance is displayed at the cash
register so that the student can keep track of their remaining balance throughout the semester. A receipt is provided on request.
The Meal Plan is for the undergraduate fall and spring semesters or the professional Pharmacy fall, spring, and summer terms. Students may increase their meal plan at any time, but any reduction to meal plans must be completed prior to the start of each term.
For more details, including menus and other dining services, please visit cafebonappetit.com/Pacific or contact the Residential Life & Housing Office at 209.946.2331 or iamhome@pacific.edu.
First-Year, Second-Year, and UpperDivision Students Living On Campus
Meal plans are categorized by the number of meals a student wishes to eat in a week. They are the 21 Plan, 19 Plan, 15 Plan, 10 Plan, 7 Plan and 5 Plan. The best meal plan level for you depends on how much and how often you eat in a week.
Grubhub is a mobile phone app that allows students to utilize their PacificCard™ to purchase food both on and off campus. They simply download the app to their phone, link to their Pacific ID number in their user account, and then they can use their housing Meal Plan to purchase food on campus, or PacificCash™ to purchase food at locations both on and off campus! By using Grubhub, students can order ahead and pick up food rather than waiting in line. Grubhub and PacificCard™ help save time and skip the line!
There are front-loading washers and dryers in every Residence Hall and Apartment Community. The use of the washers and dryers is included in the on-campus living experience and can be accessed by residents using their PacificCard™.

Fraternity and Sorority Life
Membership in a fraternity or sorority is a good first step to enjoying all the benefits that college life has to offer and a way to make the campus feel more like home. Pacific has many social, professional, and service-based fraternities and sororities. Fraternities and sororities provide opportunities for diverse and lasting social networks, academic support, and positive group experiences. Fraternity and sorority members at Pacific place a high priority on academic excellence and community service. Many of our organizations provide organized study sessions and incentives for academic success. In the area of community service, fraternities and sororities regularly volunteer time to various organizations in the Stockton community, and conduct fundraising for national charities. Equally important, Pacific fraternities and sororities offer the opportunity for leadership positions that can enrich your student’s Pacific experience. Information about each organization is available on the Fraternity and Sorority Life website, pacific.edu/studentlife/fraternity-sorority-life
Parent and Family Questions
Academic Support
? When are professors available to meet with my student?
Professors at Pacific are very accessible to students. Students can drop in without an appointment during their professors’ official weekly office hours — listed on the course syllabus — or make an appointment with them.
? What are general education courses and how will they benefit my student?
The General Education Program exposes students to areas of study outside of their major in support of the three-part mission of general education at Pacific: fostering selfunderstanding, citizenship, and career development. Courses help each Pacific student develop core competencies (critical thinking, information literacy, oral communication, quantitative reasoning, written communication) and additional GE learning outcomes
(cross-cultural awareness, ethical reasoning, civic responsibility and engagement, and aesthetic judgment) while also promoting diversity and inclusive excellence. These outcomes are addressed through the breadth program requirements for each major. Pacific’s General Education Program is the foundation for the intellectual and practical skills crucial for life-long learning and the rapidly changing nature of employment in today’s workforce. GE courses are required for graduation.
? How can a student receive academic advice?
Each new student is assigned to a Faculty Advisor and is required to meet with their Faculty Advisor before course registration each semester. The Faculty Advisor can be consulted for course selection decisions, major information, and academic questions.
Where can my student find tutoring and what will it cost?

The General Academic Tutoring Center is located on the second floor of the library, next to the Student Writing Center. There is no cost for this service. To sign up for a tutor, students can simply visit our scheduling site at pacific.mywconline.com. Students can schedule an appointment to meet with a tutor in a variety of subjects. Tutors
are available on a first-come, firstserved basis depending on availability. General Academic Tutoring Center tutors are trained in different tutoring techniques and learning styles and work with all university undergraduate students on the Stockton campus. For more information, visit the Tutoring webpage: go.Pacific.edu/Tutoring arrow-right

? Is there a monthly payment plan available if we cannot pay tuition or housing in full at the beginning of each semester?
Pacific offers a monthly payment plan, which allows you to make four monthly payments, the first of which is due by the semester or term payment deadline. The monthly plan requires a 25 percent down payment in addition to a onetime $75 deferred fee, calculated upon enrollment in the plan. Payment plans are not applicable for summer sessions. Enrollment for the payment plan MUST be completed online each semester or term. Students should use insidePacific to enroll in the payment plan. Parents and other authorized users should use ePay.
? When can my student get a parking permit and how much do they cost?
Beginning the first Monday in August, students may purchase parking permits online through insidePacific. Students may purchase permits for the “B” or “C” lots only. For campus residents, the type of permit purchased is based on where they are housed. Once a permit is purchased, all sales are final for the school year. Parking permits are valid during the school year as indicated and not the calendar year. There is no free parking on campus.
Career, Work, and Volunteer Opportunities
? How does Career Services help my student determine a major or career direction?
Career Services has qualified, experienced Career Advising and Success Specialists who are available to meet with students. Your student may schedule an appointment to discuss career options and get help assessing interests, skills, values, and personality — all factors to be considered when making major and career decisions. Assessment tools such as the Strong Interest Inventory and iStart Strong are available for free to students, and results are interpreted with a Career Advising and Success Specialist. Students are strongly encouraged to remain engaged with the Career Services Team throughout their time at Pacific.
? How does Career Services help my student find a job when they graduate?
Your student can meet with a career advisor to review a resume, get help applying to graduate school, discuss job search strategies, practice interviewing, learn to conduct employer research, or receive assistance with any number of other career-related issues. Drop-in appointments are available for quick questions.
Career Services also offers two oneunit classes: Career Exploration and Planning, and Career Search Essentials. The first course helps students explore careers and develop goals; the second teaches them to prepare resumes, gain interview skills, and develop other abilities necessary for a successful internship or job search.
In addition, Career Services annually provides more than 100 programs and events to help students prepare for their careers including major career fairs in both the fall and spring semesters. On-campus recruiting opportunities with various employers also take place during the academic year. Students are strongly encouraged to gain practical experience through an internship with an employer during their time at Pacific. Career Services can help students locate and apply for internship opportunities.
Finally, Handshake is an electronic database of full-time positions, parttime internships, and on-campus positions posted by employers interested in hiring Pacific students. Employer Engagement Specialists actively work to develop and strengthen ties between students and regional, national, and international employers.

? How can my student find a part-time job on campus?
Students seeking to work on campus must apply to jobs through the Handshake portal. New students will have access to Handshake by midsummer, if they have confirmed their enrollment with the Office of Admission. Students may visit the Career Services website (Pacific.edu/Careers) for tips on applying to on-campus jobs or call 209.946.2361 for more information or to schedule an appointment with a Career Advising and Success Specialist. Students will log on to Handshake
through MyPacific
Please note that being awarded federal work-study funds does not guarantee your student an on-campus job, and applying to a position will not guarantee an interview. Individual departments
determine their own needs and required skill sets for each position. Sometimes departments will not contact students to let them know that a position has already been filled. If your student has questions about whether they are being considered for a job, they should follow up by directly contacting the department to which they have applied.
? My student volunteered in high school. How do they continue while at Pacific?
There are many opportunities to volunteer with other students throughout the Stockton community. Pacific’s Volunteer Center can get students started by understanding their interests. Volunteering is a great way to get to know the community better. For detailed information, please consult pacific.edu/ student-life/activities-and-programs/ volunteer-center or give us a call at 209.946.2444. (continued on p. 20) arrow-right

Student Life
? How can I help my student find out about clubs and organizations on campus?
Student organizations are a great way to get involved at Pacific. Student clubs and organizations are categorized by type of organization (Academic & Honors, Religious & Service, Social Diversity & Inclusion, and Special Interest). Students will receive more information during Orientation about how to get involved at the start of the fall semester.

Pacific also has a Student Activities Center with staff dedicated to helping students get involved on campus. The center offers individual advising to help students join organizations, apply for leadership positions, and find out what’s happening on campus. This center also offers an Involvement Fair in the fall semester on the DeRosa Center Lawn where students can meet the leadership of Pacific’s student organizations. The Student Activities Center is located on the 2nd Floor of the DeRosa University Center next to the Lair.
? What social events happen on the weekend in Stockton?
Visit Stockton maintains a comprehensive interactive calendar with an abundance of events and activities throughout the greater Stockton area. There is always something happening around town. Check out VisitStockton.org for more information. Also, the Thursday edition of the Stockton Record has current event information.
? Where can my student find out about events scheduled at Pacific?
Upcoming events and opportunities for involvement are featured in the MyPacific portal. Students may also use the campus Events Calendar which can be found on the Pacific website homepage, calendar.pacific.edu.
Many places are within walking distance. For those who want to go further, we have a great public transit system that runs through the main areas of town. San Joaquin RTD has a stop at Pacific and runs throughout Stockton and the surrounding areas.
? Are there religious services or spiritual organizations on campus?
There are a variety of religious and spiritual services, programs, and organizations on campus. Students can find information on pacific.edu/ student-life/religious-spiritual-life. There they will find details about recurring programs such as Student Group Meetings, Morning Prayer, Meditation, Catholic Mass, and more. They will also find specific information about student religious and spiritual organizations as well as the Chaplain’s Office.
What are the fraternities and sororities on campus?
The 11 social fraternities and sororities at Pacific exist amongst three governing bodies, the Interfraternity Council (IFC), the Multicultural Greek Council (MGC), and the Pacific Panhellenic Association (Panhellenic Council). In addition to the 11 social fraternities and sororities, there are also 15 professional fraternities. Professional fraternities are associated with an academic discipline or a special interest.
? How can my student join a fraternity or sorority if they become interested?
Students may join a fraternity or sorority during their first semester on campus. The formal recruitment process will take place at the end of September. Events will be held prior to formal recruitment to allow students to become familiar with the process and get to know the various chapters. Informal recruitment events will also be held in the spring semester. arrow-right

The MyPacific portal highlights everything happening on campus and provides critical information for student success.
? What is Intramural Sports?
Intramural Sports is a program that offers a wide range of sport and recreation activities for the Pacific community. A variety of events create an exciting environment for students to compete in both competitive and recreational sports outside of the classroom. Many fraternities and sororities, student groups, clubs, and residence halls are active participants in the program.
? What types of leagues and tournaments are offered in Intramural Sports?
Each Intramural Sports season consists of multiple five-week leagues and one-day tournaments for either team or individual play. The events range from traditional sports such as basketball, volleyball, and soccer to non-traditional events such as innertube water polo, table tennis, and dodgeball. Regardless of a student’s athletic ability or interest, there is an Intramural Sport event for them at Pacific.
? How does my student sign up for Intramural Sports?
Students can register online by visiting Pacificrec.pacific.edu. All registrations can be completed online or at the front desk of the Baun Fitness Center by the posted registration deadline.
? How can my student learn more about Sport Clubs at Pacific?
Go to the Pacific Recreation website (Pacificrec.pacific.edu) for detailed sport clubs information including a current list of sport clubs on campus, how to start a club if an activity is not currently offered, and how to get in contact with a current sport club. Students can also contact Pacific Recreation Sport Club Program at 209.946.2811
? Is there a fitness facility on campus where my student can work out?
Yes. The Baun Student Fitness Center offers students a wide variety of activities with recently updated cardio and strength equipment. Additionally, Pacific Recreation has personal training and group exercise programs for students who are looking for an extra boost to their workout. Finally, Pacific Recreation operates two multipurpose gymnasiums for evening and weekend open-rec basketball, volleyball, tennis, and badminton.
? Are there any outdoor excursions available to students?
Pacific Recreation operates a “Tiger Escapes” program that takes students on various one-day adventures throughout Northern California. Escapes include hiking, rafting, snowshoeing, horseback riding, and much more. Students can register for a trip by visiting pacificrec.pacific.edu and clicking on the “Tiger Escapes” icon.
Public Safety
Pacific is one of only two private universities in California whose officers have peace officer powers.

Pursuant to a memorandum of understanding with the City of Stockton and the Stockton Police Department, Pacific officers receive and maintain state-mandated training standards. Though they are able to use their police officer authority off campus, their main jurisdiction is the Stockton campus. Visit their website at go.Pacific.edu/PublicSafety or call 209.946.2537.
The STRIPE Cadet Service provides escorts to people on campus and extends the presence of the University police by their presence on campus. The STRIPE Cadet unit is composed of student employees trained to provide safe and reliable escorts across the Stockton campus. For more on their service, hours of operation, and how to contact them, visit their webpage: go.Pacific.edu/STRIPES.
Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) and Student Health Services (SHS)
Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) and Student Health Services (SHS) are both located in the Cowell Wellness Center (CWC).
CAPS and SHS are active within the Division of Student Life at Pacific and share the vision and goal of helping students achieve academic and personal success by attending to their health and wellness.

Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)
Our practitioners adhere to the laws of California regarding patient confidentiality in psychotherapy. As a result, staff members do not discuss the student’s care with anyone, including parents or family, unless the student has provided written consent to release information, or in limited cases involving the threat of harm to self or others, reported child or elder abuse, or a verified court order.
The professional staff in CAPS consists of licensed psychologists, a licensed marriage and family therapist, doctoral psychology Interns, and an office coordinator. Our therapists aid students in building selfconfidence, being assertive, relating to others, reducing stress, problem solving, and adjustment and relationship issues. We also work with students suffering with more serious concerns such as depression, anxiety, trauma, assault, and suicidal or
homicidal ideation. Therapy is available for enrolled students as individuals, couples, and in groups. In addition, CAPS provides online assisted therapy, online trainings for working with distressed students, and workshops for increased mental health.
CAPS is available to:
• Students who have registered for classes at Pacific on the Stockton, Sacramento, and San Francisco campuses

• Students who paid the Student Health Fee (we do not charge insurance plans for any of our services)
• Continuing students not enrolled in a given term who pay a per-session fee
• Non-Pacific student partners who wish to engage in couples therapy who pay a per-session fee arrow-right
Student Health Services (SHS)
The professional staff of SHS consists of a Director of Health Services, supervising physician, nurse practitioners, a registered dietitian, medical assistants, immunization coordinator, insurance coordinator, and administrative staff. Students are provided health education at every visit to promote and empower the skills and attitudes necessary for them to become responsible for their own health.
Services at the SHS include:
• Physicals and wellness exams
• Urgent care
• Primary care
• Immunizations
• Nutrition counseling
• Referrals
• Telephone nurse advice
• STI testing and women’s care
• Medications
Student Health Services is available to:
• Students who have registered for classes at Pacific on the Stockton, Sacramento, and San Francisco campuses
• Students who paid the Student Health Fee
The Student Health Fee covers the following:
• Medical appointments
• Dietitian services
• Health care navigation
• Health and wellness management

• Coordination of care with local providers
Please note: The Student Health Fee does not cover services provided by outside referrals, medications, labs, or some procedures. To ensure that conditions beyond the scope of care provided on campus are covered, all students are required to have a comprehensive health insurance plan. For students who do not have coverage, a plan is available through the University.
For more information please visit: Pacific.edu/healthservices or call 209.946.2315
Alumni Association
Welcome to University of the Pacific!
The Alumni Association oversees activities, events, and benefits for University of the Pacific Alumni. The Association is made up of six staff members and a 30-member volunteer board of directors, and hosts more than 100 programs and events each year. The Pacific Alumni Association is a non-dues-based organization, which means any student who attends for one year and leaves in good standing can take advantage of alumni benefits and services.
Here are just a few ways the Alumni Association plans to connect with you and your student during the 2023–2024 school year:
Career Networking
The Pacific Alumni Association, in collaboration with the Career Services Center, helps students make meaningful and productive connections with alumni. The Tiger-to-Tiger Networking app gives students, regardless of their class standing, access to alumni to gain first-hand knowledge of career paths and receive general career guidance. Alumni are regular guest speakers in classes and events, providing excellent examples of community and professional engagement. The Alumni Association regularly sponsors networking events to bring students and alumni together.
Homecoming and Family Weekend
Homecoming is about reconnection –to your student and the University. We can’t wait to reconnect with alumni and families from around the globe during the celebration! View the schedule and register in advance at Pacific.edu/alumni. We look forward to seeing you October 13–15, 2023. Questions? Email the alumni office at PacificAlumni@Pacific.edu
Pacific students and their families have an open invitation to visit the Alex and Jeri Vereschagin Alumni House and learn about Pacific’s history and traditions from the displays and exhibits located in the house. Since it opened in the summer of 2011, the Vereschagin Alumni House has become one of the premiere event spaces on campus. Reserve the Alumni House for your special event by phoning 209.946.2610 or email AlumniHouse@pacific.edu
The Alumni Association is honored that your student has chosen to attend this wonderful University. We are proud of the legacy that alumni have left to their alma mater and we expect your student will add luster to the rich heritage of Pacific.
Pacific Academic Schools and Colleges
Benerd College
Benerd College
College of the Pacific
Wendell Phillips Center
Conservatory of Music
Faye Spanos Concert Hall
Eberhardt School of Business
Weber Hall
School of Engineering and Computer Science
Chambers Technology Center
School of International Studies
George Wilson Hall
liberalarts.pacific.edu/liberalarts/ academics/departments-and-programs/ school-of-international-studies/
School of Health Sciences
Sacramento Campus
healthsciences.pacific. edu/healthsciences
Thomas J. Long School of Pharmacy
Thomas J. Long School of Pharmacy and Health Sciences

Fall 2023 Date
Housing Assignments Emailed to Pacific Email Account
Student Fees
All-Campus Move-In
New Student Orientation
New Student Convocation/Tiger Roar
Week of Welcome (WOW)
Classes Begin
Labor Day Holiday
Fall Student Break
Homecoming and Family Weekend
Thanksgiving Break
Classes Resume
Classes End
Final Examination Period
Fall Housing Check-Out
Early June
August 1
August 19–20
August 21–22
August 23
August 24–26
August 28
September 4
October 6
October 13–15
November 22–24
November 27
December 8
December 11–15
December 16
Spring 2024 Date
Payment Due Including Room and Board
Students Attending Spring Orientation Housing Check-in
Spring Orientation
Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday
Classes Begin
Presidents Day Holiday
January 1
January 11
January 12
January 15
January 16
February 19
Spring Break March 11–15
Classes Resume
Classes End
Study Day
Final Examination Period
Spring Housing Check-Out
March 18
April 30
May 1
May 2–8
May 9
May 11