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CollegiateParent has published this guide in partnership with the University of California, Merced. Our goal is to share helpful, timely information about your student’s college experience and to connect you to relevant campus and community resources.
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Dear Parents and Families,
Welcome to the Bobcat family!
We are honored to have your scholar join us at University of California, Merced and partner with you in support of their success.
We trust your experience so far has demonstrated that UC Merced is an outstanding institution of higher learning where every scholar receives an extraordinary education in an inspiring environment with caring people. As new or returning UC Merced parents and families, you are important members of our community. We want to provide you with connections and opportunities that will enable you to be an active partner.
My hope with this brochure is to provide you with information that will guide your unique relationship with UC Merced as the parent of a Bobcat. College years are a special time for your scholar and, while there may be moments of challenge, know that you are joining a community filled with experienced faculty, staff, students, and other families who are eager to support you in this journey. We are committed
to partnering with you as you assist your scholar in having a rich and rewarding experience at UC Merced.
We encourage you to get involved and attend parent and family programs and events including webinars and workshops created just for you. In the meantime, we invite you to contact the Parent and Family Programs team at parentsandfamilies@ucmerced.edu if you have questions or concerns.
With warmest personal regard,
UC Merced opened in September 2005 as the newest campus of the world-renowned University of California system and the first American research university built in the 21st century.
The university prides itself on accessibility, with a founding mission to increase college-going rates among students in California’s Central Valley. Students can choose from 31 rigorous and contemporary majors among the three academic schools. Each will prepare them for careers and graduate school beyond college.
UC Merced is a hub for research in the Central Valley, and many undergraduates have the opportunity to conduct impactful research with established faculty. Pre-professional programs provide one-on-one attention from faculty members and mentors, plus opportunities for leadership and research.
Our campus proudly serves the most ethnically and culturally diverse student body among all University of California campuses. We have been designated a Hispanic-Serving Institution by the U.S. Department of Education. UC Merced also leads the UC system in firstgeneration students, the percentage of students from low-income families and students whose parents did not attend college.
At UC Merced, some of the world’s foremost scholars team up with students to focus on some of the world’s most pressing issues and creating new solutions, including new technologies, that will tackle challenges critical to society’s growth, health, and progress.
As part of the discovery process that is an integral part of any research, undergraduates have opportunities to take their learning beyond the classroom and out into the field or laboratories. There are resources on campus to encourage undergraduates to seek out research collaborations.
The Undergraduate Research Opportunities Center (UROC) fosters access to faculty-mentored research projects for students from all academic disciplines and facilitates structured support and training to prepare for graduate studies and future careers. Learn more about how you can get involved by visiting their website (uroc.ucme rced.edu).
Some special research institutes and facilities:
�� Center for Cellular and Biomolecular Machines
�� Center for Computational Biology
�� Center of Excellence for the Study of Health Disparities
�� Center for Information Technology Research in the Interest of Society (CITRIS)
�� Community and Labor Center
�� Health Sciences Research Institute
�� Merced nAnomaterials Center for Energy and Sensing (MACES)
�� Sierra Nevada Research Institute (SNRI)
�� Stem Cell Instrumentation Foundry (SCIF)
�� UC Natural Reserve System
�� University of California Advanced Solar Technologies Institute (UC Solar)
UC Merced collaborative research partnerships:
�� Central Valley Higher Education Consortium
�� Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
�� Yosemite National Park Veteran Services
UC Merced has two separate offices dedicated to providing a welcoming environment for veterans, reservists, and dependents.
The offices provide assistance in obtaining educational benefits that veterans and dependents are entitled to. Services include processing enrollment certifications to the VA office and providing priority registration for our veterans.
Contact Information:
�� veteranservices.ucmerced.edu
�� trv.ucmerced.edu
�� veteranleadership.ucmerced.edu
- TOP 30 -
#80 Best Colleges by Value
Money Magazine, 2022
- Money Magazine, 2022
– Top 30 –
#28 Among U.S. Public Universities
- 2024 U.S. News & World Report
2024 U.S. News & World Report
Best Colleges Rankings
Best Colleges Rankings
#15 Among All U.S. Universities
Wall Street Journal, 2023
- Wall Street Journal 2023
- World Universities with Real Impact, 2022
No. 25 Global Most Innovative World Universities with Real Impact, 2022
#15 Among California Universities
2023 U.S. News & World Report
- 2023 U.S. News & World Report
Best Colleges Rankings
Best Colleges Rankings
#7 for Advancing Economic Mobility
- Third Way’s Economic Mobility Index, 2023
Third Way’s Economic Mobility Index, 2023
Youngest University to Earn Carnegie R2 Research Classification
– Already Ranked 18th
2023 U.S. News & World Report Best Colleges Rankings
- 2023 U.S. News & World Report Best Colleges Rankings
#1 Greenest College Campuses in U.S. Ecowatch, 2022
- Ecowatch, 2022
50 TOP
#49 Among All U.S. Universities
- Washington Monthly, 2023
Washington Monthly, 2023
#4 in the Nation for Creating Social Mobility
- 2024 U.S. News & World Report
Best Colleges Rankings
2024 U.S. News & World Report Best Colleges Rankings
#9 Public University in the Nation for Least Amount of Debt Incurred by Graduates
- 2021 U.S. News & World Report Best Colleges Rankings
2023 U.S. News & World Report Best Colleges Rankings
#60 Among All U.S. Universities
2024 U.S. News & World Report Best Colleges Rankings
- 2024 U.S. News & World Report Best Colleges Rankings
By nearly doubling the campus size with additional research buildings, classrooms, dining, housing, and more, we’re making education more accessible in the heart of California.
UC Merced's expansion added a significant amount of teaching, research, housing, and student-support facilities. The increased capacity will allow the University to grow up to 15,000 students by 2030.
Our Newest Buildings Include:
�� Dining hall
�� Classroom buildings
�� Student meeting spaces
�� Residence halls
�� Three academic and research buildings with faculty offices, as well as wet, dry, and computational labs
�� 1,700 student beds with groundfloor classrooms and student life facilities
�� NCAA II-level competition swimming pool and recreation fields
�� Wellness center
�� Research greenhouse
�� Transit hub
�� Early Childhood Education Center expansion
Welcome to the Students First Center (SFC) at UC Merced— a dedicated one-stop providing personalized support and expert guidance in the areas of admissions, financial aid, registration, and billing.
The SFC is the best place to start when you have questions about UC Merced. Visit studentsfirst.ucmerced.edu for instant access to important announcements, dates, and deadlines as well as links to useful campus social media .
Get to know the awesome SFC team here at UC Merced – a group of friendly faces ready to assist parents like you! Our team members are skilled in various languages, such as Spanish, Armenian, Hmong, Greek, and Arabic. Whether you have questions or concerns, count on us for support! Recognizing the uniqueness of everyone’s schedules, we extend our service hours into the late night and provide diverse communication channels. Choose the time and method that align with your schedule and preferences because, at UC Merced, we’re all about making the university experience smoother for parents like yourself!
We are available for:
�� Appointment and Drop-in
�� In-person, email, and phone
Contact Information:
�� 20 9-228-7178
✉ studentsfirst@ucmerced.edu
�� studentsfirst.ucmerced.edu
Save time by scheduling your next visit to SFC. Check in prior to visiting us and we will text you when it is your turn. To check in, visit our website at studentsfirst.ucmerced.edu/contact-us-0 and click on “in-person”.
Navigate the Financial Aid Process
The FAFSA and CADAA require household income and tax information for the year prior to the last tax year (i.e., prior-prior year). If current household income is significantly less than the prior-prior year, contact the financial aid office to complete a special circumstance petition. Additionally, please make the financial aid office aware of significant out-of-pocket expenses, such as medical, dental, etc. — or any other special or unusual circumstances.
- Money Magazine, 2022
Prioritize institutional and regional scholarships before you spend time searching for national scholarships. Institutional scholarship application processes and deadlines can vary dramatically depending on the school and system. Additionally, stay in contact with high school counselors for information on local scholarships. Avoid scholarship scams that ask for confidential information like social security number, date of birth, etc., and never pay to search or apply for scholarships.
Make sure to report all outside scholarships received to the financial aid office so they can be included in the financial aid award package. UC Merced uses the data from your Admissions Application for the determination and awarding of all institutional scholarships. We also post outside scholarship opportunities on our website at financialaid.ucmerced.edu/outsidescholarships .
Students may be offered federal student loans in their award package but are under no obligation to accept these loans; they may also elect to request a lesser amount. Loans might include:
�� A Federal Subsidized Loan (the student is the borrower and no interest accrues or payments need to be made while the student is enrolled at least half-time)
�� A Federal Unsubsidized Loan (the student is the borrower and interest accrues while in school, but there are no payments while enrolled at least half-time)
�� If needed, private alternative education loans may be an option.
�� A Federal Parent PLUS Loan (a parent is the borrower, a credit check is required, interest accrues and payments begin after the loan is fully disbursed, but payments may be deferred).
�� For Dream students, UC Merced offers a Dream Loan (the student is the borrower and no interest accrues or payments need to be made while the student is enrolled at least half-time).
Financial aid funds are limited. Priority consideration is given to students who meet application and document submission deadlines. Missing deadlines could result in forfeiting institutional grants, work-study awards, and more.
The primary means of communication by financial aid offices is typically email, and most post requirements on a campus student web portal. Be sure to monitor both on a regular basis for important updates, communications, notifications, and requirements.
Our Financial Aid Parent Guide is available at financialaid.ucmerced.edu/parentguide.
Financial aid award offers are based in part on the housing status you indicated on your FAFSA or CADAA. Standardized Cost of Attendance budgets are used for students living on campus, off campus, or commuter (i.e., living with parent/ relative). If a student changes housing status, it will likely affect their financial aid award package.
Grants must be prorated for students who are enrolled less than full-time. Continued aid eligibility is based on maintaining the college’s Satisfactory Academic Progress standards (e.g., GPA — grade point average — and Pace, the percentage of units completed) and maximum cumulative unit and time limits. Before dropping a class, be sure to consult with the financial aid office in advance to find out the potential aid eligibility impact.
For many students, college is the first time they are in control of their own finances. Our Financial Wellness Center (FWC) serves students throughout every academic level in the educational journey — from freshman to Ph.D. The Center provides education and empowerment on money management topics relevant to college life and beyond. We provide digital content, interactive workshops, classroom engagement, special campus events, and personalized one-on-one financial coaching sessions.
Contact Information
�� ( 209) 228-7178
✉ studentsfirst@ucmerced.edu
�� financialwellness.ucmerced.edu
Tuition and Fee Payment Deadline:
Fall: August 21, 2024
Spring: January 15, 2025
Your student can grant you access to their student account information by setting up an Authorized Payer via myBill. As an Authorized Payer, you can view account activity, make payments to your student’s account, and speak with SBS staff over the phone and via email.
Sign up for a direct deposit if you are expecting a financial aid refund. Your refund will be electronically transferred to your designated bank account.
Need a Payment Plan?
With the Deferred Payment Plan (DPP), students can pay their tuition, fees, and student housing contract (if applicable) in four monthly installments per semester. Students or parents can request enrollment in the DPP via myBill.
Note there is a non-refundable $40 participation fee per semester.
Contact Information:
�� ( 209) 228-4114
✉ sbs@ucmerced.edu
�� studentbilling.ucmerced.edu
Access your meal plan or use your CatCard as a debit card at campus dining facilities with just a swipe!
The UC Merced Campus ID Card (CatCard) is your student’s one-card access to student services and programs, buildings, and retail services. The fast and secure CatCard is a campus-wide convenience, right in your student’s wallet.
Because it is a safer alternative to carrying cash, we encourage students to use Cat Dollars to pay for on-campus expenses. Simply deposit money into the Cat Dollars Plan and, with the swipe of your student’s card, the exact amount of their purchase is deducted from the balance. Cat Dollars can be used at any location and will roll over year to year. With the CatCard, there is never a reason for your student to worry about having enough cash in their pocket to buy supplies at the Campus Store, grab a snack or drink on the way to class, or make photocopies.
Uses for the CatCard:
�� Campus identification
�� Check out resource materials from the Kolligian Library
�� Purchase meals and merchandise at the Dining Center, Lantern Café, and Marketplace
�� Door access to secured academic and residential buildings
�� Photocopy and print using network printers
�� Purchase textbooks, supplies, and collegiate gear at the Campus Store
�� Access the Gallo Recreation Center (i.e. your student’s gym membership card)
�� Access residence laundry rooms
�� Identification for free ride with the CatTracks and city buses
We encourage your student to enroll in the CatCard MobileID. MobileID is a companion smartphone web app available to UC Merced students and employees allowing them to:
This new functionality makes accessing campus services more convenient.
�� Pay for meals and merchandise at dining locations across campus
�� Add Cat Dollar funds
�� Check plan balances and recent transactions
�� Immediately deactivate a lost CatCard
�� Check in at a campus event
�� Donate or request into iCare (a food security meal donation program that allows on- and off-campus students to donate or request meal swipes) using your smart device
However, MobileID is not meant to replace the physical CatCard ID and will not allow door access entry.
If you have questions about the student ID, MobileID, Cat Dollars, or Meal Plan, please visit catcard.ucmerced.edu or call or email the CatCard Office. We are here to help you in any way we can.
Contact Information:
�� ( 209) 500-6464
✉ catcard@ucmerced.edu
�� catcard.ucmerced.edu
In the spirit of our namesake, Mr. Calvin E. Bright, our goal is to ensure our talented, motivated, and inspired scholars have the academic support and resources that will assist them in attaining their educational, personal, and professional goals and dreams. Bright Success Center staff do this by engaging scholars in programs and workshops designed to support them as they transition to and through UC Merced. For more information visit learning.ucmerced.edu
Fiat Lux
Guardian Scholars
Learning Support
New Student Orientation
Services for Undocumented Students
Success Mentor Program (SMP)
Transfer, Returning, Veteran Program (TRV)
Underground Scholars
Living learning community specifically designed for first-generation, lowincome scholars.
Supports scholars who are current or former foster youth or have experienced homelessness.
Supports students’ academic development and engagement in courses and learning experiences outside the classroom. Through classroom, workshop, small groups, 1-on-1 and online experiences, we assist students in overcoming barriers and celebrating academic milestones.
Introduces incoming students, families, support network members, and guests to life at UC Merced.
Provides service to undocumented scholars. Services include legal services and educational programming.
Peer-to-peer mentor program designed to pair first-year students with upper-division students.
Provides support and community to transfer, returning, and veteran scholars and dependents.
Support for scholars who were formerly incarcerated and/or system impacted or come from families impacted by incarceration.
guardianscholars. ucmerced.edu
undergroundscholars. ucmerced.edu
The Student Learning Centers support the academic success of all students in the UC Merced community. Staffed by undergraduate tutors and consultants, each center provides tutoring sessions, workshops, and events for disciplines across campus to help foster UC Merced’s commitment to learning, discovery, and engagement. Under Division of Undergraduate Education, Student Learning Centers include PLUS Center, STEM Tutoring Hub, and University Writing Center.
�� pluscenter.ucmerced.edu
PLUS Center offers learning support for students who take SSHA classes through course specific study groups and weekly walk-in sessions. Collaboration within the study group is encouraged and supported. Peer Leads are vetted and endorsed by faculty, and they participate in training. The Center provides workshops, study skills support, class orientation and the development of study culture.
�� stemcenter.ucmerced.edu/academic-services
The STEM Tutoring Hub offers free drop-in learning support for UCM students taking lower division STEM courses. The center hires undergraduate tutors for math, CSE, physics, chemistry, and biology. The tutors participate in trainings and meet with faculty to adjust to student needs. The STEM Tutoring Hub offers study sessions for specific courses, workshops, and events. It is designed to serve the diverse UC Merced undergraduate population by providing continuous and comprehensive educational support.
�� writingcenter.ucmerced.edu
The University Writing Center (UWC) offers one-on-one consultations and workshops in support of writing across campus, providing feedback and resources for students throughout the writing process, from pre-writing to final drafting. The UWC staff is committed to sustained dialogue about writing and engagement with students as they develop flexible and informed writing processes, strategies, and practices.
The Bobcat Advising Center (BAC) is the assigned academic advising home for all first years (freshman admits) in every major, undeclared lower division transfers, and undeclared continuing students in every class year. Our mission is to support first years and undeclared transfers as they make a successful academic transition to a rigorous research university while simultaneously working toward their personal, academic, and career goals.
Each first year and undeclared transfer has an assigned academic advisor in BAC with required in-person appointments that begin after the student has arrived on campus in the first semester. Our BAC academic advising team also provides optional Zoom (virtual) drop-in advising in the summer (late June through midAugust) for fall first year or undeclared lower division transfer admits who have academic questions before they arrive at UC Merced.
Interactions with First Years and Undeclared Lower Division Transfer Admits:
�� BAC academic advisors assist first years and undeclared lowerdivision transfers with developing an academic plan based on their individual academic history (placement exams, AP or IB exams, intended major, transcripts received by UC Merced for college courses taken during high school or at their previous college) and intended career path.
�� BAC academic advisors meet individually in appointments with their assigned students each semester. Appointments begin after students report to campus. During the fall appointment, BAC academic advisors help students develop a plan for second semester classes, discuss major and career interests, review remaining graduation requirements, identify academic support resources, and discuss opportunities (research, study abroad, leadership, clubs and organizations, optional summer classes, etc.) to enhance their academic, personal, and career goals.
�� In addition to appointments, each BAC academic advisor has daily walk-in hours during the academic year that allow students to drop in to meet with their assigned academic advisor briefly (10-15 minutes) for quick questions or urgent situations. Extended walk-in hours are offered at the start of each semester and during registration.
�� BAC collaborates with a variety of campus partners (faculty members, Residence Education, Study Abroad, Student Career Center, Bright Success Center, English Language Institute etc.) to offer workshops that support the needs of BAC students.
�� BAC peer advisors offer drop-in hours and a variety of workshops tailored to the successful academic transition of first years and undeclared transfers.
Point Green VernalPoolLane Pavilion Lawn
Granite Pass & Granite Pass Housing Sentinel Rock Housing
Kelley Grove
Little Terrace
Joseph E. Gallo Recreation & Wellness Center
Library Lot 1 Library Lot 2
El Portal Housing
Bookstore Welcome Center University Plaza Conference Center
Little Lake Wallace-DutraAmphitheater
Fred and Mitizie Ruiz Administration Center
University Ave University Lot
University Transit Center
Heath & Aquatic Center Welcome Center
Pump House
Yablokoff-Wallace Dining Center
Cat Quad
Tuolumne MariposaMariposa Lawn
Hostetler Court Gymnasium MuirLot Student Activities & Athletic Center
Kern Kings
Calaveras Terrace Center
Fresno Tulare
San Joaquin Merced
Bobcat Field Recreation Field
Mammoth Lakes Road
The Summits Housing Cathedral Tenaya
Half Dome Housing
Scholar’s Lane
Scholars Lot
Summits Quad RanchersRoad
Early Childhood Education Center ECEC LOT
Helping Students Get Farther, Faster! Join Us To Get Ahead!
Summer Session offers a variety of courses every summer in six- and eight-week sessions.
Financial aid and housing are available. Students must enroll in at least six units to be eligible to apply for financial aid.
June 17th
With Summer Session students can:
�� Take courses online from home
�� Stay on track to graduate in four years
�� Get ahead and make space for research, internships, or study abroad later on
�� Add a minor with the psychology summer minor guarantee
` @UCMercedSummerSessions
q @UCMercedsummersession
d @UCMSummer
For more information on Summer Session, including dates and course listings, please visit summersession.ucmerced.edu or email summersession@ucmerced.edu.
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a federal law intended to protect the privacy of student education records accumulated from early childhood through college.
FERPA provides parents with certain rights with respect to their children’s education records up until entry to the University. When a student enters the university, the rights parents previously held transfer exclusively to the student.
The university considers students to be adults, regardless of age or financial dependence. Ordinarily, parents of UC Merced students obtain information about their students’ records directly from their students. The payment of a student’s tuition by the parent does not, by itself, give the parent the right of access to a student’s education record.
Questions regarding these procedures can be directed to the Office of the Registrar at registrar@ucme rced.edu .
For more information about FERPA, visit www2.ed.gov/policy/gen/guid/f pco/ferpa .
To fully experience university life, nothing equals living on campus, where students are part of a tight-knit community, make lifelong friends, and enjoy the convenience of only a short distance to classrooms and professors’ offices.
Housing & Residence Education offers students a variety of leadership development activities, both paid and unpaid. In addition, there are many exciting living learning communities that bring academics into the residence halls. Students in these living learning communities have many opportunities to take classroom learning to another level with their peers, faculty, and staff.
Residents are encouraged to take advantage of the many amenities available as part of the Housing and Residence Education contract. Student and professional staff work closely with residents to provide educational and social activities. In addition, residents have access to study rooms, meeting rooms, game rooms (pool tables, ping pong, foosball and air hockey tables), music and dance rooms, outside BBQ grill, bike storage, computers and printers, the vending center, and much more. Included in the cost of rent is Internet access and all utilities.
The following dates are subject to change. For the most current information, please visit housing.ucmerced.edu
March 1
March 2
May 19 (New First-Year Students)
June 1
June 6 (New Transfer Students)
July 18–August 4
August 22–25
2024–2025 Housing applications open for new students.
2024–2025 Housing contract offers begin for new students.
2024–2025 Housing guarantee priority date. First-year students who signed by this date are guaranteed housing on campus.
Last date to cancel 2024–2025 housing contract w/o $300 fee. Priority date for 2024–2025 housing accommodations requests. Students begin selecting move-in date and time in housing portal.
2024–2025 Housing guarantee priority date. Transfer students who signed by this date are guaranteed housing on campus.
2024–2025 Housing assignments.
2024–2025 Campus housing move-in.
The Housing Services office is the point of contact for billing, housing contract, and room assignment questions. They primarily serve the student before they move into housing.
�� ( 209) 228-2293
✉ housing@ucmerced.edu
�� housing.ucmerced.edu
The Residence Education office is the point of contact for questions about mail services, campus services for housing students, and life on campus. They primarily serve the student after they move into housing.
�� ( 209) 228-4663
✉ residenceeducation@ucmerced.edu
` Extra-long twin bedding (80” x 30”): sheets, pillows, pillowcases, blankets, bedspread/comforter
` Bathroom supplies and toiletries: towels, soap, shampoo, toothbrush and paste, razor, lotions and other personal items
` Power strip with surge protector
` Extra-long power cords for mobile devices and cell phone charger
` Alarm clock
` Laundry bag/basket and laundry detergent
` Study/desk lamp (halogen lamps must be fire-safety rated)
` Padlock for desk drawer (combo or key)
` Emergency supplies: flashlight, first aid kit, etc.
` Prescribed medications
` Micro-fridge or one Energy Star microwave oven (900 watt) per room and one small refrigerator (no larger than 4.2 cu. ft.) per two persons assigned in the room. See Housing Handbook policy “AP 03: Appliances” for more information.
Updated information on what to bring can be found on the website: housing.ucmerced.edu/prospective-students/what-to-bring
There are many exciting Living Learning Communities that bring academics into the residence halls. Students in these Living Learning Communities have many opportunities to take classroom learning to another level with their peers, faculty, and staff.
Students with similar interests or majors live together and participate in programs that cater to their academic, social, and personal growth. Students in these living-learning environments will have opportunities to interact with faculty, student, and staff mentors.
All students are encouraged to apply for a Living Learning Community. It is a great step to an enriching experience at UC Merced!
�� housing.ucmerced.edu/af ro-terrace
The AFRO Hall Living and Learning Community welcomes first-year and continuing students from all cultures who are interested in exploring the African Diaspora.
�� housing.ucmerced.edu /aristotle
Aristotle House will broadly explore the three pillars of Leadership, Education, and Service in the Natural Sciences. This community is committed to helping students hone their leadership skills, develop lifelong friendships, engage in community outreach, and explore careers in all facets of education. Students in this LLC are passionate about making a difference in the world through active leadership, education, and service.
�� housing.ucmerced.edu /beyond_md
Beyond the MD welcomes all students interested in pursuing biomedical and health-related professions including (but not limited to) the MD track. Whether you are unsure about a career in health sciences or want to explore your career in this field, Beyond the MD engages students in critical reflection to explore pathways to health careers. Students will engage with local health
care professionals and faculty who work in biomedical research and public health in order to learn about career options in clinical, industry, government, and academic settings.
�� housing.ucmerced.edu/carson
Carson House provides a once-in-ageneration opportunity to explore sustainability to preserve an economic, social, and environmental way of living for future generations. Our community engages with local and on-campus ventures related to food waste, energy efficiency, and community education.
The Entrepreneurship Living Learning Community is intended for students from diverse backgrounds who are interested in any form of entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship may include starting small businesses, taking new products and designs to market, serving as an “intrapreneur” within a corporation or “non-startup entrepreneurship” (e.g., licensing a product, buying and selling assets like businesses or financial instruments), or developing personal business, design and marketing acumen. In addition to shared coursework, students will have unique extracurricular opportunities to network with entrepreneurs, visit start-up companies, hear from guest speakers, and receive mentoring.
The Explore House LLC is designed to foster a sense of community among undecided students, with a focus on providing programming and resources related to major and career exploration. Activities will engage students in identifying their strengths, interests, and possible career paths. This community is designed for students who begin their career at UC Merced as an undeclared/undecided student as well as those who seek to hone their experience through exploration of UC Merced’s range of academic programs.
�� fiatlux.ucmerced.edu
The Fiat Lux program aims to enhance your academic performance, drive and ambition, and overall college experience. Members of this program are encouraged to live together as part of the Fiat Lux Living Learning Community. Fiat Lux residents have the opportunity to participate in monthly faculty receptions and participate in the common course USTU 10.
International House
International House Merced provides students the opportunity to identify their own pathway to becoming a global citizen, engage in on-campus and off-campus cultural events, and learn about cultural and political trends in the world: food, customs, languages, beliefs, migrations, social justice, climate, LGTBQ+ issues. International House LLC is open to all students interested in international issues who seek to be change-makers in today’s world. Members of our community are expected to be active members who exhibit curiosity, initiative, and a desire to positively impact the world around them.
Leadership and Service Living Learning Community
�� housing.ucmerced .edu/LSLLC
The Leadership and Service Living Learning Community (LSLLC) is open to first-year students interested in exploring and developing leadership and becoming active and engaged members of their community.
The LCE-LLC program is designed to engage students with choices they can make that will facilitate the energy transition toward renewable energy. In particular, students interested in electrical engineering as either a major or minor are encouraged to join.
The Professional Engineering LLC is available for first-year students interested in engineering careers. Students will engage in communal learning and career development experiences such as workshops, panel discussions, and collaborative projects. The PE LLC in academic year 2024–25 will be affiliated with the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE), whose members will provide peer support for first-year students to socially adjust and academically succeed as engineering majors. Please note that members of this LLC are required to attend professional development events outside of class.
By invitation only: students showing strong committment to academic excellence while in high school as well as demonstrated leadership skills.
The Transfer Living Learning Community provides a supportive environment for transfer students to successfully transition to UC Merced’s culture and community.
Recognizing that transfer students need support that is different from freshman services, the Transfer LLC provides academic support for upper-division courses, a transition course only for transfers, a social experience that helps transfer students build a network on campus, and an opportunity to interact with faculty.
�� housing.ucmerced.e du/vaughan
Vaughan House is a community of scholars interested in learning how to use computers to code and solve problems in math and science. Students participating in this learning community have minimal experience with computers and coding but learn to use popular coding languages to explore concepts in their biology, earth systems, chemistry, math, and physics courses. Community activities include friendly competition and collaboration facilitated by House Fellows, presentations by faculty who use computers in their research, and organized study sessions.
Contact Information:
�� ( 209) 228-2293
✉ livinglearning@ucmerced.edu
�� housing.ucmerced.edu/llc
Education is a way to empower, transform, and cultivate seeds of hope. Students, family members, and support systems play a fundamental role in helping them accomplish their academic, personal and career goals.
The Office of the Associate Vice Chancellor and Dean of Students
The Dean of Students Office is committed to providing students with access to resources and tools needed to accomplish their academic, personal, and career goals.
Overarching Services:
�� Academic accommodations
�� Case management (student success planning)
�� Emergency funding and basic needs support (housing, food and transportation)
�� Programs and initiatives
�� Student Response Team (address students in crisis)
✉ hfrench@ucmerced.edu
Congratulations on the hard work and many successes you have had in preparing your student for this important next step. The foundation you have provided over the years will accompany your student across the miles and throughout the years.
Heather French, Ed.D. Dean of Students, Associate Vice Chancellor�� Be a coach and an anchor (helping to guide and support rather than pressure).
�� Recognize indicators of distress (academic, physical, psychological, safety, etc.).
�� Help your student construct and manage a financial plan.
�� Find a balance and determine how much or how little is reasonable communication.
�� Normalize the idea that to seek help is a sign of strength.
�� Encourage your student to use appropriate campus resources such as Counseling and Psychological Services, the Bright Success Center, the Writing Center, etc.
�� Ask about courses rather than focusing on grades. Invite your student to share with you the discovery of new ideas, academic interests, and intellectual passions.
�� Remember the guidance of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
�� Encourage your student to develop a community of support.
Your student deserves to be here.
Many students experience imposter syndrome and struggle with chronic self-doubt and feelings of inadequacy and intellectual fraudulence, even when there’s evidence that the opposite is true (Ma, 2017).
�� counseling.ucmerced.edu/ resources/family-and- loved-ones
It is important to remind your student of the following:
�� Do not compare yourself to others. Each person’s journey is uniquely their own.
�� Choose self-worth over self-pity.
�� Continue learning and growing as education is a form of liberation.
�� Make changes, as needed, not excuses.
�� Allow yourself to embrace all that you are in every moment.
�� Always remember that you are a brilliant and powerful being who will revolutionize and change the world around you.
�� Remember that you matter, that you are loved, and that you deserve to be here.
After-hours services available by calling (209) 228-4266 (select option 1) for students who need to speak with a mental health professional or are experiencing a crisis after normal business hours.
Please encourage your student to use the on-campus Health Center. The Student Health Center is located in the Health and Athletics Center (second floor) located at the corner of Champion Way and University Avenue, directly by the University Transit Center. Student Health Services provides a relaxed, friendly environment so that students, especially younger students, feel comfortable coming in for help. It is staffed by board certified physicians, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants, who love working with students and are experienced with health issues specific to this age group.
Regardless of health insurance coverage, all enrolled students can utilize the Student Health Center for their health needs. Even if your student waives the UC Student Health Insurance Plan (UC SHIP), they are still eligible to visit the Student Health Services for basic care.
Student Health Services provides comprehensive medical, mental health, and health promotion services to all registered UC Merced students. Their mission is to help each student strive for maximum physical and emotional health while pursuing their academic and personal goals at UC Merced.
Student Health Services is open from 8 am to 4:30 pm Monday through Friday except on university holidays.
Contact Information:
�� ( 209) 228-2273
✉ health@ucmerced.edu
�� health.ucmerced.edu
The mission of Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) is to support the mental health of UC Merced students in a confidential atmosphere of acceptance and accessibility to promote academic, personal, and social development. CAPS is committed to providing a safe, supportive, inclusive, and affirming environment to meet the unique needs of our diverse student community. CAPS and the Student Health Center have a collaborative relationship and have adopted an integrated approach to wellness.
�� Free to registered undergraduate and graduate students
�� Individual therapy
�� Couples counseling (if both parties are registered students)
�� Group therapy
�� Crisis evaluation
�� Outreach and psychoeducational programming
�� Consultation
�� Referrals for medical or psychiatric services
Due to confidentiality, CAPS is unable to share any mental health information with parents, guardians and/or caregivers without the student’s written consent. However, the clinical staff at CAPS can receive any information related to concerns about a student’s well-being as well as provide general consultation to third parties such as faculty, staff, parents, and other students.
Wellness coaching for any UC Merced student. These are free sessions available to students through the 2024/2025 academic year. Sign up at: theblackgirldoctor.com /ucmerced .
Online therapy services that accepts UC SHIP and other health insurance. For students with UC SHIP, there is no co-pay for this service. For more information: livehealthonline.com.
Online therapy service that accepts UC SHIP and does not charge students a co-pay. Testing/assessment may also be available through this service. Contact them to determine availability and cost. To find our more, go to: myucship.lyrahealth.com .
Affordable, in-person services in Fresno that include therapy and psychological testing/assessment for issues such as ADHD. Contact them at (559) 253-2277
Contact Information:
�� ( 209) 228-4266
✉ counseling@ucmerced.edu
�� counseling.ucmerced.edu
q @ucmercedcaps
UC Merced Police
UC Merced Police department employs experienced police officers, dispatchers and support staff who provide services 24/7, 365 days a year to enhance student success.
We strive to listen and respond to any safety concerns faced by members of our community, whether the issue be physical, psychological, or emotional. By collaborating with university partners, the department is able to assist your scholars with the resources needed in order to be safe and feel safe.
The UCMPD team prides itself on engaging with students, staff, faculty, and guests at the university. Our educational programs highlight how we focus time and energy on enhancing the student experience. We invite all incoming students to visit our website, join a program, and get to know us!
Police Department services include:
�� Response to emergency and nonemergency calls for service and blue lights
�� Complex investigations
�� Crime prevention and programs: Mentor Program, Violent Intruder Response Training, and Police Insight Program
�� Lost and found, bike and electronics registration, live scan, and special events
�� Mass notification for emergencies: UCM Alert and Emergency Preparedness
�� CLERY crime stats/Annual Security Report, and daily activity logs (both online)
�� Emergency Response and Preparedness
Contact information:
UCMPD welcomes concerns, perceptions, and ideas on how to best serve the Bobcat community. Dial 911 for emergencies.
�� (209) 228-2677 for dispatch
�� police.ucmerced.edu
�� emergency.ucmerced.edu
The CARE Office provides prevention education for the UC Merced community to achieve an environment free from the threat of sexual violence, dating/domestic violence, sexual exploitation, and stalking. Throughout the school year, the CARE Office hosts awareness months events, workshops, social media campaigns, learning fairs, specialized prevention training, and self-care fairs to raise awareness about issues that affect our campus.
The CARE office also provides free and confidential advocacy services to survivors through our campus advocate, Guadalupe Naranjo. An advocate will help support a survivor in any way they need by giving them options and resources. The advocate is available not just for survivors but also for friends, family and partners of survivors.
As a reminder, all incoming students need to complete mandatory sexual violence prevention online training to recognize and prevent sexual assault, dating violence, sexual exploitation, and stalking. For information about this training, visit: sexualviolence.ucmerced.edu/ education-and -training .
Contact Information:
For confidential support services, please call or text Guadalupe (Campus Advocate) at 209 -386-2051.
�� 209-228-4147 for general inquiries
✉ UCMCARE@ucmerced.edu
�� care.ucmerced.edu
The Office of Student Involvement is committed to building a sense of belonging and school spirit by helping students explore ways to get involved on campus, develop new leadership talents, and engage in meaningful experiences that will prepare them for the challenges of tomorrow. Get involved through:
�� Large-scale events such as concerts (Treats N’ Beats and Cowtopia)
�� Campus unity such as movie nights, CAB Day, Winter Ball
�� Traditional events such as CABapalooza, Bobcats Got Talents, Cabsterical, Dance-Off
�� Advocacy and support for student body
�� Support student initiatives through funding Registered Clubs and Organizations (RCOs) and the UC community
�� Building skills and lifelong relationships through over 20 professional, social, and honors fraternities and sororities
�� Develop leadership and scholarship, build community, and promote friendship through service and philanthropy
�� Join a diverse array of clubs and organizations (over 200 RCOs)
�� Get involved…get connected… explore interests
�� Visit catlife.ucmerced.edu for a comprehensive list of Registered Clubs and Organizations
Contact Information:
Enrique Guzman , Director
�� 20 9-228-5433
�� studentinvolvement.ucmerced.edu
�� socialjustice.ucmerced.edu
The Office of SJI&IP aims to enhance the retention of our historically underserved scholars and to foster an inclusive campus environment for all by providing opportunities for holistic development, intersectional community building, and student agency.
In our commitment to serving UC Merced’s diverse scholar community, we seek to influence university policies and practices to position our campus as a hub for transformative leadership and social change.
�� API Mentorship program
�� Outreach and programmatic support to API organizations
�� Community building
�� Culturally relevant programs, resources and workshops
Black Scholars’ Resource Center (BSRC)
�� Outreach and programmatic support to Black student organizations
�� Community building and support
�� Culturally relevant programs, resources and workshops
�� Talking/healing workshops
�� Community reflection circles/spaces
LGBTQ+ Pride Center
�� Pride Week
�� Queer Ally Program
�� Annual Fabulosity Drag Show
�� Trans Awareness Week and Day of Silence observation
�� Lavender Graduation
�� Community reflection circles/spaces
�� Intersectional Identity Programming
�� Culturally relevant programs, resources, and workshops
�� Community building
�� Cultural and historical yearly celebrations
�� Social Justice Retreat
�� Community reflection circles/spaces
�� Outreach and programmatic support to multicultural organizations
�� Social Justice workshops and learning series
Camerina Angelica Morales, MA Director, Social Justice Initiatives & Identity Programs
✉ cmorales22@ucmerced.edu
Connor Calaway Coordinator of LGBTQ+ Initiatives, Office of SJI&IP
✉ ccalaway@ucmerced.edu
Destany Charles Assistant Director, Social Justice Initiatives & Identity Programs
✉ destanycharles@ucmerced.edu
The Recreation and Athletics department is committed to student wellness. Students have access to a variety of recreation activities, intramural sports, club sports, fitness classes, and intercollegiate athletics. Students can participate in everything from an Outdoor Experience Program backpacking trip to cheering their fellow students to victory on a club or intercollegiate team.
The Student Activities and Athletics Center along with the Joseph Edward Gallo Recreation and Wellness Center provide drop-in recreation, fitness classes, free weights, and cardio equipment. Students have access to lap swim at the Aquatics Center along with tennis courts, outdoor basketball courts and the Recreation Field. All registered students have access to the Recreation facilities with their CatCard. Visit recreation.ucmerced.edu.
UC Merced is a member of the California Pacific Athletic Conference of the NAIA and is in the process of applying for membership into the NCAA Division II.
�� ucmercedb obcats.com
The Bobcats currently compete in the following sports:
�� Men’s and women’s basketball
�� Men’s and women’s cross country
�� Men’s and women’s outdoor track
�� Men’s and women’s soccer
�� Men’s and women’s volleyball
�� Men’s and women’s water polo
The Student Career Center, a unit of the Office of Leadership, Service and Career, offers career services to all enrolled undergraduate and graduate students throughout their time at UC Merced. Services continue to be available after graduation to UC Merced alumni. We encourage all students to connect with the Student Career Center during their first year at UC Merced and to return often throughout their enrollment.
UC Merced offers your student a highly personalized approach to career development. Each student can meet with their very own Career Specialist who is knowledgeable about career pathways associated with your student’s academic major. Students receive individualized assistance as they explore careers, write and revise their resume, practice interviewing, learn about skills-building opportunities, gain career-related experience, search for jobs and internships, find a career mentor, and apply for graduate or professional school programs.
The Student Career Center also provides students with opportunities to meet with employers interested in hiring UC Merced students and graduates for internships, full-time employment, and other career opportunities.
In addition to receiving coaching from their Career Specialist, students can get involved with the Career Center in a variety of ways that support their career goals.
At the Career Center, students can:
�� Participate in interactive workshops to build their professional toolkit
�� Attend Career and Internship Fairs, Networking Mixers, and Information Sessions to meet recruiters and industry professionals
�� Optimize their LinkedIn profile to create their professional brand
�� Develop a job and internship search strategy
�� Learn business etiquette skills while enjoying a 3-course meal
�� Engage with professional mentors, including UC Merced alumni
�� Gain first-hand knowledge about a company by participating in a CareerTrek to an employer’s site
�� Identify the career skills gained by participating in experiences available both on and off campus such as Community Service, Internships, Leadership Development programs, Study Abroad experiences and Student Organizations
Contact Information:
✉ careercenter@ucmerced.edu
�� hire.ucmerced.edu
�� ucmerced.joinhandshake.com
Join the UC Merced Parent & Family Network to stay informed, get connected, and support student success. Members help to promote and enhance campus opportunities by engaging, participating, and establishing a sense of community with one another, as well as directly connecting with the campus community.
To learn more, please visit: ucm.edu/PFN.
Fall Semester 2024
April 29–July 29 Submission Period for Health Insurance Waiver Fall 2024
May 15 (First-Year Fall Admits)
June 1 (Transfer Admits) Statement of Intent to Register (SIR) Priority Deadline
May 19 (First Year)
June 6 (New Transfer) Student Housing Application Priority Deadline
June 1 (All 2024-2025) Student Housing – Accommodations Priority Deadline
June 1
July 1 (Fall Admits)
Financial Aid Document Deadline
Postmark Deadline for Final, Official Transcripts
July 15 (Fall Admits) Final Test Scores Due in Office of Admissions
July 29 Deadline to Submit Health Insurance Waiver Fall 2024
August 14 Financial Aid Disbursement Begins
August 22–25 Student Housing Move In
August 28 Fall Instruction Begins
September 2 Labor Day Holiday
September 18 Last Day to Add/Drop Courses
October 22 Mid-Semester Grades Due
November 11 Veterans Day Holiday
November 12–22 Spring 2025 Registration Continuing Students
November 27 Non-Instructional Day
November 28–29 Thanksgiving Holiday
December 13 Fall Instruction Ends
December 14 &
December 16–20 Final Exams
December 20 Fall Semester Ends
December 21
Student Housing Fall Closing
December 21 Fall Commencement Ceremony
November 4–
January 7
January 7
January 11
January 19
January 20
January 21
Submission Period for Health Insurance Waiver Spring 2025
Deadline to Submit Health Insurance Waiver Spring 2025
Spring Financial Aid Disbursement Begins
Student Housing Move In
Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday
Spring Instruction Begins
February 1 Continuing Student Scholarship Opens
February 10
Last Day to Add/Drop Courses
February 17 Presidents Day Holiday
February 20 Summer 2025 Registration Opens
March 1
March 2
March 2
March 18
March 24–27
March 28
April 7–18
May 9
Summer Financial Aid Application Opens
FAFSA/CADAA Dream Application Priority Deadline
Continuing Student Scholarship Application Deadline
Mid-Semester Grades Due
Spring Recess
Cesar Chavez Holiday
Fall 2025 Registration Continuing Students Note: New student registration typically takes place in June
Spring Instruction Ends
May 10 & May 12–16 Final Exams
May 16
May 17
May 17–18
Spring Semester Ends
Student Housing Move Out
Spring Commencement Ceremonies
Important deadlines and other requirements can be found on your Student’s Checklist. For a comprehensive list of dates and deadlines visit studentsfirst.ucmerced.edu/datesdeadlines .