
Tips to help you support your student throughout their college career
We are strong believers in the importance of a student's support system as they tackle the challenges and opportunities of college. Whether you are the parent, grandparent, stepparent, guardian, family friend, counselor, coach, or mentor of a college student, you can have a positive impact on the student you care about and their success.
This guide touches on many important and helpful topics. There are additional resources on CollegiateParent.com

CollegiateParent provides print and digital resources for families of college students via our website and in partnership with colleges and universities across the US. Please visit COLLEGIATEPARENT.COM to get our latest tips, sign up for the Loop (our parent eNewsletter), and connect with us on social media.
INSIDER CONTENT (PART 2–PART 4) BY: Amy Baldwin, Ed.D., Rob Danzman, MS, NCC, LCMHC, Mindy East, Kate Gallop, Vicki Nelson, Cambria Pilger, LaTrina Rogers, Suzanne Shaffer, and CollegiateParent staff. To learn about our contributors, visit their author pages on COLLEGIATEPARENT.COM .
DESIGNED BY: Kade O’Connor © 2024 CollegiateParent. All rights reserved.

Dear UO Parents and Families,
On behalf of the Division of Student Life, I am pleased to welcome you and your student to the University of Oregon! Your student’s college experience is an exciting time for the whole family. At the UO, we know that parents and family members of our students are invaluable partners in student success.
Parent and Family Programs is committed to keeping you informed and engaged through communications, membership, networking, and events. We believe that you, too, can have a Duck experience while supporting your student through their time here at the UO. You are a key part of the student experience, and we sincerely appreciate your involvement. If you’re especially interested in being involved, we have opportunities for parents and family members to volunteer. Many of our families work together to build Duck communities around the country through service events, student receptions and send-offs, athletic watch parties, care package parties, and more.
This guide was created with you in mind and includes articles to help you better understand the first year of college, introduce you to campus resources, and provide tips and tools to holistically support your student’s success. In addition to this guide, I encourage you to utilize our Parent and Family Programs website resources, including our University of Oregon Family Portal. We hope to see you at our Family Weekends and look forward to working with you to make this the best experience for you and your Duck. Welcome to the University of Oregon family!
Kris Winter, EdD Interim Vice President for Student LifeFamily Resources
The University of Oregon and Parent and Family Programs are committed to helping our Duck families engage with the university and provide much needed support to their students. Programs and publications, such as this guide, are offered as a way of providing insight into the student experience and strategies for positive family engagement. Below you will find a collection of resources available to families.
University of Oregon Family Portal
The portal provides access to information, news, and resources curated just for family members of University of Oregon students. To sign up visit families.uoregon.edu .
Members who create a profile can select preferences about what type of information you receive in your emailed e-Newsletter. Information will be sent to you based on what you have chosen to see and what communities you have selected to be a part of within the Portal. This allows you to get the information that is most relevant to you and your Duck. You can still access other articles and information by logging into the Portal using the email address and password that you used when you created your account. Your selections will help to tailor the information that is sent to your inbox.
Parent and Family Association
Every parent and family supporter of an enrolled undergraduate student at the University of Oregon is automatically a general member of the Parent and Family Association (PFA). Family members can elect to join the Evergreen level of membership for a one-time fee. The one-time membership fee is waived for families of Pell Grant or Pathway Oregon eligible students.
Evergreen membership includes special benefits and lasts as long as your student attends the university. Evergreen membership in the PFA provides family members with a community-based connection to the university and expands your opportunity to connect with other Duck families. For more information about the benefits of Evergreen membership or to upgrade to the Evergreen level, visit families.uoregon.edu/parent-andfamily-association
Fall Family Weekend (date TBD).
Families are welcome to contact Parent and Family Programs directly should they have questions, concerns, or need advice to help their student. Parent and Family Programs
› 541-346-3234
› myduckis@uoregon.edu
› families.uoregon.edu Transportation Services
› amtrak.com
Eugene Airport (EUG)
› eugene-or.gov/173/Airport
Portland International Airport (PDX)
› flypdx.com
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Office Location
Academic Advising (undeclared)
101 Oregon Hall 541-346-3211 advising.uoregon.edu
Accessible Education Center 360 Oregon Hall 541-346-1155 aec.uoregon.edu
Associated Students of the University of Oregon (ASUO)
004 Erb Memorial Union 541-346-3724 asuo.uoregon.edu
Business Affairs Thompson’s University Ctr 541-346-3165 ba.uoregon.edu
Center for Multicultural Academic Excellence (CMAE)
401 Tykeson Hall 541-346-3479
inclusion.uoregon.edu/ center-multiculturalacademic-excellence-cmae
Counseling Services University Health Services Building 541-346-3227 counseling.uoregon.edu
Dean of Students Office 185 Oregon Hall 541-346-3216 dos.uoregon.edu
Division of Global Engagement
300 W Oregon Hall 541-346-3206 international.uoregon.edu
Division of Student Life Johnson Hall 541-346-3216 studentlife.uoregon.edu
Duck Rides Transportation Services 541-346-RIDE duckrides.uoregon.edu
Financial Aid and Scholarships 287 Oregon Hall 541-346-3221 financialaid.uoregon.edu
First-Year Programs 107 Oregon Hall 541-346-1131 fyp.uoregon.edu
Fraternity and Sorority Life
Global Education Oregon (GEO)
Holden Center for Leadership and Community Engagement
043 Erb Memorial Union 541-346-2912 dos.uoregon.edu/fsl
300 W Oregon Hall 541-346-3207 geo.uoregon.edu
047 Erb Memorial Union 541-346-1146 holden.uoregon.edu
ID Card Services Erb Memorial Union, ground level 541-346-4163 emu.uoregon.edu/card
Office of Investigations & Civil Rights Compliance
677 E 12 th Ave, Suite 452 541-346-3123 investigations.uoregon.edu
Location Phone Website
Office of the Registrar 234 Oregon Hall 541-346-2935 registrar.uoregon.edu
Parent and Family Programs 122 Esslinger Hall 541-346-3234 families.uoregon.edu
Student Alumni Association (SAA) 119 Ford Alumni Center 541-346-5656 uoalumni.com/saa
Student Orientation Programs 220 Unthank Hall 541-346-1159 orientation.uoregon.edu
Student Recreation Center 1320 E 15th Ave 541-346-4183 rec.uoregon.edu
Student Services and Enrollment Management 470 Oregon Hall 541-346-9386 ssem.uoregon.edu
Testing Center Knight Library, Room 31 541-346-3230 testing.uoregon.edu
The Daily Emerald 302 Erb Memorial Union 541-346-5511 dailyemerald.com
The Duck Store 895 E 13th Ave 541-255-0700 uoduckstore.com
Transportation Services 1401 Walnut St 541-346-5444 transportation.uoregon.edu
Tutoring and Academic Engagement Center Knight Library –4th Floor 541-346-3226 engage.uoregon.edu
University Career Center 050 Tykeson Hall 541-346-3235 career.uoregon.edu
University Health Services 1590 E 13th Ave 541-346-2770 health.uoregon.edu
University Housing Bean Hall Complex W 541-346-4277 housing.uoregon.edu
University President 110 Johnson Hall 541-346-3036 president.uoregon.edu
UO Libraries 1501 Kincaid St 541-346-3053 library.uoregon.edu
UO Police Department 2141 E 15th Ave 541-346-2919 police.uoregon.edu

Top Tips for Successful Students AND
By Vicki NelsonSuccess in college means many things. First-year students want to get good grades and enjoy what they’re learning, but they also want to make friends and have fun and hopefully keep their busy lives in balance so stress doesn’t overwhelm them.
They can do it all if they manage their time wisely and make the most of the resources available on campus. Here are tips for your student, and you too!
Successful Students…
Spend Enough Time Studying
Sounds obvious, huh? Spending quality study time is one of the most important skills your student needs to master, but it’s not as simple as it sounds.
High school students spend most of their time in class and just a few hours daily on homework. College flips that equation. The general rule is that, for each hour spent in the classroom, college students should spend two to three hours on outside-of-class work. That means a student taking five threecredit classes (15 hours a week in class) should be spending 30 additional hours on work outside of class
Many new college students haven’t grasped this expectation and are shocked when they realize how much study time is required to stay afloat. There’s no need to panic. There are enough hours in the day; it’s all about how your student uses them.
Build Good Habits
This is a process. Adjusting to college life involves trial and error, mistakes and even failure. That said, your student makes choices every day that can make the difference between flailing and thriving. Here are tips to share.
Keep a time journal for a few days. You’ll see how much time you actually spend studying, socializing, sleeping, scrolling, at a campus job or club activities, etc. Identify the “time stealers.”
Put your planner to good use. The increase in free time in college doesn’t mean it’s really “free” — it just means you control how you spend it. Take charge. Block out study times in your planner and stick to the plan. Don’t underestimate how much time big assignments will take. Put everything in your planner, including study breaks, meals, socializing, and exercise.
Figure out where and when you do your best studying. Even night owls will need to fit in some study time during the day, and get out of the residence hall if it’s too distracting.
Limit phone time. It takes practice, but turning off your phone during designated study time will help you be more focused and efficient.
Spend time with friends who study. It’s easier to put in the time when the people around you are too. For your hardest classes, find an accountability partner who will help you stay on track, and join or form a study group.
Create a Support Network
Independence doesn’t mean handling everything on one’s own. As your student takes responsibility for their new life, they must learn to ask for help and use campus resources.
This includes professors and academic advisors (learn more on page 16), librarians, writing and STEM centers, tutoring, residence hall staff, the career
center, and health and counseling services. Encourage your student to visit all these buildings even if they’re not ready to make an appointment.
Seek Balance
A good way to feel refreshed is to find the hidden gems on campus and in the surrounding community. One of them may turn out to be your student’s happy place. Encourage them to explore! They may discover…
A quiet lounge or out-of-the-way corner of the library for studying, thinking or napping
A local park or trail
An art gallery or museum
A music practice room or empty concert hall
A chapel or meditation room
A coffee shop or the town library
How Can Family Members Help?
Expect the first semester to have ups and downs.
Keeping this in mind will help you prepare for whatever comes your way. For example, The Phone Call (or possibly a whole series of them). A few weeks or months in, after the initial honeymoon of loving EVERYTHING about college, your new student may express a pronounced dip in enthusiasm. Lots of things might be happening.
Roommate problems can start to surface.
Coursework gets harder; midterm grades can be an unpleasant reality check.
Students grow exhausted by the effort it takes just to function. Completing daily living tasks (getting to class on time, doing laundry, juggling school work with social life and a job) can feel overwhelming.
Some of your students’ first new friends may peel off and head in different directions, and they may not yet have found true friends who matter.
Homesickness can bubble up at any point. Students miss family, old friends, and their significant other from high school (if they had one). Everything at college is still so strange.
Be their sounding board and cheerleader.
Students and family members alike should remember that college is a marathon, not a sprint. When you keep the big picture in mind and expect bumps in the road, you won’t be jolted by the occasional pothole.
Your job is to listen and help your new college student maintain perspective. Sometimes they’ll call just to vent, but in other cases they may need help coming up with an action plan. You can discuss what good conflict management skills look like, and the importance of confronting uncomfortable situations, whether with a roommate or in a class where they’re struggling. Remind them of the resources available to them, and express your confidence that they can solve their own problems. They can do this, and so can you.

Getting Involved ON CAMPUS
CBy Kate Gallopolleges have clubs for everything. Whether your student wants to get involved in sports, volunteering, advocacy, cultural groups, Greek life, or something related to their academic interests, there’s a club or organization ready to welcome them — or they can start their own!
Clubs are a great way for new students to extend themselves, make friends, continue the activities they love, and find new ones.
When I arrived on campus as a first-year student, everything felt so new. I woke up in a new room, found new classrooms, learned from new professors, ate new food, and met new people. It was exciting but also unsettling to be starting over completely. Each day I grew more used to my routine, but a few weeks in, something still seemed to be missing.
Then I attended an activities fair. I wandered around tables and wrote out my name and email possibly too many times. I followed up with clubs that looked interesting and went to a few first meetings. Before I knew it, I had joined the Club Basketball team. Playing a sport again helped me meet people who shared the same interest, fall into a healthy and comfortable routine, and feel more at home on campus. Greek Life, community service and mental health advocacy also drew me in.
Here are ideas to share with your student as they acclimate to their new campus community this fall:
Do Initial Research
In addition to activities fairs, your student can find a list of clubs with a short description and contact information by searching “campus life” or “student life” on the college website.
Ask Questions
When considering which groups to join, be sure to understand their expectations for members. This includes what the joining process is like, the time commitment, how lenient they are about attendance, and whatever else you’re curious about. This will help you anticipate if the club will be a good fit. It can be tempting to sign up for a ton of clubs — make sure you’re excited about each one you join.
Reach Out at Any Time
If you stumble upon a club that sounds fun, don’t be afraid to reach out, no matter how far into the semester it is. Some groups only accept new members at the start of the term, but contacting them will help you be aware
of when you can join and your interest will be appreciated. My roommate emailed the photography club halfway through fall semester and attended her first meeting the very next week. And don't be shy! Everyone's new and in the same boat. Put yourself out there!
Support Other Activities
Supporting friends in their activities throughout the year is a great way to feel connected on campus. I attended improv comedy sketches, a cappella concerts, and fundraisers. Going to events around campus helps you meet new people, and you may even find something you want to join. Look at posters, follow student activities on social media, and ask around!
Don’t Try to Do It All
My first year in college, I felt pressure to find all the groups I wanted to join immediately. Looking back, I could have paced myself better. Activities are a great way to meet people but there will be time to try new things and get more involved as the semesters go by.

Residential Life
By LaTrina RogersFirst-year students are starting a new chapter: college! It’s a new chapter for parents, too.
As a Director of Residential Life, I know it’s not easy to leave your student on their own, whether this is the first or third time you’ve taken a child to college. It’s natural to experience a myriad of emotions, and sometimes anxiety predominates. You’ve been nurturing your student through every stage of life, and the thought of not being there as they navigate new experiences can be nerve-wracking. These emerging adults are still your babies!
Campus housing staff are aware of how parents are feeling during the first semester of their student’s college journey. Many institutions offer programs, groups and events for family members to create a community of support. We’re there for you even as we encourage you to step back a bit to show confidence and trust in your student. Giving them space to develop into the person they desire to become is one of the goals of higher education.
Your first-year student’s living situation will play an important role in their adjustment to college. Schools want students to have a positive residential life experience! But it’s important to remember that there is no way to completely avoid some level of awkwardness or adversity during a student’s time on campus.
In recent years, I’ve found that many parents have unrealistic expectations of campus housing staff. There can be a “customer service” mindset, often accompanied by a sense that campus housing has an obligation to make things right for the customer (whether that’s the student or parent).
To avoid confusion and disappointment about campus housing policies and processes, here are three things it can be helpful to understand:
1. Communication will come from your student (not housing staff).
Many parents expect to receive a high level of personal attention from campus housing staff and get a phone call whenever there’s an issue with their student. In fact, college students are considered adults, and laws such as FERPA (the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) are in place to protect their privacy.
There are staff available to support students in every aspect of the college experience. But it is the student’s responsibility to reach out for assistance. There are many ways students can connect with campus resources, and procedures in place for students who are struggling, whether academically or personally.
Housing staff will not call parents at every point of adversity; instead, it’s the student’s responsibility to communicate with their parents or guardians. However, housing staff can call parents for drug- and alcohol-related issues or when a student is a danger to themselves or others.
2. We’re devoted to students’ well-being, but don’t keep tabs on them.
Another common expectation some parents have is that campus housing staff will help them track the whereabouts of their students. We often hear from parents concerned because their student isn’t returning their calls or texts. Parents even arrive on campus and want to enter a student’s room “just to check in.”
We understand parents worry if they don’t hear regularly from their student. It takes a while to get used to the fact that you no longer know at all times where they are and what they’re doing. It’s natural to want to make sure they’re okay.
However, most residence halls have visitor policies which apply to family members, too. And unless it’s an emergency, there’s not much housing staff can do about locating a student who is not in their room or answering their phone. If there is an emergency with a student who hasn’t been seen or heard from for a specific amount of time, typically that situation is referred to Public Safety.
Take some time during these early days of college to make a plan with your student about how often you will text or talk. This will put your mind at ease.
3. Your student will learn to do things on their own!
Over the years, I’ve had parents make some jaw-dropping requests such as personally waking up their student for class, cleaning rooms and helping students pack for move-out. Maybe because I’m known as “The Dorm Mom,” they assume I’ll do things for students that the students’ own parents might do at home.
I believe that these expectations spring from love and concern for their children. But since my goal is to foster independence, I encourage students
to take care of things on their own. I’m always happy to help by providing clarification, verification or assistance finding resources to complete a task. And I’ve led classes in the residence halls (and taught private one-onone lessons) on cooking, cleaning bathrooms, doing laundry and even time management.
College is a time of growth, and campus housing is the perfect supportive space for this growth to happen.
So, keep the lines of communication with your student wide open. Ask them what challenging situations they faced this week, what campus resources they took advantage of — and what they learned about themselves and their own capabilities along the way.

The Importance OF
he student-professor relationship is one of the most important to cultivate. Academic advisors are also key players in a student’s successful adjustment to college and can guide them all the way through to an on-time graduation.
You can encourage your student to create open lines of communication with their professors and make the most of every advising appointment. Here are tips and talking points.
Coach Your Student to Communicate With Professors
1. Establish a relationship early.
Professors will be happy to get to know your student before a problem arises. Any time during the semester (with the exception of the day before the final!) is a good time to reach out, but the sooner the better.
Your student should take cues from the syllabus about the best way to communicate. Is the professor available to meet in person or is email or an online meeting better? It goes without saying — if the professor prefers email, then use email and check it often.
When your student meets with the professor for the first time, they should have a list of questions ready. Here are a few that can help your student learn more about the professor’s expectations:
“I want to learn as much as I can in your class. What can I do to succeed?”
“I usually [fill in usual study practices]. What will work best for this class?”
“I want to be sure I start off with solid work in your class. Can I come see you before an assignment is due to make sure I’m on the right track?”
2. Seek immediate feedback after graded work.
If your student gets a low grade, or lower than anticipated, even if they think they know why, it’s good to check in with the professor as soon as possible. Here’s how to open a conversation:
“I reviewed my work. Can we go over what I did wrong so I understand what to do differently next time?”
“I’m bummed I messed up that assignment. Would you help me see where I made mistakes?”
“Can we talk about how this low grade will affect my progress in the course? I want to be sure to make the improvements I need to raise my grade.”
Because students share this fear with me, it’s worth telling you: Yes, professors really want to talk with students who’ve failed an assignment. No, they don’t think their students aren’t smart enough to pass their class.
Professors want their students to learn and to earn good grades. Your student shouldn’t be ashamed to speak to a professor about a class they’re failing. Reaching out demonstrates a willingness to improve.
Simple application
Flexible repayment options
Helpful tools and resources

Make the Most of an Advising Appointment
Academic advisors help students register for courses and keep track of credits and degree requirements. But that’s not all an advisor can do. Advisors can help your student connect with resources if they are having academic, personal or financial challenges. Your student should view their advisor as a guide, coach and support system. Here are three steps to follow.
1. Plan the visit with the advisor.
Students should prepare ahead of time for every appointment. The advisor needs to know what your student needs as soon as they get there.
Create a list of questions or a goal to share. For example: “I’m here to talk about what classes to take next semester and what would happen if I change my major.”
Look up policies, forms or other information that will improve the conversation. Your student may want to read course descriptions or download a copy of their degree plan.
Be ready to take notes. Will your student handwrite notes, type, or record the session? They’ll need notes about what was discussed and what steps to take next.
2. Role play the conversation.
I know from professional experience, and also from my own son who’s a college student, that many students don’t know what to say in the moment even with a list of questions in their hand. That’s why it’s important to practice the conversation ahead of time.
You don’t have to know the ins and outs of college advising — you just need to help your student learn how to ask questions and follow up with additional questions. Here’s a sample script:
Advisor Role: What can I do for you today?
Student: I need help registering for classes and I want to talk about changing my major.
Advisor Role: First, what classes are you thinking about taking? Then, tell me what’s motivating you to change your major.
Help your student identify what preparation they still need to do before their appointment and clarify what they want from the meeting.
3. Follow up if needed.
A single advising appointment probably won’t answer all your student’s questions. They may need a follow-up meeting or even multiple meetings.
Encourage your student to check in regularly with their advisor even if there isn’t a pressing issue. Other reasons to meet with an advisor include:
Your student’s progress in a course or courses is in jeopardy and they need to know what will happen if they fail a class.
They can’t get into a class that’s required for their degree plan.
They may not graduate on time.
They want advice on a different major, minor, or a career pathway.
Advisors can’t solve all of your student’s problems, but they can do a lot more than help with course registration. In fact, if your student cultivates a solid relationship with their advisor, they will have a coach and cheerleader all rolled into one.

Choosing a Major –
Every parent wants their student to find their “calling” and click with a major that will help pave the way to a career. Students want that, too! But the process of declaring a major can be scary as well as exhilarating.
By Amy Baldwin, Ed.D.“Am I making the right choice?” they wonder anxiously. “Will I be able to find a job after graduation?” And then there is the classic question from wellmeaning family and friends: “What are you going to do with that?”
For students whose majors are clear pathways to careers (think nursing,
or accounting), the last question can be answered easily. However, for undecided students worried not only about choosing the “right” major but also about how their degree will prepare them for employment someday, the question can increase their self-doubt. And with self-doubt comes even more anxiety.
Luckily, there are stress-reducing ways to support and guide students who are at this juncture. Here are six tips:
1. Relax.
No need to make this experience more traumatic than it already is. Remember that it’s normal for the journey from major to career to twist and turn. Make an effort to keep things in perspective and you’ll be able to share this attitude with your student.
2. Have them reflect on their past to figure out their future.
One of the best strategies to use with college students is to encourage them to reflect on what they liked when they were younger, what they did in their spare time for fun, and what activities they participated in and why. Their past holds clues about the kinds of majors that might interest them. For example, someone who counseled their friends through difficult times may find themselves interested in psychology or social work. An athlete might gravitate to sports management or sports medicine.
3. Encourage them to focus
on what they want to learn, not what sounds good.
The best way to erase self-doubt is to find a subject they like and that will help them build transferable skills. Ask what kinds of classes interest them the most and which classes challenge them to think and grow. Their answers should give them an idea of what they want to spend several years studying. A student who says they want to major in business “so my parents will leave me alone” is not a student who will be happy for long with their choice.
4. Suggest they compare degree plans and course descriptions.
Reading through the college’s course catalog is another way to narrow their choices. The course catalog and degree requirements can be found on the school’s website. If your student is choosing between economics and education, for example, suggest they read through the degree requirements, such as internships or foreign languages, to see which plan appeals to them more. Have them browse the course descriptions as well. They will spend a lot of time in their major courses and should be intrigued by the topics that await them in that department.
5. Remind them to speak regularly with an academic advisor and a career counselor.
The academic advisor will help them navigate the process of completing a degree, and the career counselor can help them develop a plan to translate what they’re learning to workplace needs. Meeting with both throughout college can keep your student on track and help them make any needed adjustments along the way.
6. Suggest they interview recent college graduates.
Some of the best advice about college majors comes from recent graduates. New graduates are likely to say that the skills they acquired in college (e.g., critical thinking, written communication, appreciation for diversity) are more important than the content knowledge they gained from their major. At the very least, their advice may lower the pressure to make a “right choice.”

5 Ways to Begin
Starting college is exciting for students and for their families, too. You spent the summer getting ready for the move to campus and soaking up the time together. Once the semester starts, your student’s focus shifts to academics and adjusting to life on their own.
With so much going on, it may seem silly to start talking about their career. However, starting career preparation early will set your student up for success. Here are five simple ways do that.
1. Change the mindset.
Contrary to popular belief, students shouldn’t wait until senior year to begin thinking about possible careers. Talking about it as early as the first year can build both clarity and confidence for your student. College is about intellectual exploration and personal growth (and of course having fun), but make a point as well to talk about how the purpose of their time in college is to prepare them for life — and a career — after graduation. If your student understands that the goal of getting their degree is to join the workforce, they’ll see the benefits of making it a priority to participate in resumebuilding activities each year of college.
2. Focus on building strong study skills.
Although GPA is only one factor employers consider when hiring graduates, it’s important to build a solid academic foundation as a firstyear student. Most universities require completion of general education courses before beginning higher-level classes specific to a major and degree program. Even students who excelled academically in high school can benefit from building strong study habits early on, and using general education courses to learn how to study and excel will boost the grade point average right from the start.
3. Explore clubs and organizations related to their major.
Joining a club can be one of the most rewarding experiences in college and a fantastic addition to your student’s first resume. Any co-curricular activity can build essential teamwork, organization, and leadership skills prized by employers, and in particular, clubs and organizations geared toward their career can give an early glimpse into their profession. It’s also a chance to meet older students with shared interests who can guide and mentor them.
4. Make connections on social media.
Once upon a time, the student newspaper and flyers posted around campus were the only way to find out what was going on. Now universities are highly active on social media, which means students can use platforms like Instagram and TikTok to “follow” campus resources including the career center, the department they are studying within, and the university’s main page.
While we’re on the subject, it’s a good time to remind your student to exercise some care around their personal social media accounts. Students will be tempted to post about how much fun they’re having in college, and may not realize that potential employers frequently do online searches of candidates prior to interviewing them. I recommend adding privacy settings and removing questionable photos such as party pictures.
5. Encourage your student to join Handshake and visit the Career Center.
Handshake is an online platform that connects college students to employers. Schools partner with Handshake to share information about career-related events, jobs, internships, on-campus employer visits, resume support and more. Your student should create a profile on Handshake and download the app so they have this resource at their fingertips.
It’s common for first-year students to be undecided about what career to choose. In fact, over 75% of college students change their major at least once. If your student has questions about what to study, remind them that they can make an appointment at the career center. Assessments can help them figure out what careers may be a match for them. Counselors at the career center can also help them set up informational interviews with alumni in their field. The first year is a perfect time to gain clarity on which career to pursue.
By focusing on these five things during their first year, your student will begin to lay the foundation for a successful career search. Students who invest time and energy in career preparation during each year of college will have more confidence and momentum than those who wait until graduation is around the corner. Considering that in recent years more than half of college students didn’t have a job lined up at the time of graduation, it just makes sense to make this a priority from year one. Best wishes to your student for a fantastic first year!

By CollegiateParentIn college, probably for the first time, your student will be wholly responsible for taking care of their own physical and emotional well-being.
For that reason, the most important health conversations you can have with them are ones where you encourage them to make wellness a priority in their daily lives, to familiarize themselves with health support resources on campus, and to always feel comfortable reaching out to you when they have a concern or just need a little advice.
Revisit health-related topics each and every time you talk with your student!
Make sure they know how health insurance works.
Go over their coverage, whether they’re on the school’s health plan or still covered by your family insurance, and how and where to access services. Will they use the campus health center for all their needs, or go there just for the easy/free stuff (such as flu shots and treatment for minor illnesses) and see a provider or specialist in the local community?
Review campus resources.
They’ll receive a lot of information at orientation and move-in, but it can be overwhelming. Look at the website so you can nudge them to explore what’s offered at the student health clinic and counseling/mental health center. They'll find workshops and support groups related to a wide range of wellness concerns including:
Alcohol and substance use
Conflict resolution skills
Nutrition and body positivity
Sexual health, gender identity, relationships
Stress and anxiety management
Don’t forget about religious and spiritual life opportunities as well as fitness classes at the campus rec center.
Go over what to do if they get sick.
Your student should have a first aid kit with a thermometer and basic overthe-counter remedies as well as a supply of rapid COVID-19 test kits. Talk through possible scenarios, ranging from treating a cold to how to know if it’s something more serious like Covid or the flu. Remind them that if symptoms (sore throat, fever, vomiting, headache, etc.) linger for days without improvement, they should visit the campus health center — but they don’t
have to suffer in silence if they just want to get checked out.
Since colleges are bound by a federal law called FERPA which governs the privacy of student educational and treatment records, you won’t know if or when your student visits campus health and counseling clinics. It’s up to your student to decide whether to share information with you, which is something else the two of you can discuss early on.
Talk about responsible drinking.
Most families have strict rules about drinking in high school, but in college, an abstinence-only policy may not be practical. Though some students choose a sober lifestyle, the most recent survey from the NIH found that about half of college students drink, with nearly a third (29%) having engaged in binge drinking in the past month.
This doesn’t mean you should feel helpless. By talking regularly with your student about the campus party scene, their experiences with alcohol, and what it means to drink responsibly, you can continue to have a positive influence.
These conversations require that you know your facts, be honest and open-minded, and most of all, be ready to listen. For more, visit niaaa.nih.gov/sites/default/files/ Collegefact sheet.pdf.

A Mental Health Game Plan FOR
By Rob Danzman, MS, NCC, LCMHCMove-in
day is here, and along with it
the reminder that our kids eventually grow up and leave home.
Though a few will breeze through the college years, many will struggle at some point along the way. Below I share suggestions on how to parent college students whether they’re experiencing challenges or just anxious about the big transition.
Encourage your first-year student to fight the urge to slide casually into college life. It’s essential to set academic and personal expectations — start with more structure and back off as the semester proceeds if it’s going well.
And talk about calendars. Calendars and planners are a foundation for success and counteract a lot of mental health symptoms. Missing an advisor meeting, forgetting about a counseling session, or completely blanking on a big assignment are good ways to have a bad semester.
The start of fall semester is also a great time to introduce the concept of incrementalism. I’ve worked with students with a 4.0 high school GPA coming into freshman year who spun out by November. The overstimulation and lack of restraint became a disaster. Check in early and often at the beginning with a focus on what’s measurable. Small wins add up to big wins.
Have your student schedule an initial appointment with the college counseling center, often referred to as Counseling and Psychological Services or CAPS, before or immediately after they get to campus. Even if they have no intention of going regularly, it helps to know where the center is and have that personal connection. Students are more likely to use CAPS if they’ve been before.
If your student needs ongoing counseling, CAPS may not be enough. I recommend that you help your student find a community-based clinician before the October rush. For students who’ve been working with a therapist at home and want to meet with someone at school, ensure the therapists coordinate to provide a smooth hand-off.
Don’t forget to have your student sign a release of information. You don’t need details from each session but a general sense of how things are trending.

Family Communication
Agree on how regularly you’ll talk. It’s incredible the way loving, engaged kids disappear once they move to campus. I’ve also worked with students who called home too much. Having a general idea of when you will catch up frees students from feeling pressure to respond to every text and gives parents a sense of relief.
Don’t be lulled into a false sense of security as the semester cranks up and things quiet down. Situations that blow up in December result from the smallest dark clouds forming on the horizon in September and October.
Self-Care for Parents
The way you parent when your child is out of the house requires a serious examination of your distress-tolerance skills. Consider working with a therapist if you’re anxious about your student’s well-being even after you’ve done all the above. You encourage your student to take care of themselves — you need to do the same.
And remember: Most situations in which our kids find themselves are not as good or as bad as they believe them to be. Set a calm, intentional tone at the beginning of the semester with regular check-ins throughout — and enjoy the ride.

By CollegiateParent and Suzanne ShafferToday’s college students live in a world that requires vigilance and awareness. Schools work to foster safe environments, but students share responsibility.
As your student acclimates to their new campus and life, check in about what they do on a daily basis to keep themselves safe. You can help by supplying good advice and the best safety tools available.
A Basic Safety Checklist
These recommendations will be shared at orientation and move-in, but it’s good to revisit the list periodically. It may take your student a while to check off every box!
Always lock your dorm room and secure your valuables.
Don’t let anyone who doesn’t have a student ID into the residence hall. Even if they ask nicely. Verify their identity.
Sign up for campus emergency alerts. Program emergency numbers into your cellphone for easy access.
Use the buddy system. It can be tempting to go for a run alone, or make a quick trip to the library by yourself after dark, but it’s not worth the risk. Never be alone at night or in remote areas. Stick with your friends at parties and don’t let a friend leave a party alone or with someone they don’t know. Also use the buddy system when taking public transportation or using Uber and Lyft.
Use campus security escorts and safe rides.
Take advantage of safety training. Many campuses offer self-defense classes, or you can sign up for one at a local YMCA or recreation center.
Register any valuables with serial numbers (laptops, bikes, etc.) with the campus police department. This makes them easier to track if they’re stolen.
Tools for Staying Safe
Safety apps
Your student’s smartphone can be a great self-defense tool. Safety apps give them instant access to authorities, parents and fellow students when they feel they’re in an unsafe situation.
Encourage your student to ask their friends for safety app recommendations to try. In addition, confirm that they know how to use the Emergency SOS slider feature on their phone.
Self-defense carry items
These items pair well with a selfdefense class because, when faced with danger, your student needs to be prepared to use them with confidence.
A whistle or personal safety alarm is the simplest option.
Pepper spray is popular because it’s quick, easy to use, and effective.
Safe Partying/ Drinking Practices
Students who drink excessively are at higher risk of being involved in car accidents, hazing, and sexual assault. Keep talking to your student throughout college about alcohol and substance use.
Ask questions and listen to what they have to say about social situations they’ve been in or witnessed. Talk through possible scenarios so they can anticipate how they might act, react, and help their friends. Discuss the dangers of drink tampering and binge drinking. Make sure they know how to drink responsibly and how to get home safely when they are out late.
Review Emergency Procedures
Remind your student to add an ICE (In Case of Emergency) number and also the campus police emergency number into their phone’s contacts.
Ask about campus emergency drills that have taken place. What were they instructed to do in different kinds of emergency situations? Going over the information with you should help fix it in your student’s mind.
Be sure you have the names and phone numbers of a few of your student’s roommates or close friends as well as their parents, and that they have yours.
Students should be aware of natural hazards on and near their campus, and pay attention to severe weather warnings.
They should know multiple ways out of the buildings they frequent on campus, including the fire exits.
They should know their residential housing staff/landlord and be able to get in touch with them quickly.
In a weather-related emergency, your student could be stranded in a resident hall or apartment for a few days, potentially without power. Encourage them to make an emergency kit that includes a three-day supply of water and nonperishable food (dried fruit, nuts, bars, tuna packets, crackers, etc.), a flashlight and extra batteries, a battery-powered or hand-cranked radio, first aid supplies, any medications they take, rain gear and warm clothes.
Dealing With Discrimination and Sexual Misconduct
We live in a politically and culturally volatile era, and news stories often highlight what can seem like a conflict between groups of students desiring to feel safe on campus and others pursuing their right to free speech and protest.
No matter the context, all students deserve to live and study in an environment free of discrimination and harassment based on any aspect of their identity. However, though institutions do their best to educate students, faculty, and staff about how to prevent and respond to discrimination and sexual misconduct, it still occurs.
There are offices on campus to support your student through any traumatic situation. Students can contact the offices of equity and compliance, civil rights, and victim assistance, and most campuses have a Title IX coordinator. They can also contact campus police to report an incident. It is always an option to begin with confidential conversations. By becoming familiar with campus offices, policies and processes, family members can be ready to aid their students if they reach out to you for help.

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