Look on collegiatetimes.com for a digital archive containing newly-released April 16 documents. Selected excerpts may be found on page B1.
tuesday january 20, 2009 blacksburg, va.
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VT ENGAGE OFFERS AID TO IOWANS As part of the VT Engage program, members of the Iowa Chapter of the Virginia Tech Alumni Association will pass out goodie bags today to students on the University of Iowa campus to show support to the state that endured summer floods in 2008.
sports MARTIN PLAYS IN EAST-WEST SHRINE GAME Tech defensive end Orion Martin, who just completed his senior season, took part in the 84th Annual East-West Shrine Game – an annual showcase for college all-stars. The Martinsville native was the lone Hokie on the East - which won 24-19 on Saturday in Houston.
tomorrow’s weather SNOW SHOWERS high 25, low 13
Young speaks on MLK’simpact, youth GORDON BLOCK
ct news reporter On Monday evening, Andrew Young, an adviser and close friend of Martin Luther King Jr., spoke in Burruss Hall as the keynote speaker for Virginia Tech’s fourth annual Martin Luther King Jr. celebration. Young achieved numerous successes in his political career as a three-term senator while also having been selected by President Jimmy Carter as American ambassador to the United Nations, becoming the first African American to hold that post. As mayor of Atlanta, he was instrumental in bringing the Summer Olympic Games, one of the most successful Olympics in recent history, to the city in 1996. Before speaking, Young took a few minutes to sit down with the Collegiate Times.
COLLEGIATE TIMES: Today would be Martin Luther King Jr.’s 80th birthday. What do you think he would say about the progress African Americans have made in America today? YOUNG: I think he would be awestruck. We couldn’t see clearly how fast we could go once we got started. If I had said to him walking from Selma to Montgomery in 1965 that I wanted to be a congressman or a mayor and an ambassador to the UN, he would’ve said ‘It won’t happen that easily. Maybe our grandchildren, but not our generation.’ Because of his life and his death, I think we made this progress. He’d be very well pleased. Young pointed out similarities between King and newly elected President Barack Obama. BRIAN CLAY/SPPS
YOUNG: He and Barack Obama are the same kind of folk. They Andrew Young speaks in Burruss Hall’s auditorium last night in honor Martin Luther King Day. Young regaled the crowd don’t take themselves too seriously, they’re good scholars. with stories of King’s youth and exploits at the YMCA as well as more traditional MLK themes.
That connection also extended to the hardwood.
YOUNG: We (King and Young) ended up in a basketball game, and it turned out that he was a pretty good basketball player. Though he was only 5’7”, he could shoot with either hand. And I thought about it, when Barack made that long three point shot in Iraq, I thought to myself, ‘Uh oh, God is with this man.’ Michael Jordan couldn’t just walk onto the court and make a shot like that.
CT: Over this past weekend, with Barack Obama about to be inaugurated into the presidency, there’s been a lot of comparisons between him and Martin Luther King and his legacy. Do you worry that we’re setting our expectations too high for President Obama?
YOUNG: I don’t. He’s as well trained and he has so much more to
work with. Martin Luther King had $600,000 a year, that’s the most we ever had, and that was right after Selma. He (Obama) had $600 million to run for president. We didn’t have telephones, much less cell phones. Television was brand new. The means of communication that were at Martin Luther King’s disposal were primitive.
CT: At Virginia Tech, African Americans make up about 4 percent of the student body, while nationally African Americans make up about 13.5 percent of the population. Are universities nationwide doing enough to spur diversity in the classroom?
YOUNG: Well … they’re not. It’s probably one of the things that probably can’t be done on the university level. It could be done if you take some of your young graduates and put them in public
If you see something in today’s paper that needs to be corrected, please e-mail our public editor at publiceditor@collegiatetimes.com, or call 540.231.9865.
coming up TOMORROW’S CT Look to see how Tech students and area residents celebrated President Obama’s inauguration.
Peruse April 16-related documents recently released by the CT on our Web site.
MLK Vigil Date: Tuesday, January 20 Time: 5:30 - 6 p.m. Location: In front of War Memorial Chapel
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An independent, student-run newspaper serving the Virginia Tech community since 1903 105th year • issue 112
YOUNG: He grew up in the YMCA, so he could shoot pool, play ping pong, swim, baseball, basketball. He was pretty fast on his feet. The other thing was he thought he was short and ugly, and that he had to compensate for this by working hard in school.
Date: Wednesday, January 21 Time: 1:30 - 4 p.m. Location: Squires Info Booth A
Service Activity: Making a Difference for Children Date: Thursday, January 22 Time: 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Location: Squires Info Booth A
Service Activity: Giving Back to Create a Sustainable Community Date: Friday, January 23 Time: 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Location: Squires Info Booth A
Virginia Tech began its annual celebration of the life and legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. with a presentation coordinated by the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. The presentation featured a performance by Shyrah Thomas, speeches by Nana “T-chee” Kum, President of the Theta Iota Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity and Michael Goode, student co-chair for the university MLK celebrations. Also featured was world-renowned keynote speaker Ambassador Andrew Young. Young was a major part of the civil rights movement, working closely with King, but also served as a Congressman, mayor of Atlanta, humanitarian, as well as being an ordained minister. “Young is not only an accomplished man, but also a dear brother,” Kum said in his greeting from the brothers of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. Young’s keynote address deviated from the normal format of speech relating to the life of King. He did not so much focus on the icon that King represented for so many, but more on the man, the friend and the closet skilled basketball player. “Most people don’t know this, but Martin went to college at
15 … through the Ford Foundation. He also received a C in public speaking,” Young said. “He was only 5’7” and he though that he was ugly, so he needed to learn lines to try and talk to girls,” Young joked, “He memorized Shakespeare and developed his public speaking skills just trying to get a girlfriend.” After King gained a degree in theology and continued on to his PhD., he moved his family to Montgomery, Ala., which at the time was just a “sleepy town,” Young said. While acting as a young minister of only 25, King was named the leader of the coordination of churches within Montgomery. “They chose him because he was young and new and nobody knew him yet,” Young said, “He didn’t have any enemies yet.” But as he regaled the crowed with personal memories of the man he knew as a close friend, he established the parallels between the famed civil and human rights activist and President-elect Barack Obama. “Obama won the nomination on the anniversary of the “I have a dream” speech. Coincidence? You can decide, but I don’t believe it was. I believe coincidences are just a way for God to remain anonymous,” Young said. “Barack will be sworn in while we celebrate the life of Martin Luther King,
see MLK, page 2
Diverse community groups gather to celebrate King’s legacy GORDON BLOCK
ct news reporter
CT: What’s something an average college student may not know about Martin Luther King?
Young: ‘Martin would have been so proud’
MLK Events
Service Activity: The Power of Words
schools in poor areas to teach math in 4th grade. In Georgia we have maybe 6 percent, but we do pretty well in the universities because we have a Hope scholarship. Any student who has a B average in high school can go to a Georgia college for free.
Local community groups were out in full force to celebrate the life and work of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Tech hosted its fourth annual MLK Community Breakfast Monday morning. The breakfast, which recognized winners of a local poster and essay competition, also featured a speech from Elaine Dowe Carter, executive director of the recently re-established Christiansburg Institute. Carter focused on the importance of education in the civil rights movement. “That didn’t come to Martin because he was Martin,” Carter
said of King. “He learned it through the institutions, the churches, the schools, the academies. He grew into being what he was.” Carter also called for students to strive to be more like King. Carter noted many students downplay their ability to contribute due to King’s legacy. “Because of your very human nature, you are equal to Martin Luther King,” Carter said. On Sunday Christiansburg High School’s auditorium was nearly full despite the cold weather for the annual NAACP Community Celebration, sponsored by the Montgomery County, Radford City, and Floyd County branches of the NAACP. The ceremony marked the 100th
anniversary of the organization’s founding. After inducting its new officers and a number of musical performances from local groups, the stage was given to Rev. Robbie R. Morganfield, pastor of the St. Mark’s United Methodist Church in Laurel, Md. Morganfield focused on turning the symbolism of the inauguration of Barack Obama into action. “We cannot afford to get so caught up in celebrating the milestone that we fail to graduate from celebration to actualization,” Morganfield said. “We cannot afford to deify this moment by embracing the symbol as God while rejecting
its ideas.” Morganfield called on audience members to support the newly elected president. “We elected the man, but that man should not solve all our problems alone,” Morganfield said. “We must become active participants in this problem solving endeavor.” After the event, Rev. Glenn Orr, newly inducted President of the NAACP branch, thanked students who were involved with the Obama campaign. COURTESY OF OFFICE EQUITY AND INCLUSION “Students made a difference Students from Christiansburg Middle School display their in getting Obama elected,” Orr awards from the fourth Martin Luther King Jr. essay contest. said. “Any student who can’t see their connection to a NAACP The university will continue ending with the 12th Annual agenda, if they’ll just remain connected to Barack Obama’s its celebration of Martin Luther Diversity Summit Friday, Jan. King Jr. throughout the week, 30. agenda, they’ll see the overlap.”
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