Tuesday, January 26, 2010 Print Edition

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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

An independent, student-run newspaper serving the Virginia Tech community since 1903


COLLEGIATETIMES 107th year, issue 5

News, page 1

Features, page 2

Opinions, page 3

Sports, page 5

Classifieds, page 4

A heavy load to carry


Haiti pleas for longterm aid, tents JACQUELINE CHARLES & SCOTT HIAASEN

LIANA BAYNE news reporter Virginia Tech police have identified a suspect after investigating several incidents that occurred Monday afternoon while still persuing a string of weekend robberies. According to an e-mail sent by the Virginia Tech Police Department at 10:33 p.m. Monday evening, information from several persons who responded to requests from the police led to the identification and location of the individual, who is now at an undisclosed off-campus location. According to the police, between 2 and 2:30 p.m. a man approached two female students near the BreakZone on the first floor of Squires Student Center. He began speaking to them and acted “odd and disoriented,” according to the press release. Uncomfortable with the situation, the two left the area, where the man allegedly followed them for a short distance before walking towards Kent Street. Then, at approximately 2:45 p.m., a man approached and entered an occupied vehicle in the parking lot outside of the university bookstore on campus. After he got into the vehicle, he allegedly asked the occupants of the vehicle where they were going and asked for a ride. They declined and the man left the car, walking toward Hokie Grill. In both cases, the suspect was described as a white male between 5 feet 9 inches and 5 feet 11 inches tall. He was reportedly wearing a brown jacket and blue jeans and carrying a black backpack. He has short dark brown hair and may have “scratches or scars on his face,” the press release said. He may have referenced the name “Daniel” during the two interactions. Although the descriptions of the suspect from the two incidents were similar, it was not known whether thes e two events were related until the suspect’s apprehension later Monday evening. This incident has similarities to one that occurred on Monday, Jan. 18 near the greenhouses on Washington Street just past the traffic circle. Tech police advised students of this incident via an e-mail press release. In a separate, earlier incident, a white male, described as being about 6 feet tall and having dirty-blonde hair, allegedly attempted to enter a moving vehicle on Washington Street. After he was unable to enter the vehicle, he walked away toward McComas Hall. The man was described as wearing a plain black hoodie and blue jeans. His hair was cut in a “buzz” style. Tech police representatives declined to provide further comment on the three incidents. Tech police are also investigating a string of burglaries that occurred in Pritchard Hall over the weekend. In an e-mail press release sent to students on Monday night, Tech police said that on Saturday, Jan. 23, six separate burglaries occurred Friday night. In all cases, an unidentified person entered unlocked dorm rooms and stole “various, easily portable items such as MP3 players, cell phones and cash,” according to the press release. In some cases, the victiams were asleep in their rooms when the burglaries allegedly occurred. No one was harmed in any of the incidents, the press release said. Individuals with more information on these events are encouraged to contact the Tech police at 540-231-6411.

Sudoku, page 4

mcclatchy newspapers


Rising book prices weigh heavily on student budgets HOLLY HACKER mcclatchy newspapers Textbooks are not included in the sticker price of a college education, but they cost the average student at a four-year public institution more than $1,000 a year. Rising textbook prices have inspired University Bookstore and Tech Bookstore to search for new ways of lowering students’ financial burden. According to the College Board’s 2009 report on Trends in College Pricing, books and supplies cost students at four-year public schools $1,122 per year on average, or $561 per semester. The Southern Regional Education Board, which is the accrediting body for Virginia universities, published an article on rising textbook prices titled, “Focus on Rising College Textbook Prices.” The article said college textbook prices increased almost twice as quickly as the overall rate of inflation from 1986-2004. Local textbook retailers are working to offer more affordable prices, mainly using two strategies: an increased availability of used books and textbook rental programs. Dave Wilson, associate director for University Bookstore, acknowledges prices have increased. The


online poll


Go to www.collegiatetimes.com to tell us how much you spent on books this semester.

University Bookstore, which is located on campus near Newman Library, and Volume Two Bookstore are both owned by Virginia Tech Services, Inc. “Yes, prices have gone up,” Wilson said. “Publishers tend to increase prices yearly.” Wilson said his bookstore has been testing a textbook rental program. He said about 30 titles have been available to rent at the University Bookstore, and said plans are in place to expand the program in the fall. The independent Tech Bookstore, on South Main Street, already has a rental program in place for the spring 2010 semester. Its program requires the student to pay 50 percent of the book’s price and return it by the last day of exams. If the book is not returned, they will be charged for the rest of the book. Currently, Tech Bookstore offers rentals on more than 300 books. Internet startups are jumping on the rental bandwagon, too. A California-based company called Chegg lets students order textbooks online and have them shipped

via UPS. The four-year-old company has rented more than 1.5 million textbooks this year. So many sites have popped up it’s hard to keep them straight: BookRenter.com, CampusBookRentals.com and TextBookRentals.com are just a few. Not every textbook can be rented. Experts say books need to have a decent shelf life so they can be rented several times. A bookstore won’t recoup its costs if the fourth edition of a book is quickly replaced by the fifth. A 2005 federal study reported that publishers revise textbooks every three or four years. Nor does renting always make sense. Students who need their books beyond one semester class are better off buying. If a student needs a book immediately, waiting for books from Amazon.com and Half.com might not be possible. Consumer advocates say textbook rental programs help by offering more choices. The University Bookstore is currently offering rentals on only 30 titles. He said certain books couldn’t be offered to rent. “I have to rule out any books that come bundled with online access codes,” Wilson said. The SREB report listed bundling as a major factor of the increase.

Capital campaign progresses toward billion dollar donation goal

Bundling is the practice of packaging supporting materials such as supplemental guides or online logins, along with the books. Books up for rental are usually books that can be reused. Wilson said University Bookstore also discounts its textbooks. “We actually discount our books by up to 10 percent,” Wilson said. “We just decided we would be efficient — to make a little less profit than other university bookstores.” Wilson said that while the University Bookstore is Tech’s official on-campus bookstore, it does not receive any university funding. SREB lists rental programs and used books as effective strategies for lowering costs. “We’re very aggressive in searching for used books,” Wilson said. “We’ve developed a relationship with used book companies around the country.” Virginia requires faculty members to confirm all bundled materials will be used in class. The state also mandates universities to provide a list of required textbooks be made available to students. The SREB report, however, states Virginia does not specify when the list must be available. nrv news editor zach crizer contributed to this story

campaign monies raised VT

from jul. 1, 2003 to dec. 31, 2009

2,375 days


generous holiday season has propelled Virginia Tech’s capital campaign toward its billion-dollar goal. The Campaign for Virginia Tech, started in Oct. 2007, raised $27.3 million between Nov. 30 and Dec. 31, 2009. Michael Kiser, spokesman for the campaign, said the holiday number was not unusual. “We usually have a very good December,” Kiser said. He added that the holiday giving has been strong even with a down

economy. “We’ve been seeing lately signs of recovery in terms of giving,” Kiser said. “We’re not quite where we’d like to be, but we’ve had some pretty strong support.” Kiser said the campaign is still on schedule to hit its goal of $1 billion raised by December 2010. “We’re a little ahead of the curve on this,” Kiser said. “I think that says a lot about the strength of our support.” gordon block, news reporter

as of aug. 31, 2009 as of sept. 30, 2009 as of oct. 31, 2009 as of nov. 30, 2009 as of dec. 31, 2009

$825.4 million $845.9 million $854.3 million $863.9 million $891.2 million

$891,191,346 total raised 2,375 days in campaign

$375,238.46 per day of campaign LINDA NGUYEN/COLLEGIATE TIMES

Rebuilding Port-au-Prince could take a decade or longer and ultimately completely reform the way Haiti is organized, foreign leaders said at a conference Monday. Conference members also used the meeting as a microphone for an urgent need now in the quakeshaken nation: tents. “Anybody who’s got those tents, get in touch with us,” said John Holmes, United Nations undersecretary-general for humanitarian affairs. Haiti’s prime minister, JeanMax Bellerive, told envoys from 19 other countries and international organizations that the Jan. 12 earthquake crippled not just the city of Port-au-Prince, but the entire country. In the future, he said, Haiti’s authority and its resources must be decentralized. “In 30 seconds, Haiti lost 60 percent of its gross domestic product,” Bellerive said. “We need to review the whole country.” While the conference is focused on long-term reconstruction, Bellerive also passed along a more urgent appeal for immediate assistance from Haiti’s president, Rene Preval. Bellerive said his country needs at least 200,000 tents to provide shelter to those left homeless. “I could continue on all of these emergencies, there are many,” Bellerive said. “It is very difficult for me to talk reconstruction when we do not take these other matters into account.” In Haiti, the Preval government said the need for tents was dire because the country’s first rainy season begins in about 10 days. Holmes also said the main water system in Port-au-Prince is now operating again. Even before the earthquake, the water system failed to reach much of the city’s residents. Critically, Holmes said, relief agencies will focus on providing ready-to-eat meals for thousands of displaced people for at least the next two weeks. By Monday morning, IOM estimated, some 692,000 people were living in 591 scattered settlements — tent cities set up, many spontaneously, to shelter people left homeless by the 7.0 earthquake on Jan. 12. “It is likely that this figure is much higher, even though many people have left the capital to seek shelter in other towns and villages,” the IOM said.

Correction -In “Blacksburg’s Movers & Shakers” special section (CT, Jan. 22), the ‘So who’s who?’ listing should have read as follows: Geof Allen, Bob McGrath, Caroline Smith, Krisha Chachra, Kristina Hartman, Matt Manganti, Matt Saunders, Stephen Prince, Nathan Melenbrink, and Fatumata Yarmah. The Collegiate Times regrets this error.

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