On their Heels Hokies win 74-70. look online for full coverage
Friday, February 5, 2010
An independent, student-run newspaper serving the Virginia Tech community since 1903
COLLEGIATETIMES 107th year, issue 12
News, page 2
Features, page 4
Opinions, page 5
Sports, page 11
Classifieds, page 10
Location Ice Castle of body deemed critical
VTU posts upcoming semester’s schedule LIANA BAYNE
news reporter
news reporter Police are calling for the public to “educate them” on the area where the remains of Virginia Tech student Morgan Harrington were found. In a briefing Thursday afternoon with reporters outside of the Virginia State Police Area Office in Charlottesville, State HARRINGTON Virginia Police Lt. Joe Rader outlined details of a potential relationship between an assailant and the Anchorage Farm site where Harrington was found. “You know what goes on there,” Rader said, referring to the local residents. “You know the history. You know who goes in and out of the vicinity.” Rader also announced the creation of a new hotline dedicated to specific information about the Anchorage Farm location. According to Rader, those responsible for the crime may have had a formal connection to the farm property. He said their past experiences led them to return to the area to leave Harrington’s body. “The person responsible for this felt it was the most important place to be in this high time of stress, and the reality is that’s where Morgan’s body was found,” Rader said. Rader added that the decision to leave a body at the location would pose a significant risk to those without prior knowledge of the area, pointing out the property’s difficult terrain that featured fences and streams. “You could not have just walked in there, without being able to negotiate things you’d be unfamiliar with,” Rader said. Rader pointed out the challenges of moving a body to its final resting place, which sits a “considerable distance” from any major roadway including Route 29, a highway that borders the property. “You’d have to be familiar with the layout,” Rader said. He was confident that residents around the Anchorage Farm area could supply leads for the investigation. Rader said no arrests had been made in the case, and that no determination had been made on the cause or time of Harrington’s death. Virginia State Police confirmed Wednesday that Harrington’s death was a homicide. Harrington, a 20-year-old junior education major, went missing Oct. 17, 2009 while attending a Metallica concert at the University of Virginia’s John Paul Jones Arena, about 10 miles away from the southern Albemarle County property. She was last seen hitchhiking on the Copeley Road Bridge, less than a half a mile from the arena. A mass service for Harrington will take place today at St. Andrews Catholic Church in Roanoke, Va., at 3:30 p.m. A reception at the Hotel Roanoke is scheduled after the service. The service is open to the general public. Those with information about the Anchorage Farm location are asked to call the new Virginia State Police tip line at 434-709-1685. Individuals with information on the Morgan Harrington case are asked to call 434352-3467.
Sudoku, page 10
Sep 25 @ Boston College
Virginia Tech Union, the largest student programming organization, announced its spring entertainment schedule this week. Tonight, VTU will sponsor an acoustic cafe in Johnston Student Center from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. The event is free and open to any student who wishes to perform. Other acoustic cafes, all on Fridays, will be held on March 19, April 2 and April 23. On Thursday, Feb. 25 at 7:30 p.m., astronaut Fred Haise will speak in Squires Student Center’s Haymarket Theatre about the idea that failure is not an option. Winterfest, a free indoor carnival, will be held on Saturday, Feb. 27 from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. in Squires Commonwealth Ballroom. There will be moon bounces, magicians and games. The carnival is family-oriented and open to the public. Businesses and student organizations that would like to have a booth at the festival can sign up through Feb. 18. Four films will also be shown in February. “Where the Wild Things Are” will be shown on Friday, Feb. 5. “New Moon,” based on the popular novel by Stephanie Meyer, will play on Friday, Feb. 12 as well as Saturday, Feb. 13. “Pirate Radio” will run on Friday, Feb. 19 and the most recent Disney movie “The Princess and the Frog” will be shown on Saturday, Feb. 20. Other movies will be shown later in the semester, including “Sherlock Holmes,” on March 19. All films will run from 8 p.m. until about 10 p.m. The cost is $2 for students and $3 for non-students. Other notable events coming up this semester include several musical performances. Grammy-nominated gospel singer Kim Burrell will perform in Burruss Hall on Saturday, March 20 at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $7 for students and $20 for non-students. Dominic Gaudios, a classical guitarist who also plays exotic instruments such as the Australian didgeridoo, will perform on Monday, April 12 at 7:30 p.m. in Burruss Hall. Tickets are $7 for students and $20 for non-students. On Wednesday, April 14, Michael Lang, one of the creators of the Woodstock music festival, will speak about his experiences. The event will be held in Haymarket Theatre in Squires at 7:30 p.m. Soundfest, a free showcase of local bands, will be held on Friday, April 30 in the Commonwealth Ballroom in Squires. The bands have not yet been announced. The event will run from 6 p.m. to 11 p.m. On Saturday, May 1, VTU will celebrate its 40th anniversary.
Oct 2 @ NC State
A tractor plows the area in front of Cassell Coliseum during last week’s winter storm, clearing campus roads and sidewalks.
Procedures put to the test during heavy snow season PHILIPP KOTLABA university news editor Each time wintry weather blankets the area and students cross their fingers for the cancellation of class, a key group of Virginia Tech officials grapple with the decision of whether to open the university. “Nobody is ever happy. It’s either we should have cancelled and we didn’t, or we didn’t cancel and we should have,” Vice President for Administrative Services Sherwood Wilson said. “You make the best decision that you can.” The Virginia Tech Police Department compiles much of the information about impending weather forecasts from sources including the National Weather Service, the town of Blacksburg, the Virginia State Police, and the Montgomery County Sheriff. Tech police then give Wilson a call. “There are a number of check offs they need to do,” Wilson said. It also depends on any events occurring on the Tech campus, such as special exams. Then, if class should be cancelled, Wilson calls Provost Mark McNamee, who then notifies President Charles Steger. see WEATHER / page two
JONATHAN PIPPIN/SPPS Powder flies as multiple snowball fight combatants aim and fire last week. A storm expected to blanket the area Friday is the third winter weather system to affect the Blacksburg area during this semester.
Midwinter’s Dance takes weeks of winter to prepare
2010 Football Schedule Sep 6 vs. Boise State Sep 11 vs. James Madison Sep 18 vs. East Carolina
The GERMAN Club has announced the theme for this season’s ball, “An African Adventure,” which will take place Feb. 6. photo by jonathan pippin
Oct 9 vs. Central Michigan
Friday, Feb. 5 - 8 p.m. -VTU Film: Where The Wild Things Are
Oct 16 vs. Wake Forest
Friday, Feb. 12 - 8 p.m. -VTU Film: New Moon
Oct 23 vs. Duke
Thursday, Feb. 25 - 7:30 p.m. -Astronaut Fred Haise speaks
Nov 4 vs. Georgia Tech
Saturday, Feb. 27 - 1 p.m. - Winterfest
Nov 13 @ North Carolina Nov 20 @ Miami
Friday, March 19 - 8 p.m. - VTU Film: Pirate Radio 9 p.m. - Acoustic Cafe
Nov 27 vs. Virginia
Saturday, March 20 - 7:30 p.m. - Lively Arts: Kim Burrell