Tuesday, May 4, 2010
An independent, student-run newspaper serving the Virginia Tech community since 1903
COLLEGIATETIMES 107th year, issue 58
News, page 2
Features, page 3
Opinions, page 5
Sports, page 7
Classifieds, page 6
Sudoku, page 6
Lacrosse student charged in UVa death CT NEWS STAFF
Senior T.C. Jones uses his electric wheelchair to travel around Virginia Tech’s campus. Only five students are registered with wheelchairs at Tech.
Disabled students blaze different campus routes BY SARA MITCHELL | editor-in-chief
Freshman Sarah Gilbert switched dorms because of elevator issues.
hen T.C. Jones doesn’t immediately go to shake your hand, don’t be offended. He doesn’t shake hands often. In fact, his hands have only recently re-learned to write legibly — or rather, legibly enough for him to read, the senior computer science major says. And his hands’ most important task is to guide his wheelchair — the manual one for short trips and the electric model for longer days on campus. Jones is one of about five registered students on campus in a wheelchair, but one of hundreds with a disability. Although he became disabled after enrolling at Virginia Tech, many students need to consider disability access and accommodations when deciding on a school. Tech is tasked with reasonably accommodating students with disabilities, and while those who use the campus disability services have called them helpful, only a handful of students in a wheelchair are currently at Tech.
FEW AND FAR BETWEEN According to the Disability Statistics Center at the University of California in San Francisco, about .06 percent of the population uses a wheelchair — but the number of Tech students in a wheelchair who work with Tech’s Services for Students with Disabilities office fits on one hand. Rick Ferraro, assistant vice president for
two-part series
This story is part of a series on disability access on campus. Find the second installment tomorrow.
student affairs, attributed the small number to self-selection of prospective students — a student with a disability might find Tech’s size and weather conditions intimidating, and immediately disregard it. “We tell them the truth,” he said of prospective students. “They do have to understand what they’re dealing with.” Ferraro said that newer universities have an advantage with modern buildings that are more accessible. Any university built after 1990 would be fully compliant with the federal Americans with Disabilities Act, which created architecture accessibility standards. Students with disabilities might also be drawn to a small campus that is easier to navigate. “What we do isn’t necessarily what another college will do,” said Susan Angle, director of SSD. Most Tech students with a disability aren’t as obvious as a wheelchair user. A documented disability can range from a psychological condition to Attention Deficit Disorder to the quadriplegia that put Jones in his wheelchair three years ago. see PATH / page two
East AJ to serve as ‘residential college’ UNIVERSITY HONORS TO INHERIT RENOVATED EAST AJ DORMITORY FOR RESIDENTIAL COLLEGE EXPERIMENT LIANA BAYNE news reporter Starting in 2011, about 400 students in the honors program will have the opportunity to live in a refurbished East Ambler Johnston Hall that will serve as Virginia Tech’s first residential college. Terry Papillon, director of the university honors program, said the roughly $80 million project would encourage “learning encounters.” The residential college model essentially invites faculty and classrooms into the residence hall. Both East and West AJ will have one large faculty residence apartment each, into which one faculty member and his family will move permanently. Other faculty members will have the opportunity to relocate their offices into the building. “Faculty who have academic offices in the building will be a real part of that learning environment, making education a whole person experience,” Papillon said. A residential college combines faculty offices and residences with classrooms and student residences. For example, East AJ will feature a 49-seat movie theater in addition to classrooms. “The idea of a residential college is the
faculty presence,” Papillon said. Papillon said there might be extra fees for students living in the residential college to offset the costs of special programming and stipends for the faculty living there. Hugh Latimer, a campus planner within Tech’s Office of the University Architect, said in East and West AJ crews are renovating bathrooms and adding air conditioning. The changes are in addition to the faculty apartments, classroom areas and improvement to the common areas in the crossover bridge between East and West AJ that will contain libraries, study lounges and kitchens. Latimer said the connector space “will be much different.” “It should be the most utilized space,” he said. Although the intent all along was to renovate AJ, it was not originally intended to be transformed into the first residential college at Virginia Tech, according to Rick Johnson, director of housing and dining services. Papillon said the idea of a residential college came up during construction during conversations with Frank Shushok, associate vice president of student affairs, about potentially expanding housing for honors students.
East Ambler Johnson Hall, currently being renovated, will open in 2011. Shushok, who came to Tech from Baylor University in Texas last summer, worked to open the first two residential colleges there, one of which is an honors college. “I said I would like to have more beds for honors students,” Papillon said. “When (Shushok) came, he knew AJ was being renovated. He wanted to open (East and West AJ), not as residential halls, but as residential colleges.” Shushok said he felt administrators at Tech “were really inspired by the possibilities” residential colleges offer. One of his platforms in support of residential colleges is the push to create a four-year residential experience.
“We want it to be a place that focuses on all parts of their life and have easy interaction with faculty,” Shushok said. “It will be a four-year residential experience in one location.” Shushok said residential colleges “create a conversation among diverse groups of students. It integrates intellectual needs with residential needs and increases chance encounters with learning with faculty offices and residences,” he said. Papillon said the decision to create a residential college was made possible because the original construction was done under budget. The renovations see HOUSING / page four
A male lacrosse player from UVa has been charged with first-degree murder in connection to the death of a female UVa lacrosse player. George Huguely, a 22-year-old senior men’s lacrosse player from Chevy Chase, Md., is being held in the CharlottesvilleAlbemarle Regional Jail, according to HUGUELY police. The victim, Yeardley Love, a 22-yearold senior women’s lacrosse player from Cockeysville, Md., was found in an apartment on 14th Street Northwest early this morning. Police have not yet determined a cause of death, though a statement released this afternoon said Love “suffered visible physical trauma.” LOVE According to the police statement, witnesses have indicated that Huguely and Love “had a past relationship.” John Casteen, president of UVa, released a statement this afternoon about the death. “Although we know nothing other than what appears in the Charlottesville Police Department’s more recent statement, this death moves us to deep anguish for the loss of a student of uncommon talent and promise, and we express the University’s and our own sympathy for Yeardley’s family, teammates, and friends,” Casteen wrote. “That she appears now to have been murdered by another student compounds this sense of loss by suggesting that Yeardley died without comfort or consolation from those closest to her,” he wrote. “We mourn her death and feel anger on reading that the investigators believe that another student caused it.” Police are continuing to investigate the case. Anyone with additional information about this incident is asked to call Charlottesville Police Sgt. Mark Brake at 434-970-3970 or Crime Stoppers at 434-977-4000.
‘College, Inc.’ premiering Tuesday on ‘Frontline’ MARY McNAMARA mcclatchy newspapers LOS ANGELES — Let’s hear it for “Frontline,” which continues to take on topics for no earthly reason save they’re important. In this week’s “College, Inc.,” you won’t meet lovely coeds who are stripping to make tuition or nerdy con men amassing small fortunes through prefab thesis papers. No, it’s all those Universities of Phoenix, whose signs are becoming more ubiquitous than lapband billboards, and their fellow for-profit colleges that the show’s indefatigable correspondent Martin Smith has in his sights. Never before has a college education become so important to those who hope to enter the work force and yet acquiring one has become increasingly expensive and logistically difficult. In this landscape of dwindling resources and increased need, the emergence of a new breed of education entrepreneur would appear to be the perfect solution. If the citizenry of the United States is unwilling or unable to fund colleges either through taxes or private endowments, then perhaps folks like former GE Chief Executive Jack Welch and former musician Michael Clifford can help by buying small struggling institutions and turning them into for-profit companies that have the capacity for seemingly endless growth. The most successful for-profit college system, and the one that serves as model for most, is the University of Phoenix, founded in 1976 by John Sperling, an American with a doctorate in economics from Cambridge who was frustrated with the limitations of traditional academe. He created a network of freeway-accessible colleges, now owned by the Apollo Group, that cater to adult students who want an education and may not be able to accommodate normal university hours. Many classes are at night, many do not follow the traditional academic year, and many are now taken online. To keep costs down, few for-profit colleges have traditional campuses (although some, like Grand Canyon College, do, though mainly to create a pleasing image for their many online students) and most employ teachers via short-term contracts rather than tenure. That they are filling a need is evident by their success — the various Universities of Phoenix have almost half a million students enrolled and similar systems now crisscross the country. Wall Street could not be happier. But whenever there is money to be made — and according to one former top executive of the University of Phoenix there is a lot of money to be made in for-profit colleges — there is the potential for abuse. Some for-profits have been charged with using pressure tactics and even fraud to boost enrollment, while others have been accused of not fulfilling their promises to provide the training and accreditation for students to enter their chosen fields. And in some cases, everything winds up costing almost twice as much, on average, as most community colleges. Like homeowners underwater by a huge mortgage payment, some students at for-profits discover that high-interest educational loans and a depressed job market makes these almost impossible to pay. Smith interviews several for-profit alums who are