Wednesday, September 8, 2010 Print Edition

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Wednesday, September 8, 2010 An independent, student-run newspaper serving the Virginia Tech community since 1903

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School board Bars score customers green lights fund request


Virginia Tech football fans celebrate Monday at Hokie House during the Hokie’s game against Boise State University. Several restaurant owners around downtown Blacksburg reported an increase in patronage during the football squad’s season opener.

RESTAURANTS IN DOWNTOWN BLACKSBURG CASH IN ON MONDAY’S SEASON OPENER GORDON BLOCK associate news editor Despite a tough loss for Virginia Tech on the football field, restaurants in downtown Blacksburg saw a bump in business for Monday’s action. The Boise State game was the first for Frank’s Bar, located inside the 622 North restaurant and former home of Bogen’s Steakhouse and Bar. Sam Catron, the bar’s general manager, said all of Frank’s tables were filled, with a total attendance of about 40 to 50 people.

“We were happy with the turnout,” Catron said, noting a 25 to 30 percent increase from the bar’s normal Monday nights, when it hosts a pool league. The game was also the first for Hokie House’s new ownership group. Brian Palmer, one of the restaurant’s co-owners, said while business was three times better than an average Monday night, turnout was lower than expected. “With it being such a big game, we thought there would be more people coming out,” Palmer said. “We were expecting it to be a little bit more busy.” Mike Hopkins, kitchen man-

ager at Top of the Stairs, said he noticed a few more people than an average Monday. “I thought it might’ve been a little busier, but it was a decent amount of people,” Hopkins said. Andrea Weddle, manager at Big Al’s Grille & Sports Bar, described the restaurant as “standing room only.” Many bars said sales were steady throughout the game. “When something good happened, they got a shot, and when something bad happened, they got a shot,” Weddle said. With the Hokies losing on a late Boise State touchdown, most of the bars emptied out almost immediately after the game’s conclusion.

“Most people left, the superfans stayed,” Hopkins said. Catron speculated sales might have jumped with a Tech victory. “If we had won, people would’ve hung around, got some drinks to celebrate,” he said. Expectations were high with the beginning of football on both the college and professional level. In addition to Monday’s game, this week will also see the opening games of the NFL season and Tech’s home opener against James Madison University. For Catron, the start of football season is a welcome respite from a slower summer. “We’ve been here all summer building a customer base,” Catron said. “We’re ready to be too busy to even handle.”

Dead zones not expected from oil spill RENEE SCHOOF mcclatchy newspapers WASHINGTON — The amount of oxygen in the Gulf of Mexico near oil plumes created by the BP well blowout is 20 percent lower than normal, but not so low as to create dead zones where little life exists, federal scientists reported Tuesday. The drop in oxygen levels is caused by microbes that use oxygen as they consume oil that is drifting 3,300 feet or more below the Gulf’s surface, the scientists reported. Dissolved oxygen levels would have to drop by an additional 70 percent to create dead zones, and that’s unlikely, said Steve Murawski, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s chief scientist for fisheries and the head of the group of federal scientists who analyzed data and produced the report. Dead zones are less of a threat as the oil degrades and spreads out, and as the oxygen-rich waters mix

in from surrounding areas, he said. Still, the impact of the oil plume at such deep levels isn’t fully understood, Murawski said. “While it’s a relief not to see deep dead zones as a result of the oil droplets that remain below the surface, there’s lots of work to be done to understand their long-term impacts on the ecosystem,” he said. Scientists are continuing to track the plume, and NOAA has started what Murawski called a “ramped-up effort” to account for the oil and chemical dispersants. The agency has been criticized for painting too rosy a picture with a report it issued during the summer that said as much as three-quarters of the oil that escaped into the Gulf between April 20 and July 15 had dissipated or been captured. The latest report was based on samples taken in 419 locations at depths of 3,300 to 4,300 feet, from the wellhead to 60 miles out, where federal and inde-


Mississippi first lady Marsha Barbour releases a sea turtle Aug. 30. pendent scientists found the plumes. None of the dissolved oxygen readings approached the level of a dead zone, the scientists said.

One of the world’s largest dead zones, off Texas and Louisiana, is caused by pollution discharged from the Mississippi and Atchafalaya rivers.


School board chairman Wendell Jones speaks during an Aug. 30 joint meeting with the Montgomery County Board of Supervisors.

SCHOOL CONSTRUCTION FUNDING RESOLUTION APPROVED AFTER THREE HOURS OF DEBATE LIANA BAYNE associate news editor The Montgomery County School Board approved a resolution requesting capital construction funds from the Montgomery County Board of Supervisors for two area high schools. The school board debated for more than three hours Tuesday night over a resolution requesting up to $124 million in funding to build a new Blacksburg High School along with a new Auburn High School and renovate the current AHS building to become a new Auburn Middle School. The county has dealt with the issue of funding school construction since BHS’s gym collapsed on Feb. 13. AHS and AMS were the next schools in line for renovation in the 2006 capital plan, and there has been outcry from the community in Riner as the county debated whether to continue with that plan. AHS was built in 1936. The school board has already engaged in discussion with the Montgomery County Board of Supervisors over how much money would be necessary to carry out construction on three schools simultaneously and where that money would come from. At the school board’s Aug. 17 meeting, it drafted a resolution for the board of supervisors. On Aug. 30, the school board held a joint meetng with the board of supervisors, where concerns over tax and loan rates dominated the discussion. Tuesday night, Superintendent Brenda Blackburn requested another vote on the resolution, in order to begin acting on it. The board voted 6-2 to approve the resolution and send it forward. Blackburn also said at this time there has been no further construction or renovation at the old BHS facility. “We have taken no additional action on the facility pending outcomes of conversations whether there is funding to

build a new Blacksburg High School,” Blackburn said. Although the long-term issues surrounding BHS have not yet been resolved, current school building situations experienced a “very successful” first day of school, board member Walt Shannon said. “We did pull together enough things that everything was complete to the point we were able to open on (Aug.) 30,” he said.

Other notes from the school board: — All Montgomery County Schools have met or exceeded state benchmarks in reading and math scores and graduation rates, and are fully accredited for the third year in a row. — Enrollment at both BHS and BMS is down. At this time, in-depth analysis has not been completed of the reason for the drops in those numbers. Schools must wait for 10 days after school is open to determine final enrollment numbers. Shannon said there are still some traffic issues that need to be resolved on Prices Fork Road, where about 400 high school students are now driving to what used to be Blacksburg Middle School. “You could have a vehicle that could get in front of Kipps (Elementary School) and it could take them 15 minutes to turn into that property (new Blacksburg High School),” he said. Middle school students are also bused to what is now BHS before being bused to what is now BMS, in Christiansburg. “Buses still aren’t getting to middle school on time,” Shannon said. “We’re working through that and we’re working on cooperation with the Blacksburg Police Department to look at ways we can do that.”

Koran burning prompts fears from U. Florida Muslims JAWEED KHALEEM mcclatchy newspapers GAINESVILLE, Fla. — Before she left her Miami home to return to the University of Florida this fall, Wajiha Akhtar’s parents gave her some unusual advice: Stay indoors as much as possible and, whatever happens, don’t go near the Koran burners. “I was fearful,” says Akhtar, 24, a graduate student in epidemiology who says she never had any concerns as a Muslim here until recently. “Will we get singled out?” Far from ground zero, where debate over a proposed Islamic center is still roiling, a Gainesville church has aroused anger and tension among Florida’s growing Muslim community and caught the world’s attention _ from international headlines to rallies in Indonesia and India _ because of its pistol-toting pastor’s plan to ignite a bonfire of Korans on 9-11 to protest

what he calls a religion “of the devil.” Fearing violence, some Muslims are leaving town on the Sept. 11 weekend to avoid problems. Last week in South Florida, 13 mosque leaders issued a call to the region’s Muslims for nonviolence in anticipation of high emotions over the desecration of Islam’s holy book. At UF, administrators have said they’re afraid the protest at the small Dove World Outreach Center will mar the school’s image, while international students and prospective foreign applicants have also expressed concern. “Things have escalated,” says Ismail ibn Ali, president of the university’s Islam on Campus student organization, which serves about 600 Muslim students in this city with 1,500 Muslims, a population that’s slowly grown over the last 30 years. The city’s two mosques, already packed in recent weeks for the holy Ramadan month, have become the

site of frequent discussions between Muslims about how _ or if _ to react to the church, whose pastor also plans to burn copies of the Talmud, a sacred Jewish text. “We’re hoping people will not protest because it might turn into a volatile situation,” says Ali, 21, a biochemistry student from Doral, Fla. “But people still want to do something to show the positive side of Islam.” The unexpected attention toward a city that’s little known beyond its university and football team has caused an identity crisis. Gainesville, a relatively liberal and religiously diverse college town in conservative North Central Florida _ it elected its first openly gay mayor this year and has made strides in interfaith relations _ is trying to protect its image with mixed results. Last week, 20 Jewish, Christian and Muslim clergy gathered on the steps of City Hall to denounce the nondenominational Dove church, whose 50

We’re hoping people will not protest because it might turn into a volatile situation. But people still want to do something to show the positive side of Islam. ISMAIL IBN ALI FLORIDA STUDENT

members regularly parade through the UF campus with T-shirts and signs in red ink declaring “Islam is of the devil.” Gainesville Mayor Craig Lowe has declared Sept. 11 as “Interfaith Solidarity Day.” Administrators and counselors have been asked to attend a special panel discussion at UF to listen to concerns of international students about church members, whom UF President Bernie Machen has called

“purveyors of harm.” A ad-hoc group called Gainesville Muslim Initiative has planned several counter events, including an outreach to the homeless on Sept. 11, a “Koran 101” lecture at UF and “Know Your Muslim Neighbor” open houses at the city’s mosques later in the month. Muslims in South Florida and across the nation are planning similar efforts in reaction to what’s happening in Gainesville and broader perceptions of anti-Muslim sentiment _ from the most extreme opposition to an Islamic center near Ground Zero to protests over mosque projects and attacks on Muslims elsewhere. Despite those efforts, “overseas, the story is seen as ‘Christian and Americans plan on burning the Koran,’” says Hassan Baber, 21, a student who has had several relatives from Pakistan ask him about what’s happening. His experience reflects that of many foreign-born Muslim students interviewed for this report.

“They say, ‘It’s unbelievable the type of things going on there. You have to tell them the truth or do something,’” says Baber, who will be staying in town on Sept. 11 to join Muslim students to feed the homeless. On Saturday, 3,000 Muslim Indonesians rallied outside the U.S. Embassy in Jakarta in one of six simultaneous demonstrations across the nation against the Koran burning, echoing a smaller protests in late August in that country and India. The Organization of the Islamic Conference, a Saudi Arabia-based group representing dozens of Muslim states, has warned that Koran burning will stir up “anger across the Muslim world and provoke unrest.” “This city is flourishing. There are new initiatives in technology and research, but this is how we get on the map?” says Akhtar, the epidemiology student from Miami. Since returning to school, she says see KORAN / page two

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