Friday, February 11, 2011 Print Edition

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April 16, 2011 Schedule of Events 9:40 a.m. @ Alumni Mall 3.2 Mile Run in Remembrance

11 a.m. - 5 p.m. @ Holtzman Alumni Center Memorial Exhibit and Slide Show

11:30 a.m. @ the Drillfield Community Picnic

Midnight @ Memorial: Ceremonial Candle Lighting

7:30 p.m. @ Memorial University Commemoration and Candlelight Vigil

Auditorium, Graduate Life Center Video of April 17, 2007 Convocation

11:59 p.m. @ Memorial Extinguishing of Candle Ceremony

Virginia Tech recently announced its tentative plans for its upcoming 2011 Day of Remembrance on April 16. This year’s commemoration will be the first to fall on a Saturday. The day will commence with a ceremonial candle lighting at midnight. The candle will remain lit until 11:59 p.m. The morning will feature a 3.2 mile run starting up at 9:40 a.m. Sponsored by Tech’s department of recreational sports, commemorative shirts will be given to the first 4,000 who register online for the race. Sign-up for the race is free. The run will be followed by a community picnic on the Drillfield starting at 11:30 a.m. Several events will commemorate victims of the shootings throughout the afternoon, including a memorial exhibit at the Holtzman Alumni Center and a continuous screening of the April 17, 2007 convocation in the auditorium of the Graduate Life Center. The day will culminate with a candlelight vigil at 7:30 p.m. at the April 16 memorial. -news staff


Friday, February 11, 2011

An independent, student-run newspaper serving the Virginia Tech community since 1903

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New dining hall breaks ground SARAH WATSON news reporter Voracious students stumbling out of academic buildings craving a gourmet meal will be satisfied in 2012 by a new dining hall, Turner Place. Virginia Tech recently broke ground on the three-story, 90,000-square-foot multipurpose dining and academic that will be located on the academic side of campus on Old Turner Street next to the ICTAS building. The $35.7 million project will include 8 restaurants and seat up to 700 patrons. “Being on the academic side, we envision this facility being very popular,” said Ted Faulkner, current associate director of dining services. Rick Johnson, former director of housing and dining in an interview in January 2009 said the two-floor dining area would be “super busy” once open because of its location near academic buildings. In addition to the 700 seats inside the building, there will be a heated patio designed to provide extra seating during colder months of the year, along with a walk-up, outdoor ordering window on the second floor for students in a rush.A 200-seat dinCOURTESY OF VIRGINIA TECH ing area dedicated to the Virginia Tech Corps of Cadets is also planned for the These conceptual drawings from January 2009 show the location of the new dining hall, recently christened Turner Place. The building, as first floor. Johnson said in 2009 that this seen in the map above, will be the only dining hall on the academic side of campus, located between the ICTAS building and Randolph Hall. area would help replace Shultz Hall, as the current corps dining facility will be turned over to the performing arts center renovation project slated to begin sometime this year. Johnson said the dining room is designed with long tables to “preserve the traditions of the corps all eating together.” The cadets eat dinner together four nights per week. The process of adding a dining facility to the academic part of campus, according to Faulkner, began several years ago when a consulting firm visited the Tech campus and surveyed students. It became clear that students wanted a Qdoba and other restaurants that will appear in Turner Place, Faulkner said. “We’re not trying to duplicate things that we’re already doing,” Faulkner said. With this in mind, dining services is blending chain restaurants and other non-franchised options. Jamba Juice, a full-size Qdoba and Bruegger’s Bagels COURTESY OF VIRGINIA TECH will be anchors of the dining hall. Attached to Bruegger’s Bagels will be Left, a conceptual drawing shows the outside of the three-story 90,000-square-foot building. Right, a drawing shows plans for a Japanese an outdoor patio area and a walk-up teppanyaki grill, which will feature a sushi bar and cooking in front of the table. The grill will be the first of its sort on a university campus. window for orders on the go.

“Students can go (to Bruegger’s Bagels) without having to deal with crowds and finding a seat,” Faulkner said. Located on the first floor will be Stanger Street Pies, an Italian-style restaurant with a wood fire, brick oven for “upscale pizzas” and pasta dishes, according to Faulkner. Bistro 412 will also be located on the ground floor of the facility, offering traditional southern flare, along with a grilling area that uses real wood to cook. Bistro 412 is named after the future address of Turner Place. On the second floor, students will find Le Cafe, a coffee shop with baristas creating specialty beverages, a crepe bar and an area with gelato that is made onsite. It will also include a grab-and-go section similar to DXpress. Also on the second floor will be a Japanese grill with a sushi bar, along with Soup Garden, which will serve a variety of soups, tossed salads and artisan breads. In January 2009, Johnson said he was especially proud of the Japanese grill and the Qdoba. “This will be the first Japanese grill on a university campus as we understand right now,” he said. The grill area will be able to seat 40 people at a time. Chefs will cook at the table in front of diners, similar to the setup of Kabuki Japanese Steakhouse and Sushi in Christiansburg, Johnson said. He also said that the Qdoba would be the first to be featured on a college campus as part of a student meal plan. “Qdoba is very excited for this contract,” Johnson said. “They usually like to be really close to a college campus, but for us to be able to get them on campus is very exciting.” The third floor of the building will feature six multi-purpose classrooms that Johnson described in 2009 as medium size, able to seat between 50 and 75 students. The office for Services for Students with Disabilities will also find a new home on the third floor of the building. The building is being designed according to sustainability guidelines governed by LEED. A resolution passed by the Board of Visitors in June 2009 states that all new buildings constructed on campus will be up to the standards of at least a “silver” LEED rating. “This is a state of the art facility that’s going to be cutting edge,” Faulker said. -associate news editor liana bayne contributed to this report.

Tech to require all users to change passwords annually SARAH WATSON news reporter Virginia Tech is making an attempt to ramp up cyber-security by requiring more than 100,000 students, faculty, staff and alumni to change login passwords for all university accounts by July 1. Everyone operating a Tech account must change their passwords, including their PIDs, Hokie ID and Oracle ID by July 1. Passwords must then be changed once a year for the remainder of that account’s activity. Earving L. Blythe, the chief information officer at Tech, set the parameters for this initiative in consultation with the Board of Visitors. This new mandate aims to meet a requirement set by the state of Virginia that anyone using state computers must change their password every 90 days unless they show a business need to not do so. According to Randy Marchany, university IT security officer, Tech presented the need for password alterations to coincide with the academic calendar, allowing these changes to occur once a year. If those with university accounts do not change their passwords, on July 2 they will be notified that their passwords have expired and they will be redirected to a password change screen, according to Marchany. Another reason for this directive is to protect the users of these accounts. Over the past few years, Marchany has noticed a consistent issue of e-mail passwords being cracked and used to send spam and junk mail.

“It’s not a big problem, but it’s a persistent problem,” Marchany said. Students are at risk of contracting viruses spread through e-mail or facing changes in information on their MyVT account if someone breaks into their accounts. If an individual manages to crack the password of a faculty or staff member, grades, rosters, tax forms and other information can be viewed and altered.

We’re doing our best to make sure people change their passwords, and strengthen them. RANDY MARCHANY UNIVERSITY IT SECURITY OFFICER

“This is a preemptive effort to protect ourselves,” Marchany said. Information Technology is taking this time to educate users on safe computing habits. According to Marchany, there are passwordguessing programs that are preloaded with dictionaries that can guess upwards of 50 passwords per second. “We’re doing our best to make sure people change their passwords and strengthen them,” Marchany said. IT has also created password strength rules that require passwords to be at least 8 characters long. If a password does not meet the strength requirements, the user must choose a new password. “Our goal is to eliminate trivial passwords,” Marchany said.

Creating an


E L B A ACK Password

username: Strong_passwords

username: Passwords_should



- are at least eight g characters long

- not be an alphabetic or numeric series


- not be a string of identical numbers or letters


GOHOKIES combine the first letters of words or phrases VATECHOKI include at least one symbol or number y G0_H0K1E$

no ABCDEF or 123456 no AAAAAA or 111111 - not be a common keyboard shortcut no ASDFGH or QWERTY - not be your name/userid/any variation no JONDOE or EODNOJ - not be any words easily associated with you no HOKIES or VTECH

- mix case i using i g upper and d lower l

username: Password_formula

- not be a common dictionary word password: username: Maintain_security

1. Select a four-letter word

tech 1872 3. Intermingle the numbers and letters 7t2h8e1c 4. Capitalize a letter. 7t2H8e1c


2. Select a four-digit number


by using different passwords for each account by changing passwords at regular intervals by never writing your passwords down by never sharing your passwords with others DANIELLE BUYNAK / COLLEGIATE TIMES

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