Wednesday, December 7, 2011
An independent, student-run newspaper serving the Virginia Tech community since 1903
COLLEGIATETIMES 108th year, issue 123
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Virginia Tech James Madison Virginia Average percent of need met: 100% Average indebtedness at graduation: $19,384
Average percent of need met: 43% Average indebtedness at graduation: $20,417
Average percent of need met: 62% Average indebtedness at graduation: $23,100
OCCUPIES COLLEGES Virginia’s diverse group of universities searches for fitting ways to remove or lighten economic burden of education for their students BY MALLORY NOE-PAYNE | news staff writer In a speech at the University of Colorado-Denver, President Barack Obama openly discussed the impact of student debt on his own life. “We were paying more on our student loans than we were paying on our mortgage each month,” Obama said of he and his wife after they both attended law school. Obama’s late October talk unveiled a new plan to provide further relief to students paying off loans. The plan, which will go into effect in 2012, changes how much students pay each month and for how long they pay. Currently, loan payments can be
capped at 15 percent of a graduate’s income and, in some circumstances, remaining debt erased after 25 years of payments. The plan will change those numbers to 10 percent of discretionary income, with remaining debt erased after 20 years. Obama’s “Pay as you Earn” plan was a response to increasing unrest from students nationwide and sparked a conversation on student debt. However, solutions to how students approach and deal with debt are also starting at the ground up — at the schools themselves. With more than 75 institutions of higher education in Virginia, the state serves
as a good case study for how schools of various sizes and funding sources approach financial aid for their students. Shelley Blumenthal, a guidance counselor at Blacksburg High School, points to the differences between higher endowed private colleges and public state schools. “I think that we have a signifcant number who take advantage of our strong state school options,” Blumenthal said. “Then students with private schools and the associated higher costs are more likely looking at financial aid packages.” But when it comes down to the numbers, things can get tricky.
“With college it’s like that old adage, ‘Don’t look at the sticker price,’” Blumenthal said of approaching how much a school costs.
PUBLIC UNIVERSITIES At public and private schools alike, endowments — funds that universities maintain and invest that are largely supported by private giving — are important factors in how much aid students are likely to receive given their need. Endowments are varied and can be affected by the school’s size, prestige and whether it is public or private. In addition to the size of a school’s
endowment, the amount of aid given to students also depends on the number of students who require aid — this number is considerably higher at more costly private schools. Tech’s endowment is currently about $600 million. The recently completed “Campaign for Virginia Tech: Invent the Future” fundraising effort grew the endowment by 81 percent since 2003, according to Tech. The campaign began in 2003 and has created 563 new scholarships. see DEBT / page two
Spencer, Holt to send off Hokies Program could
improve VT Alerts system JOSH HIGGINS news reporter Students have expressed dissatisfaction with VT Alerts, especially since earlier this year a message was sent stating that a robbery occurred near the Math Emporium, which really took place near Mary Jane Circle. Following the erroneous message, another was sent correcting the error. Grace Wilde, a freshman biology major, was frustrated with the miscommunication. “VT Alerts left out too much information when there was a robber off campus,” Wilde said. “When I went to class, I was afraid there could be a gunman on campus.” But there is a new communication system that could help prevent these mistakes from happening. Text2Them, which Evolve Mobile Communication, Inc. created, allows students to text back to the university, asking about crucial information or reporting activity. Alvin Butler, the CEO of Evolve Mobile, said Text2Them was initially meant for texting family and friends, not businesses or college campuses. “However, with the new system, you’d be able to communicate with any department, office or professor on a college campus just as you do now with your friends and family,” Butler said. According to Larry Hincker, a university spokesman, he has not heard of Text2Them but would be interested in researching it further. In the meantime, he seems to think the current alerts system works well. “The current system is very robust — it has many communication channels,” said Larry Hincker, a university spokesman. VT Alerts uses campus sirens, classroom electronic signs, computer alerts, as well as text and voice messaging to issue alerts to students, faculty and
staff, Hincker said. Since its inception in 2007, several modifications and additions of these new communication channels have been made to help get alerts out faster through multiple communication methods. “You can’t rely on one channel,” Hincker said. “The key to any emergency system is to ensure that in addition to speed, you’ve got redundancy.” The university, Hincker said, has looked into many different alert system options. “Tech would certainly consider any improvement in our emergency notification system,” he said. However, Robert Crowther, a sophomore civil engineering major, said the system works well. “I do think VT Alerts is a good system,” he said. “We’re alerted well in advance — at least I have been in all of my experiences. So I think it’s working just fine.” Evolve Mobile’s new system would bridge the communication gap between university officials and students by letting students text back to alerts made on campus or alert officials of a possible problem on or near campus. “If you needed to initiate a text conversation, you could send a text message to campus security, and it would be received and create a conversation with the administration,” Butler said. If an alert was made on campus, students could use Text2Them to send important information or updates to university officials. Additionally, if an incident occurred in a residence hall and a student could not make a phone call, that person could send a text to campus security and inform them of the situation — something Tech’s alert system does not have. However, Crowther isn’t certain this feature is necessary. see Alerts / page two
Tech will host the 2011 fall commencement next weekend. Spencer and Holt will deliver addresses to undergraduate and graduate students.
SPENCER FEELS LIKE HE IS ‘GRADUATING WITH THE CLASS OF 2012,’ AS HE PLANS TO RETIRE IN MAY JENN BATES news staff writer Two familiar faces will present speeches at the fall commencement ceremonies — Ed Spencer, the vice president of student affairs, and Jaan Holt, an architect professor. For Spencer, his appearance at the undergraduate ceremony is especially important, since he is retiring in May and feels as if he is graduating with the class of 2012 students, as he is their sponsor. “It is a particular honor when students ask to hear from you,” he said. Spencer even wears the 2012 class ring he was presented with at Ring Dance every day, calling it his retirement ring.
Students also seem excited about Spencer’s speech, including Corbin DiMeglio, the SGA president and a senior business major. “Personally, I am honored to have (Spencer) speak at my graduation,” DiMeglio said. Spencer said the focus of his speech will be getting students to reflect on what they’ve learned at Virginia Tech and applying that knowledge to the working world. “Dr. Spencer has done so much for the university. It is an honor to have him as our class sponsor and I am sad to see him retire,” said Rachel Koons, a human development major and member of the 2012 leadership team. “Throughout my four years as a stu-
dent at Virginia Tech, I have seen him do so much for our university, and the students and I know that he will leave a great legacy here just like the Class of 2012.” Other students agreed. “I know Dr. Spencer personally, and when I found out he would be speaking at the fall commencement ceremony, I was very pleased. He has a way of relating to the students that does not always come easy for some,” said Matthew Banfield, who is the Ring Dance chair for the class of 2012 and a senior theatre arts and cinema major. Like Spencer, Holt, who is the director of the Washington-Alexandria Architecture Center, is also looking forward to speaking at the graduate ceremony. “I think I have some perceptions to offer, having seen so many graduates embark on their life’s career,” Holt said.
“I think I could be of value to students at that moment.” Holt attended Tech as an architecture student in 1961 and has been a professor in the same department for 40 years. He said he will talk about how students need to view their passage through life — the things that guide them and leave them gratified. But he plans to keep his speech short — at about 10 minutes.“I think (Spencer and Holt) were chosen because they both have a deep personal connection with Virginia Tech and the students who go here. Many students know them and commemorate them for all they have done for the university,” said Kelly O’Brien, a senior marketing major. Both Spencer and Holt will only speak at the December commencements. Someone external of Tech will give the commencement speeches in May, Spencer said.