june 7, 2012
what’s inside News .............2 Opinions........5 Features ........7 Sports ...........9 Classifieds ...11 Sudoku ........11 108th year issue 61 blacksburg, va.
Wakeboarding makes waves at nationals Club team places third at Collegiate Wakeboard Nationals in Oklahoma City BY ALEX KOMA | sports editor Summer may be the time of year most people get out on the water, but some Hokies have been aquatically active all year long. In fact, the Virginia Tech Wakeboarding Club has been competing all season and is starting to draw attention after placing third in the Collegiate Wakeboard Nationals, part of the CBS Alt Games, on Saturday. “This was one of the better things to ever happen to the club,” said club member Nick Schrein. “In years past, we’d come in at fifth or sixth, so this jump to third was huge for us.” It may seem odd to think
of wakeboarding as a competitive sport, but this national event represented the pinnacle of the sport in the U.S. In it, riders are judged based on the complexity and execution of tricks they perform, and are divided into seven categories for competition. There are four divisions for male riders and two for female riders, with a final division for wakeskating, in which the rider isn’t strapped to the board to allow for more trick possibilities. The team qualified for nationals after competing in regionals in the fall, which Tech hosted this year. see WAKEBOARDING/ page ten
Wakeboarding Club member Joel Wagner competes at regionals in October 2011. The club had to qualify for last weekend’s national competition, where they placed third.
Gumby’s closes temporarily MICHELLE SUTHERLAND editor-in-chief Pokey Stix connoisseurs will have to do without during Gumby's Pizza and Wing's temporary closure as ownership changes. Natalie Boozer, a representative of, did not know when it would reopen. “Somebody else bought it, and they told us to shut (the CampusSpecial. com page) down for right now so they could transition with new ownership
and will probably be back up again,” she said. Kevin Nolley, a representative of Terry Court Properties, which owns Gumby’s building, confirmed that the pizza place is still a tenant. He said he did not know details of the business. Gumby's phone number has been disconnected, and Gumby’s Campus Special page says “CLOSED.” A Gumby’s representative could not be reached.
Police arrest sex offender MICHELLE SUTHERLAND editor-in-chief Blacksburg Police arrested a registerd sex offender for three counts of aggravated sexual battery on two children and a third victim, according to a release from the department. Danny Everette Dillow of Dublin, Va. committed these acts at the Montgomery County Public Library in Blacksburg. The police recieved information about the acts on May 15, which included a report of
"innapropriate touching by an adult male not employed by the library." On May 31, they were able to get more information and coordinate a surveillance, leading to Dillow's capture on June 2. Dillow violated stipulations of his court ordered probabtion and was taken to the Montgomery County Jail, and arrest warrants were obtained and served June 4. His is currently at Montgomery County Jail and is held without bond, according to the release.
Sex offenses at Tech
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