Wednesday, October 31, 2012 Print Edition

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Wednesday, October 31, 2012 An independent, student-run newspaper serving the Virginia Tech community since 1903


109th year, issue 37 News, page 2

Features, page 6

Opinions, page 3

Food & Drink, page 5

Study Break, page 4

Admissions Sandy leaves Blacksburg mostly unscathed turn to use of social media ANDREW KULAK news staff writer

MAX LUONG news staff writer

More university admissions offices than ever before have added a new tool to their evaluation process: Facebook. According to studies conducted by Kaplan Test Prep, over a quarter of colleges today monitor prospective students’ Facebook pages during the application process. In 2008, only one in 10 admissions officers reported monitoring applicants’ social networking pages. Now, 26 percent of administrations use Facebook to look up university hopefuls; 27 percent use Google. Kaplan representative Colin Gruenwald said the survey began nine years ago when thousands of students were curious about how their digital footprints affect the admissions process. According to the survey, reports of negatively-impacting findings on networking profiles include essay plagiarism, vulgarity, alcohol consumption, and various “illegal activity”. Admissions officers also reported miscellaneous discoveries that “made them wonder.” “They’re trying to find out who students really are,” Gruenwald said. “Because social media is so engrained in today’s culture, many people reveal a side of themselves on a Facebook page that wasn’t shown on paper.” The 2012 survey also suggests a huge impact on this past year’s application season; 35 percent of admissions officers reported finding information that negatively affected students’ acceptance chances. Virginia Tech, however, is bucking the trend. “With 20,000 applications rolling through every year and a small body to read them, we don’t have the resources,” said Jennifer Harris, the public relations representative for Tech’s admissions office. While Tech claims social network monitoring is out of the question today, the administration currently has no set policy. However, only 15 percent of schools have a definitive policy on monitoring applicants’ online pages, and 69 percent of those schools ban it; 75 percent of schools


Tropical storm Sandy ravaged the Northeast Monday night, leaving over 30 dead and more than 8 million without power along the East Coast. However, Blacksburg and Virginia Tech were left relatively unscathed after the storm. Though strong wind tore through the area Monday night and continued during the day Tuesday, Appalachian Power reported very few outages in Montgomery County. “We have about 500 customers without power,” said Appalachian Power spokesman Todd Burns. “That’s only around 1 percent of our 37,600 Montgomery County customers.” Most power outages were in the Prices Fork area. Burns expected power to be restored quickly. Initial estimates that power for those customers would be restored by Tuesday afternoon were revised after crews found a downed tree had damaged equipment more severely than anticipated. Burns sti l l expected Montgomery County customers to have service restored before the end of the day. By noon on Tuesday, the company reported 28,157 customers to be without power in areas serviced outside of Montgomery Country, including expanded regions in Virginia and Tennessee. Most outages were blamed on strong wind gusts. Flooding and damage from the storm has paralyzed other parts of the country, including New York City, where trading on the f loor of the New York Stock Exchange was suspended for a second straight day. The global financial center hopes to reopen today, despite serious damage to infrastructure. Roads and subway tunnels remained flooded, severely


see MEDIA / page two

Enjoying dessert for dinner Katelyn Childs, a sophomore Spanish and human development major, enjoys some chocolate-filled desserts at Virginia Tech Dining Services’ “Chocolate Day” event at D2. Just one day before Halloween, the event’s tagline was “So much chocolate, it’s scary.” photo by Ben Weidlich

see SANDY / page two

SGA survey shows issues with dining PRISCILLA ALVAREZ news reporter

The SGA released the results of its on-campus survey, finding that dining hall congestion is a main issue for students. After three days of surveying the student body, Student Outreach, a branch of the Student Government Association, gathered student opinions on campus issues. The survey got results from 11 percent of the student body. Extreme Makeover Campus Edition, hosted by the SGA, is not over yet, but the first round of results has already given direction to what changes the SGA should pursue on campus. The survey included questions about Newman Library, student centers, transportation and dining, but dining was where students said they’d like to see change the most. Roy Abernathy, co-director of Student Outreach, said that concern was one he expected to see. Several students found line crowding and walking flow to be a big issue,

which reaffirmed that the problem was worth pursuing. “We are working, in SGA, on dining halls and walking slow as being the biggest problem,” Abernathy said, “Lines are designed in a way that you can’t get to them.” Turner Place is typically the most popular dining spot on campus. According to Abernathy, this leads to congestion and interfering lines. According to survey results, West End, which was just renovated, also has the same problem. Survey results also indicated that students want more 24-hour study space. In 2010, SGA worked with faculty to open Torgersen Bridge 24/7, which was eliminated when the Newman Library announced it would be open all night. The survey showed that students still want that workspace, something the SGA is working on, according to Abernathy. Another survey will be released soon that will provide the SGA with more detailed responses from students.

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