Friday, February 22, 2013 Print Edition

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COLLEGIATETIMES 109th year, issue 77 News, page 2

Video request proves successful


Boyer videos a request to former-Prime Minister Kevin Rudd.

Instructor John Boyer has used social media once again to reach a leader from across the globe. SEAN HAYDEN news staff writer

Instructor John Boyer never fails to prove the power of social media to his World Regions students. For the last two years, Boyer has been able to directly connect with important figures in both the United States and the world by using YouTube, Twitter and other social media networks. On Feb. 19 Boyer posted a video on YouTube with the help of his World Regions class, inviting former Australian Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd, to talk to his class via webcam next week. In a Skype interview with NBC News Australia, held shortly after the video was posted, Boyer elaborated on why he chose Kevin Rudd and what makes him a great candidate for a discussion with his geography class. “I heard about Kevin Rudd ’s interactiv it y through some former students of mine who saw news stories about him, and ended up following him for several years,” Boyer said. “As a scholar of China, a foreign minister and prime minister of Australia, Mr. Rudd has a very unique vantage point for understanding the foreign relations with not only Australia and China, but also the Pacific Asian Region in general.” Boyer showed his sense of humor in the video invitation by offering to buy Rudd a Fosters beer to show his appreciation for talking to his class, which he later apologized for during the NBC interview, as Australians do not usually drink Fosters. Rudd also showed his sense of humor by responding from his twitter account, @KRuddMP, “I was skeptical about your offer until I saw free beer.” Rudd is one of the most active politicians on Twitter, so it was no surprise that several of Boyer’s students were able to get direct responses from

Rudd. Carmen Lodato, a sophomore communication major and student in Boyer’s World Regions class, expressed her excitement about the Skype event next week. “I am really excited about next week and I was extremely impressed about how quickly Rudd responded to the YouTube video and the Tweets,” Lodato said. “Rudd replied so quickly that I did not even have a chance to tweet at him like a lot of the students.”

Mr. Rudd has a very unique vantage point for understanding the foreign relations with not only Australia and China, but also the Pacific Asian Region in general.” John Boyer World Regions Professor

Fre sh ma n World Regions student Layla Mustafa is also looking forward to the video chat with Rudd next week. “I am really looking forward to interacting with a world figure first hand next week,” Mustafa said. “It’s not every day that you get to talk to such a significant world leader in one of your college classes.” Boyer has had great success in the past with his Skype interview with Aung San Suu Kyi, the Burmese democracy leader, and with his showing of the film, “The Way” with guest appearances by Emilio Estevez and Martin Sheen. “Over the past couple years, I have seen Professor Boyer’s YouTube videos about trying to connect with world leaders, and it is awesome that I finally get to be a part of one,” Lodato said. Follow the writer on Twitter: @shayden

People & Clubs, page 8

Opinions, page 5

Sports, page 3

Study Break, page 6

Hughes’ road to Blacksburg MATT JONES sports editor

Pete Hughes doesn’t do anything halfway. Virginia Tech’s head baseball coach only knows one way to attack a situation: head on. Whether that comes from his background as a football coach and player, family man, community service advocate, or baseball coach, Hughes makes sure his presence is felt. Don’t mistake his energy for intimidation or his enthusiasm for fakeness. Hughes is the face of baseball at Tech, but it didn’t come easy. “Everyone’s got the trials and tribulations of sacrificing in this crazy profession,” Hughes said. “You’ve got to have a good wife, you’ve got to have goals and you have to be persistent. Sometimes it works out for you, sometimes it doesn’t. It’s worked out great for us.” The Hokies, who finished 35-21 in 2012, are poised for a breakout 2013 season. In his six years in Blacksburg, Hughes has already climbed the all-time wins list at the school, trailing only Chuck Hartman and G.F. “Red” Laird with 182 wins. At the age of 43, Hughes has coached 16 seasons of college baseball, amassing a record of 484-363-2 entering 2013. His success is a testament to the sacrifices he’s made in his early coaching career, a journey that has taken him to five schools before the age of 40 and often tested his and his family’s resolve. Climbing the ladder Unlike the specialization of today’s young athletes,


Virginia Tech head baseball coach Pete Hughes has built the Hokies into a serious contender in the ACC. Hughes never had a dull moment growing up athletically. A two-sport athlete at Boston College High School, Hughes played football and baseball for the Eagles, an accomplishment he feels shaped who he is today and was a major reason he chose Davidson College. “That’s why I went to college,” Hughes said. “I couldn’t see myself going to college for four more years and not doing what I’d done my whole life. After making an academic decision, which my parents told me

to make, playing two sports was the second criteria, and that was it.” A four-year starter at quarterback and a threeyear starter at third base, Hughes graduated in 1990 with a degree in sociology/ anthropology. His next step — coaching — kicked off a wild ride through his 20’s and 30’s. “(I knew I wanted to coach) from day one,” Hughes said. “It was going to be football though. I was going to be a college football coach — that’s what I was going to do.”

Hughes took his first job in 1990 as an assistant football coach at Hamilton College, a small school in upstate New York. To make extra money, Hughes also served as a baseball assistant during the spring, bringing his annual salary up to $4,000. “That’s what drives me nuts with all these guys saying, ‘I’d take that job, but I can’t afford it,’” Hughes said. “If you want that job, and you want to be great at it, you just figure it out. We don’t talk about money — we do what we always do, see HUGHES / page three

Nepali mixes new customs with old JESSICA GROVES features reporter

In fall 2012, the Cranwell International Center counted 812 undergraduate students among its numbers. Freshman electrical engineering major Dikchhan Tamang is one of a handful of international students from Nepal, but his situation is unique. “I have the equivalent of a green card in the United Kingdom, but I’ve lived here too long to be considered international,” Tamang said. Because of his unique status, he can’t apply to FAFSA or international scholarships. However, this didn’t stop him from coming to Virginia Tech. Tamang said that Tech was always a top priority. According to the university enrollment profi le, Tech

I have the equivalent of a green card in the United Kingdom, but I’ve lived here too long to be considered international.” Dikchhan Tamang Electrical engineering major

received 20,191 applications. Of that number, 5,487 enrolled as part of the class of 2016. Out of those, Tamang is one of 20 Nepalese students


Dikchhan Tamang has eased his way into the Blacksburg community while still staying true to his culture. in Blacksburg. Tamang researched Tech and chose the electrical engineering major because of its current demand. He said Tech was also popular with friends at his high school in Woodbridge. “I had narrowed it down to George Mason, Tech and UVa.,” Tamang said. “UVa. flat out said ‘no,’ and I would have to pay double as an international student, but Tech fi nally said ‘yes.’” Also wanting to pursue a career as an engineer, Tech seemed like an appropriate choice for Tamang. “I always liked watching technological shows,”

Tamang said. “The lights and lasers always fascinated me, and electrical engineering seemed like it would work with that.” Tamang started searching for other Nepalese students before he even got to Blacksburg. That search led him to several different student organizations, including the Japanese Cultural Association, Korean Student Association, and Chinese Student Association. Tamang was immediately drawn to the university’s activities as well. Holly Younce, a junior communication major, became Tamang’s big sister in the

Korean American Student Association in fall 2012. “I had no idea who he was when I was assigned to be his big,” Younce said. “At the reveal, my friends said that he and I were a perfect big and little match, and we were able to have really easy conversation once we started talking.” Even though 9,087 students live in residence halls on campus, Tamang has found a home within his circle of friends. Younce said Tamang values community as much as any other Tech student does; she has seen Tamang’s passion for Tech’s people and organizations fi rsthand. see CULTURE / page two

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