Once we accept our limits, we go beyond them.” ― ALBERT EINSTEIN
Parent Survey Results Summary
Dear Collegiate School Community, No doubt that Albert Einstein knew a bit about pushing beyond limits. He lived his life in dogged pursuit of the next challenge and the next opportunity to shatter barriers and improve. We can learn something from Einstein’s spirit of perseverance and his never-ending search for excellence. As a community, we must strive to always move forward, pursuing relentlessly the very best educational experience for our young people. It is in the spirit of continuous improvement that we asked our community to participate in the Parent Satisfaction Survey several months ago. As you may recall, this is the first year we have used this particular survey instrument, which is offered by the National Association of Independent Schools. Our goal is to conduct this survey every two years and carefully track results. When the capability becomes available, we plan to benchmark our School’s results against those of other independent schools. Because many schools use this survey, there are limitations. For example, we cannot change or alter survey questions. As a result, a few of the questions may not be particularly relevant for our School. We do believe, however, that the survey addresses well the major areas of life at Collegiate School.
RESULTS OF THE SURVEY We had strong participation, with approximately 50% of our families responding and a good representation of families from all three divisions of the School. As a result, we believe our survey results are reliable and statistically valid and yield a wealth of community information. We thank our participating families for sharing with us what is important to you and for letting us know how we are doing.
Participant Profile
Overall Experience
Overall Communication
SURVEY HIGHLIGHTS Overall, the results of the survey were very positive in these important areas of school life: • overall educational experience • overall communication • school’s welcoming environment
Offers Welcoming Environment
COLLEGIATE EXPERIENCE When asked to rank and rate the most important factors in the Collegiate experience, you identified the following: • challenging curriculum in core academic areas • quality of teachers • character development • leadership development • college placement services • technology/computer skill development • small class size
Quality of Teachers
It is interesting to note that the factors you indicated are currently most important are very similar to the ones you rated as most important when the decision to enroll your child or children in Collegiate was made: • academic program • college placement record • school climate/values • small class size • safety
Challenging Curriculum
As we move ahead, you can be confident that we will continue to focus on these important areas and that they will remain in the forefront of our strategic priorities.
Character Development Leadership Development College Placement Services Technology Skill Dev. Small Class Size
The survey indicated that nearly 100% of our families first learned about Collegiate from a family member, friend, neighbor, other parent, alumnus or because someone in the family had attended Collegiate.
How Did You Hear About the School?
Given these results, it is very important to measure how strong a connection our families have with our School. When you were asked how likely it would be for you to recommend Collegiate to a friend or colleague, you responded very favorably. Our Net Promoter Score (NPS™) of 75% exceeds the 50%+ score that is considered to be excellent. The NPS measures the loyalty of an organization’s constituency.
Would You Recommend the School
Net Promoter Score, and NPS are trademarks of Satmetrix Systems, Inc., Bain & Company, Inc., and Fred Reichheld
*Top industry leaders and how they rank in NPS scoring.
AREAS OF INTEREST Survey participants identified several areas of school life where they would like to see more attention focused or more information provided: • tuition and school operations • better communication with administrators and child(ren)’s teachers • technology skill development • leadership development We are committed to making these important areas of school life as strong as they can be. As we move forward, I will be sharing periodic updates with you on our plans and our progress, beginning with my Head of School Report in early September.
CONCLUSION A healthy school community is one that embraces open and honest dialogue about its mission, vision, and success in its efforts to provide the very best educational experience for its students. We remain committed to that principle, and we will move forward together toward that end. Sincerely,
Stephen D. Hickman Head of School