2022 Village Green Fair - Let the Good Times Roll

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Collegiate School • Richmond, Virginia

The Parents’ Association and the VGF Committee ARE EXCITED TO

Let the Good Times Roll WITH YOU THIS SPRING!

FRIDAY, APRIL 8, 10 A.M.- 4 P.M. AND SATURDAY, APRIL 9, 9 A.M.- 3 P.M. We are excited to return to the main campus this year for our 57th Village Green Fair. The Village Green Fair is the Parents’ Association’s largest, school-wide fundraising event. We’ll roll into the weekend on Friday, April 8 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. We invite you to join us for our annual Friday Frolic where you can visit the Shops on the Green, the Garden Shoppe, and the Classy Cougar, all located on the Lower School campus, and enjoy a casual lunch under the big tent with your friends and family. Friday evening is reserved for our 8th Grade Fun Night! This special event from 6-8 p.m. is for 8th Graders only. Join your classmates for an evening of fun, inflatables, music, food and PRIZES! Saturday, April 9 is when the GOOD TIMES really begin to ROLL! Get a jump on your day at 8 a.m. by watching our Lower and Middle School runners compete in the Fun Run before the Fair. The Fair will be in full swing by 9 a.m., when you can enjoy your favorite VGF games: Cake Walk, Lip Sync Battle, Inflatables, Dodgeball, access to our Stephen P. Adamson, Jr. ’92 Ropes Course and of course, the famous Pocket Lady. Enjoy lunch with your fellow Cougars and family under the big lunch tent. Don’t forget to buy your Raffle tickets and visit the Garden Shoppe, Shops on the Green and Classy Cougar where you will find treasures of all kinds. We are grateful to have Richmond Pediatric Dentistry & Orthodontics as our Gold Sponsor and Pruitt Resources as our Silver Sponsor this year. Their generous partnerships with the Parents’ Association enable us to create a fantastic weekend of fun for the entire Collegiate community. The Village Green Fair is a special day for being together on campus and showing your Cougar spirit. Whether you are volunteering your time and working a shift on your favorite inflatable or simply enjoying the day with your family, we are very thankful for your support of Collegiate School through the Parents’ Association. Sincerely yours, Your VGF Co-Chairs: Happy Anderson and Lauren Hepper

www.collegiate-va.org/VGF Facebook: @CollegiateSchoolPA Instagram: @collegiate_pa


Friday, March 18 Last day to order Honor Signs. Send Cougar Kudos to a special member of the Collegiate community by purchasing an honor sign for your grandchildren, children, graduates, teachers and more! Thursday, March 24 Last day to pre-order beautiful plants from the Garden Shoppe. Monday, April 4 Last day to pre-order T-Shirts, pre-order Raffle Tickets, and discounted Fair Tickets. Last day to register for the Dodgeball Tournament, Lip Sync Battle, Fun Run, 8th grade Friday Fun Night and Ropes Course. Last day to order Friday Frolic boxed lunches and reserve your VIP Parking.

SCHEDULE OF EVENTS THURSDAY, APRIL 7 Chick-fil-A Spirit Day! Come support the Parents’ Association at the Chick-fil-A Parham Road location on Thursday, April 7 from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. It’s Middle and Upper School conference day. Grab some friends and enjoy a meal together to celebrate the day off school. Mention you are with Collegiate and a portion of your purchase will be donated to the Parents’ Association. Questions? Contact Jennifer Ruth at jjruth6@gmail.com

FRIDAY, APRIL 8 (RAIN OR SHINE) 7:30 a.m. – 8:15 a.m.

Cake Walk Baked Goods Drop-Off (all LS carpool areas)

8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

The Garden Shoppe

Friday Frolic 11 a.m.-2 p.m.

Catch up with friends over your pre-ordered boxed lunch from Cuisine a la Carte, then head to the Garden Shoppe or Shops on the Green! Friday Frolic is a wonderful way to spend the day before the Fair! Boxed lunch by Cuisine a la Carte is $14/order. Order by Monday, April 4, for pickup at the tent on Friday, April 8. Full menu and ordering can be found at: www.collegiate-va.org/VGF/ fridayfrolic

Pre-Order Pickup in the Business Office Parking Lot


10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Shops On the Green (Estes) and Classy Cougar (West Gym)

11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.

Friday Frolic Pre-Ordered Boxed Lunches from Cuisine a la Carte

6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.


8th Graders, this is just for you! Friday, April 8, from 6-8 p.m. is a night of FUN and PRIZES! Grab all of your friends to hang out, jump, bounce and have dinner together! $10 per person gets you dinner, ice cream, unlimited jumping, games and lots of cool prizes. Special thanks to Holland Family Chiropractic for sponsoring this event! Register by April 4 www.collegiate-va.org/VGF/ fridayfunnight

Fun Run Packet Pickup, Raffle Ticket Sales and Fair Ticket Purchases (Friday Frolic Lunch Tent)

SATURDAY, APRIL 9 Fair Day (Rain or Shine) 8:00 a.m. – 9:30 a.m.

VGF Fun Run (Jim Hickey Track, Main Campus) – JK-8th Grade

8:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Ropes Course - advance sign-up only; open to climbers in 5th-12th Grades only

9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Games, Rides, Inflatables, Shops on the Green (Estes), The Garden Shoppe, Classy Cougar (West Gym), and Concessions (candy shop, sno-cones, ice cream, cotton candy)

10:00 a.m.

Dodgeball Tournament (Jacobs Gym)

11:00 a.m.

Collegiate Lip Sync Battle (3rd/4th playground turf)

11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.

Lunch Tent (Chick-fil-A chicken sandwiches and nuggets, pizza, Jimmy Johns and MORE!)

2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Raffle Drawings – you do not need to be present to win


Questions? Please contact Nicole Holland (nicoleholland94@gmail.com) or Ada Marie Aman (adamarie.aman@gmail.com)

Orders due Monday, April 4 $20 per sign


Calling all Cougars! Let the Good Times Roll and purchase an Honor Sign with a personalized note for your child, grandchild, graduate, teacher, or special member of the Collegiate community! Lower School Honor Signs will be displayed outside of Estes and Middle School and Upper School Honor Signs will be displayed outside of the Seal Center. All Honor Signs will be sent home with your “honoree!” Questions? Please contact Anne Taylor Schaaf (annetschaaf@gmail.com) or Hayes Blackburn (hayesblackburn@gmail.com)

VGF VOLUNTEERS www.collegiate-va.org/VGF/volunteers

VGF relies on parent volunteers to make this a fun event for all to enjoy! Find an area that appeals to you: whether it’s Games, Inflatables, the Cake Walk, Lunch Tent, Concessions or the Fun Run, there’s something for everyone! Sign up for a shift and help the Good Times Roll! Questions? Please contact Annie Benjamin (ann.m.benjamin@gmail.com)

COLLEGIATE’S LIP SYNC BATTLE www.collegiate-va.org/VGF/lipsync

Saturday, April 9, 11 a.m., 3rd/4th Grade Playground Turf. Registration Due: Monday, April 4 Let the Good Times Roll at the Lip Sync Battle! Put together a group act or shine solo! Costumes encouraged! Collegiate Upper School students will judge the performances and prizes will be awarded - one per grade level. Please complete ONE entry form per act. A $10 entry fee will be charged to the student account of each participant. The Lip Sync Battle is open to Grades JK-6th. Important information: Maximum length of performance is 2 1/2 minutes. Each group must register and email both Nadir Derian and Rachel Gow BY APRIL 4 with the title of the song, the artist and the version (if different from original). We will download the songs onto one playlist. No need to send the song file this year! Questions? Please contact Nadir Derian (nadirderian@me.com) or Rachel Gow (gow.rachel@gmail.com)

FRIDAY FROLIC LUNCH ORDERS www.collegiate-va.org/VGF/fridayfrolic

It’s time to Frolic

together Again on Friday, April 8!

Faculty & Staff!

Start your VGF weekend off right! If this will be your first VGF or you’re just thrilled to be back, the Friday Frolic luncheon is a fun way to kick things off. Treat yourself: After you’ve shopped on the Green or if you plan to do some shopping later order a boxed lunch to be in the day, Friday Frolic gives you the chance to gather together to relax and delivered to your division enjoy lunch with friends. Place your order for a delicious salad or sandwich the morning of April 8! from Cuisine a la Carte. Boxed lunches are $14 per order and can be picked .up in the Lunch Tent on April 8 between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. Orders must be placed online by Monday, April 4. Lunch is pre-order only. Select from the sandwich and salad choices below. Sandwiches are served with potato salad, a cookie and a beverage. Please indicate beverage choice (Diet Coke, La Croix or bottled water). Santa Fe Vegetarian – Havarti cheese, avocado, onion, lettuce, tomato, Dijon mustard, dill mayo on whole wheat bread Tarragon Chicken Salad – With apples, raisins, onions, pecans, spices on whole wheat bread Turkey Apple Chutney – Sliced smoked turkey, cheddar cheese, homemade apple chutney, lettuce, Dijon mustard on pumpernickel bread California Club – Smoked turkey, crispy bacon, avocado, Swiss cheese, lettuce, tomato with dill mayonnaise on whole wheat bread Tuckahoe – Thinly sliced roasted chicken, Granny Smith apples, red onion, cheddar cheese, lettuce, mayo, mustard on sourdough bread Old Fashioned Chicken Salad (GF) – Served on a tossed green salad of green leaf lettuce with carrots, red onions, tomatoes and cucumbers Questions? Please contact Kate Beggerow (katebeggerow@yahoo.com) or Lia Mooney (lcmoon19@gmail.com)


Back again this year, the Lower School students will have the opportunity to participate in a VGF themed Scavenger Hunt while at school during the week of VGF! We are grateful to the faculty for helping to provide this fun activity for Lower School students. Be sure to ask your student how it goes! Questions? Contact Blair Williamson (Blair.n.williamson@gmail.com) or Ginny Turner (vbsutt@gmail.com)



Come climb and explore the Stephen P. Adamson, Jr. ’92 Ropes Course for the best view of the VGF. Collegiate’s trained staff will be on site all day. Spots are limited to adults and 5th-12th graders. Each climber must be able to reach the cable (approxi-

mately 5’8” high) and must weigh between 75-275 lbs. After a mandatory “ground school” session to gear up and learn to use the safety equipment, climbers have two hours to climb, zip and swing. No refunds or rescheduling permitted. $15 per climber (adults and children) – advance registration by April 4. Every participant must complete a waiver to participate. Waivers and sign-ups can be found at www.collegiate-va.org/VGF/ropescourse.

Special thanks to John and Katherine Adamson and Ben and Emilee Adamson for sponsoring the 2022 Rope Course. Questions? Please contact Ada Marie Aman (adamarie.aman@gmail.com)


Saturday, April 9, 10 a.m. in Jacobs Gym; Open to Grades 3 - 8, boys and girls! Registration Due: Monday, April 4th


Rockin’ Dodgeball awards for tournament winners! Please fill out ONE online entry form for each team of eight students. Brackets are formed by grade level, and it’s single elimination. A confirmation email will be sent after registration closes letting you know that your team has been registered and scheduled for the tournament. Teams MUST be pre-registered by April 4th to participate. A $10 entry fee will be charged to the student account of each participant. Questions? Please contact Anna Reed (annawittreed@gmail.com)


Please drop off donations Inside the basement door of the Business Office on Fridays


The Classy Cougar is back for VGF! Shop this curated collection of gently used goods at Friday Frolic and VGF. As you clean out your closets, we would love your gently used cotillion dresses, white gloves, blue blazers, dress pants and shirts, ties, dress shoes, school appropriate clothes, spirit wear, athletic clothes, sporting equipment, purses, books for all ages, toys and smaller household items. Questions? Please contact Natalee Johnsrud (decoursey2@gmail.com) or Christie Silverstein (silverstein.christie@gmail.com)



Avoid the hassle of finding a parking spot on Saturday, April 9 by ordering a VIP Parking Spot. The parking pass is good for Saturday, April 9 only and will allow you to come and go as you please throughout the day! A limited number of reserved parking spots are available for $30 each, so place your order early! Questions? Please contact Happy Anderson and Lauren Hepper (villagegreenfair@gmail.com)


We will collect your donations on Friday, April 8 at all Lower School carpools from 7:30-8:15 a.m.


JK-4th families will provide baked goods such as cakes and cookie cakes for the popular Cake Walk on Fair Day! Please make sure that your contribution is store bought as we are unable to accept home baked goods this year. Information and a cake box (for your Cougar to decorate) will come home with your student.

Collegiate families have made the VGF Cake Walk possible since 1968, and we appreciate your tasty contributions! There will be no separate bake sale this year.

Questions? Please contact Kristen Spain (kgrotos@gmail.com) or Molly Congdon (molly.congdon@gmail.com)

VGF 2022 T-SHIRTS www.collegiate-va.org/VGF/tshirts

Roll on over for your 2022 VGF T-shirts! This year’s shirts were designed by three talented Middle School students: Hayden Wong, 8th Grade (front of T-shirt), Kiley Dolan, 7th grade (skater Cougie), and AV Musick, 8th grade (script lettering). T-shirts are short sleeve and available in two colors: White Cotton and Grey Performance. Questions? Please contact Beth Grinnan (bethgrinnan@gmail.com) or Tyler McNeely (tylerfmcneely@gmail.com)

VGF RAFFLE www.collegiate-va.org/VGF/raffle

Single raffle ticket: $5/ticket Cougar Ticket: $20/5 tickets for five chances to win one item GOLDEN TICKET: $75/CHANCE TO WIN EACH ITEM You do not have to be present to win.

THEMED BASKETS – Details on our website for these awesome packages plus MORE raffle items! • Chill Out!: Includes Yeti backpack cooler, Yeti koozies, and Yeti ice packs • Art Lovers: Perfect for the art lover of any age! • A Long Time Ago in a Galaxy Far, Far Away: Out of this world assortment of Star Wars Items • Get Your Workout On!: Includes gift cards to Lululemon and Dick’s Sporting Goods • Desserts Galore: If you have a sweet tooth, this is the perfect package for you! • All Pro: Includes sports equipment and a gift card to Dick’s Sporting Goods • Movies & Munchies: Includes a Fandango gift card and tons of snacks • Time to Go Shopping: Assortment of gift cards to use on a shopping spree • Just What I’ve BEAN Wanting: Perfect pick me up for all coffee lovers

• Pamper Yourself: Time to relax with spa gift cards and calming essentials • Game On! A collection of games for a fun night at home • LEGO Lovers: Time to build for LEGO Friend lovers • LEGO Mania: Includes 7 LEGO action sets • Be Awesome Today: An amazing assortment of items that any tween will enjoy • Bookworm: A wonderful collection of books for young readers and an Amazon gift card • Pampered Pet: Includes everything you need to pamper your pup • Two tickets to the 2023 Winter Party & Auction • Let’s Get Takeout!: Includes an assortment of restaurant gift cards • Now That’s Crafty: A variety of craft sets and a Target gift card • Backyard Fun: Grab some friends for these fun games!

Questions? Please contact Katie Hallberg (hallbergkr@gmail.com) or Kelly Wiltshire (kellymwiltshire@gmail.com)

THE GARDEN SHOPPE www.collegiate-va.org/VGF/thegardenshoppe

Deadline for pre-orders is Thursday, March 24

Pickup will be in the Business Office parking lot on Friday, April 8, 8 a.m. - 3 p.m. and Saturday, April 9, 9 a.m.-3 p.m Additional quantities of the items below will be available for sale during Friday and Saturday shopping hours. These will be on a first-come-first-served basis. *Drawings are loose representations and approximate sizes of actual items. The Tall Fern: Ferns are always a VGF favorite, and this year will not disappoint! Roughly 30” tall and 16” wide, these plants will work well in any space. The tall container features a huge Macho or Kimberly Queen Fern that will likely double in size over the summer with a little sun and water. This is the perfect plant for anyone seeking an easy, low-maintenance container with instant curb appeal. $85 each The Butterfly Garden: Our 2020 bestseller features a beautiful arrangement with plenty of color to shine in the summer sun. Filled with a miniature Proven Winners branded blue-purple, reblooming “Buddleia” butterfly bush combined with a selection of blooming plants that the butterflies and other pollinators will find it irresistible. $125 each The Hydrangea: Another crowd pleaser, this arrangement features an exquisite hydrangea and cascading blooming color. The exact variety of hydrangea will be chosen based on availability and growing conditions in the weeks prior to VGF. The result will be a gorgeous hydrangea that will bloom in the summer and can easily be transplanted to your yard in the fall for years of enjoyment and growth. $125 each The Lavender Topiary: Whether you ultimately plant this simple-to-maintain Lavender Topiary in a raised garden bed or keep it in the fiber-clay container on your porch, it shines with one-of-a-kind color and fragrance. The Lavender’s showy blooms stand out on a unique, topiary-style silhouette that hails from Spain. Eye-catching perks and low-maintenance care are a given with this go-to plant. The best part of the Lavender Standard Topiary is that it is a proven performer. From patios to decks and beyond, it makes a statement with a maximum height of 30”. $75 each The Cocktail Package: Choose from either a Meyer lemon or Bear lime tree approximately 2 feet tall and complete with a green or gold pot to brighten up your home this season. This improved variety is naturally pest- and disease-resistant. The bright yellow (or green) fruit and sweet, aromatic fragrance are coolly complementary and attract attention. This tree is very heavy-bearing and will provide you with a larger number of lemons or limes every year. It’s self-pollinating nature allows it to produce fruit indoors or outdoors. Just think of the drinks and treats you will be able to whip up with the fruit from your own tree! $65 each Special thanks to Bell Nursery and Collegiate parents, Marci and Brett Guthrie, for supporting the VGF Garden Shoppe. Questions? Please contact Lauralee Allen (lauralee@canal-cap.com) or Muffy Greenbaum (muffy.greenbaum@gmail.com)

SHOPS ON THE GREEN www.collegiate-va.org/VGF/shopsotg

Friday, April 8, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.; Saturday, April 9, 9 a.m.-3 p.m.

15% of your purchase price goes back to Collegiate. Admission is FREE.

Let the Good Times Roll to Shops on the Green in Estes Multipurpose Room! We look forward to welcoming back vendors to campus this year for in-person shopping. Visit our supportive vendors for original and commissioned art, fashionable clothing, jewelry and accessories, locally crafted gifts, delicious treats and more. It’s a great place to find gifts for others with events such as Easter, Passover, Mother’s Day, graduation and others just around the corner….and maybe a little something for yourself. Hope to see you all there! Questions? Please contact Sarah Hall (sarahhobeika@gmail.com​) or Lane Mosby (lane_victory@yahoo.com)


103 N. Mooreland Road Richmond, VA 23229



Get Ready to Let

Avoid long lines and pre-order your 2022 VGF tickets. Each ticket has 20 paws for your Cougar to use toward rockin’ inflatables and games on Fair Day, April 9.

the Good Times Roll!

Tickets discounted to $9 will only be sold online and at Friday Frolic on April 8, from 8 a.m.-3 p.m. Tickets are $10 the day of the Fair. All ticket sales are final and tickets are only valid for use on April 9, 2022.

Questions? Please contact Lauren Tucker (laureneanes1818@yahoo.com) or Miranda Saunders (miranda224@yahoo.com)



The Start and Heart of the Fair!

Saturday, April 9, 8:00-9:30 a.m. (Jim Hickey Track at Main Campus) Registration Due April 4 $15 per runner, $40 max per family

Sign up for this spirited Collegiate tradition! Open to all Lower and Middle School students. • JK and Kindergarten students: 100 meter run • Grades 1-8 students: 400 meter run • Separate heats for boys and girls in each grade except for JK • All runners receive bib number and Fun Run swag bag

• LS participants receive a homework pass and the grade with the most registrants will receive a popsicle party • Cheer on your favorite teacher during the fan favorite teacher heat!

Questions? Want to Volunteer? Please contact Becky Jenkins (becky.jenkins2010@gmail.com), Ashley Lewis (ashleysongerlewis@gmail.com) or Adrianne Webb (adrianne.w.webb@gmail.com)

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