1 minute read
Who will win big awards?
Young Citizen of the Year: Alexis Milne and Beau Milne.
Environmental award: Donna Davies.
The 2023 nominees areShire of Collie Citizen of the Year: Colleen DeAngelis, Peter Fergie, Wendy Hoskins, Dannii Macintyre, Tom Reardon, Keith Robinson and Neil “Drifty” Waywood.

Community Group of the Year: Collie CWA, Collie Italian and Sporting Club, Senior Citizens’ Association, Our Community Garden and Retired Mineworkers’ Association.

ACROSS 4. not fully tested (4) 5. social group (9) 14. to confuse, bewilder (9) 15. had a bite (3) 17. gather (7) 19. highly critical (7) 20. high-pitched wind instrument (4)
1. grassland used for pasture (6) 2. kind of mushroom (6) 3. highchair feature (4) 6. hero of Greek epic (8) 7. pin for food (6) 8. dry scalp causes this (8) 9. pouched mammal (9) 10. simulated research environment (8) 11. recess (5)
12. bland and insipid (5) 13. to establish by proof (12) 16. knock over (6) 18. gentle, temperate (4)