3 minute read
Church Services: Every Sunday at 9am. Morning tea after the service.
Holy Communion: First and second Sundays of each month.
Morning prayer: all other Sundays. Enquiries to warden: Gwen Molnar. Phone 9734 4020 or 0439 375 598.
Op shop: Open Tuesdays to Friays 9am - 3pm
Church office: Tuesdays only. Secretary email: collieanglican@gmail. com Website: www.allsaintschurchcollie.org temperate (4)
BAPTIST CHURCH: Cnr Prinsep and Elouera Streets, North Collie.
Church Enquiries: Pastor Timothy van Aarde 0450 880 775.
Collie Hospital Chaplain: Timothy van Aarde.
Sunday Service : 9.30am Visitors Welcome.
Sunday School during Service.
Ladies Bible Study Group: Tuesday 10am at the Church.
Prayer Meeting: Monday 5pm-6pm at the Church.
CHURCH OF CHRIST: 165 Prinsep St.
Pastor: Shayne Goldfinch 0422 515 257.
Elder: Evan Mandry 0407 445 788.
Secretary: Glynis 0403 159 668.
Sundays: 9.30am, Family Service and Kids Church.
Thursdays: 9.30am, Craft & Friendship – Phone Heather 9734 4066 Saturdays: 7.30am, Periodically, Breakfast – Phone Evan 9734 1354.
Weekly Bible studies on various days. All enquiries welcomed. Vision Radio (87.6FM) is a Ministry of our Church.
Anger on fuel price response
Collie shire councillors reacted angrily to a claim by then-state Consumer Protection Minister John Kobelke that average Collie prices were only 2.7 cents a litre dearer than those at Bunbury.
Councillors described the response from Mr Kobelke on the issue of high regional fuel prices as “a slap in the face for the people of Collie”, “a pretty weak response”, “jargon” and “a joke.”
Muja deal critical to pine project
Major Perth-based pine pallet manufacturer Pinetec wanted Western Power to buy pine waste from its proposed new Collie plant for burning at Muja Power Station.
Such a deal would have overcome one of the biggest hurdles that held up Pinetec’s $10.5 million move to Collie.
Joint citizens of the year
Emergency services volunteers Jay Hewson and Monika Nicholson were named Collie’s joint Citizens of the Year for 2003.
The announcement was made before a crowd of several hundred at Collie’s Australia Day breakfast.
Marroners battle to bag limit waited
Fishers at popular South-West marroning spots were battling to reach the daily bag limit of 10 marron caught per day.
This came after the drastically shortened 2003 marron season opened, according to the Fisheries Department.
Then-southern supervising officer Peter Geoffrey said most marroners were taking home an average three to four marron a day.
COALFIELDS BAPTIST CHURCH: 43 Venn Street, Independent Baptist Church, Simple Bible Preaching, Psalms, Classic Hymns and Spiritual Songs, KJV, Friendly Congregation. Main Service Sun 10am Bible Study Sun 4pm. All Welcome! Tea and Coffee Refreshments after Services.
Enquiries: Pastor Josh Denford 0403 300 802 coalfieldsbaptist@gmail.com facebook.com/cbccollie
FOURSQUARE GOSPEL CHURCH: 46 Johnston Street, Collie. All are welcome to join with us in fellowship.
Friday: Food Ministry 10am-12noon, Prayer meeting 7pm
Sunday: 10am morning service. Sunday School during service. For enquiries phone Pastor Garry Fisher on 9734 3796.
Cnr Prinsep and Medic Streets.
Parish Priest: Fr. Gerald Tan
Secretary: Marie Hicks. ON LEAVE 0414 755 054. Office: 9734 2183. email:collieparish@westnet.com.au submitting an of interest to the State Office of Energy for a major residential underground power installation.
Weekend Masses: St. Brigid’s: 6.00pm Saturday, 10.00am Sunday.
St. Mary’s, Darkan: 8.00am, 1st and 3rd Sunday each month.
Baptisms and weddings by request. Reconciliation cancelled, at present, due to social distancing.

However, it would consider a more limited underground power project.
Collie bowlers win classic
One hundred and thirty-six bowlers from all over country WA competed in the Collie Bowling’s Club blue ribband event, the Griffin Coal 5000 Classic men’s fours.
Four Collie players, Tom Edwards, Ross White, Ray Hebbard and Brian Butcher, scored six wins, 12 points, plus 64, to win the big event.
Vinnie’s shop: 9734 5664. Shopping hours: 9am to 3pm, Monday to Friday.
Seventh Day Adventist
CHURCH: Cnr Wittenoom & Steere Streets. You are welcome to fellowship with us, we meet every second and fourth Saturday. Bible Study 9.30am, Service 11am. 88.0 faithFM
The Uniting Church meets on the first and third Sunday of the month at 9am.
KYB is held on Tuesday at 9.30am at the Old Duranillin School.
The Catholic Church meets on the first and third Sunday of the month at 8am.
The Anglican Church meets on: Second Sunday of the month at 8am at Darkan
Fourth Sunday of the month at 8am at Darkan. Third Sunday of the month at 8am