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Magic Moments now open
Like our sponsorship of the 2023 Magic Moments Youth Leadership Summit. Applications are now open for youth aged 14-17 years. Attendees will beneÞt from inspiring speakers from around the world. We love making good things happen.
“A masterplan for the pool foreshore day use area, comprising three distinct precincts with their own character – Sandy Beach, the main pool and the rowing club - was completed in December 2020,” Mr Devenish said.
“The masterplan seeks to achieve the vision for Minningup as a ‘welcoming, natural place where the Noongar cultural values are acknowledged and shared and recreation is provided sustainably for the whole of the Collie community’. “A community meeting about the design for the day-use area and interpretation of Noongar culture at Minningup Pool was held in July 2020.
“This gave direction to the proposed site designs and interpretation concepts and has been followed up with site visits and consultation with the elders.”
Mr Devenish said further investigations were also undertaken to enable indicative cost estimates to be prepared and to confirm the feasibility of proposals.
These included a report in providing power, water and sewer services to the day use area.