Lexicon -Term -50 Words -Photograph -Diagram
External DIsscussion Responses -IDC Lecture Series -Technology and Software
Photo Essays -3 D Print -Plant Material
Theory Respond -Rambunctious Garden, Emma Marris -Project Ecologies, Chris Reed & Nina Marie Lister -Atlas of Novel Tectonics, Jesse Reiser -Pamphlet 28: Agumented Landscapes, Smout Allen -Blackboard Studio Reading, M’Closkey -Islands & Atolls, Luis Callejas
Individual Insights -Goal -Struggle
Figure & Ground
Figure and Ground is not just about putting a black dot on a white paper, it is about finding the grey area to create confusion. When the amount or size of two elements become similar, what is figure and what is ground become really fuzzy. For example the Ying Yang.
People say nature does not exist anymore; it is a place that people imagine and is untouched. Unfortunately in some degree, I agree with them. Forget the old meaning of nature; my meaning of nature the present day. One cannot bring the traditional nature from the past, however it is not to be forgotten.
Table and Tape
California Drought
Figure: Circle Pattern
Grass Growing from Crack 3
Coherence As a Landscape Architect, coherence is finding the connection between elements that might not necessary have a connection and brings them in to your design and use them as your tools. It is about how much you understand the unknown and find out the possibility of them.
Edge Edge is an end or a beginning of one space to another space. It is where experience happen, people are attract to the edge because they are curious of the unknown. It is a good tool for Landscape Architect to create connection for occupier and the landscape.
Mapping is One Way to Show Coherence of a Site Edge to Edge
Edge in Different Perspective
Use the simplest way to express a complex idea. This concept require fully understand of a site for Landscape Architect to start on their design.
Pattern is a geometry, rhythm and gesture. It can also be a movement, a behavior. As a Landscape Architect, pattern is a tool to explore the naturally “unnatural� looking shape.
Signature Color and Circle
Home 6
Pattern Can Continune Even if it Split into Half 7
Mutability mean change consistently, as a Landscape Architect, we pay attention to the detail that people forget, when we do our design, we look at the long term change, what will reveal in years.
Wildlife is any living animals that are not human, but in the urban city, wildlife adopts the urban living condition and lives along with human. Lately we realize that we need to coexist with each other, nature and wildlife become more and more important in design.
Light Change Over Time
6:20 PM
6:43 PM
7:00 PM
7:13 PM
7:32 PM
Change of Light In Hong Kong Collin Ng
Urban Adapt Animal
Change of Density in Color
Urban Adapt Monkey from Japan 8
Panorama Panorama is a tool to understand the horizontal and vertical, as a Landscape Architect, create an interest in landscape where people feel the need to stretch their eyes too see the whole because of interest is a success.
Ecology Ecology is a system that connects every single element in a biological way; I look at it as the butterfly effect, everything thing inside the system is like a chain, when one starts turning clockwise, it will effect all the chains that are inside the system to turn clockwise. On the other hand it means everything are coexist.
Butterfly Effect
Arizona Perspective of Panorama Cow Farm - On the Way to Yosimite 10
Rambunctious Garden Rambunctious Garden by Emma Marris, Marris states that one’s mistake is projecting nature as something that is unreachable and untouchable. As if it is a place that takes part of one’s imagination or as seen on TV or read in a magazine. Individuals will continue to misunderstand nature. Nature is greatly affected from technology development. The human population is a dominant species. They have been using and taking natural resources. “Thick stone or mud walls did the same thing thousands of years ago with far fewer environment risks.”As a Landscape Architect, one confronts natural disaster, this is done by fixing the landscape caused by.
Theory Responses
PROJECT ECOLOGY Projective Ecology – Selections from Discordant Harmonies by Daniel Botkin, Botkin presents a new idea of ecology. Every living element on this planet lives under one ecosystem. Recently individuals came to discover that in order to survive, one needs to coexist with others such as animals and plants. Since that idea came to revitalization, coexisting with others become a guideline for survival. Botkin decreases the scale of ecology and his perspective of bacteria and moose. The relationship between the two is that they need each other to coexist. The anaerobic bacteria cannot have any other connection with oxygen.
Invisible Boundary
A natural disaster can be the water drought of California. The goal is for individuals to obtain a new concept of perception on nature. The California water drought is prioritize in this field. The drought can be perceived as a advantage in this field because it can be used in one’s favor. Calvin R. Abe is one of the speaker I met during the lecture Drought and Beauty. He shared his black and white photography to the audience to reveal that there is a value in dry, landscapes. It reveals history,that is not forgotten. The topography under water is also beautiful but individuals tend to ignore it, because it is always cover by water.
Atlas of Novel Tectonics
Each Gear Represent an Organism to Create an Ecosystem
Atlas of Novel Tectonics, Part-to-Whole Relationships by Reiser and Umemoto discusses about hierarchy as a tool for a designer. Not simply hierarchy in scale and distinct but using organizational principles that promote communication across scales, which mean an individual is able to affect the whole and vice versa. And when there is coherence and a connection between individuals to create one whole, and these emergent organizations becomes Whole-Whole Relationship. This is just like another theory, the Butterfly Effect. The butterfly effect is a system, and what creates the system is every single element that participates inside the cycle.
In order to survive they live inside of a moose. On the other hand, the moose needs the anaerobic bacteria for their digest system. Due to technology evolvement the ecosystem is collapsing. For example, the ecosystem would help a human, because it would place it as a dominant creature on the planet. This would be an advantage for the human population. As a Landscape Architect, fixing landscape from the cause of natural disaster or by the human population would be our labor. The investigation on the roles of the human population can be investigated due to their destruction. However, it should not be a doubt in Landscape Architect. Whole - Whole Relationship
Agumented Landscapes Agumented Landscapes – Building a Restless World by Gillian Rose, Rose talks about the process of the world’s mutability. The earth shifts slowly, however technology develops daily, and human population increases at every second. Society, technology and environments evolved consistently, it leads to the investigation of discovering the implementations that cause the evolvement of society. Rose states that individuals are accustomed at visualizing the world as flat. However, there is an exceeding visualization from a 2D plane. Individuals only hold an experience that is from landscape, but they do not conclude that there is a greater mass of volume around them.
If one moves, it will affect the whole cycle because there is a connection between elements and elements and because of that, they will never show as individual but as whole. One of the projects this quarter is Taxonomy; we created 64 models that operate with rules for example hold, depression and one of the data that we map at Silver Lake in the previous assignment. At the end, we select 6 models and create a critical combine. We put in one rule to another rule to see how it will react and the model will change as a whole. In this case, there is a connection between rule and rule and it is a whole-whole relationship.
Seeing the Unseen
Synthetic Patterns Synthetic Patterns: Fabricating Landscapes in the Age of “Green” by Karen M’Closkey, M’closkey talks about the idea of pattern. Patterns are an element that have always been present in landscape. Some patterns are not as easy to visual as others. They need research in order to be revealed. Landscapes today, have been visualize as utilitarian, but patterns have emerged in order to combine this assist utilitarianism and aesthetics. Different combinations of patterns lead to greater results. As we have learned in the studio, these combinations must have structure. The structure has guidelines one of them is combination. Other architects and landscape architects have criticized patterns because of their static nature. This static nature has been combined due to the goals of landscape architects. These goals are called “green” goals, landscape architects have sought out to improve water quality and habitat. However, this has led to limited forms of expressions. One of the most intriguing projects was Burle Marx’s Parque del Este.
For example a flash of light, an unexpected blow of wind, and frozen water, are some of the details that can conclude an experience of landscape. Rose concludes that landscapes are always changing and evolve seemly without a spectator. The one who can see both as important are more likely the one who can resonate most in the contemporary world. For a Landscape Architect, details and progress are always more important than result although a lot of experiencer value the other way around. But to make occupier stretch their eyes when they experience, detail undoubtedly is the most important elements.
Islands & Atolls Islands & Atolls by Luis Callejas , Callejas discusses about Weatherfield. Weatherfirld is a project that is located along the sandy beachfront in the United Arab Emirates and is between two islands that are named Yas and Saadiyat. The project performs by using wind which pulls two hundred kites in order to provide energy. It is active during a clam weather. In contrast due to the location it is expose to ocean breeze. The two hundred kites can each perform 6,220-kilowatt hours of energy every year. Each kite is able to power three homes for one year. The two hundred kites provide 900 houses energy.
The “Unnatural� Looking Natural Pattern: DNA
This project utilizes the concept of figure and field. It is a very popular concept in the studios, and it also includes pattern. Marx uses self-similar shapes that forms the structure of the park and creates many different spaces for people as well. There is no meaning behind the forms of this pattern, only their appearance matters. Patterns should show different processes while maintaining its aesthetic prowess. Projects must express themselves through appearance and in process in order to combine these oppositional categories in utilitarianism and aesthetic, they also apply to other design aspects as well such as vision vs. immersion.
It is really interesting to witness the ability of these kites and what they produce to society. In order to create a successful project like the kites, one needs to identify the connection between different elements in order to function successfully together. This project compared to a windmill, solar panel, and any other energy panels it is inexpensive and environmental friendly. Being green, ecosystem and nature are the present goals for Landscape Architecture. In order to achieve these goals, we have to understand the landscape and indentify each individual’s skills. This connects a project, we did for the taxonomy, critical combine model required us to think deeply in to each rules in order to create a functional landscape.
External Discussion
IDC Lecture Visit a Site & Learn From Local
On May 20th, 2016, I attended the last IDC Spring Lecture Series. The speaker, Roxi Thoren, is a professor of University at Oregon, in the Landscape Architecture and Architecture Department. She briefly talked about the three natures that we have, first nature as found nature, second nature as productive nature and third nature as the built nature. She mentioned that as a Landscape Architect, we forget about the second nature, we spend our time bringing first nature back and making the third nature look pretty but forget about the second nature and it becomes the progress of engineer, for example the LA River. Continuing about the second nature, she brought up a site, Middleton Place, Charleston, and she talked a little history about the site. She used it as an example to show that landscape can be structure, the water from the reservoir flow down to the rice field and then to the river.
Process of Creativity
Functional Landscape
This landscape is a boundary of the garden, it provided work for slaves at one point in time and it created production. Second nature is about activating a function for the landscape. The last project she talked about is a program where she takes her students to a site during summer, and they focus on analyzing the site by learning on the field rather than just reading books and understand that site from a different perspective rather than just Landscape Architect. She told us to be curious about what we create creativity; ideas can come from anywhere and we should keep developing by practicing.
Group Picture with Roxi Thoren
Technology & Software On May 12th, 2016, I attended a panel discussion, titled Hardware, Software and Emerging Technology in Practice. The speakers of the panel were graduates from Cal Poly Pomona and some of them were retired as well. They all commonly shared meaningful information to the audience. They discussed about Auto-Cad, and how it is a worldwide language that used in the industry. Many reinstated that the main reason a firm will hired an individual, it is from the knowledge they hold about the newest technology. An element that is important about mastering Auto-Cad than any other program is that one can obtain even newer skills every time uses the program.
Gesture Drawing
One can learn how to make irrigation plans, technical drawings and details than any other program cannot perform. If I would eventually be hired at a firm like this, it is due from the cause of my extraordinary Photoshop skills. I would only be a render tool, and that will not improve my design skill and I will not learn a lot about Landscape Architecture at different level. Another technology that is very important, and is the fastest way to communicate idea it is drawing skills. It is the first tool designer use to start thinking; it is a progress of design, to understand, to communicate.
Selfie with Classmate
Individual Insights
Building my library became a goal after my two years of practicing Landscape Architecture; I recently bought a book named “100 Contemporary Green Buildings” by Philip Jodidio. It talks about the concept of green nature and provided 100 examples of different projects and how they continue the idea of green. Our home, earth, the human habitat is dying, every second a species goes extinct because as a dominant specie of this planet, we had taking over and use up a lot of natural resources. Thick stone or mud walls did the same thing thousands of years ago with far fewer environment risks.” Said Jodidio. As a second year landscape architecture student, I have learned a lot about design and what is my duty. We stand in the front line dueling with natural and man made disasters, and finding solution fixing the problem of landscape caused by human decisions. Our job directly and indirectly influences our human biosphere.
Struggle Throughout the quarter, I learned that technology is our tool. Design is an infinite process, we would be stressed, but we would continue to practice. But it can be worse if you don’t know how to use your tools correctly. AutoCAD, Rhino, Photoshop and Illustrator are the tools I use the most throughout the quarter, I came to discover in the event of a classmate who seem to be behind is not because they don’t know how to design, but it is because they don’t know how to use the tools properly. My favorite project this quarter is mapping assignment. It is about understanding a site from a different perspective. This means that each site has almost infinite information to learn from. I can always find something new. After studying a site, we translate the data we collected into basic line work and different layers. It is about using the simplest way to express complex ideas.
Photo Essays
3 D Printing
Plant Material
An innovative type of technology, which was presented this spring quarter, was the 3D Printer. The printer was used in the project “Taxon”. It was used to create a 2x8” model. In order to properly use the machine, the interaction with 3DHUBS is needed to inform them the details of the project. Once one obtains the finish product, I came to realization that printing linear objects are sufficiently better than curve objects. 3D printing is my favorite technology for modeling, because it can capture more details to a cardboard model. 3D printing is not only used for modeling; individuals have also use it to create 3D-printed functional arms. This portrays to be inexpensive which a benefit in this industry. The 3D printer is revolutionary technology that changed the world.
The awareness of the environment is always taken in consideration in Landscape Architecture. In order to achieve the goal an Eco-friendly environment, the knowledge of plants needs to be attained. This year I was enrolled in a Plant identification class which I acquire a lot of information of plants. I came to understand each plant has its own characteristic. With the knowledge I obtained, I am well prepared for the upcoming year plant design class. For the last project of the quarter, the class had to focus on the biases of one plant. The guidelines I obtained to choose a plant for the project was based on the purpose of it being used in designs. The plant that met my standard was aquatic plat and sago pondweed. These plants that I chose had to fit the location of the site. Plants are one of basic gadgets of the ecosystem, however they are important.
Model for Silver Lake
3 D Hubs View
Model for Taxonomy
SF Zoo
3 D Print in Red
LA Natural History Museum
LA Natural History Museum