Name of Student: Fatemah
The Secret to Plant Happiness: Dr Fatemeh’s Discovery
Once upon a time, there was a plant-loving scientist named Dr. Fatemah. She wondered if plants had the same needs as humans, so she decided to do an experiment to find out.
Dr. Fatemah picked three plants and gave them each a name: Sakina, Shabbar, and Saiyada. Then she gave them each different things to drink, different amounts of sunlight, and different types of food.
Sakina was given water and grew big and strong. Shabbar was given juice and grew a little bit. But Saiyada was given soda, and she went a little crazy!
Next, Dr. Fatemah gave each plant a different amount of sunlight. Sakina got a lot of sunlight and grew big and green. Shabbar got some sunlight and turned yellow. But Saiyada got no sunlight and looked sad.
Finally, Dr. Fatemah gave each plant a different type of food. Sakina ate vegetables and grew even taller. Shabbar ate fruits and grew a bit more. But Saiyada ate candy and got a tummy ache!
Dr. Fatemah learned that plants need water, sunlight, and healthy food just like humans do. She realized that when plants get what they need, they are the happiest.
In the end, Sakina, Shabbar, and Saiyada became the happiest plants because Dr. Fatemah took good care of them. They grew big and strong, and their leaves were green and beautiful.
And that's the story of how Dr. Fatemah discovered the secret to plant happiness.