CBCWC 2023 8-11 - Americas - Ishak E.

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“ThetimehascometobattleCancer,”saysanunfamiliarvoice.“Weneverthought cancerwouldevercomeintothehuman’sbodybecauseheactedsohealthy,but apparently,not.”


“COMMANDER, COMMANDER!” says one of the white blood cells. “Cancer has takenasurpriseattackonusandhastheupperhand!”



The commander hearsthewarhornroaring,andsoonafterthat,seesovertwentycancer cellscomingtheirway Theelitebloodcellsarewaitingontheotherside.

“ATTACK!!!!”yellsthebiggestcellastheybreakintoaseriousbattle. Swordsclashasthecommanderseesbodypartsflyingoff.


But as the cells charge, the remaining cancer cellmanagetopulloffaskillonlyworthy ofhighly-trainedtop-tiercommanders.


He says into his walkie talkie: “WE’VE GOT A CANCER CELL, A BREACH. RETREAT AND REGROUP ALL TROOPS AND TELL THE SPLEEN TOCREATE MORE CELLS.” Thecommander,confused,seesthecancercellquicklyinfectingother cells.



“No,Iwon't”saystheunfamiliarcell. “Donotfear,forIam themegacell”.



The commander replies “Use the divine sword ifyouaresoconfidentyouarethemega cell.” To his shock the megacellpicksuptheswordwhichwasinthemiddleofthecity inarockandusesittoslayallthecancercellsinthearea.

However,allofasudden, theCancerAbodiesmutateintoamegacancercell.

The mega cell and the mutated cancer cell start exchanging slashes and soon both are pantingandbleedingfromthelimbstheylost.

The mega cell swings one last timeusingallhisremainingenergyandkillscanceronce andforall.


“Thank you” says the mega cell weakly, as the commander helps himup,“butthetime hascomeformetodie”

“No!” says the commander desperately. “We need you! What happens if cancer comes back?”.

“Fear not, for all my power will be distributed among all cells in the body bringing everyoneback”.


“Farewell and good luck to you, commander” says the mega cell as he disappears into theunknown.

As he fades, an explosion of energyreviveseverycellmakingthembetterandstronger Thebattlehasbeenwon.

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