International Primary Science Workbook 6

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Workbook 6

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Contents Topic 1 Humans and animals The human machine What do you already know? Finding answers to scientific questions Body systems Body systems quiz Name and locate organs Your amazing brain Investigating blinking How does exercise affect us? How does exercise affect our breathing? Eating a cracker The digestive system How well do you remember? The excretory system Essential functions of the major organs

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Topic 2 Living things in their environment 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 13 14 15 16 17 18

Planning applications Endangered species research Rhinoceros poaching Cause, effect and solution Compile an action plan What is eaten by what? Food chains at school Predator and prey relationships Find the food chains

19 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 28

Topic 3 Material changes Describing changes Predicting changes Making observations of changes What happens on burning? Investigating a scientific question Mystery mixture Was your process efficient? Observing behaviour in water Investigating sugar dissolving Plot and analyse your results How much will dissolve? A fair investigation Filtering a mixture Investigating the best coffee filter

29 30 31 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45

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Topic 4 Forces and motion Make your own force meter 46 Doubling and tripling the force 47 Calculating the weight of different objects 48 Calculating the weight on different planets 49 Investigate forces in different directions 50 Make a weighing scale 51 Making sense of graphs 52 Movement energy in sports 53 Modelling a bungee jump 54 What happens during a bungee jump? 55 Investigate sliding on different surfaces 56 Friction 57 Parachute investigation 59 Air resistance and speed 60 Designing an experiment 61 Looking back 62

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Topic 5 Electricity and magnetism Using conventional symbols Circuits and symbols Using diagrams to build circuits Investigating conductors My unusual circuits Electrical conductors and insulators Looking at light bulbs Planning a fair test Materials used as insulators Changing the thickness of the wire Changing the length of the wire Testing series circuits Circuits with buzzers and motors Buzzers and lamps

63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76

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Humans and animals Student’s Book p 2

The human machine

1.1 The human body

1 Label the diagrams to show which internal and external body parts are involved in playing tennis.

2 Could you play tennis without one of the parts you have labelled? Explain your answer fully.


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Humans and animals Student’s Book p 4

What do you already know?

1.2 Major organs

Answer as many questions as you can. 1 The lungs, nose and windpipe are part of which organ system? 2 What does your bladder do?

3 The mouth and stomach are part of which organ system? 4 What happens to food once it leaves your stomach? 5 Which organ pumps blood around the body? 6 Which organ system has tendons and ligaments? 7 What is the job of a ligament?

8 What are the jobs of the ribs? 9 Describe how the blood and heart work together. 10 What is the main function of the lungs?


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Humans and animals Student’s Book p 4 1.2 Major organs

Finding answers to scientific questions

There are different methods of answering scientific questions, including: ●

Observe and measure

Look for information in books, on CD-Roms or the internet, or ask an expert

Carry out a survey

Carry out a fair test

Which method would you use to find the answers to these questions about body systems? A B C D E F G H I J K L M

Where is the liver situated? In what way does exercise affect the heart rate? What happens to your breathing rate when you exercise? Why is saliva important for digestion? How many people eat the recommended amount of fruit and vegetables? Is there a difference between the size of arm muscles in boys and girls? Do older people have slower reaction times than younger people? How many people know their blood type? Which body organs can be successfully transplanted? Is it possible to stop a reflex action? Do athletes have lower resting pulse rates than people who are unfit? Why is exercise important for a healthy body? What proportion of students in our school have brown eyes?

Write each letter in the correct column in the table below. Observe and measure

Use sources to find information

Carry out a survey

Carry out a fair test


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Humans and animals Student’s Book p 6 1.3 Body systems

Body systems

Fill in the table below with the names of the organs and what they do. Name of Organs in the the system system

Job(s) of the system

Nervous system

Digestive system

Circulatory system

Respiratory system

Skeletal system


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Humans and animals Student’s Book p 6

Body systems quiz

1.3 Body systems

Answer the questions below.

1 What body system helps humans turn the food they eat into energy?

2 What body system helps humans to breathe?

3 What body system controls other body systems?

4 What body system provides structure for the body?

5 What body system includes a transport system and a pump that keeps the transport system moving?

6 What part of the nervous system is essential for it to work properly?

7 What system transports substances around the body?

8 What parts of the respiratory system would need to be blocked to not allow any air in?


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Humans and animals Student’s Book p 8

Name and locate organs

1.4 Locating major organs

Name each organ shown around the body below. Draw lines to match the organs to their position in the body.


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Humans and animals Student’s Book p 10

Your amazing brain

1.5 The nervous system and the brain

Your brain allows you to remember things and to spot patterns. Try these fun activities to see how amazingly well your brain works. 1 Look at these numbers for five seconds.

1 8 6 3 12 9 11 Cover them with a piece of paper. How many do you remember? Write them here.

2 Work with a partner to create your own memory test using some small objects. ● Collect ten small objects and something to cover them with. ● ●

Show your objects to another pair of students. Let them look for 5 seconds, cover the objects and then ask them to name as many of the objects as they can remember.

How well did they do? 3 Next, remove one of the objects without letting the other students see which one you removed. ● Show them the items again. Ask them to name the missing object. How well did they do? 4 Was it easier to remember the numbers or the objects? Why do you think this was the case?


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Humans and animals Student’s Book p 10

Investigating blinking

1.5 The nervous system and the brain

Instructions 1 We all blink several times per minute. Do we think about blinking?

2 What happens if someone throws something at your face?

3 In your groups, make a prediction. Use the words in the box. blink protect eyes response Prediction: I predict that

4 Now work in pairs. Do not carry out this activity without eye protection. ● One person sits in a chair while wearing eye protection. ●

The other person stands about 1 m away, facing the person in the chair.

Eye protection must be worn

The person standing should toss a cotton ball toward the eyes of the seated person. Record whether the seated person blinked or not.


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Humans and animals

5 Repeat the experiment three times, each time recording your results in the Results table below. If the person blinks, simply put a tick (✓). If they don’t blink then put a cross (✗). Complete sentences are not necessary when recording results. Results:

Person Test 1 Test 2 Test 3

6 Swap places with your partner and repeat the investigation. 7 Write a conclusion. Conclusion:

8 Why did you repeat your test? Explanation:


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Humans and animals Student’s Book p 12

How does exercise affect us?

1.6 The circulatory system and the heart

Plan an investigation to find out what happens to your pulse rate after three different types of exercise. 1 Planning The variables we could change are

The variable we will change is

2 Prediction I think that when I exercise

3 Describe how you will carry out the investigation. Think about what you will measure and how you will make it a fair test.

4 In the space below, add comments on your plan from another pair of students.


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5 Results:

Type of exercise


Humans and animals

Pulse rate


6 Show your results as a bar graph.


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Humans and animals

7 Conclusion (what we found out):

I think this is because

8 Look at your prediction. Does the evidence support your prediction? Explain.

9 What could you do to improve your investigation?


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Humans and animals Student’s Book p 14 1.7 The respiratory system and the lungs

How does exercise affect our breathing? I predict that, after running on the spot for one minute,

Method 1 2 3 Results Breaths in one minute while at rest

Breaths in one minute after one minute of exercise

My result My partner’s result Observations Was my prediction correct? Explanation of my results: When do people breathe more often and why? Link your answer to your results from investigating the effects of exercise on heartbeat.


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Humans and animals Student’s Book p 16 1.8 The digestive system

Eating a cracker

Write notes in the table about what you noticed when you ate the cracker. Eating a cracker‌

What did I notice about my teeth?

What did I notice about my tongue?

What did I notice about the taste?

without water with water

Consolidate Write a summary report of what you found out.


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Humans and animals Student’s Book p 16

The digestive system

1.8 The digestive system

1 Label the diagram of the digestive system. Use the words in the box.

oesophagus small intestine large intestine stomach mouth

2 Match each description below with the part of the digestive system it describes. a Takes food into the body. b Breaks down food by squeezing and mixing it. Adds acid to kill germs. c Takes water out of the waste food to make it more solid. Moves food along, using muscles. d Finishes the breakdown of food. Passes the liquid food into the blood. e Passes the food into the stomach, using muscles.


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Humans and animals Student’s Book p 18

How well do you remember?

1.9 The excretory system and the kidneys

1 These statements are all false. Rewrite them to make them true. The liver is the main organ of the excretory system.

The bladder is a bean-shaped organ that filters wastes from the blood.

Urine is stored in the kidneys.

Urine is mostly blood with some waste products.

Liquid waste produces by the excretory system is called urea.

2 The main function of the excretory organs is to get rid of waste products. Why is this an important body function? Explain fully.


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Humans and animals Student’s Book p 18 1.9 The excretory system and the kidneys

The excretory system Connect the organ on the left to the correct description on the right. Then answer the questions below. ureter

bean-shaped organ


stores urine


connects the bladder to the outside


takes urine from the kidney to the bladder

1 What is the job of the kidney?

2 Explain how the kidney does its job.

3 What other organs help the body get rid of wastes?


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Humans and animals Student’s Book p 18

Essential functions of the major organs

1.10 Essential functions of the major organs

1 Complete this table to summarise what you learned about the major organs in this unit. Organ

Essential functions

Medical options for repairing/ replacing damaged organs

2 In Unit 1.1 you identified the three organs you thought were most important. Do you still agree with your choices? Explain your answer.


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