Cambridge Checkpoint English: Stage 9 Teacher's Guide

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Checkpoint English Clare Constant, Steve Eddy, Naomi Hursthouse and lan Kirby

Series Editors: Julia Burchell and Mike Gould

Stage 9: Teacher’s Guide

Contents Introduction Chapter 1 ● Writing to explore and reflect 1.1 What is travel writing? 1.2 Selecting and noting key information in travel texts 1.3 Comparing tone and register in travel texts 1.4 Responding to travel writing

1.5 Understanding grammatical choices in travel writing 1.6 Varying sentences for effect 1.7 Boost your vocabulary 1.8 Creating a travel account

Chapter 2 ● Writing to inform and explain 2.1 Matching informative texts to audience and purpose 2.2. Using formal and informal language in information texts 2.3 Comparing information texts 2.4 Using discussion to prepare for a written assignment 2.5 Planning information texts to suit different audiences

2.6 Shaping paragraphs to suit audience and purpose 2.7 Crafting sentences for a range of effects 2.8 Making explanations precise and concise 2.9 Writing encyclopedia entries

Chapter 3 ● Writing to argue and persuade 3.1 Reviewing persuasive techniques 3.2 Commenting on use of language to persuade 3.3 Exploring layers of persuasive language 3.4 Responding to the use of persuasive language 3.5 Adapting grammar choices to create effects in argument writing

3.6 Organising a whole argument effectively 3.7 Organising an argument within each paragraph 3.8 Presenting and responding to a question 3.9 Producing an argumentative essay

Chapter 4 ● Descriptive writing 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5

Analysing how atmospheres are created Developing analysis of a description Analysing atmospheric descriptions Using images to inspire description Using language to develop an atmosphere

4.6 Sustaining a cohesive atmosphere 4.7 Creating atmosphere through punctuation 4.8 Using structural devices to build up atmosphere 4.9 Producing a powerful description

Chapter 5 ● Narrative writing 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6

Understanding story openings Exploring setting and atmosphere Introducing characters in stories Responding to powerful narrative Pitching a story Creating narrative suspense and climax

5.7 Creating character 5.8 Using tenses in narrative 5.9 Using pronouns and sentence order for effect 5.10 Creating a thriller

Chapter 6 ● Writing to analyse and compare 6.1 Analysing implicit meaning in non-fiction texts 6.2 Analysing how a play’s key elements create different effects 6.3 Using discussion skills to analyse carefully

6.4 Comparing effectively through punctuation and grammar 6.5 Analysing two texts

Chapter 7 ● Testing your skills 7.1 Reading and writing questions on non-fiction texts 7.2 Reading and writing questions on fiction texts

Worksheets Blank Check your progress sheets

7.3 Assessing your progress: non-fiction reading and writing 7.4 Assessing your progress: fiction reading and writing

Introduction Welcome to the Collins Checkpoint English Teacher Guide 9. We hope it will provide useful support to teachers worldwide, as they prepare students for the freedom, challenge and enrichment offered by the Cambridge Secondary 1 course for Stage 9.

Using the Student Book The Student Book is structured so that it builds the fundamental skills that underpin success at the end of Stage 9. It is divided into seven chapters. Each of the first six chapters focuses on a different writing ‘purpose’, while the seventh offers the chance to put all the skills into practice through exam-style tasks. Chapters 1 to 6 address these different purposes in detail and cover the Stage 9 learning objectives that relate to them:

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Writing to explore and reflect Writing to inform and explain Writing to argue and persuade Descriptive writing Narrative writing Writing to analyse and compare

Chapter 6 focuses on literary analysis. While this is not a requirement of the Cambridge Secondary 1 English curriculum framework or assessments, it nevertheless has the benefit both of broadening the range of material students encounter and beginning to embed skills at a basic level, which will be useful in literature studies. Chapter 7 offers a series of resources for assessment practice. While these can be used separately to secure a particular assessment style, as each question type is covered, they could also be set together as a more formal ‘mock’ end-of-stage assessment.

Features of the Student Book Each of the first six chapters is based loosely on a theme such as the natural world or space travel and enables students to learn and practise a range of general reading, writing, speaking

backgrounds and will write a wide range of texts themselves. Each chapter provides them with opportunities to complete two substantial tasks to show what they have achieved: one on reading and responding to texts, and one on writing for each type or purpose. From these, you will be able to assess students’ work to see how their abilities are developing across the learning objectives for Stage 9. The book has also been designed so that students revisit particularly important skills several times across the chapters. In some cases, this is to make sure that they can apply the skills in new contexts; in others it will be because a new aspect of the skill has been introduced to help them to progress. Key features of the book include Check your progress panels at the end of each two- or four-page unit. These will help students to assess their own progress. Three other text features to note are Checklists for success, which lists criteria that students should cover when completing a task, Key terms, which define important literary and language terms, and Vocabulary panels to support students when reading an extract.

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Introduction • 1

Stage 9

will read a wide variety of texts from writers from many social, cultural and historical

Cambridge Checkpoint English

and listening skills, in particular those that are part of writing for the featured purpose. Students

Using the Teacher Guide Each two-page (or four-page) section in the Student Book is intended to provide work for one lesson (occasionally two), and is supported in the Teacher Guide by a one- or two-page lesson plan, plus worksheet(s) and PowerPoint slides (PPTs). The Teacher Guide is designed to help you with the following.


Key references to the specification for Stage 9 are listed at the start of each lesson plan, with the learning objectives identified so that the wider application of learning is clear.

Detailed, ready-to-use lesson plans offer all you need to teach. These are divided into sections that match the Student Book – Introducing the skills, Developing the skills and Applying the skills – ensuring progression and pace in the activities, as well as opportunities for consolidation of the learning.

Worksheets and PowerPoint slides (PPTs) supplement and extend activities in the Student Book. These are itemised in each lesson plan, meaning that time-consuming preparation is kept to a minimum.


Each lesson plan begins with learning outcomes differentiated by level of achievement so that you can monitor the level at which students are working and help them progress.

Further differentiation opportunities are provided in the Give extra support and Give extra challenge boxes, ensuring that all students are stimulated towards reaching their potential.

Worksheets and PPTs offer additional activities and support mechanisms to suit a range of learning styles and abilities.


Chapter 7 revisits the assessment questions from the Student Book, offering additional guidance on how to help students self-assess their work.

Peer- and self-assessment is regularly used to help students understand how to progress towards their target level of achievement. Any success criteria included in the book are our own.

Our resources are designed to enhance performance so that candidates can work towards the

Julia Burchell Series Editor

Stage 9

Cambridge Checkpoint English

next stage of the Cambridge Secondary 1 course with confidence. We hope you enjoy using them.

2 • Introduction

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What is travel writing?

Learning objectives

Checkpoint progress test

9Rw1; 9Rw4; 9Rv1; 9Rv3

Differentiated learning outcomes


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Lower: All students must recognise some features of non-fiction writing. Mid: Most students should identify some features and purposes of travel writing. High: Some students could analyse the impact of language in travel writing.

Paper 1, Section A

Student Book: pp. 8–11 Worksheet: 1.1 PPT: 1.1 Workbook links: Unit 1.1, p. 5

Introducing the skills Ask students to look closely at the picture in Question 1 and discuss the two questions in pairs. Take feedback from the class. Encourage a range of answers, for example:

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Someone might want a complete break from work and life at home. They might want to get away from a European winter and enjoy some warm weather. Appealing details include: blue sky combined with palm trees, suggesting a hot, sunny climate; a clean, sandy beach; paddle boats that are attractive and could belong to fishermen, which suggests a simple, undeveloped local economy (not a big city with industry).

Students could complete Question 2 in pairs. Take class feedback, then show slides 1 and 2 from PowerPoint 1.1, which list the different features of fiction and non-fiction. Ask students if they have changed their views on how these two types of text are similar or different. Emphasise that literary non-fiction, including travel writing, has a great deal in common with fiction. In particular, highlight that non-fiction is not just a matter of recording facts – there is plenty of scope for imaginative language, narrative technique and even characterisation (of real people).

Finally, ask for words and phrases that make the grotto seem exciting then display the examples on slide 5. Point out, again, that excitement is conveyed by word choices.

Developing the skills Read the extract on page 10 of the Student Book aloud to the class. They could discuss the account in pairs and then write answers to Question 4 on their own. They should write their answers in sentences. Note that there does not need to be a single effect for part a) of the question. For example, the piece is factual, so it is informative, but its main purpose is to entertain. At the same time, the author seems to be amazed by the experience. For part b) of the question, you could display slide 6, which gives some examples of descriptive words and phrases from the extract to help students identify and select phrases to comment on.

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1.1 What is travel writing? • 3

Stage 9

Ask students to identify words and phrases in the extract that appeal to the senses. After the discussion, display slide 4. Did students identify all the examples there. Talk about any they did not.

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Students should work on Question 3 individually, reading the extract and noting down the phrases they find. Afterwards, ask them to suggest phrases that convey the writer’s emotional reaction. Point out that the writer does not state her reaction obviously (with phrases such as ‘I gasped with fear when I saw...’, for example). Instead, she conveys her reaction through word choices. Show students slide 3, which offers examples of these.

When students have completed part c) of Question 4, take brief feedback. You could suggest that the writer’s attitude seems to be one of gently humorous but appreciative amazement that a bus service like this could still operate. Give extra support by offering Worksheet 1.1 as a framework for Question 4. Give extra challenge by asking students to find the account of Adelsberg Grotto online and then to make comments on another paragraph or two of the text.

Applying the skills Students should work alone to write their comparisons in response to Question 5. Afterwards, they should compare notes in pairs or small groups. Finish by asking students to sum up their answers to Question 5. They should agree that both passages aim to entertain, but that there is no attempt at humour in the account of Adelsberg Grotto. Both pieces have some sense of narrative, but this is much more pronounced in the description of the bus journey. In different ways, both pieces attempt to create a sense of wonder for the reader.

Stage 9

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4 • 1.1 What is travel writing?

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Selecting and noting key information in travel texts


Learning objectives

Checkpoint progress test

9Rx1; 9Ri2; 9Rv3; 9Wa1

Differentiated learning outcomes


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Lower: All students must find and list facts in a text. Mid: Most students should choose from a variety of note-making methods. High: Some students could summarise information and reproduce it in a new format.

Paper 1, Section A

Student Book: pp. 12–15 Worksheet: 1.2 PPT: 1.2 Workbook links: Unit 1.2, pp. 6–7

Introducing the skills Explain to students that this lesson will help them to develop transferable note-making skills – what they will learn is not just applicable to travel writing. Look at Question 1 as a class and make sure that students understand the terms:

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skimming: getting the gist of a text, focusing on its key information and particularly on paragraph openings (which may contain topic sentences, proper nouns and numbers) scanning: looking for specific information (like looking for something in the fridge) close reading: reading in detail to take in as much information as possible (could be done after skimming).

Read the extract on page 12 of the Student Book aloud to the class. Check that students understand what facts are (as opposed to opinions). They should work individually or in pairs on Questions 2 and 3 to first identify five facts and then find more. Afterwards, display slide 1 of PowerPoint 1.2, which lists the five facts from the extract then identifies three more. For Question 4, students should work in pairs to discuss which note-making method they felt worked best for them. Do they think this was because it fitted the task or because it suited their individual learning style?

1 2 3 4 5

If someone needs to be ‘assured’, this suggests that they are worried. Note use of the word ‘ordered’ not ‘asked’. ‘Something about’ is vague. ‘Or maybe’ suggests different versions. This body language suggests not knowing or caring.

Developing the skills Students should complete Question 6 on their own. Point out to them that they can use a combination of facts from Question 3 and implied information such as that used in the example. This is a good point at which to stress the importance of providing textual evidence in comprehension answers and to recap with students how they can do this. You could mention the use of embedded quotes, which often make an answer more fluent and therefore more effective. For example: We know from the author’s ‘growling’ stomach that he was hungry and had brought no food with him. © HarperCollinsPublishers 2016

1.2 Selecting and noting key information in travel texts • 5

Stage 9

Students should then work in pairs on Question 5, writing down the numbers and the corresponding letters from the grid (the answers are 1E, 2A, 3B, 4C, 5D). Check that everyone understands how the phrases imply the information:

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Recap with students the concept of implying information (suggesting it) and inferring it (deducing, or working out). Explain that sometimes the word ‘infer’ is wrongly used in place of ‘imply’. Emphasise that being able to infer what is implied in a text is a vital reading skill.

Applying the skills Students should complete the scanning exercise in Question 7, jotting down the information they find, then share this as a class. Afterwards, display slide 3 and talk through the information listed. Point out that the extract begins with two topic sentences – the second one explains the first. Students could experiment with different methods of combining notes for Question 8. Stress that they need information from both extracts. Question 9 can be completed in class or for homework and students could illustrate their guides. When completed, the guides could be used to create a wall display. Give extra support by offering Worksheet 1.2 as a framework for Question 9. Give extra challenge by displaying slide 2 and asking students to use this instead of the grid in the Student Book for Question 5. They should look at the each of the explanations and work out what phrases in the text imply that information.

Finish by holding a class discussion in which students tell you (and remind themselves) what implied information is.

Stage 9

Cambridge Checkpoint English


6 • 1.2 Selecting and noting key information in travel texts

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Comparing tone and register in travel texts


Learning objectives

Checkpoint progress test

9Ri2; 9Rw1; 9Rw3; 9Rw4; 9Rw5; 9Wa10

Differentiated learning outcomes


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Lower: All students must be able to identify register. Mid: Most students should be able to comment on use of tone and register. High: Some students could compare the use of tone and register in different texts.

Paper 1, Section A

Student Book: pp. 16–17 Worksheet: 1.3 PPT: 1.3 Workbook links: Unit 1.3, p. 8

Introducing the skills Show students slide 1 of PowerPoint 1.3, or read out the two statements and ask the class which they think is more formal.

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I’m really fed up with this train journey. (informal) I am deeply disappointed by this experience of rail travel. (formal)

Explain that register is used to describe degree of formality. (It can also apply to some other aspects of language – for example, advertisements that adopt a ‘scientific register’ to sound impressive, but its main usage is for degree of formality.) You could add that register also applies to speech. Ask students how their register would differ according to whether they were explaining themselves to a teacher or telling a friend about their weekend. Explain that tone and register are closely related but they are not the same thing. Display slide 2 and discuss the examples of tone. Students should then complete Question 1 in pairs.

Developing the skills

Applying the skills Students should write their paragraphs for Question 4 individually. Give extra support by giving students Worksheet 1.3 as preparation for Question 4. Give extra challenge by asking students to write a formal letter of complaint – for example to the council about speeding near the school – that is angry but polite. You could also ask students to compare the use of register and tone in the two passages.


Finish by asking students to review the differences between register and tone either in small groups or as part of a whole-class discussion.

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1.3 Comparing tone and register in travel texts • 7

Stage 9

Students could write answers to Question 3 individually. If necessary, display slide 3, which shows an example answer to part a) to help them.

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Students could complete Question 2 in pairs or it could be the basis for a class discussion. (The passage is ‘warm and personal’ in tone.)


Responding to travel writing

Learning objectives

Checkpoint progress test

9Ri2; 9Rw1; 9Rw3; 9Rw4; 9Rw5; 9Rw7

Differentiated learning outcomes


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Lower: All students must make notes on subject matter, register and tone in two extracts. Mid: Most students should be able to explain some differences between two extracts. High: Some students could compare several aspects of two extracts in detail.

Paper 1, Section A

Student Book: pp. 18–21 Worksheet: 1.4 PPT: 1.4 Workbook links: Unit 1.4, pp. 9–10

Your task Explain, if necessary, that ‘subject matter’ means content – what the passage is about. Help students to revise what they know about register and tone, referring them back to Topic 1.3. You could ask what the main feature of register is (degree of formality) and for some examples of tone (angry, serious, light-hearted, etc.). Point out that the extracts have been chosen because they have one important thing in common: they are both about boat journeys. This similarity should make it easier to identify the differences. It may help students if you read Text A aloud, with appropriate dramatic emphasis (for example with ‘Deep seemed the valleys... High were the hills...’), before asking students for their general impression of the journey. Then read out Text B, altering your tone to reflect the more relaxed and pleasurable feel of the journey. Again, ask for general impressions.

Approaching the task For Question 1, students need to decide on their note-making method, bearing in mind what worked for them in earlier tasks. Alternatively, they could try a different method and see whether it suits this task. They could discuss possible note-making methods in pairs first.

Students could discuss the elements that could be compared before completing Question 2. They should then use their notes to undertake the second part of the task: writing a comparison. Point out that there are two possible approaches to this: 1

Write about the key features of Text A, then – possibly in a new paragraph – write about Text B, drawing out the similarities and differences.


Write about each feature in turn (content, register, tone, etc.) for each text – for example, register in Text A compared with register in Text B.

Either approach is valid, but the second tends to be more impressive if it is done well. Many students find the first approach easier. This would be a good time to introduce students to the use of comparison discourse markers, such as ‘on the other hand’, ‘compared with’, ‘however’, ‘similarly’, etc.

Stage 9

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Give extra support by offering Worksheet 1.4 as a partially completed framework for Question 1.

Give extra challenge by asking students to attempt the second type of comparison mentioned above, if they have not already done so. They could also make a comparison of the visual details in both passages (they will find that Text B provides a long list). This could lead to a discussion of how the two passages appeal to readers in different ways. For example, few readers would book a holiday based on Text A, but some might consider going on a Nile cruise after reading Text B.

8 • 1.4 Responding to travel writing

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Reflecting on your progress Students should read Response 1 and compare it with their own answer, identifying points the response makes that they have not included and vice versa. They should then rewrite Response 1, improving it, taking note of the comments. Response 2 is an improved version of Response 1, so students could compare their improved versions with this. Slides 1 and 2 of PowerPoint 1.4 show an improved and extended version of the comparison in Response 2. Display this and discuss how it improves on and extends Response 2. For example, it comments on Shackleton’s use of imagery (including personification) and suggests why Edwards uses little or none – she has no need to because she has plenty of interesting sights to include, whereas Shackleton only has the stormy sea. It also makes a brief contrast between Shackleton’s metaphorical mountains and Edwards’ real ones seen from the Nile. Point out that this better version adopts the more sophisticated approach that moves back and forth between the two texts, rather than dealing with one completely, then the other.

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1.4 Responding to travel writing • 9

Stage 9

Finish by asking some students to comment on what planning technique they find most useful and what approach to comparison (1 or 2 above) they prefer. In both cases, they should give their reasons. They could also peer-review each other’s work using the ‘Check your progress’ points at the end of the chapter and the framework on slide 3.

Cambridge Checkpoint English



Understanding grammatical choices in travel writing

Learning objectives

Checkpoint progress test

9Rw2; 9Rw8

Differentiated learning outcomes


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Lower: All students must be able to identify different sentence types. Mid: Most students should be able to use and comment on some different sentence types. High: Some students could be able to analyse a variety of sentence types and use them effectively.

Paper 1, Section B

Student Book: pp. 22–25 Worksheet: 1.5 PPT: 1.5 Workbook links: Unit 1.5, pp. 11–12

Introducing the skills Ask students what would draw them to a piece of travel writing? Elicit ideas such as getting insights into another culture or place, enjoying the experiences of an outsider recounting their experiences, or perhaps unusual or unexpected facts or events. Then read aloud Mark Twain’s account, and ask students to work in pairs to complete Question 1, before sharing responses as a class. The answer is b) – a modern reader would want up-to-date information, and would realise that things may have changed since Twain’s time. Ask the class to look again at the last four sentences, as indicated in Question 2. They should notice the repetition (‘He said...’ and ‘And he said…’). Elicit the idea that Twain is trying to get the facts across about the kangaroo and emu. The simplicity is almost like a wide-eyed child telling a friend about something amazing or funny. For Questions 3 and 4, ask students to make brief notes in pairs and then report back. They should be able to indicate that the text would appeal to adults (they have to drive) who wish to visit South Africa and who have an interest in landscapes and nature. The second text is clear, with its brief information set out in two multi-clause sentences, followed by a simple short summary sentence. The style difference is that this is more impersonal (no ‘I’ mentioned) and is a more general text looking forward to someone else’s travel. On the other hand, Twain’s gives a personal account of past events. In other words, the first is a travelogue.

Developing the skills Give students time to read through the explanatory text and the ‘Key terms’ box. Make sure they understand it all. Point out that complex sentences can make writing flow more smoothly – they seem sophisticated, but they should not be used all the time. For example, simple sentences can be more effective in creating tension in narrative. Students should complete Question 5 on their own. Show them some options on slide 3, either before they write their own if you think they need more help, or afterwards so that they can compare theirs with the examples. You could also invite students to read out their finished sentences.

Stage 9

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Discuss slides 1 and 2 of PowerPoint 1.5 to secure their understanding of the types of travel text.

10 • 1.5 Understanding grammatical choices in travel writing

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Give extra support by giving students further exercises in Worksheet 1.5. Note that the answers to this worksheet are: 1. a) The Nile cruiser floated down the river and disappeared into the distance. b) The boat rose up on the towering waves and sank down in between them. c) The ship was often seemed about to capsize but somehow it stayed afloat. 2. a) The palm trees, which were a vivid shade of green, waved in the gentle breeze. b) Shackleton, who was an Antarctic explorer, never lost any of his men. c) A minaret, which is a tower on a mosque, rises above the surrounding buildings. 3. Perhaps the most remarkable view was of a plateau broken by ribbons of peat and occasional dark pools. It was an almost sheer 300 metres below us. From this height it resembled an ink-splattered pancake.

Applying the skills Students should attempt Question 6, although they could compare their ideas when they have all completed their piece of writing. Discuss the extract with the class. Ask for their comments on the sentence types. The first is a complex sentence, the second a simple one. The third sentence is the longest and also has the most subordinate clauses (two). This brings the paragraph to a climax, matching the sense: the ‘most remarkable view’ is saved till the end.

Give extra challenge by asking some to write their own complex sentences based on the first two in the extract in Question 6, using ‘where’ and ‘with’.

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1.5 Understanding grammatical choices in travel writing • 11

Stage 9

Finish by asking students to explain the features of the three sentence types. You could ask a weaker student to explain a simple sentence – or give an example of one – and then ask a more confident student to explain a complex sentence and give an example.

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