AQA A Level Sociology Themes and Perspectives Year 1 and AS

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Precisely mapped to the AQA specification and offering the depth and detail you need to analyse and evaluate at the highest levels. Up-to-date coverage of the latest research, theory and government policy, with Contemporary issues case studies asking you to apply sociological ideas to contemporary society. Summary and Key terms boxes recap the main points and terminology for each section to support understanding and revision. Specially commissioned Then and now features revisit landmark sociological studies and evaluate their relevance to society today, often in the sociologists’ own words.

AQA A-LEVEL Sociology

Provides in-depth coverage of AQA’s 2015 specification, with chapters on Education, Research Methods, Methods in Context and Families and Households.

Themes and Perspectives

The most up-to-date coverage and in-depth exam support for AQA A-level Sociology, from the bestselling authors of Sociology: Themes and Perspectives.

Haralambos & Holborn

AQA A-level


Themes and Perspectives Year 1 and AS

Build the skills for exam success with AS and A-level exam practice questions for each topic, sample responses for each question and detailed examiner guidance.

Year 1 and AS Haralambos & Holborn

Authors: Michael Haralambos, Martin Holborn and Pauline Wilson

Michael Haralambos Martin Holborn Pauline Wilson

Contributing authors: Judith Copeland and Matthew Wilkin

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