Collins Edexcel L2 Exended Maths CertificateStudy and Practice sample

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Anne Stothers

Andrew Milne

Trevor Senior

10 Vectors

10.1 Position vectors


✓ add and subtract vectors

✓ multiply vectors by a scalar

✓ nd the distance between position vectors

✓ understand that parallel vectors are multiples of each other


✓ vector ✓ position vector ✓ scalar

✓ resultant vector ✓ parallel ✓ collinear

A vector quantity has both a magnitude (a number that represents its size) and a direction. You can visualise a vector as a directed line segment. The length of the segment corresponds to the magnitude of the vector, and an arrow indicates its direction. For example, a vector pointing diagonally to the right with a length of a units can be represented graphically by a line with an arrowhead pointing right, scaled to a length of a units.

Usually, vectors are labelled with lower case letters in bold. When you are writing vectors you should underline your lowercase vector labels so that they are clear (as it is dif cult to apply ‘bold’ when handwriting).

Because they can represent distances and directions, vectors have many everyday applications, for example, in global positioning systems (GPS). Vectors have links to molecular biology (as a means of carrying a particular DNA segment into a host cell) and they are used in physics to represent displacement, acceleration, force, velocity and momentum. Vectors are also used in the storage of locations, directions and velocities in video games and in engineering to analyse mechanical systems.

Scalar quantities have only magnitude (or size), for example, any number, a temperature or a mass.

Operations on vectors

Vectors can undergo a variety of operations, each of which has practical applications. a a


You met vectors when you translated objects on a coordinate grid. Recall that the vector ( 4 5 ) indicates a horizontal movement of 4 units to the right and a vertical movement of 5 units upwards. The numbers 4 and 5 are the horizontal and vertical components of the vector.

Addition and subtraction

Vectors are added or subtracted by adding or subtracting their corresponding components. The sum of two vectors is called the resultant vector

If a = ( 1 1 x y ) and b = ( 2 2 x y ), then their sum c = a + b is given by c = ( 1  2 12 xx yy + + ) and their difference d = a −

These operations can be visualised geometrically. Vectors are added by drawing ‘nose-to-tail’, as shown below.

The arrows on a and b form a continuous path. The arrow on the resultant c shows that the vector goes from the start of a to the end of b

A negative vector has the same length but in the opposite direction. So to subtract a vector you move along it in the opposite direction to the arrow. When you add two vectors the order does not matter, so a + b = b + a.

Scalar multiplication

A vector can be multiplied by a scalar (a real number) by multiplying each of its components by that scalar.

If e = ( x y ) and k is a scalar, then the vector ke = k( x y ) = (kx ky).

This operation changes the magnitude of the vector but not its direction. However, if the scalar is negative, then the direction of the vector is reversed.


a = ( 2 7 ) and b = ( 3 5 )

Work out 3a − 2b

Multiply each vector by the scalar:

Then do the calculation:


Combine the two brackets to give a single vector. Be careful when calculating with negative numbers.


c = ( 4 2 ) and d = ( 3 3 )

Given that 3c − 2e =−2d, nd e.

Substitute the values into the equation: 3( 42) − 2e =−2(33)

Rearrange and solve:

Finding the distance between two points given by position vectors

Vectors can represent the position of an object relative to a xed point, for example, the origin on a coordinate grid. You can nd the distance between two position vectors using Pythagoras’ theorem. This is the same method as you use to nd the distance between two points whose coordinates you know. This gives the formula

d = (  )  (  ) 21 2  21 2 −+xx yy , where (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) are the coordinates of two points and d is the distance between them.


Find the exact distance between the points given by position vectors

a = ( 4 2 ) = ( 1 1 x y ) and b = ( 1 6 ) = ( 2 2 x y ).

You can represent these vectors on a coordinate grid and draw a right-angled triangle to help you to calculate the distance d between them.

a = ( 4 2 ) = ( 1 1 x y ) and b = ( 1 6 ) = ( 2 2 x y )

Substitute the numbers into the formula: d = (  )  (  ) 21 2  21 2 −+xx yy

This gives d =()() +− 1  4  6   2 2  2 = 2  2)) 4 (( 5 −+ =+ 25 16

= 41 (take the positive square root only)

The diagram shows the calculation geometrically, but it is not necessary for you to draw a diagram if you use the formula.

The question asks for the exact distance, so leave your answer in surd form (as rounding to a number of decimal places would lose accuracy and so would not be an exact answer).


1. a = ( 3 2 ) b = ( 3 4 ) c = ( 0 7 ) d = ( 1 1 )

Work out:

2. WXYZ is a trapezium, WX = a, ZY = 3a, WZ = b

V is the midpoint of XY.

Write down each vector, in terms of a and b.

3. e = ( 3 2 ), f = ( 3 x )

Solve the equation to nd x. 3e − 2f = 3( 5 1 )

4. g = ( x y ), h = ( y x ) and 2g + 3h = ( 7 3 )

Form a pair of simultaneous equations and work out the value of x and the value of y.

5. j = ( 3 2 ), k = ( 3 4 )

Given that m − 3j = 2k, work out m.

6. Find the exact distance between the points given by position vectors a = ( 2 3 ) and b = ( 5 2 ).

7. Find the distance between the position vectors a = ( 6 5 ) and b = ( 2 7 ) giving your answer to 2 dp.

Parallel vectors


A vector from point A to point B is denoted by AB. You should use this notation in your working.

Parallel vectors have the same direction, but may have different magnitudes. Vectors are parallel if they are scalar multiples of each other.

● If you multiply a vector by a real positive number, then the result is a vector with a different magnitude but the same direction

● If you multiply a vector by a real negative number, then the result is a vector with a different magnitude but the opposite direction.

This means that parallel vectors have a common factor. For example:

● a = ( 6 3 ) and b = ( 10 5 ) are parallel because they can be written as a = 3( 2 1 ) and b = 5( 2 1 ). So they are multiples of the same vector ( 2 1 ).

● 4a + 6b and 6a + 9b can be written as 2(2a + 3b) and 3(2a + 3b). They share the factor (2a + 3b) and so are parallel.


Show that the position vectors a = ( 4 2 ) and b = ( 6 3 ) are parallel.

a = 2( 2 1 ) and b = 3( 2 1 ) (The ratio of a to b is 2 : −3.)

a and b are multiples of the same vector, ( 2 1 ) and a = 2 3 b; therefore they are parallel.

Collinear points

Three points are collinear if they all lie on a single straight line. If vectors XY and YZ are parallel, then the points X, Y and Z must be collinear.


OX = ( 3 2 ), OY = ( 7 3 ), OZ = (15 13 )

Show that X, Y and Z are collinear.

It helps to sketch a diagram:

XY = OX + OY = ( 3 2 ) + ( 7 3 ) = ( 4 5 )

YZ = OY + OZ = ( 7 3 ) + ( 15 13 ) = ( 8 10 ) = 2( 4 5 )

2XY = YZ, and so the vectors are parallel (YZ is a scalar multiple of XY).

XY and YZ also share the point Y, and so X, Y and Z must be collinear (lie on the same straight line).



1. a = ( 6 2 ) and b = ( 15 5 )

a) Show that the position vectors a and b are parallel.

b) Write the ratio of a : b

2. The points A, B and C have position vectors ( 2 3 ), ( 1 5 ) and ( 4 2 ), respectively.

Find the position vector of D such that AB = CD.

3. OA =( 5 1 ), OB = ( 3 2 ), OC = ( 3 5 )

Show that A, B and C are collinear.

4. OD = a + b, OE = – 2a + 3b, OF = –11a + 9b

Show that D, E and F are collinear.

5. ABCD is a parallelogram. AB = – 2a + 2b,

BC = 3a + 4b

BDE is a straight line with BD = DE.

Find AB.

10.2 Solving geometric problems


✓ solve geometric problems using vectors ✓ use vectors to construct geometric arguments and proofs


✓ geometric ✓ argument

Vectors can be used to solve geometric or spatial problems. You may be asked to prove a vector problem by constructing an argument. This means a sequence of steps or statements (with reasons) that demonstrate that a claim is true (or false).


The diagram shows a triangle with an extended straight line OAE.

OA = 1 2 AE

OB : OC = 2 : 1

OA = a and OB = b

AD = kAB where k is a scalar quantity

Construct a geometric argument to prove that if CDE is a straight line, then k = 2 5

The key to this argument is that CD is a multiple of CE (as they are collinear) OE = OA + AE = 3a (as OA = 1 2 AE, so AE = 2OA) CE = CO + OE

Simplify and factorise: = (1 − k)a + ( 1 2 k )b

You know that CD is a multiple of CE, so the ratios of the coef cients of a and b will be equal.

This means that 1  3 k = 1 2 1 2 k

Eliminate the fraction denominator on the RHS by dividing 1 2 k by 1 2 (which is the same as multiplying by −2). This gives 1  3 k = 2k + 1

Multiply both sides by 3: 1 k = 6k + 3

Solve to nd k: 5k = 2 k = 2 5

And the result is shown.


Find the angle between the vectors AB = (3 4 ) and AC = ( 5 12 ) correct to 1 decimal place.

You can use the cosine rule to nd the angle between two vectors.

It is helpful to draw a diagram to visualise the problem. First, calculate the lengths of vectors AB and AC using Pythagoras’ theorem.

The length of AB = 34 5 22+=

The length of AC = 51 21 3 2 2() +−=

You can nd the length of the vector BC

BC = AC AB = ( 5 12 ) (3 4 ) = ( 2 16 )

You can calculate the length of BC (as before) using Pythagoras’ theorem: ⇒() +− 2   1 6 2 2 = 260 = 26 5

You can use the cosine rule to nd the angle between AB and AC :

co s 2 22 2 = +−bc a bc

co s 51 32 65 2   5 13 22 2=) +−( ×× = 33 65

So the angle between AB and AC is 120.5° (to 1 decimal place).



1. The diagram shows a triangle with an extended straight line ABE.

OA = 2OC

AB : AE = 1 : 2

a OA 6 = b OB 6 =

OD = b k , where k is a scalar quantity.

CE = 3C D

Given that CDE is a straight line, show that k = 4.

2. The diagram shows a triangle with a = OA 3 and b = OB 2.

X is the point on AB such that AX : BX = 4 : 1 and ab ()=+ k OX 38 .

Find the value of k.

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